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Cruzer 01-16-2014 06:49 PM

US Economic More Spent On American Goods Or Higher Taxes...
last nite me and friends were talking and' one person said the tax situation is going to burn into work options'.
For contractors as the people'. We need to demand a overall tax review'. for the many that have five six million in savings..
Mandate that these people spend more on American built goods. Cars Trucks Boats Durable Goods.
This will have an effect on US jobs' Lets let Congress hear . Rebuild America Save Jobs.

Mr. Ford95 01-16-2014 08:18 PM

You do understand what that would then make this country, right? We demand you spend your hard earned money only here in the US and nowhere else................Venezuela anyone? See how it's working out down there for those wacky's?

Roadhog 01-16-2014 10:21 PM

That is our presidents message though right? blame corporations and the top 1%. Income inequality, social justice… all that communist crap. :roll3:

Individual consumers support foreign economies, as much or more maybe.
More we shop at a big box store, more we put local retailers out of business too.

Mr. Ford95 01-17-2014 07:21 PM

You also fail to realize that half the cars claimed as made in the US are not. Some are made in Canada or Mexico or Japan or Korea. Even some that are from the US, check all the parts out..........the catch is, it was ASSEMBLED in the US but it's made up from overseas parts. Even mechanic tools are like that, stamped right on them, Made in the USA, flip it over and in very small letters you see a China. Turns out the coating was put on them in the US but they are 100% Chinese made. My company has a curbmachine that says, Built in the USA, Salisbury NC. Look at the parts and you see Italy, Germany, China, etc. Again, assembled here in the US only, doesn't make it American.

repete 01-17-2014 09:13 PM

Not a lot of people have 5 or 6 million in "saveings" just laying around. I'd be willing to bet that the people that do have 5 million already have it invested. AND THAT means jobs and products made (hopefully USA jobs) and that means paychecks/sale tax in other words good times.
Mandateing that people buy a product( like health care) causes all sorts of problems starting with peoples rights.
Who'd believe it, I'm right there with Ford! HMMMm wonders never cease.

GMAN 01-18-2014 02:20 AM

You are taking the wrong approach. It is the average American consumer that needs to start looking at labels and buy American. Until about 30 years ago, we manufactured almost everything we purchased in this country. Even the unions had a commercial that asked people to "look for the union label." At one time if you worked at GM, Ford or Chrysler, you drove their cars. That is no longer the case. If you have driven past one of their manufacturing plants you will see a lot of Japanese, German and Korean cars on the lot. Consumers demanded cheaper products and the best way to lower prices at that time was to send manufacturing off shore. There are still a lot of companies who make quality products in the U.S. Cars are made all over the world. If cars are assembled in the U.S. they have components manufactured all over the world, but mostly in China, Mexico and Canada. Furniture, clothing and many other products are made abroad, but there are still those who make products in America. Few people who have $5 million in equity will have it sitting around gathering dust. People who have money keep it working for them. It is usually invested.

I still look for quality when I purchase products. I think the best quality products are still made in the U.S. Worker pay and high taxes drove many companies abroad. The United States used to be much more friendly when it came to taxes and worker pay. The middle class pays most of the taxes and consumes most of the products. Only hitting the very wealthy will not do it. You will need to convince the average American that it will be in their best interests to look for products that are made in the U.S.A. We currently have a very hostile environment when it comes to taxes. Over 50 taxes on individuals and businesses have been reinstated as of January 1. Higher taxes mean less money to purchase goods and services. The push toward a higher minimum wage will also hurt job creation.

Another reason we started to purchase products made elsewhere is that the quality of American made products began to decline as did worker productivity. It is in everyone's best interest to find and purchase products made here. Talk to your fellow Americans and get them to start buying quality products made in the U.S.A. With time things will begin to turn around. One thing you never want to do is try to force people to spend their money a certain way. We see how well that has worked with obamacare. People resent it and the effect will be opposite of what you expect.

mitchno1 01-18-2014 05:46 AM

we buy parts in New Zealand for our logging and trucking and lots other gear and it comes from china ,including addias and other sporting gear,i think you should blame your companies first for getting it made in these foreign countries

Roadhog 01-18-2014 11:54 AM

In my opinion, the root cause of industry decline in this country was and still is, the communist unions, in bed with the communist DNC.
Now these bastards have control of our children.

We have a lawless government, who will not listen to the will of the people, and we the people have allowed them to get away with this.
Now our country is run by out of control self-serving mafia. The theft upon America is mind boggling, with deliberate attempt to bankrupt us.

America's decline began years ago with unions and the communist political agenda.
We have all your generic communist crap of social justice and class warfare, and Nanny/Police state, anti-business agenda, and control of the media.
State run media, union and community organized communist control.

America is about to give the commies in this country epic push back.
We are going to first take over both Houses of Congress, and then we are going to impeach that fraud liar Obama, and send Eric Holder to prison.
Of course when that happens all hell will break loose, as the democrat slaves fight back, and burn our cities.

I personally believe America is going to have to thin the herd of the anti-American filth. I don't think a political shift is going to come soon enough, considering the infestation, and the ongoing damage to this nation. I personally believe a civil war is going to be necessary to make the drastic measures necessary to save this nation.

Either way, it's going to get ugly. If the commies continue to fundamentally change this country, they are going to have to get rid of a sheit load of Patriots first.
It's not simply going to end without blood, in my opinion. We have a criminal organization running this country right now. Innocent people are being hurt by the millions. We will see life and death consequences to this political assault on America, and that is why Obama has been militarizing ALL the agencies, and filling the agencies with loyal followers. They know civil unrest is about to explode, and the kicker is THEY WANT that to happen.

Look around, we are in a police state now. You all should know how the commies work by now. Nudge-shove-shoot. We are in the shove stage and you all know it.

They are shoving everything down our throat now. There is full out assault on everything to deliberately overwhelm our society and all it's norms.
The police are exerting control, IRS, EPA, FBI, DHS, NSA, etc. etc, are all exerting control and taking away liberties, and deliberately destroying our economy, by regulation and intimidation.

Roadhog 01-18-2014 02:07 PM


I hope this thread gets moved to the political forum, so I don't have to keep biting my tongue.

Mr. Ford95 01-18-2014 03:24 PM

Everything that used to be made in the US that has gone abroad, has gone abroad for a reason. Companies that are publicly traded have a board to answer to. If the board says they want to send jobs overseas, they go overseas. The reason is, the company is supposed to make money, the best and quickest way is to go overseas where labor is MUCH cheaper. These boards know that, watch Shark Tank and you will see what I mean. These companies can also sell the products at a lower price since labor was so much less and still make some nice money off it. Here's the deal, if we had to buy products made 100% in the US, we would be paying $5K for a toilet seat. The consumer wouldn't stand for that. On a personal level, I build bookcases from scratch on demand. If I had to put a true figure on labor and such, that book case would not be as cheap as the one's made overseas in stores. Smaller one's in a store would go for about $100 but mine would end up selling for more like $300-500 depending on if I stain it or leave it unfinished and the buyer stains it. Your not going to pay "a little bit more for American made," your going to pay a lot more.

GMAN 01-18-2014 03:34 PM

Not necessarily. There are products made in the U.S. that are very competitively priced. It isn't just the cost of labor that is the problem that is driving products abroad, although that is a key factor. The other is the high taxes and over regulations of American industry. We are deluged with regulations, with more coming out daily. That is the communist way. The government wants to dictate the type of toilet, light bulb and other products that we can buy. They even want to control our homes and the amount of insulation. It just never seems to end. Americans are the most innovative in the world. We can cut labor costs through automation. Of course, unions fight automation, but that is one way in which we can more effectively compete. We still have many small manufacturers. It is still up to the consumer as to whether they want products made in America or elsewhere. The government promotes outsourcing with their tax and other incentives. NAFTA is a very one sided treaty which favors our competitors, mostly Mexico with little upside to the U.S.

repete 01-19-2014 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. Ford95 (Post 528742)
. Here's the deal, if we had to buy products made 100% in the US, we would be paying $5K for a toilet seat.

I seem to remember the Air Force doing just that!

GMAN 01-19-2014 12:43 AM

Yes, the Navy likes to pay high prices for hammers and toilet seats, too. I think some of that money goes into black ops to prevent any snooping eyes to know how much is being spent on special projects. But, there has to be billions in waste or a lot of corruption involved.

repete 01-20-2014 04:39 PM

Back in 'the day' My unit was going on a training mission a few hundred miles from our post, normally we would convoy there in trucks and buses but that year we didn't have money for D2 fuel. The solution?? Why fly us there and back in Chinooks! 3 of them up there and back then another round trip to pick us up! I never did understand that.

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