4 Tips to Beat the Heatwaves as a Truck Driver

By: ClassADrivers.com

Photo by Raphael Wild on Unsplash

We’re now firmly in the middle of summer, but there’s no vacation for truck drivers who keep the American economy running under any and all conditions. That’s why it’s important for drivers to stay healthy, even during the worst heatwaves, while hauling their freight.

Here are some quick tips to beat the heat:

1. Stay Hydrated

Always make sure to pack lots of water and don’t forget to drink frequently. Don’t put it off. Don’t worry if it makes you need to stop and use the bathroom more. Staying hydrated is the most important aspect to stay mentally alert on the road and physically healthy.

2. Sleep Cool

It might feel cool when you fall asleep, but temperatures can rise quickly. Make sure to keep the A/C on at all times when you’re asleep in the cab. Put shades over all the windows to block out the sunlight. This tip isn’t just about staying cool though. Getting enough rest for your body to replenish its energy every day is just as important to staying healthy.

3. Pre-Trip Inspection and Other Checks

Make sure to do your pre-trip inspection. Tires are more vulnerable to blowouts when the temperatures rise quickly. Your brakes should also be double-checked. And as mentioned, your air conditioning unit is literally life-saving, so make sure everything is running properly.

4. Stay Shaded

Wear sunglasses. Don’t keep one arm out the window while driving. Put on sunscreen. All of these will protect your body from the heat and the harsh sun during the dog days of summer.