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Yakman 09-24-2007 06:47 PM

x felon
recently i got laid off from my job in printing,a trade in witch i have been involved for nearly 30 years now,sitting home bored on unemployment for the past couple weeks i decided to look into driving a truck OTR sounds good to me, i am a hard working SOB and since i am divorced and the kids are grown i can afford to be out on the road a long as it takes,anyway i filled out an online application with a school called driver solutions,and when i did i lied on the part that asked about the felonies and said no i never had any,
so the guy from the school calls back and says he did a background check and i am all clear and all i need to do is get myself to saint louis to go to school for 3 weeks {i live in Chicago} i figured they only go back so many years probably 7 and sence i havent been in any kind of trouble in 15
years or so that i was good to go,as my departure date got closer i got worried so i did a little background check of my own on myself, and BAMM....
bigger than $h! there it was took less than 5 min. so i half to assume that the guy at the school didnt do any background checking and he was going to get
to sign a contract for 5k then get me down there and send me home when the school did ,so even if i didnt pay the school could just sell the dept to
to a collection agent so they are covered ether way ..understandably trucking companies want drivers with clean records and i am sure the reason is there is just to much at stake, that truck with a full load could be worth many millions of $$$ not only that but also the account could be worth many many millions$$$ to the company, not to mention the insurance i took some time and thought it out and decided i WONT be taking that 5000$ vacation to saint louis ...yea it kind of bums me out if anyone knew me they would know an honest hard working guy i wouldn't care is that truck was stuffed with cash,i would drop off rite where i was told to every time without fail , anyhoo i am still interested in driving a truck i am going to try another approach,what i would like to do is try to get a company to hire me first knowing my background then go to school, that way i know i got a job when i am done, i know that my chances are slim because first it would half to be a company that i want
to work for long term i don't want to bounce around from job to job
i am just to old for that crap..

thanks for the listen


Uturn2001 09-24-2007 08:09 PM

Depending on what your conviction is for, how long ago it was and how long ago you completed any prison sentence and parole/probation it is possible to work as an OTR driver.

Before going to school however what you need to do is call around and talk to some companies that hire students. Be honest with them about your background and see if they would be willing to offer up a job once you got your CDL. If they say yes then be sure to ask them what their requirements are for school.

golfhobo 09-24-2007 08:32 PM

Yakman: Don't give up!! I would say PM me, but you CAN'T with only one post! If you are willing to post your email addy, I'll get back to ya! I'm not posting MINE, :lol: Or even sending it to ya in a PM!

Things are not ALWAYS as they seem!! I firmly believe that some companies can pull a criminal background check that will satisfy their INSURANCE company, and may not show anything THAT old! Besides.... there are companies out there that will HIRE exfelons! (I'm NOT one, but I know this from this forum.)

I can't remember which company Driver Solutions is a "front" for, but it's one of the MEGA-carriers! There are other ways of getting your CDL (through and independant school,) and then getting hired for a training period with almost ANY company! And there are always smaller companies, (or Owner Operators) with more "liberal" insurance companies, that have some lattitude in who they hire!

Your personal situation seems perfect. I don't see any reason why you can't get into trucking, if you WANT to! (could depend on what the felony was.)

Your "hesitation" is well advised! Don't make the mistakes so many have made! But, you sound smart enough not to do so! If you are not "desperate" for a job.... you can play this out to your advantage!

DON'T send anymore applications out, or do anymore lying, until you know ALL the facts! (The walls have ears.... DAC!) And don't listen to those selfrighteous butts on here that will tell you we don't NEED YOU in trucking! :lol: I believe everyone deserves a second chance!

As a general rule, your smaller companies, maybe family owned, that you would WANT to stay with, can do much better for you on the insurance/criminal background issue! The Mega-carriers may be "comfortable" with (and largely RESPONSIBLE FOR) the high turnover rate in this industry.... but Mom and Pops ain't got TIME for that CHIT!!!

It's obvious, you've done your homework, or you wouldn't even KNOW about "getting sent home!" That is a good sign of INTELLIGENCE!

I'm in your corner, bud! And you've come to the right place! Now, TRUST us.... and give us a bit more information! There are enough WUSSIES in this business today! I'll do what I can to help someone who didn't ONCE say he was SCARED to DO this!


golfhobo 09-24-2007 08:33 PM

Sorry, computer ate my homework!! :roll: :wink:

Bengalman 09-24-2007 10:06 PM

You can go through schneider they will send you to there school.they will interview you and run your back ground check before you go there. Or what Im doing is going to MTI (millis transfer)you can send them 100 bucks to run your back ground they go back 5 years.then you give them 400 for 3 weeks of school then you go out otr with a trainer they pay you for that . when you start working for them its 20 bucks a week 100 weeks or 2000 bucks. They seem like a good company to start with. Good luck

GMAN 09-24-2007 10:18 PM

Many carriers will give an ex felon another chance after 5-10 years have passed. Again, it depends on the offense. Drug offenses are particularly difficult to overcome in this industry. If you have kept your record clean since you had your problems, then I would think that you could find suitable employment. There are a few recruiters on this board who could best address your questions. Sheepdancer and Twilight Flyer are recruiters. There are others on the board. If you check the company listings on the top of this page, you will find a list of some of the larger carriers. There basic requirements are listed. I would contact them and see what they can do for you. There are several training carriers around. Swift, Roehl, Schneider, Millis are a few who train those without experience, if that is the way you want to go. Personally, I think it would be best to pay for your own school, but it is another option for you. Good luck.

GMAN 09-24-2007 10:20 PM

Double post. I hate it when I repeat myself. :oops: :lol:

Yakman 09-24-2007 10:49 PM

Thanks guys :) your words of encouragement mean a grate deal to me
and have helped bring back some hope, what i did was pretty bad and i am very sorry and ashamed of it even today,but i cant take it back, i wish i could but i cant.... i could just say it was forgery,and leave it at that....but it wasent forgery it was counterfeiting, i was printing 100$ us notes and spending it on everything from prostitutes to trips to las vegas wild spending sprees on anything i wanted giving thousands in funny money away to homeless pepole
from all over...even then i knew what i was doing was wrong and it was only a matter of time before i was caught , law enforcement is very good at what they do and they defiantly caught my ***** the only reason it took so long is i kept moving, as i remember it wasn't very fun, it in fact was very hard to enjoy the money alone and paranoid of my own shadow i also remember feeling guilty as all hell about the whole thing and wishing to god i had it to do over, i think that is why i was giving money to homeless people the way i was it made me feel just a little better about it, i still hang my head in shame over it,as an American printer i not only dishonored myself but my father too ,,the sound of that steel on steel cell door slamming shut still to this day haunts my soul ,i learned the hard is a new day for me i am so honest its sick.. lol EVERTHING i own today i worked my ***** of for if it isn't mine i dont want it ,period<---
and thats is just the way it is., i walk a straight line i dont drink i dont use
drugs the reason for that other than the obvious "they will through the key away" i feel good about doing the right thing, i....anyway they still let me print why in hell cant i drive a truck ? i am a good man and i really want to drive a truck damit :)

Mackman 09-24-2007 11:42 PM

well by the way it sounds you learn your lesson. I think everyone needs a 2nd chance. we all make mistakes just some are bigger then others. I wish you the best of luck.

trux 09-27-2007 01:42 PM

Yakman, as a suggestion, when you post your email address on the web, do it like this:


That way your intended recipient will get it but the automated spammer scans won't pick it up.

inmate1577 09-27-2007 06:54 PM

I wouldnt hire anyone who lies about a criminal past.
Still a criminal, IMHO.

greg3564 09-27-2007 07:47 PM

Yakman, I hope it works out for you. But, in one sentence you say how honest you are and never lie, but in another you admitted to lying about your felony on the application. Which is it?

You are going to have to call a lot of companies to find out who will take you. I've never heard of someone with a federal felony for counterfeiting trying to get hired. Not a very common offense. At the very least I would say it excludes you from driving a CMV into Canada, as your charge is a pretty serious one. It all just depends on what each company will tolerate in regards to the offense.

Sassy_1 09-28-2007 03:35 AM

just be a hard worker and don't lie

Yakman 09-28-2007 10:45 PM

ok your rite," i shouldn't lie" but in printing i half to,first they never check,
second if i did put down that i was a x counterfeiter they probably wouldn't hire me, and if they did it would be a a huge pay cut for me, so F that i just try to leave it in the past where it belongs, i never said i don't lie,i am an online poker player i do it all the time, WHAT I WONT DO IS BREAK THE LAW
or even remotely jeopardize my freedom in ANY WAY, not becouse i gave my life to jesus its, BECAUSE I ANT EVER GOING BACK TO FN JAIL -->PERIOD<--- i am very proud of the life i have made for myself today
i am out of work right now,but thats ok i can make a year on what i have saved plus my unemployment . anyway my research shows that there are allot of companies that will consider felons , iknow if i could just get an interview man to man face to face i would get the job, trucking is diferrant
you got to tell like it is..i didnt know that...i do now :)


inmate1577 09-29-2007 12:26 PM

I wish people would learn to spell , even in jail.

Yakman 09-29-2007 07:42 PM

don't post here again ....

greg3564 09-29-2007 08:02 PM

He's baiting you. Also, you just have accept the fact people come on here to screw around. Just don't respond to them.

inmate1577 09-29-2007 09:32 PM

I'm not "baiting him" as you fantasize about.

I'm merely pointing at this supposed reformed ex-felon wants a job in the trucking industry, wants people to realize that he's reformed but doesnt have the balls to tell the truth on his application about his imprisonment??????

I have to go through several background checks and drug testing to work yet this guy intentionally lies to get a job.

There is a line in the movie "The Cowboys" that sums up my feeling.

"I dont hold prison against you, but I hate a liar".

Yakman 09-29-2007 10:58 PM

i know what he is trying to do,he said peace, made his point the first time,
it didn't really have much to do with the original post,but thats cool point well taken...the thing is i was hoping to hear from some real men here with some decent input good or bad and not some douche bag with nothing better to do
then to make a worthless comment about spelling , now hes quoting lines from movies like a woman..........


inmate1577 09-29-2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Yakman
i know what he is trying to do,he said peace, made his point the first time,
it didn't really have much to do with the original post,but thats cool point well taken...the thing is i was hoping to hear from some real men here with some decent input good or bad and not some douche bag with nothing better to do
then to make a worthless comment about spelling , now hes quoting lines from movies like a woman..........


Real men dont LIE.
And before you call anyone a "douche bag" please realize some people dont have to LIE to get a job. There's a concept....telling the truth. Try it sometime unless it goes against your personal beliefs. :roll:

inmate1577 09-29-2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by inmate1577

Originally Posted by Yakman
i know what he is trying to do,he said peace, made his point the first time,
it didn't really have much to do with the original post,but thats cool point well taken...the thing is i was hoping to hear from some real men here with some decent input good or bad and not some douche bag with nothing better to do
then to make a worthless comment about spelling , now hes quoting lines from movies like a woman..........


Real men dont LIE.
And before you call anyone a "douche bag" please realize some people dont have to LIE to get a job. There's a concept....telling the truth. Try it sometime unless it goes against your personal beliefs. Obviously from your does. :roll:

Yakman 09-29-2007 11:47 PM

inmate1577 did you bump your head ?

inmate1577 09-30-2007 12:46 PM

Notice how this guy avoids reality. I'm sure it was someone else's fault you lied on your application?

Yakman 09-30-2007 03:31 PM

just like a woman he MUST have the last word in watch he will post again and prove me right

inmate1577 09-30-2007 08:11 PM

Stick to prison, its the only thing you've been successful at.
Because being honest, isnt your strong point.
Go to Jail, Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.00 and DO NOT get a job.

greg3564 09-30-2007 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by inmate1577
Stick to prison, its the only thing you've been successful at.
Because being honest, isnt your strong point.
Go to Jail, Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.00 and DO NOT get a job.

Get over it already. Jeez. :roll:

inmate1577 09-30-2007 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by greg3564

Originally Posted by inmate1577
Stick to prison, its the only thing you've been successful at.
Because being honest, isnt your strong point.
Go to Jail, Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.00 and DO NOT get a job.

Get over it already. Jeez. :roll:

What do you care? :roll:

greg3564 09-30-2007 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by inmate1577

Originally Posted by greg3564

Originally Posted by inmate1577
Stick to prison, its the only thing you've been successful at.
Because being honest, isnt your strong point.
Go to Jail, Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.00 and DO NOT get a job.

Get over it already. Jeez. :roll:

What do you care? :roll:

I could ask you the same thing. He doesn't want your snide remarks. You've made it plainly clear how you feel. Now let it go so he can get the info he needs.

golfhobo 10-01-2007 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by inmate1577

Originally Posted by Yakman
i know what he is trying to do,he said peace, made his point the first time,
it didn't really have much to do with the original post,but thats cool point well taken...the thing is i was hoping to hear from some real men here with some decent input good or bad and not some douche bag with nothing better to do
then to make a worthless comment about spelling , now hes quoting lines from movies like a woman..........


Real men dont LIE.

And before you call anyone a "douche bag" please realize some people dont have to LIE to get a job. There's a concept....telling the truth. Try it sometime unless it goes against your personal beliefs. :roll:

Bullsh!t!!! Real men, if there IS such a thing, LIE all the time!

Consider the example of Bush! (IF he can be considered a real man.)

I suppose you think YOU are a "real man" and you have NEVER lied? I doubt it!

[Oh, and BTW.... people should learn punctuation, even OUT of prison!]

This MAN has come on here looking for help, admitting his faults, and explaining in detail his life's story. I find it particularly "redeemable" that he felt guilt about his crime, and whether solely based on that, or not, he gave away money to the NEEDY! Would that those who HAVE legal millions would do more of the same!

I see nothing about counterfeiting that poses a security risk to the trucking industry. There are drivers out here with WORSE felony records! It may take TIME to overcome it..... but it is NOT drug dealing, murder, or even embezzlement from a company!

Apparently, MANY here are too young to remember the doings of both management AND truckers in the early days of the Teamsters! There are more than a FEW "dirty hands" out there driving rigs!

I, for one, believe this guy. He's learned his lesson and has a NEW outlook on life. I don't see ANYTHING in the field of trucking that indicates the imperative that we all be the "cream of society!"

MANY of you couldn't even pass the negligible requirements of a SECRET clearance for the government.... which is all that is required to be a Security Guard at a govenment contractor site! A Hazmat endorsement, even under the new Homeland Security Act, is a JOKE! You've got no room to talk!

If being a trucker required a "squeaky clean past," many of you would be working at McDonalds! The fact is.... YOU don't get to make the rules! YOU don't run the mega companies! YOU are just a driver! Apparently, a task that the government feels can be trusted EVEN to an illiterate foreigner! :roll:

I don't know just WHAT felonies are acceptable to carriers. I don't HAVE any. And unless you are a recruiter, I doubt that many of YOU know either! Yet, you get on your high horse and criticize ANYONE who doesn't fit your impression of a "good American!"

Did anyone ASK the poster if he was a veteran of the military? I have no reason to suspect he is, but.... you'd sing a different tune if he WAS... wouldn't you? But, I suspect you can't even consider that veterans can sometimes become "criminals." And then, again, be rehabilitated. It happens EVERY day!

In your LITTLE minds, he is probably a leftist liberal who lives off the government! Because, of course, upstanding Republicans NEVER make criminal mistakes! :roll:

This post is NOT directed specifically at YOU, Inmate! For all I know, you've never had so much as a speeding ticket! But, that doesn't give you the right, under the Constitution, to place yourself ABOVE those who've made mistakes in life, and ANY "implied" right of superiority, is as you say.... a FANTASY!

Editied to correct spelling of the word punctuation. My eyes are getting older than my "nads."

Yakman 10-01-2007 01:59 AM

lol.....thank you much hobo :)

anyway i guy emailed me with a whole list of companies that say they will consider felons , i just got the list today so i haven't had a chance to make any calls yet,,, ,what i am thinking of is this, i could just go ahead and go to this school here in Chicago a school called star school of trucking, they only want 2600$ if you pay cash up front i can swing that
so i think i might just go for it so at least when the time comes i can hey i already got my cdl what do you guys think of that ?

greg3564 10-01-2007 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by inmate1577

Originally Posted by Yakman
i know what he is trying to do,he said peace, made his point the first time,
it didn't really have much to do with the original post,but thats cool point well taken...the thing is i was hoping to hear from some real men here with some decent input good or bad and not some douche bag with nothing better to do
then to make a worthless comment about spelling , now hes quoting lines from movies like a woman..........


Real men dont LIE.

And before you call anyone a "douche bag" please realize some people dont have to LIE to get a job. There's a concept....telling the truth. Try it sometime unless it goes against your personal beliefs. :roll:

Bullsh!t!!! Real men, if there IS such a thing, LIE all the time!

Consider the example of Bush! (IF he can be considered a real man.)

I suppose you think YOU are a "real man" and you have NEVER lied? I doubt it!

[Oh, and BTW.... people should learn puctuation, even OUT of prison!]

This MAN has come on here looking for help, admitting his faults, and explaining in detail his life's story. I find it particularly "redeemable" that he felt guilt about his crime, and whether solely based on that, or not, he gave away money to the NEEDY! Would that those who HAVE legal millions would do more of the same!

I see nothing about counterfeiting that poses a security risk to the trucking industry. There are drivers out here with WORSE felony records! It may take TIME to overcome it..... but it is NOT drug dealing, murder, or even embezzlement from a company!

Apparently, MANY here are too young to remember the doings of both management AND truckers in the early days of the Teamsters! There are more than a FEW "dirty hands" out there driving rigs!

I, for one, believe this guy. He's learned his lesson and has a NEW outlook on life. I don't see ANYTHING in the field of trucking that indicates the imperative that we all be the "cream of society!"

MANY of you couldn't even pass the negligible requirements of a SECRET clearance for the government.... which is all that is required to be a Security Guard at a govenment contractor site! A Hazmat endorsement, even under the new Homeland Security Act, is a JOKE! You've got no room to talk!

If being a trucker required a "squeaky clean past," many of you would be working at McDonalds! The fact is.... YOU don't get to make the rules! YOU don't run the mega companies! YOU are just a driver! Apparently, a task that the government feels can be trusted EVEN to an illiterate foreigner! :roll:

I don't know just WHAT felonies are acceptable to carriers. I don't HAVE any. And unless you are a recruiter, I doubt that many of YOU know either! Yet, you get on your high horse and criticize ANYONE who doesn't fit your impression of a "good American!"

Did anyone ASK the poster if he was a veteran of the military? I have no reason to suspect he is, but.... you'd sing a different tune if he WAS... wouldn't you? But, I suspect you can't even consider that veterans can sometimes become "criminals." And then, again, be rehabilitated. It happens EVERY day!

In your LITTLE minds, he is probably a leftist liberal who lives off the government! Because, of course, upstanding Republicans NEVER make criminal mistakes! :roll:

This post is NOT directed specifically at YOU, Inmate! For all I know, you've never had so much as a speeding ticket! But, that doesn't give you the right, under the Constitution, to place yourself ABOVE those who've made mistakes in life, and ANY "implied" right of superiority, is as you say.... a FANTASY!

Golf, you really need to express how you feel and not keep it all bottled up. :lol:

golfhobo 10-01-2007 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Yakman
lol.....thank you much hobo :)

anyway i guy emailed me with a whole list of companies that say they will consider felons , i just got the list today so i haven't had a chance to make any calls yet,,, ,what i am thinking of is this, i could just go ahead and go to this school here in Chicago a school called star school of trucking, they only want 2600$ if you pay cash up front i can swing that
so i think i might just go for it so at least when the time comes i can hey i already got my cdl what do you guys think of that ?

You're welcome, Yakman! But, I said all that as much for ME as I did for YOU! One point of caution: Many companies won't accept a school of less than 160 hours length. Any money paid for LESS, could be wasted... especially in your case. Good luck, and keep us posted! MANY here really do care, and want to see you succeed!

BTW.... if you're feeling beneficial.... and you've got a few thousand bills "stashed" away.... oh... nevermind! I wouldn't know what to DO if I was suddenly rich enough to be out of debt! :lol:

It might change my perspective, and I'd be just another rich, Republican blowhard!! And we've got ENOUGH of them here! :lol:

Miloh 10-01-2007 10:14 AM

Can I get hired
Sorry to hijack this thread but I got no responces in the one I posetd. Seem like a few recuters reading this one.
I have several hunderd thousand miles accident free and no tickets at all. clean back up!!!!as clean as you will find.piss clean. I let my CDL, HAZ TRIPS, & DOUBLES. Expire as I was not driving at tha time.
I can drive anything and am willing to go back through training to get back in but my problem is........BACK surgery. DOC says I'm all but ready to go and this will not create any problems when fully healed. it was not an accident either just a birth defect that had to be fixed and had. there will never be a risk of it commong back on the company and I just need to get up and go. But I can;t get anybody to call be back. I can;t show emopltoment for about 9 months over this issue but up till then I got good references. What do I do. If I lie about the surgery that I can hide I have no work experience for almost a year.

ANY Thoughts

10-01-2007 12:16 PM

Yakman, good luck to you for sure!!!!

One question, sorry I can't resist. Looking back on what you did, should you have printed $20 dollar bills instead which would have drawn less attention?

Let us all know how job hunting turns out and just ignore the jerks in here.

10-01-2007 12:20 PM

Re: Can I get hired

Originally Posted by Miloh
ANY Thoughts

Your wife was restricted to bed for her 9 month pregnancy

You were the truck driver on the Survivor show

Witness protection program

International spy and all records have been destroyed to hide your secret mission.

Your dog ate your employment history

Miloh 10-01-2007 12:34 PM

All thats great stuff:

I'll change my name to Homer Simpson and I'm sure I'll get right in LOL!!

I'm just wondering if the back thing is the problem?? no one has actualy said, just kinda never seem to get back to me. guess I could have had my own business that just didn't take off and had to close it.
Oh well I'm still looking around.


kc0iv 10-01-2007 01:52 PM

Re: Can I get hired

Originally Posted by Miloh
Sorry to hijack this thread but I got no responces in the one I posetd. Seem like a few recuters reading this one.

ANY Thoughts

Maybe you should read Start with rule #1.


golfhobo 10-01-2007 02:46 PM

Re: Can I get hired

Originally Posted by kc0iv

Originally Posted by Miloh
Sorry to hijack this thread but I got no responces in the one I posetd. Seem like a few recuters reading this one.

ANY Thoughts

Maybe you should read Start with rule #1.


Umm..... KC?? I can't believe you left yourself open for this, but......

You might want to see your own link, and start with rule #3! :lol: :lol:

Yakman 10-01-2007 04:43 PM

SteveBooth, i probably shouldn't respond to that question but the reason why is kind of interesting
your right 20.s would have drawn less attention but they were also much harder to reproduce ,i still don't understand why all pre 90.s
us notes were setup like that , the back side of the 100 was easy, 50.s got
harder 20. very very hard to print 10. even harder 5.s no way could i make them look right and 1$ notes no fn way, if the back side of the 100$ note was as detailed as the back side of the 1$ note we wouldn't be havening this conversation becouse i wouldn't have been able to reproduce them the 1 $ 5$ 10$ and 20$ note are just way to detailed for me ... that was my first question to the SS agent that busted me he didnt seem to know why ether, best i could gather is that is just part of the cat and mouse game they use to bust dip shts like me who would try such a thing..hopefully nobody gets any bright ideas from this post becouse if you do law enforcement will be waiting to plant there shiny leather boot up your a$$ may think hmm maybe i will just print a couple of c notes on this computer how can they catch me ? well you will see how when they CATCH YOU!!!! and they WILL CATCH YOU!!!! so dont even think it ,its not worth it, its a very bad idea that will haunt you for the rest of your life, man when i ran that background check on myself and those charges popped rite like that up it took me straight back to the day i got busted, a day witch i blocked out for years came straight back in my face and knocked me on my a$$ big time... had me thinking about the years i lost with my family that i will never get back, and the fact that here we nearly 20 years latter and i want to change careers and i cant...well i probably can but i am limited forget HASMAT forget Canada..... Canada has had enough problems with bevis and butthead counterfeiting operation's no way would they allow me there... i think that is part of why i posted here i needed to get off my chest,and writing about it here has been is a grate outlet and has helped regain some balance...anyway i have enjoyed posting here and i will keep you guys up to date on my progress :)

a YAK is an airplane YAKMAN is the pilot :)

Yakman 10-01-2007 05:02 PM


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