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Jimbpard 09-18-2007 08:24 PM

I'm j*&%cked off
SO here's the deal.
I get up this morning, cant find my phone, kids thought it was funny to hide it from me. Cool.

I get in Pittsburgh this morning to load for 3 stops. I grab all my bills. The bill for the Perryopolis job has no directions. I ask for directions. I'm told "I dont have nothing on that". OK! So I'm expected AS USUAL to deliver to a jobsite that I have no idea where it is with no directions or cell phone. Fine. So I load up and start my journey.

Pittsburgh to Bridgeville, PA - stop complete no problem.
Bridgeville, PA to Wheeling, WV - stop complete no problem.
Wheeling, WV to Perryopolis, PA - Here's where the bullshit starts.

I ask away on the cb if anyone was familiar with Maplewood street in Perryopolis. Think anyone was? Nope.
I pull into a gas station to use a pay phone. No payphone. They ripped it out.
I pull into another gas station, go inside, and ask. The worker actually knew the guy whose HOUSE I was delivering to. Told me how to get there. So I get in the truck and go. I get to where I think this guy lives, but nobody is home, there is no number on his house or mailbox (I needed 59), and I even looked in the mailbox to see if something would have his name on it. Nothing was in the mailbox. Ask a neighbor? Yeah sure. There are none.

So I'm not going to drop the load at a house that could be the wrong house, plus it was a C.O.D. so I simply say to hell with it, I felt that I made my efforts, and took the load back to the company yard (which is not the same place as where I load), and went home.

I call the dispatcher, tell him what happened, and he was pissed because I SHOULD HAVE CALLED HIM! PHONE OR NO PHONE. (GRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
So he calls the customer, tells him the story, fine. Will be delivered tomorrow afternoon.

15 minutes ago, I get a call from my boss (dispatcher at rebar plant called and told on me :roll: )who bitched at me for 8 min 28 sec. because again, "I SHOULD HAVE CALLED!", tells me I'm not getting paid when I do deliver it, continues to cuss and put me down, although it was perfectly fine that the dispatcher sent me out with no directions!! Thats irrelevent. Sure. What part are these dumbasses missing here? Am I supposed to knock on people door to ask to use their phone because of the all important 1000 pound load of rebar?!??!? Yeah RIGHT!! Have fun.
I have been angry before, sure, everyone gets mad at their job/employer, but I am SOOOO close to pulling a Mackman right now that it isnt even funny. If I hear 1 more thing about it tomorrow, I dont think I will be able to stop myself from saying shove the truck up your as$ and walking out. I'm almost on my way out the door anyway because I found a new job a couple weeks ago, but the trailer I will be using (the only curtain side they have) is in the shop getting repaired from an accident and not exactly sure when it will be ready.

Well thats all for now. I'm starting to ramble a bit, but thanks for letting me vent. Now lets here all the other things I coulda/shoulda done.

inmate1577 09-18-2007 08:33 PM

You should have called.

Jimbpard 09-18-2007 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by inmate1577
You should have called.

:x :lol: :x :lol: :x :lol:

Mackman 09-18-2007 09:19 PM

Re: I'm j*&%cked off

Originally Posted by Jimbpard
I am SOOOO close to pulling a Mackman right now

lol :lol: well you got to do what you got to do. The diff. between me and you is i have no kids and no big bills. But i atlest would have had to loud back to the dispatcher.

Jimbpard 09-18-2007 09:23 PM

Re: I'm j*&%cked off

Originally Posted by Mackman

Originally Posted by Jimbpard
I am SOOOO close to pulling a Mackman right now

lol :lol: well you got to do what you got to do. The diff. between me and you is i have no kids and no big bills. But i atlest would have had to loud back to the dispatcher.

Yeah I know...Thats the only thing really stopping me and keeping me somewhat grounded, is the kids....But at the same time, I wont be disrepected no more. Already warned the wife to be ready to pick me up in wilkinsburg tomorrow incase I go off the wall. If so, I will more than likely have a job the same morning. I'm done being talked to like an idiot. If I was an idiot, and made no effort, thats 1 thing, but when I KNOW I did and felt I did my job, I aint gonna be talked down to.

BTW, I tried adding you on myspace! You denied me!!
my thing is padeerslayer03

Mackman 09-18-2007 09:32 PM

damn i denied you. LOL probley cuz i didnt know it was you. Am going to add you then. Thats one thing i dont put up with and that is yelling and being talked down to. If i mess up tell me i will try to fix it but dont yell. Am out here tryin to do my best and its not like i mess up cuz i want to.

inmate1577 09-18-2007 10:32 PM

Pissing off the dispatcher is like pissing off the cook.
What you get might not be what you want.

Kranky 09-18-2007 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by inmate1577
Pissing off the dispatcher is like pissing off the cook.
What you get might not be what you want.

But it's OK for the dispatcher to piss off the driver???

Oh, OK.

RostyC 09-18-2007 11:41 PM

Well......................I have an idea :idea: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Part Time Dweller 09-19-2007 01:30 AM

WTF? How hard is it to find a phone? Call it from the house phone and follow the ring. :lol:

I would be PO'd too if a supposed grown man used that as an excuse for not making a delivery.. :roll: Sorry, but that is akin to the dog ate my homework.

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