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Teal 95 KW 06-05-2006 07:42 PM

Gross revenue. We all have different operating costs, so that may put one person at a serious disadvantage. Like, if you want to get technical, I have a $2,500.00 a month truck payment, I'm sure Rev. isn't that much, and Bandit's may be much more ;) lol

Teal 95 KW 06-05-2006 07:44 PM

So, Bandit's got a "slight" advantage over myself right now. Although, I have I will be emptied out by Wednesday of this week, which gives me a TOTAL revenue so far of $18,000.00 in one and a half weeks. At this rate, I think I'll put up a decent fight for the second place position.

HorsePower 06-05-2006 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Teal 95 KW
which gives me a TOTAL revenue so far of $18,000.00 in one and a half weeks.

ok, even if you have to put two thirds of that into expenses, which I am not even sure about, you still have a great net there. Contest or no contest.


smooth rider 06-05-2006 10:45 PM

ben45750 quoted:

sanchez498 quoted

Just look for a big purple W900 Ill be more than happy to pull to the side of the road for you.

Sorry Sanchez, when I was a "NEWBIE" They warned me about drivers with pink and purple trucks. Maybe someone else will pull over for you but I don't swing that way.

Last time I looked in the mirror I didn't think I was that much of a "littleman"?

A "littleman" is someone who can't think beyond the box. You seem to have a slight trouble reading what Mad Dog posted as well .... is reading beyond what you can handle?

Purple trucks....there sure are a lot of purple trucks out there and I think you might have offend quite a few drivers best be watching your back. Nothing like putting someone on the edge (or over the edge) ..... you know what they say there is not where for you to hide. :shock:

As for what Mad Dog said.....he told you he was Bush Bunny best friend, team mate, partner in business.....where do you get off that he is her "daddy"? What's the matter you jealous they've been together for such a long time and still get along?

Bandit Baby Boy.....hell you are a whole other issue. Can't seem to keep your lies straight. First you say you didn't know the person who was posting was a female and then you admit you new it was a female. Maybe you just have a little trouble knowing what is what, huh? Since you and Teal are married so to speak which one is the female? :shock:

Oh yes Baby Boy, I understand you don't like this emoticon :shock: well it shocked me too that you don't consider youself a newbie, then you say you knew to drop gears, but had to ask to make sure that was right? :shock: Why didn't you just call your "daddy"? You called him about jake brakes could have easily called him how to get down Mount Eagle (hill). If you are so knowledgable from sitting in the second seat for all those years you shouldn't have any questions.

Bandit....I think the whole problem is a woman called you out as being one of the "rambos" on the road. Hell you even admitted that you have a female helper than can run circles around most men but you only pay her part of the time more $$. Hello, if she can work circle around the men then everytime you hire her you need to pay her what she is worth. Oh, what happens, sometimes she's better than you or won't give you a little extra? :shock: Let's just face it .... you not as good as your proclaim, if you "daddy" hadn't helped you .... you probably wouldn't be where you are today. Oh yes, one more are a kid at 23 and you are a newbie with only 1 1/2 years experience behind the wheel.

Now, for the rest of the newbies who are afraid to post don't be ..... just calling the kettle black is all. Remember he didn't think he was a newbie ... Bandit knows all from sitting in the second seat.

Okay all you HHG back to work the end of summer is getting closer and moving is upon you....some of us work year round.....yeah, yeah I know you make all this money. But dang I don't have a $2500/month truck payment either and I have a 2006 Volvo 880!

BanditsCousin 06-05-2006 11:23 PM

Look, I need a quote on where I said I didn't know she's a woman. I've been here, since, well, 2004, and knew very well she was a woman. As far as my helpers, well my female helper earns more than the guys SOME times when she has her good days, often its the same when I flat rate guys on a load/unload. I really resent the fact that you typed that I expect "extra" from her, because I am not that type of guy nor will I ever be. I've been in a relationship for well over a year with a wonderful woman who loves me as well.

As far as the jake brake comment, I believe it had a smiley face with it, and was tagged on the end of a post that was in this thread. If I needed advice that bad, I'd make a thread about it. I'm not experienced like some, but I've done a lot more driving in tight areas than most here. Does that make me a better driver? By all means NO. I am discouraged by the advice I did get though, but I have thicker skin than too snap back at comments like " why would I want to move somebody...eeewww!" or " the ark and the freightshaker" comments...Its just plain childish and reminds me of 3rd grade recess. I hate Internationals, but I'm not about to run off at the mouth to G-Man about what a better truck I have (or 1/2 own).

So, as Horsepower keeps valiantly trying to do :lol: , lets keep this to bedbugging and makng money, just like al of us drivers are here to do. Egos aside, we all slam gears, eat crappy buffets, and get cutoff by 4-wheelers. Never did I intend on people getting so angry over this thread to wanna physically fight about it :shock: .

As I've said before, this thread was all in good fun, and something that me and Teal thought of months before I announced it. Judging by the first post in this thread, it was to be comic and informative about what we do in the busiest season of our operations, and hopefully include stories of how we "got-r-done" and stories of the wacky customers we encounter.

I'm gonna start the next post about bedbugging and whats on my plate this week, and we can put this to bed. After all, this is days old, and old news. I'm not better than ANYONE here, unless you are a rapist or murderer :wink: 8)

smooth rider 06-05-2006 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by BanditsCousin
Hahhaha. I knew she'd turn it into a woman-driver thing, I KNEW IT. I just didn't want to say it. I think you're insecure or something, because I never mention gender in this, I just can't handle multiple posts how you should stay away from me on the mountains.

I could cae less if you are a woman or man, I just see words on the computer screen, thats all. Sorry to offend you, but we all had to go down the mountains at one time or another without a jake, and you think you're high and mighty cuz you did it already. Now lets end the pissing match and talk about bedbugging or PM me if you think I have a problem with women drivers. BTW- one of my regular helpers is a 44 year old woman named Kim, and Teal can back me up on that. Peace.


As far as her being a woman...DUH...I knew she was a woman.

So which is true just words on the computer screen or she was a woman? Don't know how to scoll back and read what you posted. You knew she was a woman....plain fact. And as far as attitude you don't have a ain't seen attitude from Bush Bunny yet! :shock:

BTW I don't care how long you've been a member of this board.....big whoopie deal!

Teal 95 KW 06-05-2006 11:55 PM

I already asked if we could keep all of the crap out of the thread. They have PM's for a reason.

BanditsCousin 06-06-2006 12:32 AM

I unload my 20K tomorrow, then off to FL for 13.5K and a 3K the next. After that, its 1 little one in Georgia, then off to WI where they all unload. A short little deadhead back to WI and I get to reload some of my agent's orders to get them off my back 8)

Canada would've been fun, but 2900 mile at the rate it was going for didn't add up, plus, as I've said, my agent has orders they need hauled.

Tomorrow I unload the customer that wouldn't sign the inventories and told me "I don't trust you!!!" after being screwed on a real estate contract. Luckily, I informed him it was to protect him in case something happened to the shipment. I also have 2 extra stops tomorrow for him and his wife, 1 of which is 5 blocks away, so thats all good.

Teal, what happened to your tailgate? Hopefully ratchet straps did the trick. Another thing, where's the Rev? I'm gonna make my own book, "Where's Vessago?" (Get it..."Where's Waldo?" :lol: )

06-06-2006 03:00 AM


Originally Posted by smooth rider
ben45750 quoted:

sanchez498 quoted

Just look for a big purple W900 Ill be more than happy to pull to the side of the road for you.

Sorry Sanchez, when I was a "NEWBIE" They warned me about drivers with pink and purple trucks. Maybe someone else will pull over for you but I don't swing that way.

Last time I looked in the mirror I didn't think I was that much of a "littleman"?

A "littleman" is someone who can't think beyond the box. You seem to have a slight trouble reading what Mad Dog posted as well .... is reading beyond what you can handle?

Purple trucks....there sure are a lot of purple trucks out there and I think you might have offend quite a few drivers best be watching your back. Nothing like putting someone on the edge (or over the edge) ..... you know what they say there is not where for you to hide. :shock:

As for what Mad Dog said.....he told you he was Bush Bunny best friend, team mate, partner in business.....where do you get off that he is her "daddy"? What's the matter you jealous they've been together for such a long time and still get along?

Bandit Baby Boy.....hell you are a whole other issue. Can't seem to keep your lies straight. First you say you didn't know the person who was posting was a female and then you admit you new it was a female. Maybe you just have a little trouble knowing what is what, huh? Since you and Teal are married so to speak which one is the female? :shock:

Oh yes Baby Boy, I understand you don't like this emoticon :shock: well it shocked me too that you don't consider youself a newbie, then you say you knew to drop gears, but had to ask to make sure that was right? :shock: Why didn't you just call your "daddy"? You called him about jake brakes could have easily called him how to get down Mount Eagle (hill). If you are so knowledgable from sitting in the second seat for all those years you shouldn't have any questions.

Bandit....I think the whole problem is a woman called you out as being one of the "rambos" on the road. Hell you even admitted that you have a female helper than can run circles around most men but you only pay her part of the time more $$. Hello, if she can work circle around the men then everytime you hire her you need to pay her what she is worth. Oh, what happens, sometimes she's better than you or won't give you a little extra? :shock: Let's just face it .... you not as good as your proclaim, if you "daddy" hadn't helped you .... you probably wouldn't be where you are today. Oh yes, one more are a kid at 23 and you are a newbie with only 1 1/2 years experience behind the wheel.

Now, for the rest of the newbies who are afraid to post don't be ..... just calling the kettle black is all. Remember he didn't think he was a newbie ... Bandit knows all from sitting in the second seat.

Okay all you HHG back to work the end of summer is getting closer and moving is upon you....some of us work year round.....yeah, yeah I know you make all this money. But dang I don't have a $2500/month truck payment either and I have a 2006 Volvo 880!

I think I blacked out.... I thought this pissing match was done :P :P

06-06-2006 03:03 AM

I didnt use the quote button correctly for the above post. Any 8 year olds out there to teach me how to use a laptop. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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