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wanderingson 12-02-2008 05:20 AM

Well, I think the above is why this board has kind of slowed down. (golf and belpre's argument) Too much bickering, name calling, etc. New members/ drivers come here and ask questions, and all too often the thread gets twisted into an argument, and usually off topic too. Although there is a lot of great info on here, for the new driver especially.

When I joined here in Nov. 2004, this board was a nicer place to be. Not so much anymore. I sometimes still look here, and find some interesting things to read or comment about. There is a lot of negativity here though, which turned me off from CAD awhile back. I am glad to see the new mods, Rev Vassago and Gman....hopefully they can help turn things around here.

On a different note, I was glad to see Dr Who post the other day....any new drivers or members should read his posts. I have missed his witty and intelligent insight into this crazy business. I've been away from this board for awhile, and it was great to see. (best of luck doc)

All you drivers, keep it safe out there.

Orangetxguy 12-02-2008 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by BanditsCousin (Post 427043)
I ate too much Ramen in college, along with wayy too much Sam's Choice soda.

I have needed help getting into some spots. The back row of Ontario east and the Flying J in Aurora Colorado come to mind.

See...You were at the wrong location. Ontario West has much better free entertainment. Not enough room over at TA East for the BBR's to get out of 4th gear as they hit the turn. :clap::clap::clap::clap:

GMAN 12-07-2008 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by wanderingson (Post 427044)
Well, I think the above is why this board has kind of slowed down. (golf and belpre's argument) Too much bickering, name calling, etc. New members/ drivers come here and ask questions, and all too often the thread gets twisted into an argument, and usually off topic too. Although there is a lot of great info on here, for the new driver especially.

When I joined here in Nov. 2004, this board was a nicer place to be. Not so much anymore. I sometimes still look here, and find some interesting things to read or comment about. There is a lot of negativity here though, which turned me off from CAD awhile back. I am glad to see the new mods, Rev Vassago and Gman....hopefully they can help turn things around here.

On a different note, I was glad to see Dr Who post the other day....any new drivers or members should read his posts. I have missed his witty and intelligent insight into this crazy business. I've been away from this board for awhile, and it was great to see. (best of luck doc)

All you drivers, keep it safe out there.

We don't need to have name calling and constant bickering on the forum. This should be a place where those who have an interest in the trucking industry can come and ask questions and learn about this industry. They should not have to deal with all the bickering. We can discuss or debate issues without making it personal.

mommee 12-07-2008 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by marylandkw (Post 425936)
they are actually Japanese and tre' yummie!

I spend more money at the Asian Market every week than at the supermarket...yum!

i know that are ichiban are japanese. i meant that i also buy another brand that is chinese which is also very good. :o

belpre122 12-13-2008 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by wanderingson (Post 427044)
Well, I think the above is why this board has kind of slowed down. (golf and belpre's argument) Too much bickering, name calling, etc.

Well, in theory, I see your point wanderingson and will definitely keep that in mind.

In practice, however, when Golfhobo and I engage in one of our battles/pissing matches, those are consistently the most viewed threads on CAD. Seems that some folks are apparently getting a charge out of it, as the views often go in to the thousands. I dunno, you tell me.

Interesting thought though..................;)

Kevin0915 12-13-2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 427815)
We don't need to have name calling and constant bickering on the forum. This should be a place where those who have an interest in the trucking industry can come and ask questions and learn about this industry. They should not have to deal with all the bickering. We can discuss or debate issues without making it personal.

I agree with GMAN. i know this thread has tried to die a couple times, but someone always brings it back to life. =)

I've said this in past posts, and i know there will be some who will spout off saying I'm the one to blame, etc. But what it boils down to is we are all drivers (even the ones on here who pretend to be) in some way shape or form on the roads of america. We need to be professional and respectful to each other. This board is here to HELP NEW DRIVERS.....hence the name "NEW TRUCK DRIVERS GET HELP HERE". This isnt a place to start knocking drivers because of who they work for. This isnt the place to start telling others "you will fail, you will never amount to anything, you are a danger on the road" blah blah blah.
I've pretty much said this before 10s of times, if you cannot respond with something that isnt constructive, then just dont say it. OR use undertones that might be taken the wrong way. I dont take anyone's crap in the real world, and i dont take it here. that is why some of you dont like me...and i dont even care.

point is, just be professional. its that simple.

TomB985 12-13-2008 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915 (Post 428622)
point is, just be professional. its that simple.

It's very funny you say this, Kevin, because in many ways, YOU are the worst offender. It generally takes very little to set you off, and when you do, you start ridiculing and calling people names.


if you cannot respond with something that isnt constructive, then just dont say it. OR use undertones that might be taken the wrong way.
Wow. If this isn't the pot calling the kettle black...I'm not sure what is. So, let me get this's okay if provoked...but otherwise unacceptable? How ''s UNACCEPTABLE no matter what? Myself and many others could spend hours digging up your old posts and posting examples, but I don't think that would get us anywhere.

Please, instead of trying to correct others, correct your OWN posting issues. That alone will make this a better place to post. :angryblue:

Rev.Vassago 12-13-2008 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915 (Post 428622)
This isnt a place to start knocking drivers because of who they work for. This isnt the place to start telling others "you will fail, you will never amount to anything, you are a danger on the road" blah blah blah.
I've pretty much said this before 10s of times, if you cannot respond with something that isnt constructive, then just dont say it. OR use undertones that might be taken the wrong way.

It's also not the place to attack anyone who disagrees with you. As far as "taken the wrong way", this isn't some politically correct warm and fuzzy place. If someone disagrees with you or thinks you are wrong, they will likely tell you, and be blunt about it. If you can't handle that without resorting to attacks, then you might as well leave now.

Beyond that, if you don't like what someone has to say, then I suggest you simply ignore it.

Double R 12-13-2008 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin0915
you are a danger on the road"

Well, if the shoe fits, why not tell someone that. I don't want a dangerous driver out on the road with me or my family.

Sorry but some on here DON'T sugar coat the truth.

Kevin0915 12-13-2008 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago (Post 428632)
It's also not the place to attack anyone who disagrees with you. As far as "taken the wrong way", this isn't some politically correct warm and fuzzy place. If someone disagrees with you or thinks you are wrong, they will likely tell you, and be blunt about it. If you can't handle that without resorting to attacks, then you might as well leave now.

Beyond that, if you don't like what someone has to say, then I suggest you simply ignore it.

the words "kettle" and "black" come to mind for some reason.

and how in hell can you judge someones skill or ability to drive a truck when you've never seen them do so? dont know....maybe we have a new super hero on our hands....futureman....

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