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acslam 05-02-2007 11:12 PM

Sleeper space?
I've had some experience with big rigs but not anything with a sleeper attached to it. I stopped off at the local Freightliner dealer today just to look around inside one or two, found some centurys, checked out the sleeper and figure I'd have enough space to keep my computer and clothes bags. Now I noticed that the top bunk foleds up to create space. I feel stupid for not thinking of this, but do the lower bunks fold up too? perhaps for some "trunk" spae underneath? Reason I ask is I want to keep an electric guitar with me and it certainly wouldn't fit into the little fridge-side cubbies. I have a few guitars, the one I would want to take has a fairly large case. I've relegated the decision to taking my strat with me now as it and it's gig bag are much smaller. But is there any space in which I could actually put the thing or is it just gonna be bouncing around the bed? Like would I ust literally tuck it under the covers on the bed or what?

Sorry if this is a dumb post.

Ridge Runner 05-02-2007 11:25 PM

While it is nice to have the extra headroom with the top bunk up, a lot of drivers keep it down for extra storage space. With some bungie cords or the safety net, alot of stuff can go up there.

Crash935 05-02-2007 11:45 PM

Most trucks have some type of storage under the lower bunk. They are usually broken up into compartments, D/S is storage with access from the outside, P/S usually has your heat and a/c unit with a larger area in the center. Your guitar might fit in the center compartment but i would through some good padding under it. If your really worried about it getting beat up, i would leave it under the covers while your driving and maybe stand it up in front of the passengers set when resting.

acslam 05-03-2007 01:53 AM

Cool. Thanks for the heads up. I'm guessing that in the first weeks where I'm with a trainer it would be best for me to leave it at home, I'm thinking that a trainer wouldn't be to fond of my instrumentation and I'll be doing all the work anyways. But it's good to know I can hav e it with me when i get out on my own!

flood 05-03-2007 02:15 AM

Re: Sleeper space?

Originally Posted by acslam
I've had some experience with big rigs but not anything with a sleeper attached to it. I stopped off at the local Freightliner dealer today just to look around inside one or two, found some centurys, checked out the sleeper and figure I'd have enough space to keep my computer and clothes bags. Now I noticed that the top bunk foleds up to create space. I feel stupid for not thinking of this, but do the lower bunks fold up too? perhaps for some "trunk" spae underneath? Reason I ask is I want to keep an electric guitar with me and it certainly wouldn't fit into the little fridge-side cubbies. I have a few guitars, the one I would want to take has a fairly large case. I've relegated the decision to taking my strat with me now as it and it's gig bag are much smaller. But is there any space in which I could actually put the thing or is it just gonna be bouncing around the bed? Like would I ust literally tuck it under the covers on the bed or what?

Sorry if this is a dumb post.

not dump at all. i used to keep mine in it's hard case on the upper bed but it was such a hassle that i never played it then i was at Sam Ash and found a Brownsville travel guitar. just a neck and almost no body.(standered 6 string) it was like $69 and it fits behind the seat so i can play anytime. i have a 9volt travel amp, guitarman, cords, sound pedal and stuff. i keep in a briefcase that way it is all in one place. i can stop and have it all up and playing in less than 5min. it works well for me

coastie 05-03-2007 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by acslam
Cool. Thanks for the heads up. I'm guessing that in the first weeks where I'm with a trainer it would be best for me to leave it at home, I'm thinking that a trainer wouldn't be to fond of my instrumentation and I'll be doing all the work anyways. But it's good to know I can hav e it with me when i get out on my own!

While your out with a trainer, I would take baremin of things you need. there will be 2 of you having to store stuff. The Trainer already have a space for your stuff, so it will be limited.

But after you get your own truck you'll be free to do much as you please. Just remember if anyything shoiuld hapen and your let go from the COmpany you maybe stuck carring everything on to a Bus or plane.

acslam 05-03-2007 03:27 AM

It does help that I work currently at a lutheir's shop/music store so i can get ahold of pretty much anything I want. As far as effects and such go, I have a firepod so guitar>firepod (professional recording device) > laptop >headphones or truck stereo for amp. Plus i can jam out to my entire music library that way. Whole rig can fit into a laptop case + gig bag and i hate to say it but I'm starting to like the sound almost more than my 100 watt, 6 foot tall voodoo stack.

I had considered buying another guitar but I think I got to many already!

It's cool to find other players on the board. I was wondering how many guys played and drove.

GTR SILVER 05-03-2007 03:41 AM

ya guitar players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you get a chance,check out the garage band web link i have..........let me know what you think...........keep on rock'n........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)

GTR SILVER 05-03-2007 03:43 AM

by the way i'm in the process of setting up to sell downloads..and cd'

Roadhog 05-03-2007 05:59 AM

I bring my Jackson DK2 with me. I name all my guitars. This one is "Bigrigger."

The hardshell case makes it secure. As you can see there is plenty of room in the case for my Dean Stack in the Box, extra strings, and my practice DVD's.
I also use a Pandora...and sometimes bring my Digitech GNX4. My laptop has Guitar Pro and Pro Tracks Plus. I have thousands of music files, and made a file of my sound effects patches. I am a Satchoholic. :P :lol:

It just rides nicely on my bed. I have bounced all over the Country...and never had any problem. When I need my bunk, I set it behind the passenger seat. Sometimes I forget it there...but it rides just as nicely. I mean...where's it gonna go?

I would feel just as comfortable with a gigbag. You'll see the guitar will fit end-wise at the foot of the it also has the closet cabinet to stop it...if you hit the brakes. Sometimes if I lay it on the upper bunk...I bungee it for safety sake.

flood 05-03-2007 01:38 PM

ok roadhog how did you get the pic in the post...?[/img]

acslam 05-03-2007 08:20 PM

Oh man, ya hit the nail on the head. Early 90's Dave Mustaine signature King V 1 here, USA made, neck through, silver sparkle finish. I am a Jackson man through and through. Only problem is the KV1 Case is significantly larger than a strat style, most people think it's a bass when they see it!

Been playing since i was 12, and got into recording when i was 14. I built a small project/demo studio at my home, equipped to isolate and record up to a 5 piece band at once time. I run Cubase mostly and learned to play all the basic rock instruments to some extent. I hope the road turns out to be as inspiring as I think it will be!

I'm also a bit of a drummer, but I couldn't fit my kit on the truck so that's out. Maybe I can rig the pads from an e-kit onto the passenger side dash with velcro??? HMMMMMM!!!! that would draw some looks I bet! Not sure if there's enough footspace to setup the double kick on the floor in the passenger seat though.... and if i went team, it'd drive the other operator f-ing crazy!

Rock on Roadhog, maybe I'll catch ya on the road someday and we can get a jam going, see if we can't attract some fine feathered females with a sort of truckers siren call! heheheheheheh!

Roadhog 05-04-2007 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by flood
ok roadhog how did you get the pic in the post...?[/img]

set up a web host account with a site like photobucket. Here is their web addy.

then you will see on the main album page...

Upload Images & Videos
w/ a browse can choose vids and images from your files, and download them to your album.

each image will have a selection of things you can do for editing
there is a small check box under the photo.
if you want to download the photo to a message board...check the box

then scroll down to the bottom of this page
you will see a box called...
Generate HTML and IMG Code
click on that...and you will be brought to a page where you will have the codes.

copy the code you images for message board...
top of your on edit and select copy.
go to your message board and paste this code to your message where you want the photo placed.

in your Post a on the Preview button to check your photo.
Be sure it is not too large. I always reduce photo sizes to 500pixels or less in they do not hyper-extend the thread. You can use a photoshop of your choice to crop, and resize your photos or whatever you wish. I always do my photo doctoring before I download them to photobucket. You will learn as you go.

here are a few other beauties I like to take with me. If you have some photos of your guitar...please post them.

flood 08-25-2007 10:14 PM

running team we don't have alot of room so this is what i keep in the truck to play

Fredog 08-25-2007 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by roadhog

Originally Posted by flood
ok roadhog how did you get the pic in the post...?[/img]

set up a web host account with a site like photobucket. Here is their web addy.

then you will see on the main album page...

Upload Images & Videos
w/ a browse can choose vids and images from your files, and download them to your album.

each image will have a selection of things you can do for editing
there is a small check box under the photo.
if you want to download the photo to a message board...check the box

then scroll down to the bottom of this page
you will see a box called...
Generate HTML and IMG Code
click on that...and you will be brought to a page where you will have the codes.

copy the code you images for message board...
top of your on edit and select copy.
go to your message board and paste this code to your message where you want the photo placed.

in your Post a on the Preview button to check your photo.
Be sure it is not too large. I always reduce photo sizes to 500pixels or less in they do not hyper-extend the thread. You can use a photoshop of your choice to crop, and resize your photos or whatever you wish. I always do my photo doctoring before I download them to photobucket. You will learn as you go.

here are a few other beauties I like to take with me. If you have some photos of your guitar...please post them.

this is a picture of my son and the guitar I got him for Christmas, it's a Washburn special edition 911 tribute guitar.. as far as myself, I carry mine in the truck in a hard case. I stand it up on the closet, under the bunk is too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer

Triple Digit Bob 08-25-2007 11:33 PM

I like truck with big sleeper. If I driving fast and touch brakes I don't have a lot stuff that fall on floor. :lol: J.B. hunt truck have very big sleeper. Also very good if you have fart problem. Mucho air, EH,how you say,circulation. :lol:

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