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Windwalker 01-19-2010 11:39 PM

Some years ago, the FDA determined that "soup is good food", and Campbell's Soups capitalized on it. It became part of their national add campaign for a time.

Back when I was a kid, one of the neighbors got his leg sliced open by a hog. The doctor stitched it up, and gave him medication for it, but also told him to rub it down with witch hazel, and drink cabbage broth for it. Those old horse doctors aren't around anymore, but cabbage broth sure is. Some of their recommendations made more sense than the state of the art medicine we have today.

Jokingly, I once asked an auctioneer about getting his tongue back to normal after a day at the auction.
"Takes 6 doctors now.
One to extend it out of my mouth.
One to flex it to the right.
One to flex it to the left.
One to flex it up.
One to flex it down.
And, one to retract it back into my mouth."
Then, he smiled and winked...
"Years ago, it only took one old horse doctor to tell me to leave it alone, and it will be fine in the morning."

Roadhog 01-19-2010 11:53 PM

Our food is loosing nutritional value as well. You mentioned how oxygen levels were probably higher before Noah. Imagine how much more pure our food was then too.

Today, I don't think you can find a pure strain of any food plant left on earth. It has all been evolving and adapting to the soil and environment over the years, and in the last century, commercialized. With hybrid and genetics, the food has been grown to standards based on money, not nutrition.

Just as animal life has been going extinct, so has plant life. Now figure all the chemicals used in our food process. It's all pretty scary stuff, the more you look into it.

Double L 01-20-2010 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Roadhog (Post 473076)
Our food is loosing nutritional value as well. You mentioned how oxygen levels were probably higher before Noah. Imagine how much more pure our food was then too.

Today, I don't think you can find a pure strain of any food plant left on earth. It has all been evolving and adapting to the soil and environment over the years, and in the last century, commercialized. With hybrid and genetics, the food has been grown to standards based on money, not nutrition.

Just as animal life has been going extinct, so has plant life. Now figure all the chemicals used in our food process. It's all pretty scary stuff, the more you look into it.

Which also means these people can control the human population with a pandemic or whatever.

Windwalker 01-20-2010 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Double L (Post 473077)
Which also means these people can control the human population with a pandemic or whatever.

The process of evolution by natural selection will continue. In the future, the survivors will have an immunity to chemical contamination in the food supply. Those without that immunity will die out. A means of controlling the population growth.

Windwalker 01-20-2010 02:08 PM

Does this give us a clue as to just who was funding Obama's campaign???


Feds approve statins for people without high cholesterol

If you didn't think the cholesterol conspiracy was a load of hooey created by drug manufacturers, maybe this will change your mind.

Crestor -- that dangerous cholesterol-lowering drug -- has now been approved for people who DON'T have high cholesterol.

You read that right -- a cholesterol drug... for people without cholesterol problems!

If the circus clowns who run the FDA do what's expected and rubber-stamp the decision, AstraZeneca will be able to market Crestor to healthy Americans with high levels of a protein linked to inflammation.

I suppose I should be gratified since I've been saying for decades that inflammation, and not "high" cholesterol, is the real problem when it comes to heart disease. And one good indicator of inflammation levels is something called C-reactive protein, or CRP for short.

The higher the CRP creeps, the greater the inflammation... and the greater your risk for heart disease. The mainstream had no interest in exploring this link -- until some studies found that statins may lower CRP levels along with cholesterol.

Now that they have a drug to sell, they're suddenly interested. But you don't need these meds for cholesterol or CRP, and here's why:

First, forget cholesterol altogether -- I rarely tested for it when I was in practice. If it's somewhere between 200 and 300 and you're on a healthy low-carb diet, you're doing fine.

Second, you can easily reduce your CRP levels and lower your risk for inflammation without meds. You just need some vitamin C -- the exact dose will depend on your individual needs, but between 2 and 6 grams per day should do the trick for most people who are eating right.

Whatever you do, don't turn to statins. These meds have been linked to debilitating muscle pain and weakness as well as liver and kidney damage. Statin users also have an increased risk for diabetes.

In fact, the AstraZeneca-sponsored JUPITER study that so impressed the FDA panel even found that Crestor patients had a 27 percent higher risk of diabetes than patients who took a placebo.

And that's not the only dirty drug they want all of us taking. Keep reading for the latest vaccine outrage...
Vaccine makers ready new push

Think you've seen a hard sell when it comes to swine flu vaccine?

Well, you ain't seen nothing yet!

The vaccine makers are just getting warmed up -- and now they're coming right out and boasting to their investors about how much money they're going to rake in from vaccines in the next few years.

Sanofi-Aventis is telling its investors that it plans to double its vaccine business by 2013. In 2010 alone, they're hoping to sell nearly $5.76 billion in needless needles.

That's not just significant. That's a bombshell -- because this company owns Sanofi Pasteur, the world's largest vaccine maker. That should tell you everything you need to know about these drugs. The vaccine business is not a noble effort to end disease... but a relentless push to boost profits.

There's a simple reason for this: The drug kingpins are running out of patents on their blockbuster meds. And with nothing in the works to replace them right now, they're turning to vaccines for quick and easy cash.

You just need to look at Merck to see how it works: After spending billions to settle Vioxx lawsuits, they turned to a vaccine to soften the blow.

That's how we got Gardasil, the dangerous needle being forced on little girls from coast to coast. The vaccine is supposed to protect against some strains of
HPV -- but it's been dubbed "Help Pay for Vioxx."

But let's get back to Sanofi Pasteur, because this French company typically makes 45 percent of all the flu vaccine sold in the United States, and 40 percent of the world's flu vaccines. They've sold us half a billion dollars' worth of swine flu shots already, and expect to sell half a billion more by spring.

Call that fair warning, because you can now expect every sniffle that comes along to become the "next" swine flu.

Don't believe it -- not today, not tomorrow and not in 2013.

Fighting for the future,

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
And, might it be one of the things behind "Obamacare"?

Don't know what you folks think about this guy, but I do like him.

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