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instigator 10-13-2002 06:03 PM

Alright boys and girls let's see what you think of the companies that you have worked for or are presently working for. How many of you feel you are getting what the recruiter says it will be like once you are on the road with them? :sauer007: Has your dispatcher made you promises i. e. " we'll have you home by..." and when you finally get home late you are basically told " it's just part of trucking" hey they may as well say "kiss my :aktion081: ! Does your company tell you they have " premium equipment" and you keep loosing your bonus because their state of the art "premium equipment" keeps breaking down or everyother trailer you go to get has to go to the shop for one type of repair or another :aktion087.gif: ?
After sitting at a customer for 18 hours or more waiting for that preloaded trailer you were sent to get does dispatch say " do the best you can" or do they reset your appointment on the other end? :aktion047: Do you feel it is fair to be compensated for your time when you are stuck waiting to be loaded or unloaded? :aktion035: Do you feel it would be fair to be compensated when you are stuck in the company yard while their "premium equipment" is being worked on i. e. the trailer you brought in hasn't been serviced in 18 months ?

Doctor Who 05-24-2003 05:08 PM

[color=#8D38C9:post_uid0]<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>[b:post_uid0]HEY!!!!!!![/b:post_uid0] look at what I found!!!

The first poll that actually adressed the [b:post_uid0]LIE[/b:post_uid0] conspiracy as was pontificated in a few recent posts.

This was first posted in Oct 2002, nothing like digging up real old threads, but this one has some merit.
Who knows, it may help some vent their frustrations over [i:post_uid0]LYING[/i:post_uid0] recruiters and [i:post_uid0]DISHONEST[/i:post_uid0] trucking companies.

Just in time for the Memorial Day holiday... Got to love it</span>[/color:post_uid0]

Flash Gordon1 05-25-2003 04:24 PM

[color=#000F22:post_uid0]What conspiracy you mean to say that all the trucking companys are plotting against drivers by lieing??
No way!!! That can't be true!

I love my job I like my truck and I tolerate my dispatcher. No-one lies they just beat the ####ing #### out of the truth as recommended in the master freight agreement.[/color:post_uid0]

bluebeetle 05-27-2003 04:53 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]Way to go Doc....just after you got Twilight calmed down you have to go and bring something up like this!!!

Flash I am glad to see that you like your job/truck and are able to tolerate your dispatcher. One of the philosophies at Crete is to hire "Professional drivers who have a good understanding of the trucking industry." Not saying that the "truth beating" doesn't happen over here, just that the drivers we hire understand the industry a lot better then most![/color:post_uid0]

Twilight Flyer 05-27-2003 05:56 PM

[color=#000080:post_uid0][i:post_uid0][color=darkblue:post_uid0]"Greyhound? Yes, how much is a ticket to North Carolina? Do you allow blunt weapons on the bus? You do? Great. Thanks."[/color:post_uid0][/i:post_uid0]
Yep, it's a conspiracy. No doubt about it. Everyone is in it for themselves. Everyone simply KNOWS that it doesn't cost anything and takes no time to put a driver aboard, just so they can quit the next week...

*ahem* >>>click<<<

Sarcasm off.

Truth be told, a lot of companies try and do right by their drivers. Some don't. But you rarely hear about the ones that do. Why? Because the driver is out there making money. He or she isn't sitting home with nothing to do but crab about things.

Still, it's a major difficulty in the industry. How do you marry a driver to his or her company/fleet mgr, so that all is peachy in the world, when a lot of drivers view a company as the enemy or visa versa.

I don't have the answer. If I did, I'd be one rich dude. In the meantime, I will continue talking to drivers and telling them like it is. Why? Because I get paid to tell the truth. If I wanted to get paid to lie, I'll go to...[/color:post_uid0]

Doctor Who 05-27-2003 07:36 PM

[color=#8D38C9:post_uid0]<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>The bus station is about a mile from the front door, so come on!!!!

I found an interesting piece I'm going to condense and post. It may be an eye opener, then again it may not, since the truth seems to be a rare commidity and then it all depends on who is speaking it!!!

[b:post_uid0]THE TRUTH?!?!?!!?[/b:post_uid0] You can't handle the [b:post_uid0]TRUTH[/b:post_uid0]
or any form that resembles anything like the truth!!!

Just think, the piece I have found was written by a Professor of Transportation and it concerns the decaying state of driver longevity!!!

More to follow</span>[/color:post_uid0]

Twilight Flyer 05-27-2003 09:15 PM

[color=#000080:post_uid0]Oh I don't know, Doc. With your knee, it probably wouldn't be all that fair and considering that'd be the first thing I'd hit...
Looking forward to seeing that piece, though. Should be a good read.[/color:post_uid0]

Edited By Twilight Flyer on 1054070161

Doctor Who 05-28-2003 02:31 AM

[color=#8D38C9:post_uid0]<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Yes it will considering the article was written in the early 1990s.

The professor teaches at LSU, Go Tigers!!!

Well forget the tiger, the professor professes at Mississippi State, oh well close!!!!</span>[/color:post_uid0]

Edited By Doctor Who on 1054171291

bluebeetle 05-28-2003 07:47 PM


Now here's a first, the beetle person is at a loss for words!!![/color:post_uid0]

Edited By Doctor Who on 1054171361

bluebeetle 05-28-2003 07:48 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]:) :cool:[/color:post_uid0]

Twilight Flyer 05-28-2003 08:52 PM

[color=#000080:post_uid0]That's it. I'm telling Mom and Cad!


Doctor Who 05-29-2003 01:24 AM

[color=#8D38C9:post_uid0]<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Another fine thread going into the dark zone!! tsk tsk tsk!!!</span>[/color:post_uid0]

bluebeetle 05-29-2003 01:27 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]Alright....I admit.....In the waning hours of yesterday I did commit a mortal sin......I blatantly, shamelessly, and with full knowledge did commit post padding! Am I sorry - yes! Do I realize I did wrong - yes! Will I do it again - No! Please forgive me and I throw myself on the mercy of the court![/color:post_uid0]

Twilight Flyer 05-29-2003 01:35 PM

[color=#000080:post_uid0]Guilty! You are fined a dozen cookies! Please remit your payment to my address. Of course, if you find that you cannot obtain the required cookies, I will accept $10,000 in lieu of said fine.[/color:post_uid0]

bluebeetle 05-29-2003 01:56 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]Well dude - you haven't made a request for what kind of cookie you want......Goodness knows that I wouldn't want to send you a cookie that you had an allergic reaction to, went into convulsions and collapsed at your keyboard leaving those seven children fatherless....I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing that I caused your fate![/color:post_uid0]

Twilight Flyer 05-29-2003 02:16 PM

[color=#000080:post_uid0]No problem. Just substitue the $100,000 and we'll be fine.


bluebeetle 05-29-2003 02:20 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]What afraid you wouldn't be able to explain the cookie to your coworker?

But the $100,000 is you I will send that to you in cash....nonsequential twenties right?[/color:post_uid0]

Twilight Flyer 05-29-2003 02:28 PM

[color=#000080:post_uid0]Yep, $1,000,000 is mostly twenties, about 5% in various larger bills...$50's and $100's. Obviously non-sequential.

Doctor Who 05-29-2003 06:23 PM

[color=#8D38C9:post_uid0]<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>As I stated above.... Another fine thread spinning out of control into the [i:post_uid0]DARK ZONE[/i:post_uid0]

You two get over it.. I still have more posts than both of you combined, SO THERE :p</span>[/color:post_uid0]

bluebeetle 05-29-2003 09:10 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]Hey....How did the penalty phase go form $100,000 to $1,000,000.00?[/color:post_uid0]

Twilight Flyer 05-29-2003 09:28 PM

[color=#000080:post_uid0]$1,000,000? Sorry, my mistake. I meant $10,000,000.[/color:post_uid0]

bluebeetle 05-29-2003 10:14 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]Gee then you better watch the mail really close then!!![/color:post_uid0]

Doctor Who 05-29-2003 10:37 PM

[color=#8D38C9:post_uid0]<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Sounds like he's going to be waiting an awful long time!!

Shameless padding of posts... what ever is the bosses to do?!!?!?</span>[/color:post_uid0]

rockefeller 05-30-2003 12:00 AM

[color=#000F22:post_uid0]Boy oh boy!! Sounds like a couple of recruiters have a lot of time on their hands!!!All the trucks filled??? :D[/color:post_uid0]

Doctor Who 05-30-2003 01:52 PM

[color=#8D38C9:post_uid0]<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Not hardly, but they need to release the pent up frustration from dealing with "grown" adults who act like 5 year olds!!!</span>[/color:post_uid0]

bluebeetle 05-31-2003 02:39 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]"act like 5 year olds"

I think that is stretching the age a little bit! But who is that to say!

Besides it was a busy week on phone calls but slow on quality of drivers. The joy of summer![/color:post_uid0]

Night Rider 06-01-2003 02:50 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]Grown adults acting like 5 year olds??

Surely you jest. After all the Truth seekers and speakers of the so called truth it is hard to imagine anyone acting like a 5 year old seeking employment.

I have been known to be in error from time to time[/color:post_uid0]

Twilight Flyer 06-02-2003 03:29 PM

[color=#000080:post_uid0]Beetle, I can attest to that. My Monday has started out with nothing but 'no experience', 'failed a drug test', 'live in Anchorage, Alaska', 'termed from my last job because I rear-ended a car', etc.

I have officially reached the bottom of the barrell, punched through, and started to dig.


BUT, on the plus side, TODAY, I actually received, IN THE MAIL, an UNBROKEN chocolate-chip cookie from Lincoln, Nebraska. Talk about the day changing for the better.
I can't believe you mailed a cookie! I'm STILL laughing about it! I shall enjoy it with my wife and Kevin (youngest son, still not in school), when I go home for lunch.
Thanks, my friend.[/color:post_uid0]

Doctor Who 06-02-2003 08:31 PM

[color=#8D38C9:post_uid0]<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Hey!!!
How come I didn't get a cookie??

Now here's one for the bottom of the barrel. Driver from Murrow was stopped by the local constabulary. I witnessed the traffic stop and didn't think anything about it. twenty minutes or so later I see the same truck in a convenience store parking lot. I pulled in and walked into the store and heard the driver talking rather loudly that the Wilson Police are a bunch of ass***** and he was being picked on because he drove a truck. Now me being me asked the "Wonder" driver why he felt as though the whole town ####ed in his cornflakes.
I was given the whole account. Now of course it is his tale to tell. After he was finished I asked him if he knew how to read. He got upset, but did answer with a yes.
The counter clerk then told this driver that the street he was on was restricted and there was a HUGE sign stating that fact. Like a 5 year old the driver had a temper tantrum. The clerk looked at him as if he was nuts. I paid for my drink and said as I departed "Look closely, that is the future of trucking!"

I did find the officer and asked him about the incident. He told me that a citation was issued and that he never met anyone who was as arrogant and rude as that driver. All I could say was that he didn't know the half of it.

5 year old adults?

I still didn't get a cookie!!! :(</span>[/color:post_uid0]

bluebeetle 06-02-2003 09:49 PM

[color=#0000FF:post_uid0]Sorry Doc - dont have your address....and before everybody posts their address, please remember that some of these "5 year olds" know how to write....or at least how to get somebody to write for them![/color:post_uid0]

dak 06-03-2003 06:00 AM

[color=#000000:post_uid0]Well, I didn't read this entire thread but my input is the paid HHG's miles issue in trucking. This is a hugh ripoff for company drivers and O/O's.

O/O's get hit the hardest, because they pay for the additional fuel and maintenance cost and additional lost revenue, not to the mention time lost.

No matter how you look at it, paying HHG's cannot be justified in todays environment. Only the people with the caveman mentality still justify paid HHG's miles.[/color:post_uid0]

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