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benny the deuce 07-22-2006 06:57 AM

My wife will be joining me very soon as my co-driver and she has a concern. In the past as a ride along, many times she was approached by drivers thinking she was a "lizard" (she is young and pretty good looking). She found this a bit disturbing. Is there a way to combat this???

4roses 07-22-2006 07:21 AM

We've written several opinions on 'dress attire' here ... it does make a different on the way a female is treated for the most part. Now there will always be 'jerks' out there ... that no matter what a female wears, they will have something to say to her .... Mostly because these kind of people NEVER learned respect for others ..... there will be times you will need to speak up and firmly say something to the affect of ' excuse me !~ this is my wife ... not a lizard" .............. as a female myself, I feel like if I want to wear a skirt when I'm not having to unload a trailer I should have the freedom to do so, a course I'm not speaking about a short mini skirt ... but one that goes down to her knees ... with a nice top that covers most of your chest area ..... some female drivers wear shorts during the summer and that's ok .... just stay away from short shorts .... the bottom line is dress with respect. .... Dress in a manner that the males know she is married and not advertising .... it will cut some of the trash out ....

Women should have the freedom to express themselves, because some of the males drive without shirts and etc. ... but it's more so a safety factor on the road .... there will be times she may be walking by herself in a TS and she should dress as a Professional driver .... Males will always look .... that's nature .... but unless she is dressing skimpy clothes, most of them won't say anything to her. And if they do ,,, it's always best to just ignore them .... we can't change the scum of the earth, but we can walk with pride and confidence and keep our head up high.

golfhobo 07-24-2006 09:57 PM

GOOD post, Roses!

Someone recently asked me if I thought it was "okay" for women to wear a skirt and blouse. I didn't feel qualified to answer. Who am "I" to say!

My answer was that I don't think it is practical when "drving" as your responsibilities include climbing over and under the dirty truck to check things. But, when off duty, in a T/S or otherwise, I think you should be able to dress as you please. Give us guys SOME credit for recognizing a LADY from a tramp! :lol:

And, give NO credit, where NO credit is due! And give these cretens no more "airtime" than those who, when you give them room to pass, probably by 'backing off,' won't even flash lights for a thank you! Some "drivers" just have no class!

And for what it's worth.... most of the trucks that I have to labour to pass, when it is expediant for all concerned that I DO, are driven by "female" drivers, who are oblivious to the rules of the road, and what is happening around them.

If a woman (OR a man) wants to BE a Trucker, DRIVE like one. Otherwise, STAY Off My Roads! :lol:

Windwalker 07-25-2006 01:53 AM

When my wife drove with me, she dressed as she pleased. I heard some of the comments over the CB, and for the most part, I got a really good laugh out of the fools. On one ocassion, however, when she was not dressed "provocative" in any way (jeans and t-shirt), a cop asked her business at the T/S. I've seen another lady driver walk into the T/S wearing her night gown, house-coat, and fuzzy slippers. I'll admit I thought it was funny, but "lizard" never once crossed my mind.

My advice... Dress comfortable. I don't mean provocative. The "fools" will get carried away with their own imaginations no matter what you wear.

(Next week, my wife will be back with me. I don't have enough room in here to do HAND-SPRINGS...)

07-26-2006 11:22 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
Someone recently asked me if I thought it was "okay" for women to wear a skirt and blouse. I didn't feel qualified to answer. Who am "I" to say!

My answer was that I don't think it is practical when "drving" as your responsibilities include climbing over and under the dirty truck to check things. But, when off duty, in a T/S or otherwise, I think you should be able to dress as you please.

And for what it's worth.... most of the trucks that I have to labour to pass, when it is expediant for all concerned that I DO, are driven by "female" drivers, who are oblivious to the rules of the road, and what is happening around them.

I disagree with the skirt issue, if I have a night of driving and all I have is a PTI to do then why not. As my partner put it.....we shove you ladies in a small smelly truck, park you at an equally smelly truck stop and try to make you a man. Your not and if you want to wear a skirt with a nice blouse (no slut) when your faced with nothing but driving why not. You can do a PTI and not flash everyone around you. On the other side of the coin....a pair of pants can get the same wolf whistles from you guys. Tight arse jeans are worse than me showing I have legs. Go ahead guys defend yourself on that one.

As far as when we are off duty we can wear what ever we want. You are assuming we are going to have time off that truck when we are "working" highly unlikely we have to work a little harder than you guys. Remember we have to prove our worthiness on the road.

As far as whom I'm passing ..... couldn't tell you I'm driving at night can't see in that cab and don't care just know you're in my way. But most that drive at night are men. :wink:

Soladad 07-31-2006 11:55 PM

I agree with the skirt and nice blouse for when one is faced with 11 hours of driving is a comfortable way to go and I do so frequently here during the dog days of summer. If I am in a situation that I don't think it is good idea to be in a skirt then I will change into pants before getting out of the truck. I carry myself with confidence and I have yet had any guy accuse me of being a lizard. I agree with Bush Bunny in that we have to put up with a lot on the road. Occasionally dressing as a lady does give us a lift when the day is hard.


whorutommy 08-05-2006 07:58 PM

some have no class
Sorry to hear that, but u will find that with drivers who have no manners..

redsunrise 08-08-2006 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
Someone recently asked me if I thought it was "okay" for women to wear a skirt and blouse. I didn't feel qualified to answer. Who am "I" to say!

My answer was that I don't think it is practical when "drving" as your responsibilities include climbing over and under the dirty truck to check things. But, when off duty, in a T/S or otherwise, I think you should be able to dress as you please.

You know I wish I could wear a skirt & blouse I'm jealous of the females I see that have them on. Flat bedding doesn't allow me to do this ..... heck my day off (when I take them) I find myself still in pants. UGH!

How to keep "the boys" in the truck stop from calling you a lizard? Carry a big stick and know how to use it.

Actually as long as you a dressed professionally most drivers you will get respect.....but then you have that group of "boys" ignore them. If she is with you walk her everywhere ..... how nice would that be, some of the "boys" are going to be jealous of you and you're wife.

4roses 08-19-2006 06:33 AM

benny the deuce .... sorry if I've miss any update on your wife joining you ... my co-driver passed away yesterday and I haven't been on top of things lately. .... so what's the latest? ...

Jackrabbit379 08-19-2006 06:37 AM

Sorry to hear of the loss of your co-driver. We all hope that you are well. You are in our thoughts,and prayers.

cmegobye 09-07-2006 05:04 AM

Women's style of dress
I have been driving long-haul for 12 years. I wear pretty much what I want when I'm on the road. (Jeans, Ts, shorts, dresses, skirts) If approached in a negative manner, I think the best thing a woman can wear is THE LOOK!!! Ladies, you know the one that says 'Opening your mouth probably will be your first mistake'.

We work in a 'man's' world. Just keep in mind that Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, only backwards and in high heels.

choperbob 09-08-2006 03:14 PM

ain't no such critter as a good lookin lot lizard, pretty ones are cops. my wife just tells them she ain't no whore and they better watch their mouth. usually noone says anything anyway, she is just treated like another driver trying to get along . i pity the poor sap who actually gets out of hand. she was a bouncer in biker and indian bars for 24 years, she don't look it tho. i think there are a lot of us guys that would look at anything seeming not normal in any place we were. we ain't no angles, but there are certain rules we all gotta live by and hurting anyone else is not allowed.

GMAN 09-08-2006 03:21 PM

Re: Women's style of dress

Originally Posted by cmegobye
I have been driving long-haul for 12 years. I wear pretty much what I want when I'm on the road. (Jeans, Ts, shorts, dresses, skirts) If approached in a negative manner, I think the best thing a woman can wear is THE LOOK!!! Ladies, you know the one that says 'Opening your mouth probably will be your first mistake'.

We work in a 'man's' world. Just keep in mind that Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, only backwards and in high heels.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

highway_gypsy_4ever 09-09-2006 01:02 AM

:D there will always be little boys with big toys,, and if all they can think about of a ladie driver is she's a lizzzzard or whore then they will never be more that streering wheel holders,, Yes we as ladies have to work 2-3 times harder specially those of us who solo drive because we have to prove that we can do this job and actually do it better , safer and take beeter care of the equipment, it is a man's profession and always will be, no matter what is said be a professional, keep your speach clean carry your self as a ladie, wear makeup, dresses skirts shorts tshirts nice shirts just because this is a dirty job doesnt mean we have to sink to their level and befowl ourselves and all it took for us to get the title Lady Driver class A cdl. Be Safe Be aware of your surrounding always
May the Creater of all things watch over and keep us safe as we make each trip , let us finish each day with the knowledge that the loads were delivered and no one in our path was harmed or ourselves. May you always have blue skys to light your day.

Shawnee 11-05-2006 06:30 PM

women will always receive negative comments in this industry but i am so sick of women drivers who go and look for attention they talk stupid on the radio, flash their "hooters", drive naked because they want attention, and even prostitute themselves i have seen and heard all of these things, i try not to bring attention to myself when i am on the road because i have been followed into rest areas and cornered by other drivers, i won't even go into rest areas at night anymore, it doesn't surprise me one bit that women drivers don't get any respect because of the way some of them act, i agree that dressing appropriately while on the job is important

Mars 11-05-2006 09:08 PM

I am still finishing school, and in my class there is one female, that I have become friends with. I help her out a lot both in class and in the truck, she calls me here mentor, LOL.

Getting to my point, I think women in trucking is cool, I have been told by various educators and pro truckers that the industry is changing and most of the pond scum you talk about will be extinct.

All I can say is that, with so much negativity towards men, based on their pig like actions, do I even dare to say hi to a female trucker I may meet one day at a truck stop.

Is a rest area and a truck stop two different places?

syl77dar 11-09-2006 02:33 AM


Sizzle 11-09-2006 07:46 PM

I wear skirts only and have been treated very well. I think it's all in how you carry yourself. I NEVER WEAR PANTS. My attitude is I'm a female and don't need to look like a male to drive a truck. Men will always hit on the females. There's only 5 women for every 95 men out here. If you're attractive you will be hit on.

Although, I suppose the alternative would be worse-never getting attention. You'd know you were not attractive at all. At least that's the way I deal with attention. I used to get violently upset when men stared at me or made comments. A male friend of mine said, "hey if no one paid attention to you you'd know you weren't attractive." So that's how I deal with attention. I've become really good at comebacks.

Frankly, if women don't want attention, they are in the wrong profession. With that many men and very few females WE WILL GET ATTENTION. Imagine a profession with 95 females and 5 males per 100 people. It would be the inverse.

No I do not wear skirts to get attention either. I was an Accountant and still am more "white collar" in appearance. That's what I was used to wearing and am not changing my dress code due to my profession. I did driveaway for 19 months and still wore skirts. When I'd get to a dealership or trucking company I would put on my "work clothes" and take the trucks apart. Therefore, it is not necessary to wear pants.

I think you're treated in accordance with how you carry yourself. I never go bra-less nor would I. I get to use restrooms when they won't let the males go in. I think it's simply due to how I dress and carry myself.

There isn't many benefits to being a female in trucking but using a bathroom when you'll have to go to a port-o-potty is a definite plus in my opinion

joettanne 12-01-2006 11:26 PM

How could you get away with wearing skirts driving a truck? :shock: The guys would LOVE it if I did that, but I have to do other things on my job besides sit behind the wheel. Like climb up to the top of my bulk tank to shut the lid. The guys don't have any less respect for you if you are wearing "men's" clothes, but if you really want to stand out, I say wear a skirt. :roll:

Shawnee 12-02-2006 02:35 PM

I guess some women drivers want the attention, I have seen some women who I'm sure their only reason for driving is to get attention

all I wear is jeans, t-shirts, boots, I have long waist length hair but I always keep it tied up, the guys that I work with always treat me with respect, like one of the guys,

When I recieve comments or compliments from drivers on the road I just ignore it because I want to show them that I'm out here to do a job and I'm not just some stupid floozy and it always works. After they realize that I am not like that they will talk to me in a more respectful way

My male friends make fun of the women who try to get attention if that tells you anything about how these guys think

I don't even wear skirts when I'm not working, but I am 100% tomboy, I don't even own a skirt

syl77dar 12-02-2006 05:33 PM


looker 12-10-2006 04:57 PM

Wear what you like to wear. Be who you are. you don't have to change your standards for people who jump to conclusions and or assumption. I get on radio and i have fun to. I have nothing to hide. I like who I am.
and i am not Conservative

GMAN 12-10-2006 06:11 PM

There are some guys who will hit on anything female. I think the female has more control over how she is treated than some realize. If a woman conducts herself in a professional manner, she is less likely to have problems with men. I have had some interesting conversations with women in truck stops and on the CB. There has never been anything disrepectful, just conversation. I think people should wear what is comfortable as long as it looks professional. I am surprised you can get in and out of a truck with a skirt. :shock: As long as you conduct yourself professionally, you are not as likely to have probems out here.

Shawnee 12-10-2006 08:45 PM

I don't really care what anyone wears, if you want to wear a skirt fine, but I think if you are out here wearing a skirt you are looking for attention

The way I see some of these women act out here almost makes me embaressed to be a female driver

I even saw a woman driver going down the road advertising that she was a prostitute,
these are the ones that give the rest of us a bad name

landstartammy 01-26-2007 06:36 PM

Lady or Lizard?
Quite a few years ago I was a passenger on a truck with my husband. We were parked in a TA. I got out of the truck to go inside (potty break). Half way across the driveway between our truck and the building a car screeched to a stop in front of me and two police officers jumped out, grabbed me, slammed me on the car hood and slapped cuffs on me. My husband came running up and asked what was going on, he had watched the entire process. The police explained I was a prostitute and being arrested. To make a VERY long story husband had to get my driver licese out of my back pocket and my travel papers out of the truck till they released me. Needless to say it was rather embarrassing!!!! Since then I have run solo alot. I learned how to walk "like a guy" (no hip swing), my natural attire is "guy" clothes and I hold myself with a "don't mess with me" attitude. I haven't had much trouble since that wonderful police incident. You just need to be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to react to it.

jnk2001 01-30-2007 07:12 AM

Re: Lady or Lizard?

Originally Posted by landstartammy
Quite a few years ago I was a passenger on a truck with my husband. We were parked in a TA. I got out of the truck to go inside (potty break). Half way across the driveway between our truck and the building a car screeched to a stop in front of me and two police officers jumped out, grabbed me, slammed me on the car hood and slapped cuffs on me. My husband came running up and asked what was going on, he had watched the entire process. The police explained I was a prostitute and being arrested. To make a VERY long story husband had to get my driver licese out of my back pocket and my travel papers out of the truck till they released me. Needless to say it was rather embarrassing!!!! Since then I have run solo alot. I learned how to walk "like a guy" (no hip swing), my natural attire is "guy" clothes and I hold myself with a "don't mess with me" attitude. I haven't had much trouble since that wonderful police incident. You just need to be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to react to it.

Sounds like a lawsuit to me!!!! :shock:

landstarjen 01-30-2007 09:23 PM

I use to go with my ex husband over the road. Personally I never cared what anyone thought. Tell her to hold her head up high and be proud of who she is. It does not matter what you are doing in your life as long as you are happy. If she enjoys what she is doing and is happy, heck with what anyone thinks.....

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