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Skywalker 06-03-2009 11:28 PM

GMAN.... I pretty much agree with you. Neither party in reality is worth a "tinker's damn". They pretty much represent only themselves, and the country and the people are the farthest thing from their minds....

I think though that if we really review who has gotten us into wars...

WWII....we were pretty much forced into that one. Roosevelt actually tried to keep the US neutral through legislation, but when Japan attacked us....we weren't exactly able to ignore that.

Korea....while Truman was not enthused about another war so quickly on the heels of the prior was virtually impossible to avoid as we were a large part of the UN. Truman did work to keep it a limited war.

Vietnam... Ah, one so near and dear to my heart. Despite the claims of many, Kennedy did not start it.... American involvement began prior to the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu. After the Dien Bien Phu debacle Eisenhower cited the "Domino Theory" and we began getting really involved in SE Asia....and it was "downhill" from there. In 1956 the French left "Indo-China" and we began training the Vietnamese....MAG was established.... American Experience | PBS | Vietnam Online Later the issue was expanded and the Democrats inherited the issue. Just prior to his assassination, Kennedy wanted to withdraw all American troops... Was Vietnam Jfk's War? |

I guess my point is...that it is very difficult to pin the causes of war, or who ignited them on any one person or party.

While one might perceive that Democrats are the ones to increase might want to do some interesting reading:

How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy

Bush Transpo Secretary?s Biggest Disappointment: Bush - onNYTurf

And from here: RealClearPolitics - Articles - Blaming Obama for a Bush Economy :

The same Republicans in Congress and on the radio who lionize the late Reagan now complain bitterly about the tax increases on the wealthy in President Obama's budget. What they never mention is that their conservative idol, faced with the recession that they blamed on his predecessor, likewise raised taxes during an economic slump.

Terrified by the looming deficits that resulted from the supply-side tax cuts, the Reagan administration rolled back many of the cuts just a year after they had passed -- instituting what then amounted to the largest tax increase in American history. Those tax hikes took back about a third of the cuts legislated in 1981. But that historic tax increase is never mentioned when Republican legislators invoke Reagan -- and they still love to blame Mr. Carter for their hero's recession.

This one points to some interesting things that were "brewing" in the last administration:
A Bush Tas Increase? by Robert D. Novak on - A Syndicate Of Talent

One authors comments on the past administration: Conservative Book Service: Impostor: How George W. Bush Bankrupted America and Betrayed the Reagan Legacy by Bruce Bartlett and it is important to note that the author is a hard-core "Reaganite"....

The truth seems to be: The Republicans work to reduce taxes on the wealthy, yet at the same time spend vast amounts of the past administration did by growing the government to a huge size....with the net effect of leaving the restructuring of the situation to re-balance the budget on the Democrats that end up dirty end of the stick.

History and what not is interesting....and yet fickle.

Windwalker 06-04-2009 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by jagerbomber3.0 (Post 452092)
So I saw this morning that GM had agreed to terms to sell off Hummer but they would not name the buyer now this afternoon it is coming out that they have agreed to terms with a big Chinese company. What does everyone think about this? What will go to China next, it seems like everything in this country is destined to belong to China and our government seems to encourage it. The government is pretty much in the drivers seat at GM right now, they urge and push GM into filing bankruptcy and re building the company and they start by making one of the latest moves a sell off to the country that already owns half of the country anyways. What does everyone else think about it? When will it stop or is this country on a road at this point that we wont be turning around from. A couple of more years and there wont be anything left to sell to China,they will have it all including the deeds to our homes.

AAahhhhh, yes....

Voted for change, did we???

Got a change too, didn't we....

Yup, and this week, the auto execs have been up on Capitol Hill, talking to their "new bosses".
It was all over "FOX NEWS".

Isn't "CHANGE" wonderful???

Now, for 2012, would you like a change for the "better"?

I should have enough time to try it one more time.

Blacksheep 06-04-2009 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 452127)
The country was already wrecked when Obama took the oath of office.

As to the sell off of this country's industries.... Nixon, a Republican made the first openings with China....and big business saw the advantages of paying slave wages in other countries.... Big Business tends to be Republican in nature, and the Republican Party is the Party of big business. That's "simple historical fact"....

Before you place "blame" you should have your facts straight.... GM made the decision to either close out or sell Hummer in June of 2008, when the REPUBLICANS were in power..... Go figure, huh?

BREAKING: GM to close 4 truck plants, may sell or close HUMMER

This PDF is a full run of economic indicators covering a spread of years....and if you look at can clearly see that the severe downturn of the economy began around the middle of 2008....while the White House was in Republican hands.... Go figure, huh?

Something else that's interesting is that "normally" when a Republican gains the White House, unemployment nationwide "increases", yet when a Democrat is in the White House unemployment claims decrease and employment increases...... Keep in mind though that the numbers present in the first months of this year are a direct result of the severe recession that began during the last administrations time in the Oval Office....

The United States Unemployment Rate

No, I'm not a Democrat, nor am I a Republican....I'm an NPA.... (No Party Affiliation) and registered to vote that way.

It's not about Bush ( yes he started this trend ) that Obama is making a whole lot worse, and when have the dummycrats light ( repubs ) been in charge of anything.

I did not vote for Bush or Obama or Gore or McCain, dont get fooled by the R or D after the name because they are one and the same.

Skywalker 06-04-2009 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by Windwalker (Post 452278)
AAahhhhh, yes....

Voted for change, did we???

Ahhhh, yes....and the Electoral College affirmed it....


Got a change too, didn't we....
Yes we did....


Yup, and this week, the auto execs have been up on Capitol Hill, talking to their "new bosses".
Well, there is a flip side to this..... Considering that the auto industry CEO's have been grinding the industry into the dust while lining their pockets with bonuses..... How do CEO's justify bonuses and stock incentives when they are operating in the red? The flip side is this: Their new bosses can't screw it up any more than it already is....and who may work out in a positive fashion.


It was all over "FOX NEWS".
Ahhh, "the Fair and Balanced" network...:roll3:


Isn't "CHANGE" wonderful???
Its certainly interesting......


Now, for 2012, would you like a change for the "better"?

I should have enough time to try it one more time.
I'm thinking that there is way too much criticism and doomsaying...afterall, Obama hasn't even been in office 5 full months, and there are signs that things are improving.... even the market looks better.... My mutual funds are proof of that.

Me, I'm still in a wait and see posture. I'm not inclined to pronounce any judgment until the first year is over. Frankly, I wish him success. If he is successful, then the economy and the nation as a whole will improve, and that's a good thing.

Blacksheep 06-04-2009 02:06 AM

OMG When has government run anything right ?

war on drugs

war on poverty


social security

how are these government handout programs doing, remember it's about intentions not results.

Ya please tax me some more for stupid programs that don't work.

Mackman 06-04-2009 02:30 AM

Dont forget another great USA company that sold out was Budweiser (Anheuser Busch). What really pisses me off is the can still says the Great American Lager. When they sold it off last year to Inbev. Which is a Belgium company:pissedoff:. By the way AB sold for 52 BILLION.

Windwalker 06-04-2009 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 452285)
Well, there is a flip side to this..... Considering that the auto industry CEO's have been grinding the industry into the dust while lining their pockets with bonuses..... How do CEO's justify bonuses and stock incentives when they are operating in the red? The flip side is this: Their new bosses can't screw it up any more than it already is....and who may work out in a positive fashion.

BINGO!!!!!!! And, it's not just the auto industry. Take a look at AIG... The man at the potium said: "FAILURE SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED". Yet, a company that got billions of bailout money gives out billions in "EXECUTIVE BONUSES". America's benefit...ZIP... No, it's not just he auto industry. It's a vast majority of American Business. They've all done the same thing.

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 452285)
I'm thinking that there is way too much criticism and doomsaying...afterall, Obama hasn't even been in office 5 full months, and there are signs that things are improving.... even the market looks better.... My mutual funds are proof of that.

Me, I'm still in a wait and see posture. I'm not inclined to pronounce any judgment until the first year is over. Frankly, I wish him success. If he is successful, then the economy and the nation as a whole will improve, and that's a good thing.

You have no idea just how badly I wish him success, but I fear we've all been had. Same song, umpteenth verse. No change, just a bigger price tag... Followed by more taxes to pay for it, that we can't afford either. I'd suggest that you start taking note when you're on the road. I see more and more businesses being boarded up every week. I keep meeting more and more people that are still losing their jobs every week. I don't see any improvement yet. I'm still seeing a downward slide. Your mutual funds may be a result of the bailouts, but I don't see the economy hitting bottom just yet.

golfhobo 06-04-2009 05:44 AM

GMAN said:


I do find it interesting that it is very difficult to find anyone who will admit to voting for Obama. Prior to the election there were quite a few who admitted to voting for him. CHANGE?? I will say one thing for Obama. He has kept his word. He did promise change. He has certainly delivered on this promise.
Well, I can't admit to voting for Obama. Circumstances kept me from voting at all this time. But... I WOULD have. The GOP didn't have a viable candidate and Palin was a disaster... as I PREDICTED! I don't agree with ALL the changes Obama wants to make, but I am convinced we couldn't survive with MORE OF THE SAME.


In fairness to Bush, he did short circuit a potential financial disaster after 9/11. We did not have an attack in this country while he was in office.
Actually, he did NOT, except by going to war. It started under his watch, and he just passed off the worst "efforts" to Obama. The fact that he concurred in the first bailout, shows that he (much too late) recognized the disaster and the DRASTIC steps that would be needed to avert it.

NO ATTACK while he was in office?? 9/11 happened under his watch! While he was reading a book about goats to children! He had been FULLY warned of the threat! It takes YEARS to plan an attack on America. The fact that we didn't suffer ANOTHER on his watch can NOT be truthfully attributed to anything he did by declaring war on Saddam (to avenge his Daddy.)


It is usually under the democrats that we have gotten into a war. WWII, Korea and Vietnam were all started under democrats. Inflation tends to be higher under democrats. Jimmy Carter comes to mind with this one. We had interest rates and inflation over 20%.
The truth and rationale for this has already been covered quite well by Skywalker... but, I might point out that Bush was the FIRST president in American history to declare a "pre-emptive" war on ANY sovereign country.


Republicans typically have a hands off when it comes to the economy and running business from the oval office.
Which is how we got INTO this mess!


Democrats usually go after more control and higher taxes. If you check tax rates they are also usually higher under the democrats.
Obama is restoring the taxes on the RICH to a level BELOW that of Reagan and (I believe) Clinton.


Bush is the first Republican in recent history to have gone after our freedoms with the Patriot Act.
Well, I give you credit for recognizing THAT. However, it is MY OPINION that Nixon was determined to usurp the power of my vote with the Watergate scandal. His determination to hold on to power "by all means necessary" was nothing short of TREASON.

And, yes.... I believe that Dubya followed his example by "lawyering" his way into the 2000 election for the same reasons, and AGAINST the popular vote.... AND took us to war without the proper "advice and consent" of Congress and the American people.


Republicans tend to be more for people accepting personal responsibility for their actions and smaller government. Democrats typically want government to take an active role in people's lives and for people to not be held responsible for their actions. Republicans lower taxes, democrats raise them.
I'm not against these principles. I HAVE a "conservative" streak. The problem lies with how the GOP "panders" to the super rich at the EXPENSE of the "average man." Their form of "government" increases the disparity between the classes, allows for shipping jobs overseas to "sweathouse" type economies to increase profits and investment "returns" at the expense of middle class Americans.... INCREASING the roles of lower class or poverty level Americans... which, in turn, increases the costs to all Americans for "welfare" programs. What GOOD does it do to "teach a man to fish" if you're going to let someone ELSE do the fishing because it increases your profits to levels above what you can even SPEND?? This is EXACTLY the "feudal" system from which our forefathers fled! What happened to the American Dream?


There seem to be about as many liberals who call themselves Republicans as Democrats. Many liberals switched from the Democratic party to the Republican party during the time of Reagan. It was likely the only way they could have been elected during that time.
And it was the only way that REAGAN got elected! What you don't realize is that MANY "Liberals" also have conservative values. I guess that puts us somewhere in the "moderate" category...which BOTH parties have. We don't ALL want to give away the bank to those who won't WORK for a living... we just want a FAIR shot at the American Dream. We want JOBS for the unskilled worker, and we want higher education that we can AFFORD without taking out a second mortgage on our MODEST homes! We get tired of seeing the super rich getting all the breaks, and making policy in this country.

We don't WANT their MONEY! We want them to make a little LESS money by providing JOBS for other Americans. We want a JOB to go to each day, and to be able to pay for the gas to get there. We are sick and tired of big oil companies making billions in profits, millions for their CEO's, taking GOVERNMENT incentives to DO SO, and telling us to "eat cake!"

And we are tired of being BLAMED for the "poverty" situation they have forced us into, and the REPUBLICAN presidents or congresses who have helped them RAPE America!


Both parties seem to do what they want. There is mutual cooperation for an expanded government. People are slowly awakening from their cerebral slumber and beginning to realize that the government is moving quickly to take over this economy and our freedoms are in jeopardy. Perhaps it is time for one or more additional political parties. These two are much too powerful and don't seem to have the interests of the citizens at heart.
I don't BELIEVE that. I DO, however, believe it may be time for another "constitutional convention." This has been "floated" many tmes least at STATE level.... and has ALWAYS been quashed by REPUBLICANS, because they will LOSE certain powers and status if it happens. Wonder WHY that is?

I don't WANT a "socialist" form of government! I don't even want socialist health care! I WANT the government that I ELECTED to "control" the costs of healthcare so that I can afford it. I want it to "control" the costs of energy and gasoline so that I can afford it. I want them to "control" the huge profits of the Military Industrial Complex by keeping my sons out of unnecessary wars. And I want it to GUARANTEE at least a "SHOT" at the American Dream for ALL Americans.

The ONLY "control" I want from my government is on the GREED of certain "so-called" Americans who somehow believe it is Okay to build their fortunes off the backs of the American citizen! We are ONLY a few hundred years old as a country, yet we seem to be headed towards the "feudalism" that we eschewed!

How MUCH is ENOUGH??? The Bible said (for those who CLAIM to follow it)... that it is not MONEY - but the LOVE of money - that is the root of all evil!

THIS is the mantra of the Liberal! Or at least SOME of us. We are no more distracted by issues of "gay marriage" than conservatives are by Gun Control.

I want to believe that ALL Americans are focused on what is RIGHT for America! And that is JOBS and the preservation of the Middle Class! Without the middle class, you HAVE no "free market" for your products! Your companies will FAIL, and your stocks will be worthless!

I feel for those retirees who've lost their funds due to Wall Street GREED and incompetence, but I will NEVER shed a tear for those who built their wealth on GREED. They DESERVE to find themselves in a line at a soup kitchen!

They deserve NO LESS than Louis the 14th and Marie Antoinette! And it COULD HAPPEN!


Flydragon 06-04-2009 01:51 PM

Getting back to the original thread, GM purchased the Hummer brand name from AM General in 1999. AM General still produces the Humvee for the military. The H-2 and H-3 are only designed to look "military" but are actually only over-priced SUVs and not very useful for anything but highway use. Purchasers, as a rule use them that way and are really only engaged in conspicuous consumption anyway.

Tengzhong is a privately held Chinese company that is buying a brand that probably isn't viable in today's market. I wish them luck, they'll need it.

Skywalker 06-04-2009 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Windwalker (Post 452326)
BINGO!!!!!!! And, it's not just the auto industry. Take a look at AIG... The man at the potium said: "FAILURE SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED". Yet, a company that got billions of bailout money gives out billions in "EXECUTIVE BONUSES". America's benefit...ZIP... No, it's not just he auto industry. It's a vast majority of American Business. They've all done the same thing.

I agree.


You have no idea just how badly I wish him success, but I fear we've all been had. Same song, umpteenth verse. No change, just a bigger price tag... Followed by more taxes to pay for it, that we can't afford either. I'd suggest that you start taking note when you're on the road. I see more and more businesses being boarded up every week. I keep meeting more and more people that are still losing their jobs every week. I don't see any improvement yet. I'm still seeing a downward slide. Your mutual funds may be a result of the bailouts, but I don't see the economy hitting bottom just yet.
Again, I agree. Frankly I voted for Obama, and I'll readily admit it. I saw him as both the lesser of two evils...and a way for this country to break out of the cycle of stupidity that had gripped this country for a long time. I sat back watching what was going in our economy...and all I saw was a "false economy"..that was being manipulated by special interests....and I knew it was going to crash....the "when" was the only variable I wasn't positive about.... I sincerely hope with all my heart that he succeeds....because if he does, then America does. Its as simple as that.

I see the businesses that are closing down..... and it hurts....knowing that so called Americans....greedy fools...who are gaining a few bucks on the bottom line by shipping jobs overseas...haven't the brains to understand that the very people who they depend on to purchase the finished goods...won't...because the unemployed and underemployed don't buy anything but absolute necessities.

The slight upturn in the funds I have....I think isn't due to bailouts.... they are mostly based in "blue-chips" and companies that aren't involved in I have to think that they are gaining a little based on slightly increased consumer confidence and market confidence. said it well. I agree with you "COMPLETELY!!

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