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lowrange 09-13-2008 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by GMAN:
A good part of Reagan's spending was due to having to rebuild the military. Clinton gutted the military to the point where they could not even get parts to repair equipment. I spoke with a number of military personnel during that time. Clinton was not a friend of the military. I think his idea was to lower our military capability so that we would need to rely on the UN for our survival, with himself at the head. Bush has been a disappointment with all his reckless spending. The democrats should love him. We have no need for another government bureaucracy, such as the Homeland Insecurity Agency. It is just another inefficient government agency that will come back to bite us at some point. I equate them with the SS in Germany during the 1930's. We don't see much of this yet, but the potential is certainly there. They have implemented a number of costly, useless initiatives, such as background checks for hazmat endorsements and other background checks for ports, etc., It does little, if anything for security and only costs us more money. It does raise money for the agency. We have too many lawyers in public office and others who have never held a real private sector job or started and ran a successful business.

I haven't gotten there yet in my reading, but I suspect the Homeland Insecurity department, as you say, was largely about breaking the backs of the existing security agencies and filling them up with proxies. I read somewhere that a large number of CIA officers have quit.

The DIA is the Defense Department's version of the CIA. Bush's posse road into town looking for a way to attack Iraq from day one. All the career intelligence personnel weren't singing the song the neocons wanted to hear. So, instead of Bush getting his intel from the CIA and the DIA like he is supposed to, the DoD under Rumsfeld set up the Office of Special Plans to produce the fraudulent intelligence that would later be used to lead us to war with Iraq. It wasn't simply a mistake that we found no WMD in Iraq (I don't mean roach killer, either) or that Al Qaeda had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein and that they were in fact enemies. These things were known by the intelligence community so the neocons set up the OSP to propagate these lies- they weren't mistakes, they were flat out lies.

GMAN 09-13-2008 02:21 PM

I think our intelligence agencies have done a very good job of keeping this country safe for many decades. I suppose you could make a case for conspiracies concerning Iraq, 9/11 and other issues. It would not be much of a stretch to see a conspiracy in either or both of these events. It would not be the first time those in power have conspired to deceive the American public. By making the Homeland Security Agency a cabinet level position, as it was originally presented, gives the President much more power and control. And when we hear a President use the term "Executive Order" it is a way to circumvent the Constitution and the checks and balances our forefathers put in place.

lowrange 09-13-2008 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by GMAN:
I think our intelligence agencies have done a very good job of keeping this country safe for many decades. I suppose you could make a case for conspiracies concerning Iraq, 9/11 and other issues. It would not be much of a stretch to see a conspiracy in either or both of these events. It would not be the first time those in power have conspired to deceive the American public. By making the Homeland Security Agency a cabinet level position, as it was originally presented, gives the President much more power and control. And when we hear a President use the term "Executive Order" it is a way to circumvent the Constitution and the checks and balances our forefathers put in place.

That's interesting, I haven't looked into any of that yet, including the Patriot act. I can just imagine, though.

A couple of weeks ago they finally came out with the official explanation of what happened to WTC building seven- it burned down....burned down.... :lol: That's what happened Gman, it burned down!

Steel framed building, we've seen these things ravaged by fire before, much moreso than the fires inside building seven. They've been building steel framed skyscrapers for 100 years and they've never just...burned down... The demolitions of the twin towers were different from building seven. I think it's very clear building seven was a classic, controlled demolition. It's very obvious. The twin towers were a different story (no pun :wink: ), they were demolitioned from the top down, not the bottom up. For anyone paying attention, the government is caught red handed with building seven, I can't see anyway around it. And, if they would, as Larry Silverstein (the building's lessee) said, "pull it", and then come out seven years later and say, 'ah shoot, it just burned down', there's good reason to ask, 'who else is lying about what and why?.'

I know all this is unsettling for people, though. Unless there is interest, I'll do this elsewhere and use this board to talk about trucking.

GMAN 09-13-2008 03:03 PM

People started becoming more distrustful about our government around the time of JFK's assassination and the Warren report. One gunman with a bolt action rifle killed the President and had what has been termed a "Magic Bullet" that hit John Conley, then governor of Texas. The trajectories were wrong from the body reactions of the president. For those of us who grew up during those times, none believe the reports we heard. I think most believe we have a conspiracy concerning his death and subsequent cover up.

lowrange 09-13-2008 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by GMAN:
People started becoming more distrustful about our government around the time of JFK's assassination and the Warren report. One gunman with a bolt action rifle killed the President and had what has been termed a "Magic Bullet" that hit John Conley, then governor of Texas. The trajectories were wrong from the body reactions of the president. For those of us who grew up during those times, none believe the reports we heard. I think most believe we have a conspiracy concerning his death and subsequent cover up.

Yeah, you know GMAN, I never paid any attention to JFK's assassination, and when Oliver Stone's movie came out I never paid any attention to it thinking it's just sensationalism. Now, 45 years later, I saw the other night both the History Channel and the Discovery channel showing two separate investigations into the assassination at the same time. It just doesn't go away, does it?

I never gave 9/11 a second thought until about a year ago. I started doing a little reading on a message board, thinking about the things I was reading, Googling and digging...the more I learn the more certain it is. Without having taken much of a look, yet, I'm pretty sure there's more to that story than just one malcontent attention whore.

BigDiesel 09-13-2008 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by NotSteve:


I love this photo !!!!

It is tacked to my dash, so that I can gaze upon the Rev. all day..... :party:

Eww... somebody has a man crush.... :shock:

Heavy Duty 09-13-2008 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by :
These brokers are wreaking havoc with legitimate brokers

All of 2, maybe 3 people.

GMAN 09-13-2008 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by lowrange:

Originally Posted by GMAN:
People started becoming more distrustful about our government around the time of JFK's assassination and the Warren report. One gunman with a bolt action rifle killed the President and had what has been termed a "Magic Bullet" that hit John Conley, then governor of Texas. The trajectories were wrong from the body reactions of the president. For those of us who grew up during those times, none believe the reports we heard. I think most believe we have a conspiracy concerning his death and subsequent cover up.

Yeah, you know GMAN, I never paid any attention to JFK's assassination, and when Oliver Stone's movie came out I never paid any attention to it thinking it's just sensationalism. Now, 45 years later, I saw the other night both the History Channel and the Discovery channel showing two separate investigations into the assassination at the same time. It just doesn't go away, does it?

I never gave 9/11 a second thought until about a year ago. I started doing a little reading on a message board, thinking about the things I was reading, Googling and digging...the more I learn the more certain it is. Without having taken much of a look, yet, I'm pretty sure there's more to that story than just one malcontent attention whore.

There were a number of very unusual event that happened that day. Taken individually, it might not mean much, but combined you could make a very good case for a conspiracy at the highest levels of our government. I won't go into some of the details, but you see things from a much different perspective when you live through it. Some have associated JFK's death as the end of innocence in this country. As far as 9/11 is concerned, I would not be surprised if there was more to it.

rank 09-14-2008 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by lowrange:

Originally Posted by GMAN:
I think our intelligence agencies have done a very good job of keeping this country safe for many decades. I suppose you could make a case for conspiracies concerning Iraq, 9/11 and other issues. It would not be much of a stretch to see a conspiracy in either or both of these events. It would not be the first time those in power have conspired to deceive the American public. By making the Homeland Security Agency a cabinet level position, as it was originally presented, gives the President much more power and control. And when we hear a President use the term "Executive Order" it is a way to circumvent the Constitution and the checks and balances our forefathers put in place.

That's interesting, I haven't looked into any of that yet, including the Patriot act. I can just imagine, though.

A couple of weeks ago they finally came out with the official explanation of what happened to WTC building seven- it burned down....burned down.... :lol: That's what happened Gman, it burned down!

Steel framed building, we've seen these things ravaged by fire before, much moreso than the fires inside building seven. They've been building steel framed skyscrapers for 100 years and they've never just...burned down... The demolitions of the twin towers were different from building seven. I think it's very clear building seven was a classic, controlled demolition. It's very obvious. The twin towers were a different story (no pun :wink: ), they were demolitioned from the top down, not the bottom up. For anyone paying attention, the government is caught red handed with building seven, I can't see anyway around it. And, if they would, as Larry Silverstein (the building's lessee) said, "pull it", and then come out seven years later and say, 'ah shoot, it just burned down', there's good reason to ask, 'who else is lying about what and why?.'

I know all this is unsettling for people, though. Unless there is interest, I'll do this elsewhere and use this board to talk about trucking.

The rest of the world has known that for like ever. Fear of losing US trade, fear of being labeled a terrorist and all the rest of it is why people just shake their heads and say nothing. Americans as far as I can tell, pretty much fall into two camps 1) they beat the war drum like their good president tells them to do, or 2) they stare at their shoes and keep quiet.

Home of the brave. Land of the free.

rank 09-14-2008 03:42 AM

Originally Posted by GMAN:
....rather than looking to GOD.

You had me until here. One God is as good as another. Let people worship whatever the hell they want.

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