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vavega 04-29-2006 06:24 PM


hey roadhog, if you live in beautiful place like that and you,ll take a lady on a cruise boat; does my wearing a wig and lip-gloss count?
he'll consider you as long as you're carrying a couple melons :P :D

wot i life 04-29-2006 06:31 PM

melons? we,re lucky if get given arf a potato guv,nor. melons!! MELONS!! i arsk ya? hahahaha..... so whats i melon then chief? amazing the things come from the colonies :wink:

Roadhog 04-29-2006 07:52 PM


he'll consider you as long as you're carrying a couple melons :P :D
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...M-E-L-O-N-S aagggaahhdroool slobber.

yoopr 04-29-2006 09:36 PM

Carry a Swede home? Yeah Right

Roadhog 04-29-2006 10:58 PM


Carry a Swede home? Yeah Right
WELL-L-L-L-LLL....I had nothin'.
I pushed every button I could think of and ran out of ideas.
I simply got desperate to flush you out.

04-29-2006 11:11 PM

Mad Dog, you know us so well. :D

Roadhog 04-29-2006 11:14 PM


Mad Dog:
Careful what you write boys....
Too late for me again, Mad Dog. :? I've already dug my hole too deep.
But like for4roses said....they are not yer 9 to 5 gals....and basically that tells me...I'd never have a damn chance anyway.
They are on to me, even though I've been attending my meetings to do better.
..........cof..Bullsheit..cof.......cold uneasy stillness....sound of crickets. :shock: :oops: roadhog BOLTS :arrow: :arrow:

04-30-2006 12:35 AM



That is because they cant figure out which way to point the gun.

As to the Irish bit I am 3/4 Irish and 1/4 portuguese. Try that mixture on for size.

TwystdSistah 04-30-2006 02:47 PM

Mix This
I'm Irish, English, German.... no need to chastize me when I hose up, I kick my own asphalt hard...

oh, almost forgot, My Swedish blood rules but, I'm not single, and not looking....however I will keep names on file for one year :P

Roadhog 04-30-2006 04:07 PM

Re: Mix This

I'm not single, and not looking....however I will keep names on file for one year :P
Wasss thhaat ah nibble? HEY....deed yoou seath that? aye theeink aye got ah niibbo :!: Wot?....or p-phorry abowt thee speach impeddamunth...I have suthmthing sthuck in my throoot.

04-30-2006 04:10 PM are one sick puppy. :lol:

I was pretty sure that Sanchez scared every one away when he said he was 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Portuguese.

Now me I'm just about 1/3 (little less) Cherokee. Must be where Bush Bunny get the walk softly and carry a big stick from.

yoopr 04-30-2006 04:42 PM

Roaddog Shut Up :P

Roadhog 05-01-2006 04:52 AM


Roaddog Shut Up :P

Windwalker 05-01-2006 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by yoopr
Roaddog Shut Up :P

He can't shut up.... If he does, he'll swallow the little one..... :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :roll: :shock:

Roadhog 05-01-2006 06:17 AM

I don't know about you guys...but I'm not having much luck.
This is just making me feel I'm up against UnSirMountable odds. :?

vavega 05-01-2006 08:19 AM

kudos for at least trying :P :wink: :mrgreen:

thisisamazing 06-18-2006 02:10 AM

I don't know why I'm posting on a forum for women, but I got tired of the "What Company Doesn't Suck?" forum and figured I'm look around a bit...

Roadhog, I'm think I'm gonna make a list of your tips for finding a good woman--I think you're better at it than me :lol: . You've got some frickin' hilarious pics, man...

yoopr 06-18-2006 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by Adam9315
Hey ladies; I hear all the time of 'hubby and I are teaming.' Do you ladies have any cute female friends that want to team with a hunk??????? I'm 23, help a brother out.


dragracert99 07-22-2006 01:35 PM

Petosky stone hunting one of my favorites.
My parents have 80 acres in Petosky MI.
Been going up there my whole life.
Not looking for a woman thought, got one, 26 years and the only one for me.

MichiganBlonde38 07-29-2006 12:20 AM

Ahhhh the beach...
I wanna walk on the MIchigan Beaches too :(

XoticGA 07-30-2006 07:45 PM

*ahem* :shock:

4roses 07-30-2006 08:00 PM

this post started back in April .... it never should of been permitted to continue :evil: :evil: ..... CAD isn't a dating service :!: There's other sites to go to if your looking for anything other than ..... help with trucking.

Adam9315 07-30-2006 09:33 PM

Oh relax. This was a joke thread I started.

XoticGA 07-30-2006 11:10 PM

There's no joking here, I learned that real quick :shock: :lol:

4roses 07-30-2006 11:52 PM

If your wanting to joke .......... then go down to the section called ... Humor ........ if you read the caption under Female Drivers it says:

************************************************** **

Women In Trucking
This section is dedicated to the female professional truck driver and the unique situations they may face.

************************************************** ***

so you see ... we do have a sense of humor, but there's a forum for that.

Adam9315 07-31-2006 12:50 AM


MichiganBlonde38 07-31-2006 03:29 AM

all I can say is wow...

Roadhog 07-31-2006 10:07 AM

Well....excuse meeeeeeeeee.
Since I am the most guilty...I guess I need to feel the most ashamed of myself and apologise....NOT!
I didn't realize you had such strict rules.
I never came here looking for a date or looking for trouble either. :roll:

....seems now certain members feel they need to appoint themself as Moderator.
What kinda poisenous BS is next ??

MichiganBlonde38 07-31-2006 12:14 PM

Very well said Roadhog...
I am new here but that BS kinda makes me leary on posting anything else!

Windwalker 07-31-2006 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by MichiganBlonde38
Very well said Roadhog...
I am new here but that BS kinda makes me leary on posting anything else!

No. Do not be afraid to post on here. There's a difference in idiology between men and women. And the range for women is far greater than men. Along with that goes tollarance. Some women do not tollerate things as well as others. (That is, they take offense more easily than others.) Often, something said with innocent intentions is taken the wrong way and war breaks out.

XoticGA 07-31-2006 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Windwalker

Originally Posted by MichiganBlonde38
Very well said Roadhog...
I am new here but that BS kinda makes me leary on posting anything else!

No. Do not be afraid to post on here. There's a difference in idiology between men and women. And the range for women is far greater than men. Along with that goes tollarance. Some women do not tollerate things as well as others. (That is, they take offense more easily than others.) Often, something said with innocent intentions is taken the wrong way and war breaks out.


MichiganBlonde38 08-07-2006 09:54 PM

I think it has gotten to the point where I won't be posting on any sites.

lifespalette 08-08-2006 12:49 AM


CAD isn't a dating service
Dang .... I was pretty sure CAD stood for Cute and Dating........can I get a refund?

MichiganBlonde38 08-08-2006 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by lifespalette

CAD isn't a dating service
Dang .... I was pretty sure CAD stood for Cute and Dating........can I get a refund?

LOL me too... Oh wait I didn't pay anything... Oh well can I get a refund anyway???

redsunrise 08-08-2006 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by MichiganBlonde38
I think it has gotten to the point where I won't be posting on any sites.

Been lurking alot of site....caught you on another one and with the wealth of information you have posted (none...flirts, one syllabal words) it a promise you'll quit posting? :roll:

Been driving long enough to share.....or are you just looking for a man to take of you? :shock:

This site is not for flirting as best as I can tell. Send me a PM if you want to know where to catch a man you'd love to put you in his jumpseat and other places...... :wink:

MichiganBlonde38 08-08-2006 11:04 PM


Been lurking alot of site....caught you on another one and with the wealth of information you have posted (none...flirts, one syllabal words) it a promise you'll quit posting? :roll:

Been driving long enough to share.....or are you just looking for a man to take of you? :shock:

This site is not for flirting as best as I can tell. Send me a PM if you want to know where to catch a man you'd love to put you in his jumpseat and other places...... :wink:
#1 Didn't know joking around was flirting and looking for a man to take care of me!

#2 Been driving for 2 years and when I see someone ask a question that I feel I can answer I do so...

#3 Do you have nothing better to do then follow me around to see what I am posting and as to where I am posting it?

#4 I didn't start this thread and all I said was I wanted to walk the beaches of Michigan.... Exactlly what part of that was considered flirting???

#5 Obviously you didn't read the rest of what was written in that thread because there was alot more of your so called "flirting" going on and it wasn't by me!

#6 You just joined today???? Hmmmm wonder why? Maybe to attack me? Why hide behond another name though?

Have a great day!

PS... maybe you need to find a new hobby other then worrying about what Michiganblonde is doing or saying? Just a thought!

redsunrise 08-08-2006 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by MichiganBlonde38

Originally Posted by lifespalette

CAD isn't a dating service
Dang .... I was pretty sure CAD stood for Cute and Dating........can I get a refund?

LOL me too... Oh wait I didn't pay anything... Oh well can I get a refund anyway???

Cat fight....aisle 1......I see some women on these sites haven't changed.....hiss

Duh what do you call this post? BTW CAD stands for Class A Drivers just in case you didn't know

Don't know you from Eve (probably a good thing too)

Just amazes me you can't answer a simple question right here in the female section....come on they aren't hard!

Don't know who you are talking about......maybe you should do a know look me up.

Not following you.....OMG :shock: trust me....not following I only lead, get behind me scared one. :lol:

Not worried about what you are doing ..... just think it's odd you can't talk about your experience on the road or help anyone......

Sorry forgot ...... only been driving 2 years :roll: geez.....

MichiganBlonde38 08-08-2006 11:28 PM

The CAD comment was a joke and I wasn't the first to say it DUH!

Follow you? I think not... Trust me I'm not scared!

Get a life will ya...
I'm done talking to you :roll:

badboy62 08-08-2006 11:35 PM

I know I'm probably not too bright, but I think that adults should be able to discuss about anything without all of the subliminal undertones and well... acting like 3rd graders about normal human behavior. I see a good looking woman. I see a good looking woman THAT'S IT! yes, beauty is attractive to the eye no matter who you are or what you find beautiful. I just wish it was still okay to say it when you see it without someone getting bent out of shape! Yes I know there are ones out there that get vulgar and inappropreate and shame on them. But what about the rest of us?

uglymutt 08-09-2006 01:55 AM

hey there is a couple of lot lizards at my truck just begging for a time, want me to pass your number to them? they say they can drive you all night long...

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