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Malaki86 03-30-2008 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by repete
GMAN for our spokesmen, who seconds that :D

Sounds better than the truckers the news will pick as our spokesman - you know - someone like Billy Joe Jim Bob with 3 missing front teeth, hasn't shaved/showered/brushed his hair in over 2 months and talks like, well, dunno how to explain it except out of a 10 minute talk with him you can understand 3 or 4 words.

mikey4069 03-30-2008 11:24 PM

We need to do what OUR founding fathers did Stand up and say enough is enough . Im just talking about fuel prices we are way way over taxed. Lets take I-5 its one of the worst roads in the nation , what are they doing with all that road tax they get i mean we all pay it every time we fuel our trucks and 4 wheelers. I say we write in WINDWALKER. IF a enough truckers did it someone would notice. :evil:

choperbob 03-30-2008 11:31 PM

yeah i'm gonna shut down for 3 days, but it is convienient because my pov needs work and so does truck. g'man is right. the trucking industry need a front man but i think we might have 100,000 folks who want the job. This end of the industry need to get organized somehow. how do we even try to organize all us drivers, co. drivers, lease purchase, o/o, local, regional, dedicated, otr, drivers driving for o/oltl,expedited, van, hh, reefer, and the list goes on. each aspect of this trade has special needs, someone maybe can come up with a common denominator that might get us all on 1 page for a while. we cannot forget our brothers the teamsters, they are getting pinched also. only way i see it is if we somehow convince the owners of companies like swift, jb hunt, werner that it would help them also. ps vote for me as prez, i support the new united american dixie party.

heavyhaulerss 03-30-2008 11:50 PM


Sounds better than the truckers the news will pick as our spokesman - you know - someone like Billy Joe Jim Bob with 3 missing front teeth, hasn't shaved/showered/brushed his hair in over 2 months and talks like, well, dunno how to explain it except out of a 10 minute talk with him you can understand 3 or 4 words.
HEY I resemble that remark!!! :)

countryhorseman 03-31-2008 02:22 AM

Truckers have a spokes person and a front man as you put it!

It is called OOIDA!!! They go to bat for every driver out there, regardless if they are company drivers or Owner Operators. They are in Washington right now trying to do something to help with the fuel prices, rates, etc.

But with a little of 360,000 members, they do not get the notice some of the larger organizations do!

OOIDA is there for the drivers! The ATA is only there to protect the big trucking companies that are members, and could give a squat about the drivers.

Join OOIDA, and tell 10 of year buddies, and have them tell 10 more. Maybe when that number reaches 3,000,000 - Washington and Big Business will take the Truckers serious.

Carry on as usual!

Windwalker 03-31-2008 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by countryhorseman
Truckers have a spokes person and a front man as you put it!

It is called OOIDA!!! They go to bat for every driver out there, regardless if they are company drivers or Owner Operators. They are in Washington right now trying to do something to help with the fuel prices, rates, etc.

But with a little of 360,000 members, they do not get the notice some of the larger organizations do!

OOIDA is there for the drivers! The ATA is only there to protect the big trucking companies that are members, and could give a squat about the drivers.

Join OOIDA, and tell 10 of year buddies, and have them tell 10 more. Maybe when that number reaches 3,000,000 - Washington and Big Business will take the Truckers serious.

Carry on as usual!

OOIDA has a very major flaw...

Owner/Operator, Independant Drivers of America.

Doesn't say a word about all the company drivers.

While they have gone into court for some things, there are a whole lot of other things they haven't touched. P.A.T.T. and C.R.A.S.H. are able to take DOT into court, why can't OOIDA???? :?:

Or are they afraid to??? :?:

countryhorseman 03-31-2008 04:26 AM

OOIDA is for all drivers, as I have stated! The name was originated in 1973 as originally a group of O/O's, but it was found that all drivers needed a voice, and their mission was expanded. To prevent loosing the identity and recognition they work so hard to earn, the name was never changed! One does not have to be an O/O to be a member or be represented by OOIDA. Please read the FAQS on their website before you dispute what I have stated. I am currently a Company Driver, and have been a member since 2001!

OOIDA has taken the DOT to court, and there are still actions pending over HOS. Again, the facts are on the website, in the Truckers News, and a few other trade magazines. Do the research before you make claims!

Here is the link to their home page:
Accomplishments: - do any of you remember the crap that went on in Tennessee in the '80's, OOIDA took to task and stopped it! The list is extensive, and benefits all drivers!

Membership Page:

OOIDA is the only voice in Washington RIGHT NOW, that is trying to help you, the Professional Driver! Be you an Owner Operator or Company Driver.


Originally Posted by Windwalker

Originally Posted by countryhorseman
Truckers have a spokes person and a front man as you put it!

It is called OOIDA!!! They go to bat for every driver out there, regardless if they are company drivers or Owner Operators. They are in Washington right now trying to do something to help with the fuel prices, rates, etc.

But with a little of 360,000 members, they do not get the notice some of the larger organizations do!

OOIDA is there for the drivers! The ATA is only there to protect the big trucking companies that are members, and could give a squat about the drivers.

Join OOIDA, and tell 10 of year buddies, and have them tell 10 more. Maybe when that number reaches 3,000,000 - Washington and Big Business will take the Truckers serious.

Carry on as usual!

OOIDA has a very major flaw...

Owner/Operator, Independant Drivers of America.

Doesn't say a word about all the company drivers.

While they have gone into court for some things, there are a whole lot of other things they haven't touched. P.A.T.T. and C.R.A.S.H. are able to take DOT into court, why can't OOIDA???? :?:

Or are they afraid to??? :?:

countryhorseman 03-31-2008 02:28 PM

Subscribe to this e-newsletter if you would like to keep up with the daily goings on in the trucking industry.

It is FREE, and you do not have to be an OOIDA member to subscribe!

choperbob 03-31-2008 05:16 PM

my boss contacted ooida, their reply was they cannot legally openly support this kind of shutdown.

Rev.Vassago 03-31-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by choperbob
my boss contacted ooida, their reply was they cannot legally openly support this kind of shutdown.

Plus, there's no profit to be made, so there's no reason for them to support it. :lol:

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