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Rev.Vassago 04-01-2008 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by Doghouse
no worries,...LOL,..make no mistake,..I am doing this to make a profit,...I like my "rolling condo",...but not if I am not making a decent profit.
I mean truck stops are nice and all, and the highways in the USA are beautiful :roll: , but I have better things to do if I'm not getting ahead driving this truck.

You mean I can't call you a Hobby Trucker? :cry:

Double R 04-01-2008 12:48 AM

Another rant by scooter coming in 3....2.....1....

scooter823 04-01-2008 12:59 AM

Rev, You seem like a smart guy. :shock: You know as well as I of all the corporations the Bush's and Cheney are involved in. I will leave it at that so Double R won't get his panties in a wad. :D

flood 04-01-2008 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by scooter823
Flood, unfortunately there are quite a few dumb***es out there. It only takes one to give us all a bad name.

that i will never argue

Double R 04-01-2008 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by scooter823
Rev, You seem like a smart guy. :shock: You know as well as I of all the corporations the Bush's and Cheney are involved in. I will leave it at that so Double R won't get his panties in a wad. :D

I'm not that one that has my panties in a wad. Look in the mirror and you will who does have though. You posts are some great entertainment. :lol:

scooter823 04-01-2008 01:26 AM

Thank you, thank you very much :D

Oh and by the way, I don't wear panties :shock:

Double R 04-01-2008 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by scooter823
Thank you, thank you very much :D

Oh and by the way, I don't wear panties :shock:

Neither do I(but my wife does :D )

scooter823 04-01-2008 01:41 AM


Rev.Vassago 04-01-2008 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Double R

Originally Posted by scooter823
Rev, You seem like a smart guy. :shock: You know as well as I of all the corporations the Bush's and Cheney are involved in. I will leave it at that so Double R won't get his panties in a wad. :D

I'm not that one that has my panties in a wad. Look in the mirror and you will who does have though. You posts are some great entertainment. :lol:

I'm laughing. :lol:

I was waiting for the "evil corporations" rant, and am glad he didn't disappoint.

scooter823 04-01-2008 01:49 AM

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Double R 04-01-2008 01:51 AM

I've been off for the last three days I must say this is more fun then arguing with the CB rambos on the PA Pike. :lol: I can't wait to see what tommorrow brings being that it is April 1st. Maybe I'll turn the radio up on my way to MD :lol: and actually stay awake on the way back :lol: (we run teams)

BigDiesel 04-01-2008 02:14 AM

hmmmm.... not about supply and demand, it is all GWB's and Cheney's fault, waiting for the evil corporation drivel.... :lol: :lol: :lol: Tell some more funny stories Scooter !!!!

I don't think it should be called a convoy though... I prefer " Imbeciles on Parade !!! " :lol: :lol: :lol:

Also Scooter I can't help support the " bretheren " in looking for the Welfare on April Fools Day either... I'm running from Yuma to Boise for $2.45 a mile then bounce 60 miles to pick up frozen spuds for Portland for $2.15 a mile....

no_worries 04-01-2008 02:18 AM


This is not about freight prices...
That is exactly what it's about. Fuel is an input, if your inputs increase you must increase your price or you won't be in business very long. If you don't have pricing power you can't pass those increases along. Currently, carriers don't have much pricing power due to overcapacity, pure and simple. There's only two ways to alleviate overcapacity. Increase demand or decrease supply. Demanding some sort of relief at the pump serves to artificially support the imbalance which only results in having to deal with piss poor pricing power for longer than we should. Your fuel prices go up, charge more. Don't try and figure out how to haul for the same rate you were $1.00/gallon ago. But that's apparently what many are doing since rates are where they were a year ago.

I don't see anybody calling for protests over the increase in the price of a new tractor this year. How many know what a new one costs? Then again, why worry about the current cost of equipment when most just price based on the the truck they purchased 5 years ago :roll:

Times are tough, lots of folks are going to fail. No sense prolonging the inevitable. We aren't a discount carrier and may very well be a casualty before it's all said and done. No matter, when and if the red ink makes an appearance it's time to get the hell out.

scooter823 04-01-2008 02:24 AM

BD you had better join in, running for those rates you will not be around long, the rates you are running for we were getting 10 YEARS ago :shock:

Also, just food for thought, I think if I were you I would not be broadcasting those rates for everyone to see, it is kind of embarrassing :oops:

I guess that explains why you can't shout down.

BigDiesel 04-01-2008 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by scooter823
BD you had better join in, running for those rates you will not be around long, the rates you are running for we were getting 10 YEARS ago :shock:

Also, just food for thought, I think if I were you I would not be broadcasting those rates for everyone to see, it is kind of embarrassing :oops:

I guess that explains why you can't shout down.

Lets see your rates.... :roll:

But you can't can you... :lol: :lol:

scooter823 04-01-2008 02:46 AM

BD, I know the truth hurts, but for real you had better hope fuel goes down, you cannot keep running for those rates and except to be profitable.

Professor427 04-01-2008 03:08 AM

I'm not sure how anyone thinks refusing to service the transportation industry is going to bring fuel prices down. Crude oil prices have been at record highs for a number of reasons, none of which the U.S. or Canadian governments have any control over. They can't control supply, whether the reduction of oil produced is by hurricane, political instability or a cartel's desire for more profit. Governments can and do try to make adjustments in policy or taxation, or they may release some barrels from the reserve but it won't make a difference in the long run.
What many sane voices have tried to say here is that if you need more money to be profitable, you need to raise your rates, either through straight freight charges or through a fuel surcharge (which gives you the option of reducing or eliminating it if diesel prices drop).
The long and short of it all is that a trucker's strike is just a fallacy, a combination of pent-up frustration and CB bull crap. I drove during the infamous trucking strikes of the 1970s and they produced diddley squat. And nothing good is going to come out of the unorganized, annoying actions of what will surely be a handful of drivers.
If you're properly financed, know how to control yours costs, and have the experience and intelligence to turn down cheap freight, $4/gallon will not bankrupt you; it will erode your profit until you add a FSC.

BigDiesel 04-01-2008 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by scooter823
BD, I know the truth hurts, but for real you had better hope fuel goes down, you cannot keep running for those rates and except to be profitable.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Again what rates are you receiving ????

Still waiting for an answer.... :lol:

rank 04-01-2008 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Professor427
I'm not sure how anyone thinks refusing to service the transportation industry is going to bring fuel prices down.

Perhaps all it may take is a phone call...."Ahh, OK boys. You've had your fun but we all knew this day would come. Frankly I'm surprised it took this damn long.....stupid saps hardy har. Let's back it off a notch shall we? Can't have anarchy, no sir, no sir. By the way, where are we golfing Sunday?"

[quote]Crude oil prices have been at record highs for a number of reasons, none of which the U.S. or Canadian governments have any control over."
Umm, well. First, if the Wort President In United States History (queue Hail to the Cheifs) hadn't spent so much money, the greenback may be higher, which would bring the price of oil down (because it's measured in US dollars).

Also, a solid US economy would likely have stopped speculators from buying oil futures instead of selling US bucks.

Third, had the WPIUSH not invaded a major oil producing nation, one could speculate that they would have continued to try to ship oil and make money for themselves (instead of Haliburton).

So basically investors took a run at the they should have and yeah it was caused by Bush.


They can't control supply, whether the reduction of oil produced is by hurricane, political instability or a cartel's desire for more profit.
I'm not sure I believe that. I do not for one second believe that the US government is not getting some form of payment from Iraq...and other countries in the middle east. That payment may be in currency or oil wells, but in spite of what some have said.....I am not so naive to think that this was about "Crimes Against Humanity". Nobody gives two hoots about the Iraqui people and if they did, why not care about all the other atrocities around the world? South Africa, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and many others. Because they don't have oil that's why.


If you're properly financed, know how to control yours costs, and have the experience and intelligence to turn down cheap freight, $4/gallon will not bankrupt you; it will erode your profit until you add a FSC.
True enough.

rank 04-01-2008 04:43 AM


Demanding some sort of relief at the pump serves to artificially support the imbalance which only results in having to deal with piss poor pricing power for longer than we should.
You are assuming that there is no collusion or any other hanky panky going on to screw up the laws of supply and demand.


I don't see anybody calling for protests over the increase in the price of a new tractor this year. How many know what a new one costs?
$115,000 for a 2008 T660.

Twilight Flyer 04-01-2008 01:10 PM


Neither do I(but my wife does
As long as you're not wearing your wife's undies, you'll be OK. :wink:

But hey, it's April 1st. I took the interstate to work today. O/O's even blew my doors off. :roll:

I'm looking forward to a 30 mile trip down I-80 later today...I guarantee you that drivers will still be running over the speed limit, still taking cheap freight, and still playing with 2 or 3 coloring books. :roll:

no_worries 04-01-2008 04:36 PM


You are assuming that there is no collusion or any other hanky panky going on to screw up the laws of supply and demand.
That's true. If all shippers were working to hold back freight or carriers were trying to inflate supply...personally, I don't think that's the case.


$115,000 for a 2008 T660.
That's the cheapest price I see in the Truckpaper today. Many are in the $130,000+ range. 2 years ago you could have gotten a T600 in the $90-$110,000 price range. Pretty decent bump.

nightprwlr 04-01-2008 04:52 PM

Look at all of the big time billy big riggers making the big bucks. No way would you shutdown in support of a fellow trucker. No you would rather stab them in the backs,yeah you're worse than the government. Your asses will be broke when Bush's Mexican trucks are hauling your cheap freight. You people will be lumping for the Mexican truckers and begging them for welfare.
Even the ones who are not hurting should support some effort,you lousy bastards wouldn't admit it. Just like channel 19 you have the liars who brag about the big bucks they make. The point is you silly bastards can't afford to shutdown because you are the ones hauling the cheap freight and are the same ones facing foreclosures,unless you already have or could never buy a house because your credit is shot and you're big time owner-operators leased to Prime or J.B. Hunt what a bunch of SmaXXX!
I hope the day arrives when one or all of you are on the side of the road and hurting and this guy in the Blue Marmons drives by and hits you in the face with a piss-filled paper cup.
It's a sad day in trucking when you people call yourselves truckers,business people,or Americans. You people are the new breed of second class Americans and you will pay for not supporting this effort!

Rev.Vassago 04-01-2008 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by nightprwlr
Look at all of the big time billy big riggers making the big bucks. No way would you shutdown in support of a fellow trucker.

Please explain using business terminology why I would even consider the idea of shutting down my business in support of my competition.


No you would rather stab them in the backs,yeah you're worse than the government. Your asses will be broke when Bush's Mexican trucks are hauling your cheap freight. You people will be lumping for the Mexican truckers and begging them for welfare.


Even the ones who are not hurting should support some effort,you lousy bastards wouldn't admit it.
Again, using real grown up words, explain why I would want to shut down to support my competition.


Just like channel 19 you have the liars who brag about the big bucks they make. The point is you silly bastards can't afford to shutdown because you are the ones hauling the cheap freight and are the same ones facing foreclosures,unless you already have or could never buy a house because your credit is shot and you're big time owner-operators leased to Prime or J.B. Hunt what a bunch of SmaXXX!
You better take some lessons on reverse psychology, because your skills are severely lacking. This tactic was already tried last night. :roll:


I hope the day arrives when one or all of you are on the side of the road and hurting and this guy in the Blue Marmons drives by and hits you in the face with a piss-filled paper cup.
It's a sad day in trucking when you people call yourselves truckers,business people,or Americans.
It's a sad day in trucking when some 41 post wonder comes onto a message board and admits to pissing in a paper cup. GIT R DUN!

BigDiesel 04-01-2008 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by nightprwlr
Look at all of the big time billy big riggers making the big bucks. No way would you shutdown in support of a fellow trucker. No you would rather stab them in the backs,yeah you're worse than the government. Your asses will be broke when Bush's Mexican trucks are hauling your cheap freight. You people will be lumping for the Mexican truckers and begging them for welfare.
Even the ones who are not hurting should support some effort,you lousy bastards wouldn't admit it. Just like channel 19 you have the liars who brag about the big bucks they make. The point is you silly bastards can't afford to shutdown because you are the ones hauling the cheap freight and are the same ones facing foreclosures,unless you already have or could never buy a house because your credit is shot and you're big time owner-operators leased to Prime or J.B. Hunt what a bunch of SmaXXX!
I hope the day arrives when one or all of you are on the side of the road and hurting and this guy in the Blue Marmons drives by and hits you in the face with a piss-filled paper cup.
It's a sad day in trucking when you people call yourselves truckers,business people,or Americans. You people are the new breed of second class Americans and you will pay for not supporting this effort!

ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Twilight Flyer 04-01-2008 06:11 PM


Look at all of the big time billy big riggers making the big bucks. No way would you shutdown in support of a fellow trucker. No you would rather stab them in the backs,yeah you're worse than the government. Your asses will be broke when Bush's Mexican trucks are hauling your cheap freight. You people will be lumping for the Mexican truckers and begging them for welfare.
Even the ones who are not hurting should support some effort, you lousy bastards wouldn't admit it. Just like channel 19 you have the liars who brag about the big bucks they make. The point is you silly bastards can't afford to shutdown because you are the ones hauling the cheap freight and are the same ones facing foreclosures,unless you already have or could never buy a house because your credit is shot and you're big time owner-operators leased to Prime or J.B. Hunt what a bunch of SmaXXX!
I hope the day arrives when one or all of you are on the side of the road and hurting and this guy in the Blue Marmons drives by and hits you in the face with a piss-filled paper cup.
It's a sad day in trucking when you people call yourselves truckers,business people,or Americans. You people are the new breed of second class Americans and you will pay for not supporting this effort!
Real nice rant there. :roll:

And some truckers actually wonder why the population as a whole carries such a dim view of the profession.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

flood 04-01-2008 06:27 PM

ok let me play devil's advocate on this one


Originally Posted by nightprwlr
Look at all of the big time billy big riggers making the big bucks. No way would you shutdown in support of a fellow trucker.

support yes but it's hard to support people that have setup a business without doing everything thay can to make money. i'm more incline to support a driver that when out and paid 20k cash for a used century than i am to support a driver that just spent 100k on a long hood pete. why well the driver that paid 20k cash has no truck payments and the century will get better fuel mileage and with fuel being the single highest expense you should always be doing everything you can to save fuel that way you will have more money in your pocket at the end of the day

No you would rather stab them in the backs,yeah you're worse than the government. Your asses will be broke when Bush's Mexican trucks are hauling your cheap freight. You people will be lumping for the Mexican truckers and begging them for welfare.
why welfare..? i know how to work

Even the ones who are not hurting should support some effort,you lousy bastards wouldn't admit it. Just like channel 19 you have the liars who brag about the big bucks they make. The point is you silly bastards can't afford to shutdown because you are the ones hauling the cheap freight and are the same ones facing foreclosures,unless you already have or could never buy a house because your credit is shot
credit what's that "never had it never used it and yes the house, land, cars, trucks, boat, bike, and four-wheeler were all paid for with cash. "it called CASH flow..! i have cash so it flows

and you're big time owner-operators leased to Prime or J.B. Hunt what a bunch of SmaXXX!
why if thay are making money then THAY know what thay are doing

I hope the day arrives when one or all of you are on the side of the road and hurting and this guy in the Blue Marmons drives by and hits you in the face with a piss-filled paper cup.
well we can all hope for something i just hope our truck is out of the shop tormorrow

It's a sad day in trucking when you people call yourselves truckers,business people,or Americans.
i'm all three

You people are the new breed of second class Americans and you will pay for not supporting this effort!
looks like just your typical rant from an unhappy person...

Rink 04-01-2008 07:41 PM

Flood may I ask you a question concerning this particular posted piece:


By flood:

i beleave i said o/o but for your clarification, none company trucks pulling company trailers "like OLD schneider truck pulling a swift" and none company trucks pulling none company trailers like the a$$ that did a u-turn on I-84 in oregon and almost kill us. i got the company name off the door and found the phone number inline and when i call i got the driver....? btw he passed us three times in seven hours and we were doing 58 and had not stopped.

Where at on I-84 did this happen at? As I live in the Gorge area and I am quite familiar with I-84, I have not seen any U-turns available on the freeway exept for the onramp only (meaning one has to get off the freeway in order to turn around to even make a semblance of a U-turn)

As for the speeds, anywhere else other than Gresham the basic speeds is 65 for cars, 55 for trucks, but 5 mph over the reg limit is forgiven in these areas from what I heard in Oregon.

In Gresham on to the I-205 exchange is 60 mph for cars, 55 for trucks, then down from that westward to 55 overall.

Basically most trucks will go faster if they can do so. its a given.

BigDiesel 04-01-2008 09:29 PM

I see that Marmon Man and his sidekick Scooter have not given us an update on how great the " Strike " is going...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

mike3fan 04-01-2008 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by BigDiesel
I see that Marmon Man and his sidekick Scooter have not given us an update on how great the " Strike " is going...... :lol: :lol: :lol:

What strike? no less trucks around 294 in Chicago I can say that for sure :)

Twilight Flyer 04-01-2008 10:28 PM

Well, the day is coming to a close and America has not stopped. Come to think of it, neither have the trucks.


mikey4069 04-01-2008 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer

Neither do I(but my wife does
As long as you're not wearing your wife's undies, you'll be OK. :wink:

But hey, it's April 1st. I took the interstate to work today. O/O's even blew my doors off. :roll:

I'm looking forward to a 30 mile trip down I-80 later today...I guarantee you that drivers will still be running over the speed limit, still taking cheap freight, and still playing with 2 or 3 coloring books. :roll:

Well i would say a few didnt today wasnt a big big strike but big enough to make the national news .

Rev.Vassago 04-01-2008 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Twilight Flyer
Well, the day is coming to a close and America has not stopped. Come to think of it, neither have the trucks.


And yet they are already claiming victory on this board. :roll:

flood 04-01-2008 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rink
Flood may I ask you a question concerning this particular posted piece:


By flood:

i beleave i said o/o but for your clarification, none company trucks pulling company trailers "like OLD schneider truck pulling a swift" and none company trucks pulling none company trailers like the a$$ that did a u-turn on I-84 in oregon and almost kill us. i got the company name off the door and found the phone number inline and when i call i got the driver....? btw he passed us three times in seven hours and we were doing 58 and had not stopped.

Where at on I-84 did this happen at? As I live in the Gorge area and I am quite familiar with I-84, I have not seen any U-turns available on the freeway exept for the onramp only (meaning one has to get off the freeway in order to turn around to even make a semblance of a U-turn)

As for the speeds, anywhere else other than Gresham the basic speeds is 65 for cars, 55 for trucks, but 5 mph over the reg limit is forgiven in these areas from what I heard in Oregon.

In Gresham on to the I-205 exchange is 60 mph for cars, 55 for trucks, then down from that westward to 55 overall.

Basically most trucks will go faster if they can do so. its a given.

east of The Dalles, the next time we go to portland i will get the mile marker for you and if it's daytime i'll get a pic for you.
and as to speeding you may know the gorge but you may want to check the speed limit on I-5 in portland.
you use more fuel at 58 than you do at 55 and more at 60 than at 58 so if you are trying to MAKE money slow down and save fuel or look at it this way from the flying j in Troutdale, Or. to the pilot in Ontario, Or. is 359 miles at 60mph thats 5.98 hr's, at 58mph it's 6.18 hr's and at 55 it's 6.52 hr's. so you go ahead and do 60 because you HOPE you don't get a ticket and i'll do my 58 and i'll keep the left door closed and i'll get to the state line before you and save fuel at the same time

like bd said work smarter not harder

Dispatch_This 04-01-2008 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
And yet they are already claiming victory on this board. :roll:

Depends on how you define victory. It has been all over the News. There were traffic slowdowns in at least three different states. And the one-truck independents who, by and large, have been supporting it account for less than 1% of all trucks. Considering that the last five or six shutdowns over the last 20 years haven't amounted to a hill of beans, then yes, I would say that this one is successful.

scooter823 04-01-2008 11:58 PM

Actually, It has gone better than I thought it would, it has made the news
on several stations including Fox and CNN. Our local news also did a
piece. Sirius also talked about this most of the day. Now if we can just up
the annie. There are several that are working on taking this to DC, I will
be sure to post the date as soon I find out. :D Now if we could get some
of you join that would be great. What we don't need are comments like
what nightprwlr wrote. I feel this is a start to getting the word out as to
what we put up with day in and day out.

I am done for now so have at it :D

Rink 04-02-2008 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by flood

Originally Posted by Rink
Flood may I ask you a question concerning this particular posted piece:


By flood:

i beleave i said o/o but for your clarification, none company trucks pulling company trailers "like OLD schneider truck pulling a swift" and none company trucks pulling none company trailers like the a$$ that did a u-turn on I-84 in oregon and almost kill us. i got the company name off the door and found the phone number inline and when i call i got the driver....? btw he passed us three times in seven hours and we were doing 58 and had not stopped.

Where at on I-84 did this happen at? As I live in the Gorge area and I am quite familiar with I-84, I have not seen any U-turns available on the freeway exept for the onramp only (meaning one has to get off the freeway in order to turn around to even make a semblance of a U-turn)

As for the speeds, anywhere else other than Gresham the basic speeds is 65 for cars, 55 for trucks, but 5 mph over the reg limit is forgiven in these areas from what I heard in Oregon.

In Gresham on to the I-205 exchange is 60 mph for cars, 55 for trucks, then down from that westward to 55 overall.

Basically most trucks will go faster if they can do so. its a given.

east of The Dalles, the next time we go to portland i will get the mile marker for you and if it's daytime i'll get a pic for you.
and as to speeding you may know the gorge but you may want to check the speed limit on I-5 in portland.
you use more fuel at 58 than you do at 55 and more at 60 than at 58 so if you are trying to MAKE money slow down and save fuel or look at it this way from the flying j in Troutdale, Or. to the pilot in Ontario, Or. is 359 miles at 60mph thats 5.98 hr's, at 58mph it's 6.18 hr's and at 55 it's 6.52 hr's. so you go ahead and do 60 because you HOPE you don't get a ticket and i'll do my 58 and i'll keep the left door closed and i'll get to the state line before you and save fuel at the same time

like bd said work smarter not harder

I know the speeds on I-5 and in the state of Washington its a straight 60 mph for both cars AND trucks.

Been up and down the I-5 corridor as well.

PS: I'm not employed right at this time. sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, I dont speed, never will, especially Not in a big rig.

I'm a Safe driver, not insane.

Dispatch_This 04-02-2008 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by scooter823
Now if we can just up
the annie.

Up the annie? Please explain.

Collard Greens 04-02-2008 12:52 AM

My input to this is we know fuel wont go down but rates might increase to compensate for the rise of all other products. Example last year eggs went from 89 cents to $2.49 a dozen. People cry about the brokers with their cheap rates I have seen shippers with chep rates and turned them down as well. If the prices of food and NECESSISITIES not wants keep going up I believe the freight rates should rise also. I know alot of O/O use a fuel card supplied to them from a company they are leased to you get savings at their terminals. But an independent who pays out of his pocket or has a comdata, tche card etc... doesnt get those big discounts. As far as fuel surcharge most are not getting 100% "leased O/Os". I could be wrong on my thoughts but they are mine. I am not here to fight and argue with my fellow drivers because that is not solving anything.

Rev.Vassago 04-02-2008 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Dispatch_This

Originally Posted by scooter823
Now if we can just up
the annie.

Up the annie? Please explain.

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