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gbtrucker 11-12-2007 03:06 AM


Originally Posted by Sonny Pruitt
if you are over by 900 pounds
you can let 50 pounds of air out of each tire

Sure glad I found this forum, Just learn something every day.


Rev.Vassago 11-12-2007 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Outta here
Leaving rates out, what could he do different?

You answered your own question.


Originally Posted by bullhauler
Rev, now I know for sure, you are one or the other, you are a very mean person or you know nothing about trucking.

Mean how? Because I pointed out what someone else told me?


May be you are both, the way you always attack Steve, all the time for this or that,
Attack how? Look at what I've posted, and look at what Steve and others have posted. Then tell me who is doing the attacking.

bullhauler 11-12-2007 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by bullhauler

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago

Originally Posted by SteveBooth
I have my 5th wheel all the way back and wondering how much of a difference that makes on my drives being over weight the past 2 loads?? Will moving it forward take that much weight off my drives?

Moving your 5th wheel forward will add weight to your drives, and take it off your trailer axles.

Rev, now I know for sure, you are one or the other, you are a very mean person or you know nothing about trucking. May be you are both, the way you always attack Steve, all the time for this or that, then to post that fifth wheel thing, tells me you are full of it and don't know sh$t, so how can we believe anything else you post.

Teal 95 KW 11-12-2007 04:31 AM

Well, to insure proper distribution of weight, I would lower the pressure in every OTHER tire.......

Rev.Vassago 11-12-2007 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by bullhauler
so how can we believe anything else you post.

Were you appointed speaker for everyone on this board?

Who are you, even, and why should I care about your opinion of me?

11-12-2007 06:25 AM

The onions have a delivery date of anytime, that was the exact wording. If they get them late Tuesday or first thing Wed won't make a difference.

I am running most of the time 600+ miles per day and driving my 11 hours. I do take advantage of the split sleeper berth and take a snooze every day. I don't run illegal except for when I was doing what that broker said. I take my resets and stop for 3 minute coffee breaks on the road during the day. I know I could run more by fudging my logs but I don't. I drive pretty close to 11 hours every day. Even with the speed limit of 75 I think I've only hit 700 miles in one day once. I very rarely do the speed limit as it's just too hard to keep the pace up with slower people so better to set the cruise on lower and just sit back.

If I had to replace my truck and trailer today I could and the loan with no money down would be about $1,000 per month which I could handle. I don't see any reason to replace my truck and trailer for many years. If the engine goes, I'll have it rebuilt or take care of any necessary repairs along the way. I do plan to keep what I have.

I can afford to run the way I want and if I feel the need to do more, I will. I will continue on the way I'm doing things and keep putting my money away.

I did run non stop for a while in the Spring like I said I would and I didn't like it. I made more money for sure but it's nerve wracking for sure. If it's money I was really wanting I would have stayed at my old job but I'm much happier now.

I'm at the Flying J in Iowa and they must have got out here with a tape measure and figured the absolute minimum that a truck needs to pull out of their parking space. It's going to be tight for even me being shorter than a Van.

I'll tell you one thing, getting up early and driving has it's drawbacks and the worst one is finding a place to stop to take a break. All the rest areas are completely full early in the morning. I find myself pulling in and pretty much blocking the lane to make coffee. Most everyone else that pulls in does the same and I always ask if they want me to move but they are doing the same. Drivers are much different at night and much more professional to say the least.

I also find myself pulling up to the fuel pumps and taking a break there. It's very rare that anyone else is there and if they do fill up I just pull ahead so the next person can fuel up behind me and I'm always gone before they are done so that works also.

Time to hit the road.

Rev.Vassago 11-12-2007 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by SteveBooth
If it's money I was really wanting I would have stayed at my old job

MADLUX 11-12-2007 09:47 AM

and your point rev?

get over it already :roll:

11-12-2007 11:52 AM

I tried what you all suggested and let the air out of 4 tires but it really didn't do much good. I then let the air out of all 18 wheels but the scale was busy so I didn't see how much a difference it made. I did notice the ride is wicked smooth now although I went through a 1/4 tank in 100 miles. I guess that's just the price you pay when your over weight and need to do these drastic measures. Thanks for the tips guys, I know you would never steer me wrong.

Ya know, it's too bad there are too many people on here that just want to sit around and pick apart everything to make something look as bad as possible. There are 1,000 things that have happened that I would have loved to tell you all but won't. A friend would laugh and say, yup, that happened to me or, geez Steve, that sucks, glad it turned out ok.

Sometimes I tell Tootie but half the time she's 3 sheets to the wind on White Russians and just laughs at me then hangs up. At least she doesn't crab at me I guess.

Nap time!!!

usedup 11-12-2007 12:29 PM

Steve, you are supposed to refill those tires with Helium... Take off about 1800 lbs. that way!! But you have to watch when you unload, your trailer might float...

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