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Slimland 02-06-2006 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Fozzy

Originally Posted by kimahri1114

Originally Posted by Fozzy
Hint: it would take only a few seconds to see that you are not as lilly white as you think you are.

Is that another way of saying somone's "s" doesnt stink? I kinda guessed thats what it was but...................

It's always a huge source of entertainment for me to hear what a lot of the people who want to enforce scripture say about what they chose to do in their lives that is not "moral" or "Christlike". This is usually when they invoke the always hilarious "But, I'm forgiven / get out of jail free" card.

It's normal for people to want others to be punished for not following rules, its usually however always supposed to happen to the "other guy". The transgressions that they themselves are guilty of just seem to be "acceptable". The problem here is that once you kick the chocks out from under the wheels on that wagon and allow the religious government to start down the hill, it runs over a lot of people who only THOUGHT that they were in the club.

I cant seem to keep off this.

No one ever said that the Government and Religion should go hand in hand. Again you twist words to your own amusement. I specifically said that our country is based on the principle's of the bible, and they should stay that way. What part of that did you not understand?

I never said anything about punishing someone for being gay. But in the same sense there choice is there choice. That does not mean we have to give them the right to be married. As for a christian having faults, we do I have never denied this, but the get out of hell free card was given to the world Fozzy, it is whether you want to accept it or not. I thought we went over this did you forget? Maybe you need to read all the post again.

Your, ignorance and your hatred for Christian views is showing the more you post. I don't mean this as an attack, I mean you are contradicting your self.

kimahri1114 02-06-2006 04:50 PM

hold on everyone! I am going to savor this so much! Oh, and no hard feelings fozzy.

You complained about me discrimintating against gays remember? You are doing the EXACT SAME THING!

Thanks, I really enjoyed that.

Fozzy 02-06-2006 05:04 PM

I cant seem to keep off this.

Really? do tell...

No one ever said that the Government and Religion should go hand in hand. Again you twist words to your own amusement.

Really? Several times the question has been asked: Under what grounds should homosexuals not be allowed to marry. Always its the same group who comes out babbling about biblical morality. It's not relevant to the way laws are formed in this country.

I specifically said that our country is based on the principle's of the bible, and they should stay that way. What part of that did you not understand?

Normally the part about the Constitution and religious separation.

I never said anything about punishing someone for being gay. But in the same sense there choice is there choice. That does not mean we have to give them the right to be married.

By not allowing all citizens access to the equality that is demanded by the Constitution, they are being punished. If heterosexuals can be and are legally protected when entering a marriage contract then it is unconstitutional for other Americans to be barred from the SAME PROTECTION. You don't have to like it, you have the choice not to enter into the process if you wish.

As for a christian having faults, we do I have never denied this, but the get out of hell free card was given to the world Fozzy, it is whether you want to accept it or not. I thought we went over this did you forget? Maybe you need to read all the post again.

Never forgot it, its the same hypocritical stance I see on every board I've ever been too when this topic comes up. So once again, the "little c gang" gets to act however they wish and still enjoy the legal protection of the state yet others who are braking the same morality code somehow demand the rights to the liberty that they insist others be barred from.

Your, ignorance and your hatred for Christian views is showing the more you post. I don't mean this as an attack, I mean you are contradicting your self

What is contrary in my position? So far its the little "c" Christians who are are wanting the rules to only favor themselves. I'm not ignorant on Christianity at all, Those who are usually attempting to rule this country with the bible should actually crack the cover on it occasionally. They are only informed enough to use it as a weapon or a means to absolve themselves of their own shoddy behavior.

Slimland 02-06-2006 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Slimland

Originally Posted by MACK
Slimland let me try and explain myself better sometimes I'm not very good at it :oops:
I believe that marriage should be between one man and one woman but if there are no laws against gay marriage then they should be allowed to marry but as soon as there are laws they have to stop getting married.

Well I'm sure this will cause a ruckus and probably get it shut down. But God's Law that he put in our hearts tells us it is wrong. That Law is above any Law of Man. But people would not acknowledge God, and mad man things,birds, four footed beast into gods. Therefor God, gave them up to the vile minds, to do thing not natural, men with men, women with women, and beast. Therefor they will receive what is due. Does this mean that God does not love them. NO, On the opposite he gave His only begotten Son, for there Sin, Not counting there sins against them, but in order to receive it they would have to Believe it. So it goes back to Square one, They refuse to acknowledge God, so God hands them over to a reprobate mind.

Here Fozzy this will answer your question :lol:

Slimland 02-06-2006 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by tndieselgrl
I believe that all people, regardless of their religion, age, sexual preference, color, origin...whatever... deserve the same rights as anyone else.

Now, I'm not a Christian, but it makes me stop and pause... what makes man think they know what a god wants? What gives us the right to legislate that? It was my impression that the Christian God was supposed to be all loving and understanding - he seems rather exclusive and hateful to me based on this entire argument.

It's just my opinion, but for those who stated bible verses as the reason for opposition, why not give everyone the same basic rights on earth, and let your God decide what is moral during your judgement time? :?

What makes man think he knows what God want's?

That is a good question, In the bible God speaks of what he wants for his children. For example "Love your neibor as yourself" that is a will of God!

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for the exact thing we are speaking of. Did he give them a chance YES, he told Abraham "after some Jewing down" that if he found 10 Righteous fellows, He "GOD" would not burn it down. The only fellow that was found was Lot and his doughters and wife.

So 2 Angels let Lot and His family flea into the mountains. While God rained fire down from Heaven to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. This was done as an Example for those in the futur, who will deny God.
It's not realy the fact of what they where doing "which has somewhat to do with it" it was the fact that they denied God. For if it was what they where doing then Lot would have not been saved. Because the word of God said Every day Lot soul was vexed with what he had seen. The word vexed, meaning Tempted, therfor being greived that he felt that way, but he knew right from wrong and chose the right way instead of the wrong way. Think about this after he fled his wife looked back and was turned to ash, after being in the moutains his daughters got him drunk and had sex with him. Thats pretty bad! But God knew where Lots heart was!!

The post I made earlier on this thread, about Romans explain why people fall into the ways of debouchery against God.

He is loving and understanding that is why He gave His Son for Our Sin.
Concerning Moral and Basic right!
Morality itself comes from God, it shows the Laws written on our hearts. Basic right, was given by those laws, not to be imputed to Immorality.

This also Fozzy :lol:

Slimland 02-06-2006 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Slimland

I have friend that are Gay also, I donot approve of there lifestyle, but it's there lifestyle not mine. Jesus never said we couldnot speak or be friends with these people, on the contrary we are to love them, and let the love of Christ shine through us. The ones that Jesus and the Apostles warned us about are the one who know God, and use him for Financial gain, and say they are a brother but deny the Lord that saved them. You are not even suposed to eat with such a person. EXAMPLE " the pharasees and saducees" the knew God, They knew his word, but relied on the traditions of men, than mercy, love, and faith.

And again this one :lol:

Fozzy 02-06-2006 05:16 PM

What does this have to do with equal protection under the law for all Americans?

Should the United States be a Theocracy or shouldn't it?

Slimland 02-06-2006 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Slimland

Originally Posted by Fozzy
WE do not live in the United States of god... nor is the law of the land decided by the bible. If it where decided by the American religious majority, we would all be required to answer to the pope. How do you think that would go over with the Southern Baptists?

In God we Trust!!!
Where do you think that came from?
So are you saying Fozzy, that taken God out of the schools was good?
That the very things this country was found on was on the teachings of the bible.
You take the foundation out from underneath a structure that structure will fall. That is why this country is going down the drain. The belief's this country where found on, is being pulled out from underneath it, by people who think God needs to be removed, because it don't give everyone the same freedom , you take the foundation you take the freedom. You seem to think that we are expressing our beliefs on you and your kind, when actually we are defending, our belief that made this country so great. So who is pushing there belief on who?

It was well balanced, now it is not. Even if we where to put God back in the system, it would be organized religion, therefor we would be no better than the Holy Roman Empire that Killed not only the non-christian but the real Christians as well. The only way now to have a government with religious values now, will be when the LORD JESUS CHRIST returns.
The government that actually came from God was a Monarchy, but God knew that man was not capable of such a feat since sin is in our flesh, but Jesus Christ the Just judge is the only way to have the perfect government.
At one time the U.S.A had a good government, but now with some people who love the pleasure's of sin than the righteousness of God, want there sins out so everyone can glory in them so they don't feel so ashamed, it kinda goes if everyone is doing it it can't be wrong. That's what the Pharisees did, and Jesus told them they where a brood of vipers "big words back then". Now where in the same boat, as them, we have our own Pharisees trying to make us accept there way of life, so they won't feel so bad about there own sin. So now you tell me, who pushing who's belief on who?

And another :lol:

bulldog2036 02-06-2006 05:19 PM

Since you are the center of the universe when regurgitatiing BS I'm sure you will do well in HELL...oh, since I know and GOD accepts that I am not "lilly white" at least I do not have to resort to all the blather and "blah, blah" that you do in order to validate my existence.

Fozzy 02-06-2006 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by bulldog2036
Since you are the center of the universe when regurgitatiing BS I'm sure you will do well in HELL...oh, since I know and GOD accepts that I am not "lilly white" at least I do not have to resort to all the blather and "blah, blah" that you do in order to validate my existence.

nor can you voice an opinion without looking rather silly and childish. Most forums have mental lightweights are usually "snipers" who shoot one small caliber round and then head for the tall grass. and as for validating my existence... I'm obviously here to stand my ground. Unlike those who allow the run of the mill biblical bigots to spout off unchallenged.

You have yet to answer the question about the US becoming a theocracy. Why is that?

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