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dobry4u 06-12-2009 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915 (Post 453066)
you should see me playing on a poker table. someone say the wrong thing to me, and ill piss them off so bad they end up getting so upset, they lose their azz....its kinda funny.

yeah, he is whiter than most white folks. thing i like about him is that you can actually understand him, not to mention he can put together complete sentences....he actually SOUNDS smart.

Hello, Bliss

mike3fan 06-13-2009 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915 (Post 453066)
thing i like about him is that you can actually understand him, not to mention he can put together complete sentences....he actually SOUNDS smart.

unlike someone we know.

ronjon619 06-13-2009 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915 (Post 453066)
you should see me playing on a poker table. someone say the wrong thing to me, and ill piss them off so bad they end up getting so upset, they lose their azz....its kinda funny.

I saw a player do that same move to the player on his right. The receiver of the abuse got up and knocked his A S S out. Then he got arrested but he sure shut him up. That was a few years back at Barona in San Diego.

Jumbo 06-13-2009 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by dobry4u (Post 453081)
Hello, Bliss

Sometimes the simplest comments are the funniest.

VPIDarkAngel 06-13-2009 02:18 PM

Where to start, where to start...

"Saving ourselves from our debt by creating massive debt only works if you can eventually get yourself out from underneath the debt. Frankly, I just don't see that happening, and it seems to me that the current solution is like putting a band aid on a severed limb."
I agree.

"Wyoming just called. They said to tell you there are NO black people there. They suggested you try Montana or Utah."
I admit, I laughed... I've never been to any of those states, but I still laughed.

"Sorry Rev, had to put somebody in their place.. now back to your regular schedule programming of the Kev about to screwed over on a Swift Lease while driving a plain blue T2000 with no Owner Ops specs.."
I'd noticed that about those T2000's (and, for that matter, those that Central and TransAm lease). As much as I'd like to own my own truck, I doubt I'd go out and buy the exact same truck I drive now with the exact same specs just so I can pay for repairs and such.

"This non-compete clause is something that really doesn't have it's purpose.What is a "single horse" o/o going to do, jump on their 1000 plus loads from their dollar store account? I don't think it's something plausible and realistic at the same time.

The broker that i work with,he has around him like 20-30 trucks,some independents like myself and still doesn't get accepted ,or has a hard time competing with the mega carriers,just because doesn't have the equipment availability like a mega carrier would do."
I forgot who said this one and I'm too lazy to scroll back...
As for the 'dollar store accounts,' I'm on such an account, and I must say this. Even though it's only mega-carriers doing their deliveries, we stay busy as heck. This week I've already done more miles than I did during any week on 48 state... Oh, and I have one more load to go.
The non-compete clause did seem fishy to me when I first saw it, but then again, it also seemed like a quick, cheap, dirty way for Swift to try and keep their customer base from getting eroded by guys like that. Whether it works or not, well, I don't know.

Kevin0915 06-13-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by ronjon619 (Post 453110)
I saw a player do that same move to the player on his right. The receiver of the abuse got up and knocked his A S S out. Then he got arrested but he sure shut him up. That was a few years back at Barona in San Diego.

THAT WAS ME !!! .... nah...just kidding. I'll talk smack, when i snap a player off who has A-A and i suckout a hand holding 6-3, ill get under his skin by saying "thank you, please pull forward"...or something annoying.

I've got a guy so 'on tilt', that when he finally went broke (not to me) i folded the next hand i was in, went to take a 10-100, and ended up running into the guy at the ATM. I asked if he was planning on coming back to the table, cause i needed the money to help pay my cable bill, he got in my face, and the next thing he knew, he was on his back after i backed him up and he fell over a chair that was pulled out.

Naturally this happened in the hall outside the poker room, and he went crying to management, and i was pulled aside, and told them to check the cameras. I never laid a finger on the guy, he fell over cause he was a klutz......but i couldnt stop laughing !!!!

mike3fan 06-13-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915 (Post 453144)
THAT WAS ME !!! .... nah...just kidding. I'll talk smack, when i snap a player off who has A-A and i suckout a hand holding 6-3, ill get under his skin by saying "thank you, please pull forward"...or something annoying.

I've got a guy so 'on tilt', that when he finally went broke (not to me) i folded the next hand i was in, went to take a 10-100, and ended up running into the guy at the ATM. I asked if he was planning on coming back to the table, cause i needed the money to help pay my cable bill, he got in my face, and the next thing he knew, he was on his back after i backed him up and he fell over a chair that was pulled out.

Naturally this happened in the hall outside the poker room, and he went crying to management, and i was pulled aside, and told them to check the cameras. I never laid a finger on the guy, he fell over cause he was a klutz......but i couldnt stop laughing !!!!

edited: because I'm taking my own advice and not feeding the trolls.

Hawkjr 06-14-2009 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915 (Post 453066)
yeah, he is whiter than most white folks. thing i like about him is that you can actually understand him, not to mention he can put together complete sentences....he actually SOUNDS smart.

OMG!! You got to be kidding me... Still holding on restraint...


Originally Posted by VPIDarkAngel
I'd noticed that about those T2000's (and, for that matter, those that Central and TransAm lease). As much as I'd like to own my own truck, I doubt I'd go out and buy the exact same truck I drive now with the exact same specs just so I can pay for repairs and such.

EXACTLY.. At least Schneider, England, and Prime offer Trucks with Owner Ops Spec..But let him go ahead, Next thing you know Kevin Will be on Swift's Front Web Page with a Thumbs up with a quote like "Swift Lease Allow's Me To Be My Own Owner.. I Feel Like I'm The Man When Other's Past Me In Their Cromed Out Pete's and Chicken Lights and I'm Cruising Down The Highway in My Fuel Saving T-2000.. Even Though I'm Only Getting 2100 Miles A Week... SWIFT IS THE BEST"

Phantom433a 06-14-2009 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915 (Post 453066)
he is whiter than most white folks. thing i like about him is that you can actually understand him, not to mention he can put together complete sentences....he actually SOUNDS smart.

The cleaners called Kevin......your sheets are ready:hellno:

golfhobo 06-14-2009 04:27 PM

Kevin said:


yeah, he is whiter than most white folks. thing i like about him is that you can actually understand him, not to mention he can put together complete sentences....he actually SOUNDS smart.
Actually, Kev.... you DON'T understand him.

BTW... I never had any problem understanding Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. or Thurgood Marshall, or Colin Powell, or Samuel L. Jackson, or Sidney Poitier, or any OTHER black man who thought anyone was listening... or CARED what he had to say.

I have had problems at times understanding your rambling narratives. But, I understand you. And suddenly, the rest of your self-absorbed insecure psyche is as clear as day.

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