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LightsChromeHorsepower 09-02-2009 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460928)
Where to start?!! I don't vote for these mental amoeba's. All these politicians seem to want to do is line their pockets at the expense of the rest of us. They also don't seem to understand how to read the constitution.

You strict (I can't remember the name for people who want to follow what they claim were the original intentions of our founding fathers) never fail to amaze & amuse me. When the Constitution was written, slavery was legal, women couldn't vote and our society and culture bore virtually no resemblance to what we have today. I frequently think that what you guys really want is a return to simpler times when you white males could keep women and people of color in their place. It isn't going to happen. What will happen is that we will fail as a nation and a society if we fail to recognize the changes that have been thrust upon us and modify our behaviors, customs and institutions to reflect those changes.

I understand that insurance companies also limit procedures as does the government. Some drugs are only available in name brand but most of these government programs do limit the number of prescriptions whether they are generic or name brand. In your scenario you would exchange obscene insurance profits with obscene government taxes?

1. What programs limit which prescriptions? I have been rumbling around the 3 proposals (Obama's + the House & Senate versions) and I don't see this. Show it to me or I call BS on you.

2. The health insurance industry has seen it's premiums go from 1.5% of GDP in 1970 to 5.5% in 2007. They are currently so concerned about there future profits that they are spending 1.4 Million dollars per day lobbying congress. That's obscene, so obscene that I truly believe that the government could actually do better.

If we simply got rid of the insurance industry's profits, we could provide health care to every uninsured person in the country. Which would serve to lower our overall cost of health care because the uninsured would be getting prompter treatment from appropriate sources, not waiting until they were so sick they had to go to the emergency room.

It's worth noting that a healthier populace is a more productive one. I believe that a healthy citizenry is so important to the productivity of our nation that ensuring it should be considered a part of our infrastructure, just like roads, bridges and a postal system.

You quote some figures about GNP and healthcare in other countries. I don't see any proof. I talk about Canada since that is the only country where I have actually visited and spoken with the those who must deal with the healthcare system. And I don't recall having spoken to anyone who has gone abroad to receive healthcare other than dental work in Mexico at some of the border towns.

That you don't know these numbers is amazing to me. They have been quoted in more newspaper and magazine articles than I can remember. Do you read at all? I don't see how you can pretend to participate in this debate if you lack such basic knowledge of the issue.

Here's a link to the Wikipedia entry for universal health care; Universal health care - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It will explain the basics to you and states very clearly that THE U.S. IS THE ONLY INDUSTRIALIZED NATION WITHOUT UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. It also notes that many developing nations offer universal care as well.

If you just Google "medical tourism" you will find a large amount of information on that issue. It's estimated that 1.5 million Americans traveled abroad last year for medical procedures.

Don't minimize the cost or effects of polio on our population in years past. It usually hit children and either killed or crippled them. It was as bad as anything we have today. And if you factor in inflation I dare say that you would have spent as much as any other research or development for an effective vaccine. By the way, Franklin D. Roosevelt was struck by polio and was in a wheel chair during his presidency.

I went to school, grades K-12, with a girl who suffered from the effects of Polio.
I submit, that by any measure, the cost of developing a Polio vaccine was a fraction of what has been spent on AIDS research (which has yet to yield a vaccine). And many cancer drugs have huge costs as well. Her's an interesting article in that vein; Why are the new cancer drugs so expensive? - By Robert Bazell - Slate Magazine

Most problems are simple. It is people who try to make them complex. It evidently makes them feel better to complicate problems. This country got along very well for more than 200 years without government heathcare and over 150 years without welfare. The result is a generation who expects the government to take care of their every need. The net result is several generations of non productive individuals who live for their government paycheck in their government subsidized housing. There is no need to work since the government will pay them to sit at home.

Everything about our lives is vastly more complex than it was even 25 years ago. I'm not sure I like it either, but I realize that I can't stop it, and that our culture, government and institutions must change with the times or we are certain to perish as a nation and a society.

There were advantages to 1950's healthcare. For the most part people were pretty healthy. You didn't see the obesity we currently see in our country. It seems that the more complex people want to make healthcare the higher the costs. It doesn't have to be that way. The real cost issues have not been addressed. Government and litigation are the two major contributors to high costs of medical care. I noticed you prefer skipping over those issues.

1. Medical malpractice premiums account for less than 1/2 of 1% of the total health care costs in the U.S. Obviously, that's not the problem.

2. You are blaming the government for the current high cost of health care. We currently have a virtually unregulated market for health care in this country. How can the government be at fault?

Health care has become more complex because everything else in our society has become more complex. You seem to be advocating a return to 1950's medicine. We could do that. Lot's of people would die because we would not be able to offer them any of the recently developed, complex & expensive therapies that we now have available. This seems to be in direct conflict with your fear that these very same therapies might be in some way "rationed" if we had universal care. What are you really afraid of? Change?

I know very well some of the issues in California. I lived there during the Reagan administration. The state has steadily gone downhill since that time.

I will stipulate that Reagan started the slide, although I believe Howard Jarvis should get at least as much credit.

California is a model of how NOT to run a government. They keep making the same mistakes over and over.

I couldn't agree more.

Arnold Schwarzenegger was the one who mentioned the costs of having illegals in the state and the cost of them using emergency rooms, etc., at state expense. In case you missed it, he is the governor of California. California keeps putting more and more taxes and spending more and more money on things that they have no business doing and they wonder why they are in trouble. That is what happens when you buy votes. At some point you run out of money. It is what happens when you have more people living off the government than working to support the government. About the only difference in what is happening in California and the federal government is that the feds have printing presses to print more money. In case you went to public schools you may have missed some of the events that have happened in the world.

I can't quite figure out what you are getting at here. One of California's greatest problems is the inability of the state to raise taxes because doing so requires a 2/3 majority in the legislature. Your thoughts here seem really simplistic, I believe the problems are bit more complex than you realize. What events do you think I missed out on?

Socialism doesn't work. It has failed in EVERY country in which it has been tried. Those who have tried it have their own version which they try to convince themselves that their system will work. IT HASN'T.

Can you name some examples please?

Socialism has an inherent flaw. It takes the incentive to produce out of the picture. This country was built on self determination an freedom. Whether it is socialized banking, cars or healthcare, it will not work. I remember seeing some of the cars made in the old USSR and some of the other communist countries. Some people like to call them socialist countries.

But they weren't really, right? Can you explain the difference between communism and socialism?

Poor quality and all black. Healthcare will be the same. Poor quality high cost to the taxpayers. Of course, those who are living off the current system won't need to pay anything since those of us who do work will be supporting those who don't. By the way, I also remember seeing breadlines and limited store items under socialism in some of these countries you tout with such great healthcare. This will not stop at healthcare. We can expect to have people who have no experience in healthcare or business to run these new bureaucracies.

What you seem to be referring to as "socialized" medicine works in every other industrialized nation on the planet (and in many developing ones as well) By any rational measure it works better. All of these nations spend a substantially lower percentage of their GDP on health care and have healthier populaces.
If we continue to spend more on health care (and prisons, and the war on drugs, and our military) than the nations we are competing against in the global economy we will have less money to invest in things that will help us compete, like education, transportation infrastructure, basic scientific research etc. If we fail to adequately fund these things now it will result in a much lower standard of living for most of us in the future. We must change or fall behind. I want to change. Do you want to fall back into your 1950's comfort zone?


GMAN 09-02-2009 12:29 PM

I don't recall anything in the constitution about enslaving people. I have never believed that any people should be enslaved. Keep in mind that most people in this country never owned slaves. Also keep in mind that it was their fellow countrymen who captured and sold them into slavery. By the way, that is still occurring in some areas of Africa.

I am not so sure that giving women the right to vote was in the best interest of our nation. Some women are more apt to vote based upon a candidates looks than real issues. I have had numerous women tell me over the years that they voted for a candidate because they looked good. That isn't a good reason to vote for a candidate. Perhaps we should go back to the way it was when I grew up. In order to be able to vote you had to take your tax or property receipt with you. You could only vote if you were a property owner. We seemed to have a more responsible electorate back then. It makes a difference when you are the one paying the bills.

1. The current system limits the number of prescriptions one individual can receive. I don't see that changing with a new system.

2. You throw a lot of percentages and figures around but fail to give your source. Your answer is to get rid of profit in favor or higher taxes? There is no competition with taxes. If the government wants to raise taxes all they need do is pass a bill. It is a little different in the private sector where you have competition for your dollars.

You continue to compare this country with others. This country is unique in history. It was an experiment that was extremely successful. Our forefathers built the most successful economic powerhouse in the world out of the wilderness. One reason these other countries have fallen behind in many areas is due to socialism. BIG GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK! For a country or society to be successful they must be productive. The bigger government becomes the less productive a society. If you had any sense of history you would already know this. History does repeat itself. What we are seeing now has been tried before and failed.

Unlike Polio, aids was initially spread by behavior. About the only way you can get aids was to exchange body fluids or in an infected IV. Two entirely different diseases. Getting polio had nothing to do with behavior. Cancer drugs and other types of drugs are expensive due to the cost of development and greed. Just because the government pays the bill doesn't mean the cost will necessarily be less. In reality we may actually see less new drugs and innovations.

I don't know where your head is if you think healthcare isn't regulated. It is one of the most regulated industries in this country. If it isn't done just right the provider winds up in court. Again, you list figures for the cost of malpractice insurance. What is your source? Much of the cost has to do with providing a paper trail for the government and lawyers to protect themselves from litigation.

I lived in California during the Reagan administration. The standard and quality of living was pretty good. It was just after his administration when they dramatically started raising property taxes that things went awry.


Originally Posted by LightsChromeHorsepower

I can't quite figure out what you are getting at here. One of California's greatest problems is the inability of the state to raise taxes because doing so requires a 2/3 majority in the legislature. Your thoughts here seem really simplistic, I believe the problems are bit more complex than you realize. What events do you think I missed out on?

California's problem isn't that they cannot raise taxes. It is that they spend too much money. They don't know how to balance their budget. You don't spend money you don't have. Until the politicians and people of California realize that things won't change.

Socialism doesn't work. It has failed in EVERY country in which it has been tried. Those who have tried it have their own version which they try to convince themselves that their system will work. IT HASN'T.


Originally Posted by LightsChromeHorsepower
Can you name some examples please?

East Germany, USSR, North Korea, Cuba, China, France, etc.,

Socialism has an inherent flaw. It takes the incentive to produce out of the picture. This country was built on self determination an freedom. Whether it is socialized banking, cars or healthcare, it will not work. I remember seeing some of the cars made in the old USSR and some of the other communist countries. Some people like to call them socialist countries.


Originally Posted by LightsChromeHorsepower

But they weren't really, right? Can you explain the difference between communism and socialism?

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< social insurance socialist >

so·cial·ism (s KEY

  1. Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
  2. The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat has not yet been successfully achieved.
com·mu·nism (k KEY

  1. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
  2. Communism
    1. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
    2. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.

Poor quality and all black. Healthcare will be the same. Poor quality high cost to the taxpayers. Of course, those who are living off the current system won't need to pay anything since those of us who do work will be supporting those who don't. By the way, I also remember seeing breadlines and limited store items under socialism in some of these countries you tout with such great healthcare. This will not stop at healthcare. We can expect to have people who have no experience in healthcare or business to run these new bureaucracies.


Originally Posted by LightsChromeHorsepower
What you seem to be referring to as "socialized" medicine works in every other industrialized nation on the planet (and in many developing ones as well) By any rational measure it works better. All of these nations spend a substantially lower percentage of their GDP on health care and have healthier populaces.
If we continue to spend more on health care (and prisons, and the war on drugs, and our military) than the nations we are competing against in the global economy we will have less money to invest in things that will help us compete, like education, transportation infrastructure, basic scientific research etc. If we fail to adequately fund these things now it will result in a much lower standard of living for most of us in the future. We must change or fall behind. I want to change. Do you want to fall back into your 1950's comfort zone?

We will continue to spend more money on healthcare as long as we demand more from our healthcare providers. It will cost more whether it comes from the private sector or the government. The main difference is that it will cost more when it comes from the government. We would do much better if we started using natural remedies for many of our health issues. But it won't be as profitable for the government or private sector. Throwing money at things such as education hasn't worked. When the government changes history and fails to teach the basics you have an uneducated populace. We need to get the government out of our education if we expect to compete in the global market. As far as expenditures on the things you listed, it is relative to the individual countries GNP and goals. There is no war on drugs in this country. There is too much profit and it is such a good political football that neither side is willing to do what is necessary. As long as there is demand there will be drugs. Closing the southern border would help reduce supplies but you will NEVER stop drug use until you change people's attitudes. And as we have already witnessed, change for the sake of change isn't good.

LightsChromeHorsepower 09-02-2009 05:09 PM

I don't recall anything in the constitution about enslaving people. I have never believed that any people should be enslaved. Keep in mind that most people in this country never owned slaves. Also keep in mind that it was their fellow countrymen who captured and sold them into slavery. By the way, that is still occurring in some areas of Africa.

I said that slavery was legal when the constitution was written, not that the constitution specifically allowed it. In fact, many of our founding fathers were slave owners and many who did not actually own slaves benefited from the practice.

I am not so sure that giving women the right to vote was in the best interest of our nation. Some women are more apt to vote based upon a candidates looks than real issues. I have had numerous women tell me over the years that they voted for a candidate because they looked good. That isn't a good reason to vote for a candidate. Perhaps we should go back to the way it was when I grew up. In order to be able to vote you had to take your tax or property receipt with you. You could only vote if you were a property owner. We seemed to have a more responsible electorate back then. It makes a difference when you are the one paying the bills.

Wow. So now we are starting to see how you really feel about things. This is so far out in la-la land that I really can't bring myself to start in on it. Anybody out there want to help? Dobry, are you there? Just for starters, I wonder how many men voted for Palin because they thought she had a nice butt.

1. The current system limits the number of prescriptions one individual can receive. I don't see that changing with a new system.

How does it do that? What is the current system? You accuse me failing to provide sources. I want to see your source on this.

2. You throw a lot of percentages and figures around but fail to give your source. Your answer is to get rid of profit in favor or higher taxes? There is no competition with taxes. If the government wants to raise taxes all they need do is pass a bill. It is a little different in the private sector where you have competition for your dollars.

I can provide a citation for any number I use anywhere in anything I write. I do the same for any factual statement I make as well. That's the big difference between what I write and what you do. I use facts and numbers. You use nothing but opinions gleaned from what ever lunatic right wing radio program you have listened to on a given day.

There can be plenty of competition with taxes. Don't road construction projects get multiple bids? Postal Service trucking contracts have gotten hugely competitive. I don't think it's right for any corporation or industry to reap huge profits at the expense of the health of the populace..

You continue to compare this country with others. This country is unique in history. It was an experiment that was extremely successful. Our forefathers built the most successful economic powerhouse in the world out of the wilderness. One reason these other countries have fallen behind in many areas is due to socialism. BIG GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WORK! For a country or society to be successful they must be productive. The bigger government becomes the less productive a society. If you had any sense of history you would already know this. History does repeat itself. What we are seeing now has been tried before and failed.

I hate to break the news to you, but we are the country that is falling behind. That's exactly why we need change. What is wrong with comparing this country to others? When you say we are “unique in history” aren't you comparing us as well? History does repeat itself. All empires eventually fail. Ours is in danger of failing now if we don't make some substantive changes.

Unlike Polio, aids was initially spread by behavior. About the only way you can get aids was to exchange body fluids or in an infected IV. Two entirely different diseases. Getting polio had nothing to do with behavior. Cancer drugs and other types of drugs are expensive due to the cost of development and greed. Just because the government pays the bill doesn't mean the cost will necessarily be less. In reality we may actually see less new drugs and innovations.

1.AIDS was initially spread into the human population by someone eating meat from an infected animal. It can spread almost as fact through unprotected heterosexual intercourse as through sex between two men. Contaminated needles don't distinguish who they infect.

2.We are talking about the cost of developing a drug. I wasn't aware that we were limiting the discussion to the cost of drugs used to combat diseases that you approve of. I'll wager that Viagra and Prozac both cost more to develop than the Polio vaccine.

I don't know where your head is if you think healthcare isn't regulated. It is one of the most regulated industries in this country. If it isn't done just right the provider winds up in court. Again, you list figures for the cost of malpractice insurance. What is your source? Much of the cost has to do with providing a paper trail for the government and lawyers to protect themselves from litigation.

How is it regulated? Provide an example of a regulation that limits what a provider can charge or mandates a specific treatment for a certain condition.

You can find information on the cost of malpractice insurance easily, from a number of sources on the web. Here's one link; New Study Finds Medical Malpractice Insurance Premiums have Minimal Effect on Health Care Costs NCL’s Savvy Consumer Blog

I lived in California during the Reagan administration. The standard and quality of living was pretty good. It was just after his administration when they dramatically started raising property taxes that things went awry.

It was Reagan who started the tax cutting frenzy. When he closed the local state-run mental hospital, all those people went out on the street and became a huge burden for local law enforcement and the county health care system.

And to show how little you actually know about this subject, consider this; Property taxes were not raised after his administration, they were dramatically lowered with the passing of Proposition 13. Proposition 13 has completely distorted tax revenue generation for the entire state. The other big problem is that politicians, some would argue beginning with Reagan, have discovered a sure-fire way to get elected and become wealthy; Promise to cut peoples taxes (They fall for it every time) so you can get in office and start to receive the beneficence of all the corporate lobbyists. That's when you make your connections so that when you leave office you can go to work in one of the industries that your former committee was in charge of regulating, or become a lobbyist (or consultant) yourself. It worked great for Dick Cheney

Socialism doesn't work. It has failed in EVERY country in which it has been tried. Those who have tried it have their own version which they try to convince themselves that their system will work. IT HASN'T.

Can you name some examples please?

East Germany, USSR, North Korea, Cuba, China, France, etc.,

So you name four communist countries, France (Which is not socialist, but is considered by numerous surveys to have the best health care in the world, which is what I think we were supposed to be talking about here) and etc. Where is etc.? I can't find it on any maps. We know you have 5 out of 6 wrong. I would like to find etc. so we can make it 6 out of 6.

And you have now proved that you can cut and paste a bunch of links. I want to know if you can, in your own words, describe the difference between communism and socialism. You should be able to do it in two sentences, max. And no fair calling Rush for help!

We will continue to spend more money on healthcare as long as we demand more from our healthcare providers. It will cost more whether it comes from the private sector or the government.

This is pretty much a point I have been trying to make to you all along. Health care is expensive because it has become very complex. It has become complex because everything else has gotten very complicated too. We cannot rely on simple measures to solve complex issues.

The main difference is that it will cost more when it comes from the government.

The data from the rest of the world indicates that this is not true.

We would do much better if we started using natural remedies for many of our health issues. But it won't be as profitable for the government or private sector.

This doesn't make sense. Are you saying that BOTH government and the private sector are generating unusual profits under our current system? If so, then you are arguing against your own position here. I submit that those are indicators that we need reform.

Throwing money at things such as education hasn't worked. When the government changes history and fails to teach the basics you have an uneducated populace. We need to get the government out of our education if we expect to compete in the global market.

Government sponsored education is a large part of what drove us to the top of the economic pile. If we get government out of education and turn it over to the private sector, it too will become driven by profit, not quality. When I think of this I see Halliburton signs on schools.

As far as expenditures on the things you listed, it is relative to the individual countries GNP and goals

The reason you use % of GDP is that it gives you an accurate snapshot of the relative expenditures of each nation. It's macro economics 101. We are spending way too much on health care, prisons & the military. If we allow it to continue we will fail as an empire.

There is no war on drugs in this country. There is too much profit and it is such a good political football that neither side is willing to do what is necessary.

I didn't make up the term, Richard Nixon did. It's been used by so many people that it is now part of the general lexicon (although I think Obama said his administration would not use the term, he has continued the policies).

As long as there is demand there will be drugs. Closing the southern border would help reduce supplies but you will NEVER stop drug use until you change people's attitudes.

If what you are trying to say is that you can't legislate morality, I agree

And as we have already witnessed, change for the sake of change isn't good.

And failing to change when it is necessary will leave us on the trash heap of history with the Roman Empire, the Ottomans and every other once great nation that was too proud or self-indulged to make the sacrifices required to survive.

Dejanh 09-05-2009 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460863)
I don't think that it is right for these insurance companies to raise premiums when we are in a depression, either. I went through this myself with some of my insurance. They don't want their profits to diminish so they raise premiums. They should be lowering prices to become more competitive.

Reason why they are going up its because they want more money. I would rather pay taxes and lower our healthcare costs, than pay premiums and raise someones multimillion dollar bonus. They will never lower prices as long as they are all in the bed with each other and all of these politicians who never lived under the laws that they pass, or have forgotten how it is to live under them..


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460863)
Most of the Hispanics that I have seen are hard workers. There are some who do live off the system. I have seen some with food stamps and at the emergency room without the means to pay for their care. I remember reading some years ago that some countries actually require visitors or those moving to their country to have the means to pay for their healthcare.

Mike, i know more Americans that are living off of our system than i do Hispanics.

NO ONE CAN LIVE OFF OF THE SYSTEM IF THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALY. I dont care what someone told you, it is not true that illegals are gaming our government, ITS THE OTHER WAY AROUND !!!

We pay many taxes in this country and if we only used that money wisely we could probably pay health care costs for the entire American continent, not only this country.


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460863)
I agree that the government doesn't want to close the border. I would not call what these illegals are working for as slavery. You will find illegals working in a wide variety of jobs from farming to construction and manufacturing. And as stated above, some do collect food stamps. I don't think most do but there are those who do. As I said most of those whom I have met are working to provide for their families. Many of them send much of their paychecks back home. Some are marrying American women to tie themselves to the U.S.

It is a slavery but in a legal kind of way. These people pay taxes Mike, (there are those who do not just like regular Americans but vast majority does). They pay taxes but get nothing in return. Whoever told you that illegals get food stamps is lying. I had my wife read some of these posts here and she is laughing at the amount of miss conception that is out there, no wonder why people hate immigrants.
This country was built on the backs of immigrants, legal and illegal.....And this country gets most of its benefits from those who are here illegaly than from those who are not, as those who are, do not have to be cared for..Healthcare is the same way.


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460863)
I don't think that we should be paying more for prescriptions in the U.S. than they do in Canada or Mexico. We basically subsidize other countries prescriptions. Canada is having financial difficulties as is much of the rest of the world. Too much government spending is part of the reason.

Prescriptions are just one example of us overpaying for something that we should not. Everything else related to health care in this country is the same way. You can never know how much you are being played until you go outside of the box and look at the things from a different point of view. I told you this before.

Canada is one of the richest nations in thw worls with population of just little over 33 million. Most of that country is still unexplored. It is very rich with minerals and oil. Most of my work in this past week has been there, picking up in Nephton,ON mines and delivering down south. They are not in debt and can never be in financial difficulties in the long run. We are there in the short and long run. We can only wish we were Canada.

Oh BTW, If you're going on 401 you'll see them REMODELING their plazas/rest areas, not closing them down.


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460863)
There is too much pork in most of our government. That is one reason to cut the size down to a manageable level. We spend more on social programs in this country than on our military. Government doesn't invest money. They just spend. Having the government take care of our every need is not a democracy. It is called socialism. It goes contrary to everything our country stands for. If you want the government to give you "FREE" healthcare then you are asking for a handout. We have gotten along just fine for more than 200 years without government healthcare. I don't think this country will exist 200 years from now if we continue on this path.

Trust me, our government is not taking care of our every need. This country is the only one out there, together with probably Somalia that does not have any kind of a social safety net in the case that people loose their jobs or get sick. No one will help you. That ,,free health care'' has been thrown around by those who do not want to change our ways. IT IS NOT FREE, WE WOULD PAY FOR IT !!!!!
It has gotten ,,just fine'' for 200 years but look at where we are today because of it?

Rest of the world is catching up and catching up fast. In 20 years China will reach our level of sophistication which took us 200 years to reach. WE MUST CHANGE or be left to rot.....
I dont want us to rot, i want us to succed and be that beacon of freedom that made this country what IT WAS.....once am sad to say.


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 460863)
Healthcare costs have gotten out of control, at least in some instances. Getting the government more involved won't cut costs, they will only increase them based upon past performance.

Healthcare costs have gotten out of control in every instance, every aspect of this buisiness has gotten more expensive...

No one can stand up against a trillion dollar machine if we(the government) do not, its simple like that.
We ,,can'' or we ,,wont'' do it, there is no ,,we cannot''....WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT, WE PUT A MAN ON THE MOON..but only if we put our mind to it.

GMAN 09-06-2009 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dejanh (Post 461221)
Reason why they are going up its because they want more money. I would rather pay taxes and lower our healthcare costs, than pay premiums and raise someones multimillion dollar bonus. They will never lower prices as long as they are all in the bed with each other and all of these politicians who never lived under the laws that they pass, or have forgotten how it is to live under them..

I think that paying 60% of my income to taxes is more than sufficient to pay for anything this government should need. I am not willing to pay more for less. If I want insurance then I can go out and buy it or pay for my own healthcare. I see no good reason why I should turn my decision making over to a centralized government. It costs money to administer a government program. I think history has proven that it takes more people for the government to administer a program than can be done by the private sector. I agree that insurance costs are too high, but so is most everything else. If this healthcare program is passed you can rest assured that congress will be exempt. That is what they did with social security. Government workers and congress are exempt from social security.

Mike, i know more Americans that are living off of our system than i do Hispanics.

NO ONE CAN LIVE OFF OF THE SYSTEM IF THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALY. I dont care what someone told you, it is not true that illegals are gaming our government, ITS THE OTHER WAY AROUND !!!

We pay many taxes in this country and if we only used that money wisely we could probably pay health care costs for the entire American continent, not only this country.

I know there are many Americans receiving various social services. I know about the Hispanics due to my sister being in healtcare and others whom I know who have told me about the strain these people are putting our our healthcare. They use the services but don't pay. Even if healthcare is passed it should be reserved for tax paying citizens. I don't think it is the responsibility of the government to care for me, my family or my fellow citizens. I especially don't think it is the responsibility of my government to care for non citizens or illegals.

It is a slavery but in a legal kind of way. These people pay taxes Mike, (there are those who do not just like regular Americans but vast majority does). They pay taxes but get nothing in return. Whoever told you that illegals get food stamps is lying. I had my wife read some of these posts here and she is laughing at the amount of miss conception that is out there, no wonder why people hate immigrants.
This country was built on the backs of immigrants, legal and illegal.....And this country gets most of its benefits from those who are here illegally than from those who are not, as those who are, do not have to be cared for..Healthcare is the same way.

I don't see how you can relate this to slavery. I don't see why those who told me about the food stamps would lie about it. Whether that is true or not is beside the primary point of discussion. We are mostly talking about healthcare. I would not say that this country was built on the backs of anyone. Immigrants built this country. At least the descendants of those immigrants did. When people come to this or any other country they should be prepared to take care of themselves. That includes healthcare.

Prescriptions are just one example of us overpaying for something that we should not. Everything else related to health care in this country is the same way. You can never know how much you are being played until you go outside of the box and look at the things from a different point of view. I told you this before.

Canada is one of the richest nations in the world with population of just little over 33 million. Most of that country is still unexplored. It is very rich with minerals and oil. Most of my work in this past week has been there, picking up in Nephton,ON mines and delivering down south. They are not in debt and can never be in financial difficulties in the long run. We are there in the short and long run. We can only wish we were Canada.

Oh BTW, If you're going on 401 you'll see them REMODELING their plazas/rest areas, not closing them down.

I agree that we pay too much for our prescriptions. You can go to Canada or Mexico and buy the same prescriptions for much less than here.

This country is in huge debt and if this healthcare system is passed we may never recover. The only way it can be implemented is with a huge tax increase. Our economy cannot afford it.

Trust me, our government is not taking care of our every need. This country is the only one out there, together with probably Somalia that does not have any kind of a social safety net in the case that people loose their jobs or get sick. No one will help you. That ,,free health care'' has been thrown around by those who do not want to change our ways. IT IS NOT FREE, WE WOULD PAY FOR IT !!!!!
It has gotten ,,just fine'' for 200 years but look at where we are today because of it?

I never said that the government was taking care of your personal needs. There is a generation in this country that does expect the government to take care of them. They are not willing to sacrifice, save and work for what they want. They think the government should send them a check each month, pay for their housing and take care of their healthcare. Someone must pay the bill. As the government payroll grows along with those demanding public assistance, the pool of workers and taxpayers is dwindling. More will be demanded by the government from those who are working to pay more taxes. No country has survived under socialism. All are making adjustments and turning to capitalism to save themselves.

Rest of the world is catching up and catching up fast. In 20 years China will reach our level of sophistication which took us 200 years to reach. WE MUST CHANGE or be left to rot.....
I dont want us to rot, i want us to succed and be that beacon of freedom that made this country what IT WAS.....once am sad to say.

China is catching up because they have been turning away from communism and socialism. Not entirely, but there is a new breed of Chinese who are capitalists. They will lead the world if we fail. We seem to be going toward a system that has always failed while the Russians, Chinese and others are moving more toward capitalism.

Healthcare costs have gotten out of control in every instance, every aspect of this buisiness has gotten more expensive...

No one can stand up against a trillion dollar machine if we(the government) do not, its simple like that.
We ,,can'' or we ,,wont'' do it, there is no ,,we cannot''....WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT, WE PUT A MAN ON THE MOON..but only if we put our mind to it.

We need to stand up and demand the government get out of our business and our lives. It isn't the insurance companies but the government and control that is the problem. I don't want to give up any more of my freedoms in exchange for a government check. These people don't want to help. They want to control. When they implement a social program they exempt themselves. These people don't have the common sense or compassion to run our government or healthcare. They do want to control.

There are things which should be changed. Moving our healthcare into total government control isn't the answer. Just look at the mess they have made out of social security.

Flying W 09-16-2009 03:50 AM

Getting this back somewhat on subject, I dare someone on here to define "succeed in trucking."

No I have not read the book, nor do I have any interest whatsoever in doing so either. The premise to the book was presented, and people commented on that (not the book). This isn't a book report thread. By all means start one, and title it "Audio books that are fun to read."

GMAN 09-18-2009 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Flying W (Post 462459)
Getting this back somewhat on subject, I dare someone on here to define "succeed in trucking."

No I have not read the book, nor do I have any interest whatsoever in doing so either. The premise to the book was presented, and people commented on that (not the book). This isn't a book report thread. By all means start one, and title it "Audio books that are fun to read."

I like the truck in your logo, Flying W. I suppose we have drifted off subject. As far as a definition of succeed or success in trucking is concerned, I will give it a try. I would say that someone who is successful in trucking is someone who has earned a decent living for several years and paid off his equipment. He is someone who has faced adversity and won. He has seen the ups and downs of this business and has stuck it out through good times and bad. I don't necessarily think that someone must own more than one truck to be considered a success in trucking. It isn't the number of trucks but how well he has managed his assets and business. He places value on his service and refuses to haul for less than it costs to operate and earn a profit.

Flying W 09-18-2009 11:14 PM

Thanks as I love cabovers, and wish I had the chance to drive one (especially a K100). Now to figure out how to get a K100 photo small enough to be the avatar (it is hard to find a 64kb photo, and I'm not exactly sure how to reduce a photo in size if possible).

I just offered that as a means to get people to think of success as not only a matter of $'s. The discussion on health insurance was interesting. All I've got to say is I sure hope I stay healthy no matter the result.

GMAN 09-19-2009 01:53 AM

I like some of those old cabovers. I almost bought one that had a 100" sleeper and a queen size bed. It was a Peterbilt. That was when I hauled cars. I don't remember the year, but it had a doghouse. I was relieved when I found that the engine blew a few weeks after I looked at it. It was a nice truck. I believe it has a 425 CAT.

Dejanh 09-19-2009 02:02 PM

I love European style cabovers that Volvo makes, Renault as well. I wish i can own one of those.

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