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yoopr 11-17-2006 03:21 PM

Go Blue
Man-I had to choke that one out-Can't remember the Last time I said that :P

This Game is for BO

Bo will Dot the I in Columbus tomorrow

Roadhog 11-17-2006 05:02 PM

Millions share your sentiment yoopr.
God willing, that would be a fitting memorial in his honor.
Just the spirit of him alone will mark this game his...regardless. 8)

Midnight Flyer 11-17-2006 10:12 PM

:sad: I just read of the death of Bo Schembechler and am shocked and saddened. He was one of the greats in the college coaching ranks. The old school coaches are now few and far between. I'll close by saying GO WOLVERINES!! WIN THIS ONE FOR BO!! 8)

yoopr 11-17-2006 10:24 PM

Bo Dying really hit hard like it did for millions of others.
Bo was Definitely One of a Kind
Not many coaches had this kind of record:
The seven-time Big Ten coach of the year compiled a 194-48-5 record at Michigan from 1969-89. Schembechler's record in 26 years of coaching was 234-65-8.

Bo was straight to the point with no BS and people always understood where he stood.

Twilight Flyer 11-17-2006 10:24 PM

I like Bo, but I'm all for Ohio State in this one. Born in Dayton, OH and next to my love for my Iowa State University, I'm a big Ohio State fan.

Twilight Flyer 11-17-2006 10:25 PM

I will add that I hope it goes into OT (or several of them) and is a high scoring affair with lots of highlights. That would all but assure that they would meet again for the National Championship, which would be very cool.

heavenbound 11-17-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
I like Bo, but I'm all for Ohio State in this one. Born in Dayton, OH and next to my love for my Iowa State University, I'm a big Ohio State fan.

I hope Michigan tears up Ohio so bad, after what they did to Texas :oops: that and i always take the underdog. That is why i always pick my Texans :lol: .

Should be the game of the year tho.

yoopr 11-17-2006 11:18 PM

gotta stop Henne-Manningham-Breaston-and Little Mike Hart.
gotta find the sign "Oh how I hate Ohio State"
Bo will be at the Game

yoopr 11-18-2006 05:07 PM

This one is for BO

11-18-2006 05:16 PM

I am a born and corn fed Illini boy but for today I am going to wear the Maize and Blue in meamory of Bo. Tear those Buckeye a New Arsehole Wolervines.

yoopr 11-18-2006 11:21 PM

you got it Batman
I was worried about the Defense and it showed.
Couple of Miscues and it could have gone the other way.

Adam9315 11-18-2006 11:22 PM

Well it was a good game.

yoopr 11-18-2006 11:30 PM

ok for the Number and statistic experts-Say USC( :evil: ) loses where does everything stand?

Jackrabbit379 11-19-2006 01:12 AM

Yoopr,I dont know. It's crazy. Anyone could move up. Florida,or Notre Dame could be there. The Gators won today,but I havent heard about the Irish. Rutgers is losing right now against Cincinnati,at half time. Rutgers was also losing 27-7 last week against louisville at the half too,and Rutgers came back,and beat them. If Rutgers loses,they are out. Arkansas can get up there if,they beat Florida in the SEC Title game,and if Notre Dame,USC,and or,Rutgers loses.

Here is the BCS standings as of this morning.
1) Ohio St
2) Michigan
3) USC
4) Florida
5) Notre Dame
6) Rutgers
7) Arkansas
8 ) West Virginia
9) Wisconsin
10) Louisville

Mr. Ford95 11-19-2006 01:18 AM

Michigan is done, no better than a Rose Bowl for them.

This BCS is not set in stone, but Michigan would need a TON of help.

USC loses tonight
ND loses to USC
Arkansas loses to Florida
Florida loses to FSU
Rutgers loses to Cincy tonight(currently trailing at the half 17-3)
Rutgers beats WVU
Have to stay ahead of Wisconsin in the BCS

If USC loses tonight, Florida and Arkansas are in the drivers seat to face OSU pending the SEC title game if Arkansas does not lose next week to LSU. If they do lose, then beat Florida in the SEC title game, Notre Dame would be sitting pretty at #2 in the final BCS if they win out over USC.

Jackrabbit379 11-19-2006 01:21 AM

Yeah,it is crazy.

Im flipping back and forth,watching USC/CAL,and on ESPN,Rutgers/Cinci. USC/CAL,the score is,2-6,USC. Man,what a game. :P

yoopr 11-19-2006 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
Michigan is done, no better than a Rose Bowl for them.

This BCS is not set in stone, but Michigan would need a TON of help.

USC loses tonight
ND loses to USC
Arkansas loses to Florida
Florida loses to FSU
Rutgers loses to Cincy tonight(currently trailing at the half 17-3)
Rutgers beats WVU
Have to stay ahead of Wisconsin in the BCS

If USC loses tonight, Florida and Arkansas are in the drivers seat to face OSU pending the SEC title game if Arkansas does not lose next week to LSU. If they do lose, then beat Florida in the SEC title game, Notre Dame would be sitting pretty at #2 in the final BCS if they win out over USC.

Hard to put Notre Dame at 2 when U of M smoked them

Jackrabbit379 11-19-2006 02:08 AM

I remember a few years ago,Miami beat Florida State. Both teams had one loss,at the end of the season. FSU was ranked higher than Miami,because the way the BCS computers work. Miami was in the Big East at that time,and FSU is in the ACC,which is a stronger conference,so that was the reason why FSU was ranked higher than Miami,and Miami beat FSU that year.

yoopr 11-19-2006 02:42 AM

not sour grapes here but I think Bo's sudden death had the opposite effect that I expected with the team.
Bo was still involved with everyone on that team.
One thing I DON'T want is for Either FSU AND Miami in this thing. I hate them both.

Jackrabbit379 11-19-2006 02:48 AM

Well,you wont have to worry about that. Both teams are flakey this year. They are having a rough time,rebuilding this year.

yoopr 11-19-2006 02:50 AM

Damn-never said that before :P

Jackrabbit379 11-19-2006 02:53 AM

hahaha. :P

Mr. Ford95 11-19-2006 12:41 PM

I understand your arguement about UM-ND yoop. It is a very strong point and will cause a HUGE uproar if ND gets in over UM if it comes down to those 2 teams.

Rutgers got creamed last night, they are out.
USC is not going to win out playing like they have in 2 of the past 3 games. They were lucky last night to escape again.
LSU has a shot against Arkansas because the game is in Baton Rouge.

The team to watch is WV, if they continue to win out and are ranked in front of Michigan tomorrow, they will get a shot at OSU with the same help Michigan needs.

Twilight Flyer 11-19-2006 03:05 PM

As good as the Ohio State/Michigan game was, don't expect to see Michigan drop very much at all.

Rutgers is out in a big way...Cincy stomped them.

And USC STILL has to play Notre Dame and UCLA.

Michigan has a shot at Ohio State still...albeit a long shot. But they aren't out of it yet.

The next couple weeks are going to be very interesting.

yoopr 11-19-2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
I understand your arguement about UM-ND yoop. It is a very strong point and will cause a HUGE uproar if ND gets in over UM if it comes down to those 2 teams.

Rutgers got creamed last night, they are out.
USC is not going to win out playing like they have in 2 of the past 3 games. They were lucky last night to escape again.
LSU has a shot against Arkansas because the game is in Baton Rouge.

The team to watch is WV, if they continue to win out and are ranked in front of Michigan tomorrow, they will get a shot at OSU with the same help Michigan needs.

NCAA has done it to the U of M before
The only team that I can see who has a chance to take the #2 spot from Michigan would be Arkansas

Cripplecreek 11-19-2006 04:21 PM

Ohio state ought to be dropped down a spot or 2. Any team that gives up 39 points is a big question mark as a national champion. When the gators win out, they'll take care of ohio St.

yoopr 11-19-2006 04:57 PM

Keep OSU #1-Michigan #2-and Arky #3

ben45750 11-19-2006 05:12 PM

I'm from Ohio but I wanted Michigan to win for Bo. Was one of the best college games I have ever seen.

Mr. Ford95 11-19-2006 05:21 PM

USA Today:

1) OSU 1575(they took all of the 1st place votes)
2) USC 1444
3) Michigan 1428
4) Florida 1407
5) Arkansas 1302
6) ND 1285

yoopr 11-19-2006 05:45 PM

well ok then-Go Notre Dame :P
No way USC should be ahead of Michigan

Mr. Ford95 11-19-2006 07:49 PM

The AP just came out and...............


1) OSU 1625(all 1st place votes)
2) Michigan 1502
3) USC 1493
4) Florida 1451
5) Arkansas 1365
6) ND 1307

yoopr 11-19-2006 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95
The AP just came out and...............


1) OSU 1625(all 1st place votes)
2) Michigan 1502
3) USC 1493
4) Florida 1451
5) Arkansas 1365
6) ND 1307

OK-you cited 2 Polls but how accurate are they and how close do they usually come to the Computer rankings?

Jackrabbit379 11-19-2006 10:30 PM

Well,the rankings havent changed much. The BCS polls is what counts,even though they still have the AP,USA Today,and ESPN. Here is the latest BCS polls,as of today...

1) Ohio State
2) Michigan
3) USC
4) Florida
5) Notre Dame
6) Arkansas
7) West Virginia
8 ) Wisconsin
9) Louisville
10) LSU
11) Boise State
12) Auburn
13) Texas
14) Rutgers
15) Oklahoma

yoopr 11-20-2006 12:26 AM

so we still have another shot at OSU then?

Ok-hypothetical-Say we beat Ohio State and they beat us yesterday(Actually we beat ourselves). What do you have? A CO-Champion?

Jackrabbit379 11-20-2006 12:59 AM

Well,if both teams stay where they are,and they both play each other again,in the Fiesta Bowl for the National Championship,and Michigan wins,Michigan is National Champions,and Ohio State,goes home.

yoopr 11-20-2006 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Jackrabbit379
Well,if both teams stay where they are,and they both play each other again,in the Fiesta Bowl for the National Championship,and Michigan wins,Michigan is National Champions,and Ohio State,goes home.

Makes sense but can you imagine the Anger? :P
IF Notre Dame beats #3 USC would they jump ahead of U of M even when U of M whipped em?
Ohio State going home sounds good though lmao

Man-I'm starting to get a headache :P

Jackrabbit379 11-20-2006 01:15 AM

yeah,I can imagine what that would feel like. Beating a team,especially a big rival,and then lose when played the second time. Here in Texas,there are 2 divisions in every district in high school football. Large schools,and small schools. Every once in a while,there will be 2 schools that play each other every year in the regular season,and being in the same division,and end up playing each other in the playoffs. Ive seen it both ways. One winning in the regular season,and losing when played again in the post season,and visa versa.

If the Irish can pull it off against USC,I would think that Notre Dame would stay where they are,right under Florida,and USC would drop. Florida would jump up to 3,and Notre Dame would be 4. I would think,but you never know.

Take some meds for the head. College football can make your head spin. :P

yoopr 11-20-2006 01:37 AM

Head On-Apply Directly to the Forehead :P

Jackrabbit379 11-20-2006 02:55 AM

hehehehe..yeah. :lol: :P

yoopr 11-20-2006 04:58 AM

Well I'm for whoever is playing against USC then

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