3 Essential Midterm Election Issues for Truck Drivers

By: ClassADrivers.com

American flag

The midterm elections are coming up on November 6th, and early voting has already begun. Truck drivers are proud to fly the flag of America, so it only makes sense that they would be interested in voting.

Although midterm elections don’t attract tons of voters, these elections are often more important than the Presidential election. These elections give you the opportunity to voice your concerns on state and local issues as well as national issues.

It’s up to you to find out which candidates support which issues. There’s simply too many for Class A Drivers to list here. But we can list some top issues for you to keep an eye on:

  1. Infrastructure

Infrastructure is a safety issue for truck drivers. Roads, bridges, and even parking areas are all covered under infrastructure. Candidates that voted for infrastructure funding are supporting truck drivers.

And don’t be tricked by words like “private-public partnership”. That just means more toll roads and more traffic.

True infrastructure funding comes from taxes and creates jobs.

  1. Hours of Service

ELDs are here to stay. We’re not in favor of these rigid enforcement tools, but that fight has been lost.

The Hours of Service fight goes on, however, and the FMCSA has proven willing to look at the HOS rules for potential revision.

Which politicians support HOS reform? Are there any state measures that will support truck drivers in their battle against Hours of Service?

  1. Health Care

Truck drivers are at increased risk of health problems. Truckers sit in the cab for long periods of time, and they have erratic sleep schedules. Drivers also often eat unhealthy fast food at truck stops.

All these factors contribute to truckers suffering from sleep apnea and back problems. But not all trucking companies offer health insurance.

Find out which politicians voted in favor of protections for pre-existing conditions and expanding health care for Americans. And don’t just take their word for it.