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77Highboy 04-01-2006 11:57 PM

How long can Class 8 trucks be financed?
What is the normal term of financing for tractors? 24, 36, 48, 60 months?

Windwalker 04-02-2006 12:06 AM

Depends on, new or used, and the sale price. My loan gets paid off in 42 months, total. Currently have less than two years to go. If your truck costs you $12,000 I would expect the duration of the loan to be no more than one year. New truck it would be five years.

GMAN 04-02-2006 02:15 PM

It depends on the age of the truck, your credit and lender. Most trucks will be financed for no more than 60 months. You can get financing with a commercial or business loan for as long as 10 years. I would say the majority will be around 36 or 48 months. You can sometimes get a lower interest rate for a shorter term loan. New trucks can usually get a lower interest rate than used. 8)

tbaarr 04-04-2006 05:24 AM

a straight lease for 3 years on a 120k rig will cost you

2k-2500 a month

save yer down payment and lease

that way yer only stuck for 3 years if owner opt aint right for you

plus a lease is a straight sch c write off

no depreciation and recapture crud

and you simply give the truck back in 3 years

just make sure you make your contract for 360k miles if not 400k

but if financing is your main goal cause you got to buy

pay your bills each month with a credit card

those bills you pay cash for now

bank the cash

and pay the card off at months end in full

you will raise your credit score 50-100 points in 6 months to a year

mines at 750

850 is the max

mines at 750 cause i got 2

3.9 interest balance transfer loans for 15k each

i make 15% on that money thanks to my pet stock

strum ruger

so i just pay off the minimum

i like my redhawk too

once you hit 700 credit score

the banks will treat you like donald trump

GMAN 04-06-2006 11:50 AM

Tbaarr, are you saying that you got 2 - 3.9% loans or a loan for 23.9%? The way you post makes it difficult to follow. Are you having a problem with your computer where you cannot post the way everyone else does? I am not trying to start something here, but it is like you speak with broken sentences. :?

Crackaces 04-08-2006 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by GMAN
Tbaarr, are you saying that you got 2 - 3.9% loans or a loan for 23.9%? The way you post makes it difficult to follow. Are you having a problem with your computer where you cannot post the way everyone else does? I am not trying to start something here, but it is like you speak with broken sentences. :?

I am seeing this more as a cult craze of Sun Tzu. Read Art of War and it is written like this .. so I guess it is brilliant to write in this prose ../

Of course the idea of communication is not to try and obstificate so the reader is challenged to understand some noble tidbit, but to express as easily as possible an idea that can be understood and expounded upon.

But I am not one to talk .. :P

Crackaces 04-08-2006 01:45 PM


once you hit 700 credit score

the banks will treat you like donald trump

Hmmm The really good rates do not start until 760. At 700 you will be more likely to get a loan and will not pay excessive interest rates to borrow money -- but in researching this my bank would extend me a business loan secured by collateral at 5 points above prime with a credit score of above 760. A standard commercial truck loan for a used truck was 14%.APR 20% down.

shahan 04-08-2006 03:32 PM

Yea his typing
makes me
want to have
a seizure
reading it.

I would like to check my credit score but I hear if you check it - it can put an inquiry on your report and lenders might deny you if you have too many inquiries. Is this true?

freebird 04-08-2006 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by GMAN
Tbaarr, are you saying that you got 2 - 3.9% loans or a loan for 23.9%? The way you post makes it difficult to follow. Are you having a problem with your computer where you cannot post the way everyone else does? I am not trying to start something here, but it is like you speak with broken sentences. :?

I'm with you GMAN>
The guy claims one year experience -company driver- now also is an expert on financing a truck??
Add to the fact that he is trying to collect past money owed!
I quit reading his posts shortly after he started and others asked him to conform to common posting etiquette.
I'm thinking if he's a driver, he's one of those blow hards that irritates others while trying to eat a meal, while telling of all his adventures!

quito12 04-08-2006 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by shahan
Yea his typing
makes me
want to have
a seizure
reading it.

I would like to check my credit score but I hear if you check it - it can put an inquiry on your report and lenders might deny you if you have too many inquiries. Is this true?

No this is not true at all. Well let me clarify that. It is not true if you check your own credit. Go here you can get your credit r...our score too.

77Highboy 04-08-2006 11:55 PM

Even if you have inquiries themselves it is not all that bad as long as you open an account with the appropiate inquiry. If you have alot of inquiries and alot of denied credit then it looks bad.

tbaarr 11-02-2006 05:36 AM

my loans
yes i said two 3.9% loans not one loan at 23.9% as you believe

i also have 11k out at 1.9% yes 1.9%

and 13k out at 5.9%

sorry guys i went to work

and have been pushing hard for 6 months

to make up for the month i was off

pay is great and as one of you regulars state

it is like a marriage

as for how i got those loans

its simple

i charged my bills

and kept transfering balances to low interest life of the loan

balance transfer offers

and then invested my cash

as for great loans i get em still with only a 680 score

do to my high debt ratio its dropped below 700

but i still got a no money down 5% loan on my 1999 venture van my wife wanted

good luck on the road guys and gals

i hit it tomorrow for 3 weeks

11-02-2006 06:01 AM

When you type in your messages, don't use the "Enter" key. The window your typing in will wrap you lines automatically.

Rev.Vassago 11-02-2006 11:12 AM

Re: my loans

Originally Posted by tbaarr
Yes, I said two 3.9% loans; not one loan at 23.9% as you believe. I also have 11k out at 1.9%,- yes 1.9%, and 13k out at 5%.

Sorry guys, I went to work and have been pushing hard for 6 months to make up for the month i was off. Pay is great and as one of you regulars state it is like a marriage. As for how i got those loans, its simple. I charged my bills and kept transfering balances to low interest life of the loan. (I used) Balance transfer offers and then invested my cash.

As for great loans I get em still with only a 680 score - due to my high debt ratio its dropped below 700, but I still got a no money down 5% loan on my 1999 venture van my wife wanted.

Good luck on the road guys and gals. I hit it tomorrow for 3 weeks.

There - is that better?

As far as what was said in all that jibberish, he is really delusional. He is paying one loan off with another, and needs to push hard for 6 months to make up for one month. :roll:

He is living on borrowed money, and one major breakdown, and his house of cards will tumble.

Owning a truck IS NOT like a marriage - it is a business. Nothing more, nothing less. BEING IN DEBT UP TO YOUR EARS is like a marriage - once you are in, there is no way out (without losing your shirt).

thejunkman 11-02-2006 11:50 AM

Those low transfer interest rates are only good for 6 months or so. Does that mean every 6 months you get a new credit card to keep that low rate?

I cant see how that looks good to a bank when you keep moving around debt.

I am familiar with the game, and have a close friend doing the same, yes you can do what your saying, however it eventually caught up to him, because his total possible debt ratio (available credit) was very very high, and he was then turned down when he wanted to buy a house, and couldnt on a credit card, and even though his score was high-he had to much available credit out there, and was denied by numerous banks.

Just be carefull.

tweety bird 11-02-2006 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by quito12

Originally Posted by shahan
Yea his typing
makes me
want to have
a seizure
reading it.

I would like to check my credit score but I hear if you check it - it can put an inquiry on your report and lenders might deny you if you have too many inquiries. Is this true?

No this is not true at all. Well let me clarify that. It is not true if you check your own credit. Go here you can get your credit r...our score too.

I don't know anything about the FREE credit reports and how they work. But I know that if YOU go to, and/or and get your OWN credit report it does not put points on you. Don't get the three-in-one credit reports. They don't have ALL the information. More of an overview. Always get the credit report PLUS credit score. The prices may have gone up (I haven't checked mine in a while- 6 months at least) but it should be around $15 from each agency- again, not talking about the free ones.

I would be surprised if the free credit reports have the same depth of information that the full credit reports from the credit agencies have. And you need to make sure that you check ALL THREE agencies- you may have things reported to one and not the other two- Swift does that to some of their defaulted lease operators. They report it to Exerian or Transunion but not to Equifax- so you may not even find out about it for years.

Also- the good rates usually start around 750 plus... But if you are over 700 that is still very good in the eyes of lenders. They will look at the whole deal, though. If you have 30-day-lates that are OLD, they won't look as bad as recent ones. And a 30-day-late on a mortgage is the kiss of death. Very bad. Always pay your mortgage on time!

If you have a good relationship with a local bank you may find that you will do much better than if you go to a big financial institution- they know you and know your character. Which, if you have bad character, will play against you. A local bank may give you a small business line of credit rather than an installment loan (the typical truck loan) which will be a lower credit rate for an indefinite period. That is only good if you have the discipline to make regular payments.

And if you get a loan through a truck dealer, you need to know that dealerships will often tack on anywhere from 1/2 percent to several percentage points to your loan if you get it through them- they won't tell you about it either. That's the part I don't like- they should disclose that information to you.

If you don't have the money to put a good downpayment down and also have a safety account, don't buy a truck. What will you do if you get hurt or sick? What will you do if you have a family emergency? Your payments don't stop when they become inconvenient. If you don't have the money, stay as a company driver and save. If you can't save money as a company driver how do you think you will be able to save as an owner operator?

Sorry for the rant- it's kind of a free flow thought process on my part.

This is a decent article for tips on buying a truck:
Buying a Truck

I'm sure has some tips too.

Ian Williams 11-02-2006 04:03 PM

Its a financial high wire act, but you can "rate surf" the teaser rates on credit cards. In theory if you can keep on top of it you can come out ahead versus getting a regular commercial loan with good credit.

I have a friend who did something similar until he had something like $40k in borrowing capacity. He then did a munch of balance transfers FROM one card that had no fee for cash advances to create a positive balance. He than funds a stock brokerage account with this $40k.

Depending on the stocks you buy you can have up to 50% margin in a brokerage account; presto! He is now up to $80 of OPM. Unfortunately the stocks he choose tanked and the whole thing came crashing down.

I would never play rate surf roulette myself, but it can be done if you have a extreme tolerance for risk.

mudpuddle 11-03-2006 07:50 PM

My father is a mortgage broker, and I worked for him for a couple of years. Maybe I can shed a little light on this. One of the WORST things you can do to your credit score is to open a bunch of revolving credit lines and the quickly max them out with balance transfers. The ratio between your available credit and your current balance is very important to your credit score. Paying bills with credit cards until they are maxed out and opening new cards every few months and transferring balances to max out the new account is credit suicide. The best way to manage credit cards if possible is to pay the balance in full every month. You do want to use the cards as long periods of inactivity is bad also, but this would be preferrable to carrying a large balance close to the limit.

The age of your accounts is also a major determining factor in your score. If you are constantly opening new accounts and have the inquiries that would be required to open them you will see a drop in your score. The types of loans are also important. If you have lots of revolving (credit card) accounts and accounts from finance companies like Household finance etc. and no mortgage and other "stability" type loans you will be viewed as a higher risk borrower.

Your time on the job and length of time at your residence also have a large impact on your score. If you move around alot and change jobs constantly you will have a mediocre score even if you pay your bills on time.

If you always want to keep your score above 750 (this is the magic number) remember mortgages are good, credit cards are bad, and stay at your job.

GMAN 11-03-2006 08:42 PM

I read an article recently that discussed debt. In the article, it stated that mortgage loans can usually help you but credit cards can hurt your score. If you have credit cards, it is usually good to keep them at or below 25% of the credit limit. Frankly, I like the idea of having as little debt as possible. If you are constantly moving debt from one card to another, you are courting disaster. It is only a matter of time before your house comes crumbling down. The best thing anyone can do is reduce your debt as quickly as possible.

11-03-2006 08:50 PM

I pull my credit report every year and at one point about 5 years ago it was close to 790. This year I checked and it was down to 700 and nothing had happened that I could see that caused this. I made an official request to the credit reporting agency and got a standard form letter telling me different causes. I've had 3 credit cards forever and the limits keep going up. My Capitol One went from 10k limit to 27k limit over a period of 2 years. The total cash I could get on all 3 cards hit a limit that raised a flag that I could potentially go into big debt at a moments notice so my credit score was lowered. I guess there is a fine line to maintaining a high rating and many things effect it. Never gave this one a second thought.

mudpuddle 11-03-2006 09:06 PM

Steve, the available credit on revolving accounts should be kept to a low percentage of your yearly income reported on your credit report. You can change this ratio by requesting that the credit card companies lower your limits to a comfortable range. Make sure that the reduction is reported by the credit card company as requested by consumer not as an action taken by credit card company due to slow pay.

11-03-2006 09:12 PM

Yes, I thought about it but I think I'm past the point of wanting to buy another house or any big ticket item other than a new car.

Bigmon 11-05-2006 12:23 AM

Time on your job has nothing to do with your FICO score.

There is tons of free info on how your score is calculated. The major factors are age of accounts, payments on time and staying well below your limit.

Dejanh 11-05-2006 02:55 AM

Re: financing

Originally Posted by tbaarr

plus a lease is a straight sch c write off

no depreciation and recapture crud

and you simply give the truck back in 3 years

Not true in some occasions, i have a lease to purchase program with my local bank(BB&T) where at the end of my lease, which is suppose to end 4 years from now ill pay 100 dollars to break the lease and keep the truck for myself, but with little luck ill be able to to call it quits around August of 07.. :D around 25.000 in interst savings.

tbaarr 11-16-2006 01:26 AM

not a house of cards loser
its 100k in my stock account where i make 15-30%

the reason i push hard is i am stuck out for 3 weeks at a time so i make it worthwhile

plus it enables me not to pull money from my brokerage account

as for you not liking the way i post

too bad so sad

your problem

not mine

if i stop working the loans can all be paid off

if i cant make the montly payments

and if you ask chase manhatten bank

and bank of america

they use to offer life of the loan balance transfers

all mine are life of the loan

you guys are wrong again as usual

bank of america still offers a variable life of the loan transfer that sits at 8.75

thats below the 10 points that brokers charge for margin money

tbaarr 11-16-2006 02:06 AM

ref stocks on borrowed money
you guys may want to google my screename

you will see that have given free stock advice and credit card advice

for almost 10 years

i retired at age 39

but got remarried at 41

and have 2 new baby girls

as an investor alone , the cost of health insurance premiums and deductables is 10k a year

by driving truck

it costs me 3k for premiums and 1k total deductable

this is a no brainer

ref stocks i only play dow 30 like cat and ibm

here is the proof where i posted my picks and my predictions for public view

Rev.Vassago 11-16-2006 02:19 AM

Re: ref stocks on borrowed money

Originally Posted by tbaarr
you guys may want to google my screename

you will see that have given free stock advice and credit card advice

for almost 10 years

i retired at age 39

but got remarried at 41

And still

can't type

a complete


if your life

depended on

it. :roll:

tbaarr 11-16-2006 04:07 AM

not cant just dont care to
i dont give a crud about your ivory tower

sentence structure bull

that you hold so near and dear

you probably are still a bush supporter too

i type as i choose

if you dont like it

dont read it

Rev.Vassago 11-16-2006 12:12 PM

Re: not cant just dont care to

Originally Posted by tbaarr
i dont give a crud about your ivory tower

sentence structure bull

that you hold so near and dear

you probably are still a bush supporter too

i type as i choose

if you dont like it

dont read it

People who

can't type a

sentence and like

to brag about

how great their business

skills are and tell others

to look up their "accomplishments"

on the internet

are either

1. liars or

2. con artists

which are you

tbaarr 11-18-2006 10:24 PM

reply to rev fool
neither you loser

unlike a loser like you

i help people for fun and for free

something truely alien to the republican likes of you

all you probably think of is whats in it for me

all you can conentrate on

is my freedom to not

type my posts as you seem to think you have the right to demand me to do

you amuse me with your lame attacks

you remove all doubt as to your childish level of thinking

the topic here is finance a truck

i gave an example that works

and you cant stand it

because it explores an idea

that involves thinking of the box

again a concept alien to you

keep replying

and attacking my posts as lies or my

posting style

its the only thing republicans like you can do

when you are faced with unrefutable facts

i said it before i will say it again

if you cant stand the way i post

dont read em

do the world a favor and dont reply

if your childlike mentality can do so

ya 6 year old child

11-18-2006 10:29 PM

Re: reply to rev fool

Originally Posted by tbaarr
neither you loser

unlike a loser like you

i help people for fun and for free

something truely alien to the republican likes of you

all you probably think of is whats in it for me

all you can conentrate on

is my freedom to not

type my posts as you seem to think you have the right to demand me to do

you amuse me with your lame attacks

you remove all doubt as to your childish level of thinking

the topic here is finance a truck

i gave an example that works

and you cant stand it

because it explores an idea

that involves thinking of the box

again a concept alien to you

keep replying

and attacking my posts as lies or my

posting style

its the only thing republicans like you can do

when you are faced with unrefutable facts

i said it before i will say it again

if you cant stand the way i post

dont read em

do the world a favor and dont reply

if your childlike mentality can do so

ya 6 year old child

Tbarr is the last person I would seek advice from... the literary genius has no clue to what proper sentence structure is.

tbaarr 11-18-2006 10:36 PM

congrats on your success

the reason you will pay 100 is you are choosing to keep the rig

if you give it back you probably wont

i would suggest you look at the residual value vs like trucks

as you may be able to buy something cheaper


i leased a chev blazer in 2000

and retured it in 2003

the reason why was simple

the residual buy back was 18k on a blazer with 35997 on it

the open market price on 3 local blazers with 24-26k on them was

this was a no brainer

big trucks cost more but have similar financial lives as far as loss of value

good luck

i have met very few owner opts who make more then the 50k i will make as a company driver this year

i make 4500 a month now

Rev.Vassago 11-18-2006 11:36 PM

Re: reply to rev fool

Originally Posted by tbaarr
because it explores an idea

that involves thinking of the box

Why would thinking about a box help finance a truck? Is there money in the box? Does it hold a winning lottery ticket? What is so special about this box that we are all supposed to be thinking about?

Financial advice from a company driver - always a winner. :roll:

traveler15301 11-20-2006 05:37 PM

Re: reply to rev fool

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago

Originally Posted by tbaarr
because it explores an idea

that involves thinking of the box

Why would thinking about a box help finance a truck? Is there money in the box? Does it hold a winning lottery ticket? What is so special about this box that we are all supposed to be thinking about?

Financial advice from a company driver - always a winner. :roll:

You misquoted him there Rev.....he is not recommending thinking about a box but thinking of the "box"...personally, whenever I'm away from home and heding back...I'm "thinking of the box"....but anything further would get way too personal and probably be "edited for content"!!!

Rev.Vassago 11-20-2006 08:55 PM

Re: reply to rev fool

Originally Posted by traveler15301
You misquoted him there Rev.....he is not recommending thinking about a box but thinking of the "box"...personally, whenever I'm away from home and heding back...I'm "thinking of the box"....but anything further would get way too personal and probably be "edited for content"!!!

You better clarify exactly whose box you are referring to, or you've got some explaining to do. :x

traveler15301 11-20-2006 08:59 PM

Re: reply to rev fool

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
You better clarify exactly whose box you are referring to, or you've got some explaining to do. :x

That is why I stopped meseff there...

I don't want to be "edited" nor dee-vorse-ed this close to Thanksgivin' doncha kno' !!!!

carolina trucker 11-21-2006 10:27 AM


Hmmm The really good rates do not start until 760. At 700 you will be more likely to get a loan and will not pay excessive interest rates to borrow money -- but in researching this my bank would extend me a business loan secured by collateral at 5 points above prime with a credit score of above 760. A standard commercial truck loan for a used truck was 14%.APR 20% down.

Dude, you need to change your bank.

When they were offering ZERO percent financing on autos, the big three automakers used a cutoff of a 720 FICO score.

Better yet, get a home equity line of credit at 7% (or whatever) and write the interest expense off as a tax deduction, which is perfectly legitimate.

-- ct

carolina trucker 11-21-2006 10:35 AM

Re: ref stocks on borrowed money

Originally Posted by tbaarr
you guys may want to google my screename

you will see that have given free stock advice and credit card advice

for almost 10 years

Free advice on stocks is worth about what you pay for it.

-- ct

carolina trucker 11-21-2006 10:48 AM

Re: reply to rev fool

Originally Posted by traveler15301

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago

Originally Posted by tbaarr
because it explores an idea

that involves thinking of the box

Why would thinking about a box help finance a truck? Is there money in the box? Does it hold a winning lottery ticket? What is so special about this box that we are all supposed to be thinking about?

Financial advice from a company driver - always a winner. :roll:

You misquoted him there Rev.....he is not recommending thinking about a box but thinking of the "box"...personally, whenever I'm away from home and heding back...I'm "thinking of the box"....but anything further would get way too personal and probably be "edited for content"!!!

I think what Mr. Shakespeare wanted to say initially was something along the lines of "because it involves thinking outside the box", however, since he hasn't discovered the magic of the spell check, much less learned how to write a coherent sentence, it came out badly.

If I wanted

to read disjointed

bullshit messages

in phucking haiku

I'd go to


truckstop and read

the weird ass stuff

on the

walls of the

toilet stalls in


men's room thank

you very


-- ct

DEVIL'S ADVOCATE 11-21-2006 11:44 PM

I've got a feeling tbaarr never played sport's in high school.

Just one of those people who never learned to get along much less the benefit's of teamwork....

Either that or his fav movie is Nell (Jodie Foster) she had her own language too....

I wonder what it would be like to talk to this guy in person??????

Be good, Jim

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