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yoopr 01-04-2007 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by OverTheRoad
Yoopr, would you go to Iraq right now and drive?
Just wondering.....

Nothing different now then when I was there in '04

Flying Scotsman 01-04-2007 03:48 AM

when in 04 were u in irqa and can u tell me what the living cons are like the food and the other guys u work with

Flying Scotsman 01-04-2007 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by mikey4069
Let him go to Iraq he will back in 2 weeks .

and u know me and what iam like dont u l tell u somthing shall l iam scottish and iam willing to go there but most off ure country men arnt so dose not say more about me than about u as l will be suppling us troops and things like that huh numpty

yoopr 01-04-2007 04:03 AM

Everybody on my Tanker crew were combat vets-our base was Camp Anaconda(nickname Camp Mortarittaville cuz it was the most hit base in Iraq).

In '04 when you first got there you were in Tents which were total Hell with about 50 guys in them and it was hotter inside the Tents than outside because the a/c barely kept up with the infernal heat and then graduated to what we called Chicken Coops(Long Metal buildings with cubicles so you had a bit of privacy and Sleeping bags and Cots with about 30 other guys and then you were on the list for living in what are Containers. The term Containers sound awful wierd and Miserable but they were fixed up very nicely with an Actual Bed with sheets and blankets and a Individual A/C and there would be a adjoining Container with a Shower in between the 2.
These containers had a chester drawer and a table.

DFAC's(that's Mess Hall) had EXCELLENT food and you can have as much as you like.

You were on a Mission Every day hauling JP8 Fuel cuz EVERYTHING the military runs on is JP8 and the terrorists know that if you stop the Fuel deliveries you stop the Military.

You'd deliver to bases in the Sunni Triangle-Unload-Stay the Night and head out the next evening.

The trucks were Mercedes which were GREAT-Never broke down in the infernal Heat and these trucks took a beating jumping into the desert at times to avoid IED's or road blocks in Baghdad-We NEVER Stopped. If somebody got in the convoys way they were Moved.
I've driven since '78 and the Transmissions on these Mercedes were something I've never seen, or dreamed of, before. Instead of a H shifting pattern these trucks had a H H(double H pattern) and every gear could be split. IT takes a while to get it down.

The guys on my crew, and other crews, were the Best guys in the World and Comraderie amongst them was beyond description. Sometimes you have good friends and the next day they were dead.

Flying Scotsman 01-04-2007 04:11 AM

yes its called a 16 speed range change thats what we use over here maainly and merc artros are good trucks soo i dont watch alot us media but over here they tend to make things sound alot worse than it is thats what i ment and from what i can gather is not as bad as they make it sound over here like ever convy gets attacked and its only certion areas that are realy bad

yoopr 01-04-2007 04:16 AM

what i can gather is not as bad as they make it sound over here like ever convy gets attacked and its only certion areas that are realy bad

no-it's probably worse because convoys are attacked on a regular basis. I guess after all I wrote you didn't even bother to read it.


Flying Scotsman 01-04-2007 04:23 AM

well yes i did read what u wrote and yes i know there is a chance of death and thing that i wanted too know is it as bad as the media make out or better or worse u have told me that it is worse so i know what to expect thnx for telling me what u think would u go back?

yoopr 01-04-2007 04:27 AM

You also have to have all endorsements-Hazmat-Tanker and have a security background check and DNA swab taken if that tells you anything.

terrylamar 01-04-2007 04:32 AM


Originally Posted by yoopr
DNA swab taken if that tells you anything.

It is not my child, I swear it isn't! :shock:

Flying Scotsman 01-04-2007 04:35 AM

yes got haz pack and tankers and back ground checks are done dna will happen in housten as well as full medical got ever thing uk side the rest will be done in us

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