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omapilot 05-26-2008 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by HWD

Your screen name and avatar suggest you enjoy small airplanes. Might even suggest you have a recreational or private pilot's license.

Did you know that your motor vehicle record has an impact on your ability to fly even the smallest airplane?

Did you know that if the FAA finds out about your DUI, your pilot's license will be revoked?

Hey there, You are right I am a private pilot working on my instrument rating. I did have to file to the FAA within 60 days of the offense. I will also have to report it every time I go to renew my medical for the rest of my life. The FAA is pretty specific as to what they will do to you if you dont report the offense, they really dont do anything to you on the first offense. The second time around well that is a different matter. There will be no second time around for me so I am not even going to worry about that!

Thanks guys for sticking up for me, it was a bad decision that will never repeat itself. I do value the input from those who want to come down hard too, believe me I have heard it over and over and over again!

omapilot 05-26-2008 12:51 AM

Actually, no. I did not read his post. Seems like every week on here there's some loser either 1) wondering out loud to a bunch of internet strangers what are his odds of scoring in the lottery of life after being convicted of something stupid or 2) repenting and lamenting ad nauseum the decision that has forever altered their ability to obtain gainful employment.

Most of the time it's just plain faster and easier to skim the threads.

Then of course, for every guy who wants to testify about their tribulation there's always some other dolt telling us to "geez back off he made a mistake" or some such...yeah tell that to the living relatives of the now dead, because somebody got drunk and smashed into them... :roll:[/quote]

First of all I am not some looser as suggested. If you did read the post before commenting I have a good job and make a very nice living. I have a wife of 10+ years and a 6 week old daughter. I fly almost every weekend for lunch somewhere with my buddies just because we can! There was a reason that I got into driving, because I wanted to and for some odd reason I actually found it rewarding!

I do appreciate your opinion and you are more than entitled to it, but please dont drop that "looser looking for gainful employment" attachment on me.

golfhobo 05-26-2008 02:54 AM


Didn't you read his post?

He already mentioned the fact there were implications regarding his FAA license

Actually, no. I did not read his post. Seems like every week on here there's some loser either 1) wondering out loud to a bunch of internet strangers what are his odds of scoring in the lottery of life after being convicted of something stupid or 2) repenting and lamenting ad nauseum the decision that has forever altered their ability to obtain gainful employment.

Most of the time it's just plain faster and easier to skim the threads.

Then of course, for every guy who wants to testify about their tribulation there's always some other dolt telling us to "geez back off he made a mistake" or some such...yeah tell that to the living relatives of the now dead, because somebody got drunk and smashed into them...

So.... what you are saying is..... it's easier NOT to read the posts / testimonies of drivers who've made a mistake and are looking for advice.... and just EASIER to lump them all in a category with the stupidest of 4wheelers who do the SAME..... EVERY NIGHT.... and cause MOST of the accidents! :roll:

Because YOU have never made this mistake.... you put yourself ABOVE anyone who HAS! And you proclaim that "there is no place for you in our industy" when you know FULL WELL there are "career" drivers out there (especially those grandfathered in under chauffeur's licenses) who have done the SAME or WORSE.... either in their PERSONAL lives..... or behind the wheel of a CMV!!??? Are you NUTS??? :roll:

I'm getting a little BORED with this comeback of "tell it to the relatives" crap! MORE people are killed due to drunk drivers in POV's than in trucks.... by a magnitude of THOUSANDS!! To say that a person who has MADE such a mistake, and LEARNED from it, cannot be as PROFESSIONAL behind the wheel of a CMV as YOU "tee-toatallers" is pure BULLSH!T!!! :shock: :lol:

Why don't you guys TELL THE TRUTH?? For MANY years, before regulation, drivers took all KINDS of drugs to keep them awake so they could max out their miles! Some of them just liked stopping by a bar for a beer or two, because it made them "calmer" while they drove! You guys are nothing special! And you are actually a MINORITY in the trucking industry! :shock:

I UNDERSTAND your concerns! I don't want to be responsible for killing 1/8th of Twilight's family in a minibus accident either! [There's a JOKE in there, if anyone can SEE it!] But, the fact that I MAY have had a DUI somewhere in my past, in my PRIVATE vehicle, has NO bearing on my ability to drive a CMV in a PROFESSIONAL manner! :roll:

Any of you YAHOOS who continuously post such nonsense can kiss my butt..... and I'll challenge ANY of you to a driving contest riight NOW! I'll give you a 10 point "advantage" for all the WHINING you've done over the years.... and I'll outshift, outdrive and outpark MOST if not all of you!

Furthermore, I'll out"scope" the road, and know where the dangers are! WHAT do YOU know.... when you drive in an elephant train everyday?? :roll:

What we HAVE here, folks.... is a bunch of SANCTIMONIOUS "WIMPS" who think ALL drivers should be like THEM! :shock:

Well, I got NEWS for some of ya! YOU ani't "all that" and this job isn't THAT hard! :roll: By your OWN admission, truckers aren't the "knights of the road" they ONCE were, for many reasons that I will NOT argue with, and those of you who find it HARD, these days, to deal with traffic and such.... just MIGHT need to retire for lack of SKILLS!

And for CHRIST'S sake.... put down your "BENNIE's" and quit proselityzing against those who've taken a "toke" now and then! :roll:

There's a single TYPO in there..... I'll give a DOLLAR to the first sanctimounious driver who can find it! :roll:

bigtimba 05-26-2008 05:11 AM


DUI fatalities alcohol or drug related . . 47% in POV and 11% CMV as per the transportation research board (

bigtimba 05-26-2008 05:15 AM

sanctimounious . . $2.00. I'm off to set up a PayPal account.

golfhobo 05-26-2008 05:31 AM

Double your money if you can find the OTHER two! :lol: :lol:

I WOULD "edit" and correct them.... but SOMEONE might whine about it being a "cut in their pay!" :shock: :lol: :lol:

whatsmynameagain 05-26-2008 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

Didn't you read his post?

He already mentioned the fact there were implications regarding his FAA license

Actually, no. I did not read his post. Seems like every week on here there's some loser either 1) wondering out loud to a bunch of internet strangers what are his odds of scoring in the lottery of life after being convicted of something stupid or 2) repenting and lamenting ad nauseum the decision that has forever altered their ability to obtain gainful employment.

Most of the time it's just plain faster and easier to skim the threads.

Then of course, for every guy who wants to testify about their tribulation there's always some other dolt telling us to "geez back off he made a mistake" or some such...yeah tell that to the living relatives of the now dead, because somebody got drunk and smashed into them...

So.... what you are saying is..... it's easier NOT to read the posts / testimonies of drivers who've made a mistake and are looking for advice.... and just EASIER to lump them all in a category with the stupidest of 4wheelers who do the SAME..... EVERY NIGHT.... and cause MOST of the accidents! :roll:

Because YOU have never made this mistake.... you put yourself ABOVE anyone who HAS! And you proclaim that "there is no place for you in our industy" when you know FULL WELL there are "career" drivers out there (especially those grandfathered in under chauffeur's licenses) who have done the SAME or WORSE.... either in their PERSONAL lives..... or behind the wheel of a CMV!!??? Are you NUTS??? :roll:

I'm getting a little BORED with this comeback of "tell it to the relatives" crap! MORE people are killed due to drunk drivers in POV's than in trucks.... by a magnitude of THOUSANDS!! To say that a person who has MADE such a mistake, and LEARNED from it, cannot be as PROFESSIONAL behind the wheel of a CMV as YOU "tee-toatallers" is pure BULLSH!T!!! :shock: :lol:

Why don't you guys TELL THE TRUTH?? For MANY years, before regulation, drivers took all KINDS of drugs to keep them awake so they could max out their miles! Some of them just liked stopping by a bar for a beer or two, because it made them "calmer" while they drove! You guys are nothing special! And you are actually a MINORITY in the trucking industry! :shock:

I UNDERSTAND your concerns! I don't want to be responsible for killing 1/8th of Twilight's family in a minibus accident either! [There's a JOKE in there, if anyone can SEE it!] But, the fact that I MAY have had a DUI somewhere in my past, in my PRIVATE vehicle, has NO bearing on my ability to drive a CMV in a PROFESSIONAL manner! :roll:

Any of you YAHOOS who continuously post such nonsense can kiss my butt..... and I'll challenge ANY of you to a driving contest riight NOW! I'll give you a 10 point "advantage" for all the WHINING you've done over the years.... and I'll outshift, outdrive and outpark MOST if not all of you!

Furthermore, I'll out"scope" the road, and know where the dangers are! WHAT do YOU know.... when you drive in an elephant train everyday?? :roll:

What we HAVE here, folks.... is a bunch of SANCTIMONIOUS "WIMPS" who think ALL drivers should be like THEM! :shock:

Well, I got NEWS for some of ya! YOU ani't "all that" and this job isn't THAT hard! :roll: By your OWN admission, truckers aren't the "knights of the road" they ONCE were, for many reasons that I will NOT argue with, and those of you who find it HARD, these days, to deal with traffic and such.... just MIGHT need to retire for lack of SKILLS!

And for CHRIST'S sake.... put down your "BENNIE's" and quit proselityzing against those who've taken a "toke" now and then! :roll:

There's a single TYPO in there..... I'll give a DOLLAR to the first sanctimounious driver who can find it! :roll:

I nominate Golfhobo for post of the day. couldnt have stated it better myself. great post.

belpre122 05-27-2008 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
Double your money if you can find the OTHER two! :lol: :lol:

Great points made Hobo. Great post! Next time through Indy...give me a call. Coffee's on you. (Starbucks)


golfhobo 06-01-2008 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by belpre122

Originally Posted by golfhobo
Double your money if you can find the OTHER two! :lol: :lol:

Great points made Hobo. Great post! Next time through Indy...give me a call. Coffee's on you. (Starbucks)


Wow!! Okay.... so I don't always get time to proofread my posts! I don't use "speelcheck!" :lol:

I was in a hurry that night!! Belpre, you got a deal! Heck, I'll buy you a steak dinner for the same money as a Starbucks "mumble mumble cafe latte with mumble mumble! :shock: :lol:

I don't "DO" puzzy coffee! And, so far.... I don't do "Indy!" :lol:

But, someday..... I'm gonna DO "solo" and I'll probably get by there! Would love to see that "Wheelie machine" you drive! :lol:

What the heck IS a "tea-totaller" anyways?

hitman 06-01-2008 11:45 AM

Good post hit a hole-in-one. For crying out loud people, get off the guys back. It doesn't take many drinks to get a DUI. You can probably get one from drinking too much cough medicine. He made a mistake and knows it, now he has to deal with the consequenses. And most of you that's putting the man down, can't tell me you never drove a car after a few just never got caught.

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