Tri-State Makes $5k Bet Truckers Can’t Ignore


Trucking firms usually do not make high-stakes bets, Tri-State Motor Transit is putting its money where its mouth is, in order to attract more drivers. Tri-State has announced an ongoing $5,000 bet, and it’s one that truck drivers may be interested in. Find out how below.

How to Get the Cash

Tri-State Motor Transit has issued a one-of-a-kind offer that truck drivers may not want to refuse. The high-security trucking company has issued a $5,000 bet that truck drivers will make more working at Tri-State than with their former employer.

Here are the stipulations to the bet.

First, the time frame to determine the earned salary is six months. Tri-State is betting truckers will make more working for them in the first six months than they have in the last six months of employment with their former employer.

Second, applicants must confirm they are qualified to participate in the wager. To determine eligibility, truckers can attempt to accept the bet here, or call 855-622-3664.

After six months of working for Tri-State, truck drivers that prove they made more working for their former employer will receive $5,000.

The Best-Paid Drivers in the Industry?

According to John Wilbur, Tri-State CEO, “Our drivers are the best paid in the industry, and we’re ready to prove it to new drivers. What do they have to lose? If new drivers don’t make more money as promised, then I’ll lose the bet. I hate to lose, but I’ll honor my word and pay up.”

Wilbur went on to say “Many of our Owner Operator Teams make more than $500,000 a year” and that “Our HAZMAT Team Drivers do well, too. Our top driver made $101,287.36 last year.”

Considering the average salary of these occupations are lower than the figures mentioned, the bet definitely seems to favor Tri-State. Team drivers typically make about $80,000 a year. Hazmat truckers make about $100,000 annually

Taking this into consideration, it is easy to see why Wilbur has no problem saying “That’s why I’m confident in my guarantee—make more money, or I’m paying drivers $5.000 cash.”

Should Truck Drivers Take the Bet?

Truck drivers that earn less than the figures mentioned earlier may to have a lot to gain by making the transition. If you are thinking about taking the bet, do your due diligence first. Weigh the pros and cons of transferring jobs, and if it makes sense for you, then maybe it’s time to put your chips on Tri-State.