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skills 03-17-2006 01:04 PM

Yep I have seen that before. One week we had a random (monday), after a 3 day weekend. Then on Tuesday they had one again (caught 2 people). After that, you would of thought it was over and done with, right. Wrong, they did another on that Thursday and caught another 5 people. The moral of this story is, you never know when randoms come.

Unhappytruckerswife 03-17-2006 10:05 PM

Just to let you know theFlyinphoenix there is a person that I know that is just going through the training and I know for a fact that he uses coke and has been in re-hab somewhere like 4 times already in his life!!! The thought of him being on the road is VERY scary and then it to be in a big rig is almost unthinkable! I hope that they really do screen the new hires well because he is a DISASTER WAITING TO HAPPEN... And I was kind of curious about how well the various companies are about this problem.. I mean it has well be known that staying awake for a lot of trucks is a real battle at times...

KCRider 03-17-2006 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by skills
It all depends on what you took, some last a day, and some can last weeks. And they can drug test you as much as they want. In the past month, the military has given me a total of 6 drug tests. Can't you tell the military really wants to catch someone.

Yes. As a matter of fact, that "someone" would be Osama.

Regarding the testing part of it, I don't agree about the insinuation about the military testing to "catch someone [doing drugs]. Instead, I believe the military tests for drugs HOPING all tests return negative. After all, isn't the military based upon the concepts of pride, honesty, integrity, and loyalty?

Think about it...

Uturn2001 03-17-2006 10:32 PM

Unless he is working for an outlaw company he will be tested during orientation. If he makes it past the pre hire drug screen and you KNOW that he is continuing to use drugs then you can always call his company and talk to the safety manager and drop a line on him. That may give them enough reason to pull him in for a "random" which would really be more on the lines of a reasonable suspicion testing.

03-17-2006 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by roadhog
:shock: can I get some answers ! :shock: (foot tapping) (fidgetting about)

HELLO... :shock:

........does anyone know how long certain drugs stay in your system, before you can pass a drug test?? :shock: (tap tap tap, twitch)(tweeeak, stretch ,tap,tap) :shock:

Roadhog, do you understand aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, Motrin IB .... aren't drugs. Back to work with you, go on, get out of here! :shock:

Crackaces 03-17-2006 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Uturn2001
Unless he is working for an outlaw company he will be tested during orientation. If he makes it past the pre hire drug screen and you KNOW that he is continuing to use drugs then you can always call his company and talk to the safety manager and drop a line on him. That may give them enough reason to pull him in for a "random" which would really be more on the lines of a reasonable suspicion testing.

I think if somebody presents reasonable evidence of drug usage you would get pulled in for a reasonable-cause drug test. Reasonable evidence would be that you actually saw this person doing drugs at a specific place and time. Since you saw it it would not be a time this person was on the road and bam this person could be brought in for testing

With the exception of the check mark on the form (reasonable cause vs. pre-screen test or there any more constraints on the test? I do believe the sampling process has to be observed for example.

Now ... your statement


Just to let you know theFlyinphoenix there is a person that I know that is just going through the training and I know for a fact that he uses coke and has been in re-hab somewhere like 4 times already in his life!!!

if untrue is Libel. I do not know what harm is done but if this person was unfairly fired because of this statement they would have a civil case. Just a FYI ... Free Speech does not mean you can commit Libel.

Now on the other hand if your statements are true you have an obligation to to report your knowledge.

Unhappytruckerswife 03-18-2006 12:39 AM

I just pray that ALL companies do a regular testing on the drivers. And believe me, if i know he is using again I will be the first to call!!! It has not even been a year since he was in Re-Hab.... I could not sleep at night knowing that he was out on the road in a big rig on drugs and putting so many innocent people in danger..... You know the military has random testing but there are plenty of them that still smoke.. Because drug testing is not done on a regular basis someone always gets wind of when the testing is and then everyone knows..

Longsnowsm 03-18-2006 12:53 AM

If he has used drugs recently he will get caught in the screening. That should put an end to his driving. Has any of this(prior drug problems) been reported to his prospective employer?


jman 03-18-2006 01:00 AM

Drug Testing
I had a random drug test this week. I knew when they sent me through the terminal that is what it was. The dispatcher said contact me when you arrive at the terminal so I knew. You could not do anything about it if you were dirty though so my advise is to not do drugs stay clean.

Roadhog 03-18-2006 01:21 AM

The Company I drive for test everybody once a year, and they don't warn you before hand.
I also drive Ambulance and Fire Apparatus, and they will random test us as well. It especially helps us as we...believe it or not....have to continually watch our backs against potential lawsuits.
First Responder's use to never get sued....times have changed.

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