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-   -   Marten Transport lied to DAC how do I fix this? (

Ratdog 03-02-2008 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by ronjon619
It seems that driver was labeled as a,"whinner" by the office staff and slowley STARVED out of a job. That's a shame.

Well that would sum up what is missing from the story.

dle 03-02-2008 04:15 PM

Have y'all noticed that the original poster has posted any additional information? Makes you wonder doesn't it?

Ratdog 03-02-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by dle
Have y'all noticed that the original poster has posted any additional information? Makes you wonder doesn't it?

I was thinking the same thing last night. I know they said they were not getting the miles and probably complained about it, but one would think that there is more than just that. Companies want kiss asses and given the benefit of doubt, if you complain about it, they starve you to make their point. But I have never heard of them firing you for that, just make it bad until you quit.

Snakelady78 03-03-2008 04:37 AM

I know it sounds crazy. That's because it is. I couldn't believe it either. None of the people there could. I really fought it because I had alot of things in my truck and there was no way I could take them...especially when I have to pay my own way. Keep in mind I was only there a little over 3 weeks. Not even a full month. What you're saying about complaining is maybe sometimes true but if you don't say anything the dispatchers will keep giving you bad loads. I am a woman(could you tell by the name?) and I think I was being judged by that. On my drivers test there. I did everything perfect. I backed the truck in easily with just one pull up- which I only really did for show, the spots were really easy, but they made me take the test again. I have 3 yrs exp. I'm not new. I've been to alot of different companies. the longest ones KLLM- and this is back in 03 when the ran us like dogs-9 months there, and American eagle for 1yr. I'll leave a company if I see they're no good but not after only 3 wks.

I just found out that they put on my DAC a broken policy, because a company I put an application in for told me and asked what it was.

After Marten I had went to TRL. They gave me great loads. I was always going "from sea to shining sea" just like the slogan said but thay had finanical problems and Prime brought them. I stuck it out with Prime for a couple months but they were real bad about loads. At one point I was sitting in a truck stp for a week. They were terrible about loads. their lease people get the high miles because they are getting paid by percentage and company gets the loads that are 100-300 miles long and 4 days before the recr will take it. But I have no bitterness towards Prime because they acted professional. The dispatcher said he couldn't do anything about the miles and so I said I was quittng and I told him that I would like to go for my time off and clean out the truck and then I would run a load back to terminal to turn in the truck. This was fine with everybody and I'd say we parted on good terms. I just don't want to be regional or local. I'm just used to running hard and I don't want to be out on the road away from my family if I'm not making much money for it.

Marten transport is an unprofessional company. The reason they fired me at that terminal is because they knew I was on my way home(I had a ld going that way) and that I would clean out my truck and quit. They really just wanted to fire me father away to be assholes. I know that sounds ridiculous but I think that because they did the same thing to my friend. He lives close to the Indy terminal and he was going to quit- also because of miles but they convinced him to PU another load. This guy said he was going to personally make sure my friend got the 2500 he was promised. He took the load and it delivered around ATL. He got a msg after drpping it to go to ATL terminal. He found out though that he was getting fired and drove back up to Indy anyway. How professional is that?? They wanted him to pick that up because they always keep your last check, but they had already paid him when he tried to quit! See he quit after a time off, so his check for last week had already been paid. They tricked him into picking up another load so they could steal his money. This company makes its money stealing from the drivers.

Sure we signed a paper saying they can take some money for orientation if we quit or get fired but that is suposed to be if WE did something wrong not because Marten wasn't holding up their end of the bargain. I was suposed to be GUARANTEED 2500 at least, so was my friend but we were getting only 1500.

I heard that company was really good at one time. The father they say did right by the drivers but the son that has it now has royally screwed it up.

I saw all these answering posts on here but no one mentions how to refute my DAC. I'm suposed to write to them to take it off but I don't have an address, I don't know what site to get on. I'm not on this computer a whole lot and I don't know how to navigate real good.
Can anyone help me with that. I really need to take this off

Ratdog 03-03-2008 05:36 AM

Snakelady, Greg left this website for you. The bad thing is, their are companies that like to keep you down. I have worked for one that no matter how hard you worked, it was never good enough for them. Unless you really kissed their behind, they would take care of you, but complain about the way they did things, they went out of their way to make your life miserable. The best thing to do is try your best not to give them an excuse to play their game. Maybe if they knew your friend quit on them you were going to do the same. Next time, as I have read on here before, get your ducks in order before you quit or let them know you are leaving. Good luck at getting this fixed.

Snakelady78 03-03-2008 06:39 AM

Thank you Ratdog! I didn't see it the first time.
Thank you Gregg
I thank everyone else for responding too, I was so shocked there was this many replies!

RebelDarlin 03-04-2008 04:19 PM

There is a Sticky in the new Drivers forum


kreeper01 03-06-2008 07:23 PM

Join the crowd, Snakelady, this same BS happen to me and i am sitting at home, surfing the internet for a new trucking company. I got some beef with J.B. Hunt when i went to orientation for them, Hunt "claims" i wrecked one of their trucks while doing a driving test, which J.B. Hunt is full of it because i was booted out of orientation for 1 good reason that i know of, they messed up on my SS (social security) number. I was there no more than 2 hours before they sent me home.

I can feel your pain, Snakelady, you are not the only one swimming up that proverbial crap creek.


Originally Posted by Snakelady78
I know it sounds crazy. That's because it is. I couldn't believe it either. None of the people there could. I really fought it because I had alot of things in my truck and there was no way I could take them...especially when I have to pay my own way. Keep in mind I was only there a little over 3 weeks. Not even a full month. What you're saying about complaining is maybe sometimes true but if you don't say anything the dispatchers will keep giving you bad loads. I am a woman(could you tell by the name?) and I think I was being judged by that. On my drivers test there. I did everything perfect. I backed the truck in easily with just one pull up- which I only really did for show, the spots were really easy, but they made me take the test again. I have 3 yrs exp. I'm not new. I've been to alot of different companies. the longest ones KLLM- and this is back in 03 when the ran us like dogs-9 months there, and American eagle for 1yr. I'll leave a company if I see they're no good but not after only 3 wks.

I just found out that they put on my DAC a broken policy, because a company I put an application in for told me and asked what it was.

After Marten I had went to TRL. They gave me great loads. I was always going "from sea to shining sea" just like the slogan said but thay had finanical problems and Prime brought them. I stuck it out with Prime for a couple months but they were real bad about loads. At one point I was sitting in a truck stp for a week. They were terrible about loads. their lease people get the high miles because they are getting paid by percentage and company gets the loads that are 100-300 miles long and 4 days before the recr will take it. But I have no bitterness towards Prime because they acted professional. The dispatcher said he couldn't do anything about the miles and so I said I was quittng and I told him that I would like to go for my time off and clean out the truck and then I would run a load back to terminal to turn in the truck. This was fine with everybody and I'd say we parted on good terms. I just don't want to be regional or local. I'm just used to running hard and I don't want to be out on the road away from my family if I'm not making much money for it.

Marten transport is an unprofessional company. The reason they fired me at that terminal is because they knew I was on my way home(I had a ld going that way) and that I would clean out my truck and quit. They really just wanted to fire me father away to be assholes. I know that sounds ridiculous but I think that because they did the same thing to my friend. He lives close to the Indy terminal and he was going to quit- also because of miles but they convinced him to PU another load. This guy said he was going to personally make sure my friend got the 2500 he was promised. He took the load and it delivered around ATL. He got a msg after drpping it to go to ATL terminal. He found out though that he was getting fired and drove back up to Indy anyway. How professional is that?? They wanted him to pick that up because they always keep your last check, but they had already paid him when he tried to quit! See he quit after a time off, so his check for last week had already been paid. They tricked him into picking up another load so they could steal his money. This company makes its money stealing from the drivers.

Sure we signed a paper saying they can take some money for orientation if we quit or get fired but that is suposed to be if WE did something wrong not because Marten wasn't holding up their end of the bargain. I was suposed to be GUARANTEED 2500 at least, so was my friend but we were getting only 1500.

I heard that company was really good at one time. The father they say did right by the drivers but the son that has it now has royally screwed it up.

I saw all these answering posts on here but no one mentions how to refute my DAC. I'm suposed to write to them to take it off but I don't have an address, I don't know what site to get on. I'm not on this computer a whole lot and I don't know how to navigate real good.
Can anyone help me with that. I really need to take this off

TK THE TRUCKER 03-19-2008 05:46 PM

Hmmmm, I don't know how I missed this one :wink: I'm also guessing there's much more to this story plus your facts aren't very accurate at all. That paper you sign in orientation CLEARLY states how much it cost for transportation and lodging for orientation and that you are responsible for it if you are terminated or resign within the first 6 months. Also Marten does not guarantee miles except for some regional dedicated accounts because the driver is out for a set number of days and home for a set number of days each week. Miles aren't guaranteed for OTR drivers because there is too many variables involved, home time, 34 hour restarts, weekend trips, freight location, available hours, etc. I see a lot of drivers that think they need to do a 34hr restart because they don't understand for some reason that they are going to pick up hours after the 8th day. So they sit around for a day when they could have kept on running, so they get less miles.

As soon as someone quits they immediately route the truck to whatever terminal they want it at. They're not going to let trucks get driven all over the place when somebody doesn't want to work for them anymore. Too much chance of abandonment. And as far as woman getting treated differently you've got to be kidding me. I would say Marten has an above average amount of women drivers and most I've talked to do just fine. They don't "steal" your last check. That's where the money comes from to pay for orientation cost if you leave within 6 months.

Greg sent you in the right direction. You'll need to get with USIS and Marten to get your report straightened out if it can be. BOL 8) 8)

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