Truck Driving in Hawaii

Hawaii road with palms

State Overview

There are over 200 trucking companies in Hawaii and the industry employs 3,620 drivers. The highest paid truck drivers earn $50,970 ($24.50 hourly). The highest paying areas are the Honolulu with a Median Annual Salary of $42,600 and Hawaii-Maui-Kauai non-metropolitan area ($40,960).

Pros and Cons of Truck Driving in Hawaii


  • Drivers are not required to have log books in Hawaii
  • You get to return home on most nights
  • Frequent construction means jobs driving dump trucks / mixers


  • Cost of living is extremely high
  • No consistency. You’ll be hauling different things each day
  • Traffic around Honolulu is constant

Truck Driving Tips for Hawaii

  • Find a government or union job. Those pay very well and have full benefits.
  • Always wear sunblock or you’re going to get burned
  • Hotel or government construction jobs are always available