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Sheepdancer 02-26-2007 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Stuart
As an English trucker looking to set up sticks in the US would people on here see that as a bad thing in that I to am a immigrant of sorts????

Sure, come on over.... as long as you are willing to learn our language :wink:

Stuart 02-26-2007 07:50 PM

The nerve of it ....... :D

It appears to be a daunting task looking for the right job in the right place with the right money and what have you.... i have relatives in Maryland to offer some advice on getting over there but thats why I'm here.

merrick4 02-26-2007 07:57 PM

You know you people are something else really. Maybe Cluggy619 didn't word things right, but if you pay attention to the news you would understand what he means. I can see Sheepdancer not caring cause he's a recruiter and as with most things in life, people don't care until it affects them. You know the famous quote:

In Germany they came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up
because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't
speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came
for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up

As for the rest of you, this has nothing to do with mexicans looking for a better life. This has to do with the fact that this is already basically slave labor first coming into this field. Coldfrostymug aggravates the hell out of me at times as if $22 an hour is the optimal goal in life, but a lot of what he says about otr is true. This is abusive. So these big companies and the American trucker Association are propigating this big myth of driver shortage with the ultimate goal, in my opinion, of replacing us with cheap slave labor in the form of Mexicans. What's worse about this is this is not bringing the mexicans up, and I have no problem with that, but it is bringing us down.

Hey Mr. Englishman, how's it going over in your country now that cheap Eastern European drivers are doing what you guys use to do for half the price? Don't answer, I'll quote Wot i Life from an earlier post:

Driving in Europe was quite challenging at one time, but now all E.E.C borders are crossed without much ado.
Driving to non E.E.C you need to have T forms and so on.
The wages are probably comparable to the U.S , or so I think..
A British driver should expect to earn in excess of £25000 p.a for distance work, less for local work etc.
And eastern europeans?
Send the bastards back!
They,re killing our economy, all they do is take take take take
Because of them, national socialism is on the rise

Wake up people.

One 02-26-2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sheepdancer

Originally Posted by Stuart
As an English trucker looking to set up sticks in the US would people on here see that as a bad thing in that I to am a immigrant of sorts????

Sure, come on over.... as long as you are willing to learn our language :wink:

I vote the Brits are allowed as long as they have that British comedy down...
:lol: :wink:

Cluggy619 02-26-2007 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sheepdancer
I know what you are saying now.

As far as celedon and the mexican national thing. I personally dont know enough about it to comment. However let me take the devils advocate side for debate purposes. Say Celedon does use mexican drivers bringing stuff across the border and delivery in the states at 13 cpm.
All in the good name of profit. Personally, I dont see that taking away from the american driver. This would be a new source of freight. Now say this happens and Celedon doesnt cut the pay of american drivers. And say the company makes record profits and the stock price goes up big time. Any Celedon driver who was smart enough to invest in the company would also benefit greatly by this. So everyone wins.
A good employee stock purchase plan at a very profitable company can end up in the long run making the driver more money than he was paid for driving a truck.

When you lower the pay of what a driver is worth, it hurts the industry. Right now, it is limited to products coming to and from Mexico. So far, with as much business we do from that boarder, all of the American drivers who use to pick up and deliver to that boarder are now out of a job.

Anybody knows what the percentage this is in relation to the US trucking industry?

And once this starts, who to say it won't continue? Expand to other companies? But who cares, right?

If your a owner/operator, you should. Once this foothold get in, you will be the first to feel the effects.

Lease/operators....bad for you too.

The last one to feel will be the company drivers, but they will soon find that the very company they spent time, driving hard, working their butts off for, is now going to lower their PAY......and it will happen, where will everyone go? Screaming to Congress? By that time, it's too late.

Right now, your thinking about Chicken Little...."the sky is falling, the sky is falling......" hehehe

I hope that soon, people will start to post how this effected them.....

Good luck to us all.....we will need it.

Stuart 02-26-2007 08:11 PM

Couldn't agree more brother, i'm not really bothered to be honest i make £30k a year, nice trips away back every weekend so i can't complain.

Stuart 02-26-2007 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by One

Originally Posted by Sheepdancer

Originally Posted by Stuart
As an English trucker looking to set up sticks in the US would people on here see that as a bad thing in that I to am a immigrant of sorts????

Sure, come on over.... as long as you are willing to learn our language :wink:

I vote the Brits are allowed as long as they have that British comedy down...
:lol: :wink:

Well you know us and our Comedy...... :D

Its all a tad confusing some people can't praise the job enough others seem t o be against it all and think the industry is against all drivers , its hard to decide what to do as its all i know and want to do.......... Its all so confusing..!!!

redsfan 02-26-2007 08:21 PM

Boy, this thread was doomed from the start...

My stance: Illegal immigrants from any other country (including Mexico) coming in and running trucks at a cheaper rate - No. Legal immigrants or guest workers coming in to help out a driver shortage - Yes.

To those that believe that there is some right-wing (or left-wing) conspiracy to end the US as we know it and completely tear it apart, you really need to take up a hobby and you might want to make that hobby getting your head examined. Mexican nationals running freight across the border and taking freight back, big deal. All this will do is help our economy. Take a look at these boards, very few truck drivers want to run to Laredo to deliver outbound and pickup inbound freight. So what if it's a Mexican driver bringing that same freight to Kansas City and taking the freight back. There will be standards that have to be met and we have been told this. What happens if no one wants to go to Laredo and that freight sits? The economy suffers.

Let's face it, pick up a Sunday paper for any major US city and the Help Wanted ads are 15-25 pages thick. Something has to be done. Either we don't have enough people to fill these jobs or there are a heckuva lot of Americans who are flat lazy and don't want to work. I think it's a little of both. What happens when these jobs go unfilled and a company is forced to close their doors because either they can't fill the jobs or they have to pay such high labor costs that they can't make a profit? The economy suffers. Bottom line: something has to be done.

Several countries have guest worker programs that work very well and their economy is thriving in large part do to this (New Zealand being one example). The program doesn't make them citizens and it doesn't allow company's to pay dirt poor wages to the guest workers. They are paid just like a citizen. With the knowledge that they can come here, make a decent wage and go back home with the potential of being allowed back in as long as they keep their nose clean, in all likelihood, it would decrease the number of illegals sneaking across the border.

There will always be jobs that reward a US citizen for hard work and dedication with high wages and good benefits. I really don't believe that I, personally have much to worry about.

I'll make a deal with anyone who believes in all the conspiracy theories about our government (whether Republican or Democrat) trying to wreck our country. You go ahead and spend hours and days on end protesting, writing every Congressman and politician you can find, screaming as loud as you can and just worrying in general about the great conspiracy that is going on in our country and I'll just set back and do nothing, but continue to worry about myself and the things that I can do to make myself an more marketable and valuable employee. We'll meet back here in 20 years and if the US is still a thriving leader of the free world as it is today you can buy me a steak dinner. However, if we are reduced to the broken up, destroyed third world country that you believe we will be, I'll buy you one (if I can afford it, that is... :P ).

Sheepdancer 02-26-2007 08:31 PM

EXACTLY, Redsfan!

Cluggy619 02-26-2007 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by redsfan
Boy, this thread was doomed from the start...

My stance: Illegal immigrants from any other country (including Mexico) coming in and running trucks at a cheaper rate - No. Legal immigrants or guest workers coming in to help out a driver shortage - Yes.

To those that believe that there is some right-wing (or left-wing) conspiracy to end the US as we know it and completely tear it apart, you really need to take up a hobby and you might want to make that hobby getting your head examined. Mexican nationals running freight across the border and taking freight back, big deal. All this will do is help our economy. Take a look at these boards, very few truck drivers want to run to Laredo to deliver outbound and pickup inbound freight. So what if it's a Mexican driver bringing that same freight to Kansas City and taking the freight back. There will be standards that have to be met and we have been told this. What happens if no one wants to go to Laredo and that freight sits? The economy suffers.

Let's face it, pick up a Sunday paper for any major US city and the Help Wanted ads are 15-25 pages thick. Something has to be done. Either we don't have enough people to fill these jobs or there are a heckuva lot of Americans who are flat lazy and don't want to work. I think it's a little of both. What happens when these jobs go unfilled and a company is forced to close their doors because either they can't fill the jobs or they have to pay such high labor costs that they can't make a profit? The economy suffers. Bottom line: something has to be done.

Several countries have guest worker programs that work very well and their economy is thriving in large part do to this (New Zealand being one example). The program doesn't make them citizens and it doesn't allow company's to pay dirt poor wages to the guest workers. They are paid just like a citizen. With the knowledge that they can come here, make a decent wage and go back home with the potential of being allowed back in as long as they keep their nose clean, in all likelihood, it would decrease the number of illegals sneaking across the border.

There will always be jobs that reward a US citizen for hard work and dedication with high wages and good benefits. I really don't believe that I, personally have much to worry about.

I'll make a deal with anyone who believes in all the conspiracy theories about our government (whether Republican or Democrat) trying to wreck our country. You go ahead and spend hours and days on end protesting, writing every Congressman and politician you can find, screaming as loud as you can and just worrying in general about the great conspiracy that is going on in our country and I'll just set back and do nothing, but continue to worry about myself and the things that I can do to make myself an more marketable and valuable employee. We'll meet back here in 20 years and if the US is still a thriving leader of the free world as it is today you can buy me a steak dinner. However, if we are reduced to the broken up, destroyed third world country that you believe we will be, I'll buy you one (if I can afford it, that is... :P ).

I'm not one for the conspiracy theories, however, if this dumb move allowing the Mexican national to invade our roads turns out to be beneficial, and all of the trucking industry benefits, I'll buy that steak dinner for you and your wife/girlfriend, and all of your kids. And I won't wait 20 years from now......same time, next year.

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