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cdswans 04-16-2009 10:28 PM

A little closer to home . .
. . and on topic:

Seems we have a bunch of hillbillies who aren't content to jack deer and Fancy Gap is no place to be running off the road . .

Authorities search for suspect in I-77 shootings -

Rev . . would you kindly ask the Jesus freaks to start their own thread? They're interfering with my enjoyment of all this mayhem and suffering.

marcel27208 04-17-2009 12:22 AM

ur right im a jesus freak.......:o

matcat 04-17-2009 12:24 AM

I'm not a Jesus freak, I am just a freak in general that covers a wide range and topics of freakyness. 04-17-2009 01:42 AM

I tried the freaky thing, but my wife started complaining, and my girlfriend - then again the two of them never got along that well...

Syncrosonix 04-17-2009 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 446827)
I tried the freaky thing, but my wife started complaining, and my girlfriend - then again the two of them never got along that well...

that's why you should become a polygamist and marry as many women as you want. if it were me, i'd marry women who are either bi-curious or straight up bisexual. that would make things a helluva lot better, in my opinion.

Windwalker 04-20-2009 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Syncrosonix (Post 446041)
the world is supposed to end. many religious nutjobs are already going nuts about 2012 coming closer. i think it'll be the hoax y2k bug all over again.

"Collective wisdom" and "end times prophecies" join forces to STRIKE AGAIN. Isn't it funny? Neither one has enjoyed a very good track record.

At one time, "collective wisdom" would have told you that the earth was flat. There are still a few cultures where the sun still revolves around the earth. And, I remember hearing that the earth was going to end back in the '70s, then in the 80s, and again in the 90s. Then, the end was coming in 2000. When that didn't happen, it was 2001. Now, it's 2012.

There are as many interpretations of the bible as there are people doing the interpretting. The same with the "end times". But, the one thing I do believe is that man was never intended to know his own destiny. So, I see it all as one very popular guessing game. I think it's also funny how I keep reading interpretations of the "end tims", but almost never see any of it quoted. So, what do I believe?

Well, I believe that someday, I'm going to die.
I believe that some of the guys that wrote those predictions are :rofl::rofl::rofl:...
I believe that when the interpretations don't come true, we'll see a whole new set of predictions.... Umm.. Interpretations.

Windwalker 04-20-2009 02:09 PM

Come to think of it...

The WORLD TRADE CENTER went down in 2001.

What tragedy will hit in 2012, and which group will be responsible for that???

Windwalker 04-20-2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Slimland (Post 44614)

Originally Posted by Timothy J. Begle
People like you think history of the world started when you were born.

This has been going on since man showed up on earth.
In many countries this kind of thing is a daily occurrence.

Bad men will act like bad men no matter what kind of spin we put on it, or who we blame it on.

Wow you got all that from one question? You honestly think that is what He is thinking, and that he doesn't know that has been going on since man showed up on earth?

Sorry, just having one of those days! But you assumed that People like him think that the history of the world started when they where born. I don't think that is the case!!
But since we are in a "let me tell you what you think mode" maybe it is just because it is hard to fathom someone just being a saddistic as the proposed subjects at hand.. You hear of it almost everyday, but sometimes it just hits close to home, and you can do nothing but think about it.. Usual response is Wow, how come..

Do I have the answer? No I just have a opinion!

[b[I mean no disrespect, just thought your answer was a little harsh and assuming? you said it as fact and not opinion![/b]


You might do a search on "BOG BODIES". Look at the age of them, and how they died. Then, do a little research on the chimpanzees. It's been documented on film, how a small group will go to a neighboring group and kill a member of that group. In the wild, a creature that's supposed to act on instinct commits muirder?

The things we're reading about, most likely, have gone on for thousands of years, but with our technology in criminalogy, they simply don't get away with it. No, I don't think the answer is harsh. I think it's very realistic.

My guess would be (like "prostitution" is the oldest profession) that the oldest crimes are murder and rape of women. And, according to the bible, murder would have come first.

matcat 04-20-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Windwalker (Post 447241)
"Collective wisdom" and "end times prophecies" join forces to STRIKE AGAIN. Isn't it funny? Neither one has enjoyed a very good track record.

At one time, "collective wisdom" would have told you that the earth was flat. There are still a few cultures where the sun still revolves around the earth. And, I remember hearing that the earth was going to end back in the '70s, then in the 80s, and again in the 90s. Then, the end was coming in 2000. When that didn't happen, it was 2001. Now, it's 2012.

There are as many interpretations of the bible as there are people doing the interpretting. The same with the "end times". But, the one thing I do believe is that man was never intended to know his own destiny. So, I see it all as one very popular guessing game. I think it's also funny how I keep reading interpretations of the "end tims", but almost never see any of it quoted. So, what do I believe?

Well, I believe that someday, I'm going to die.
I believe that some of the guys that wrote those predictions are :rofl::rofl::rofl:...
I believe that when the interpretations don't come true, we'll see a whole new set of predictions.... Umm.. Interpretations.

You are right in a way. Man will never know the details of his destiny but he can know the rough path. As far as prophecies go, you are also right that man will always try to come up with some set date or time, but the bible talks about this. It says 'Many will come in my name' saying this or that, but not to follow them because they do not know what they are talking about, and that no man shall know the exact time of his coming, in other words THERE IS NO DATE AND TIME that ANYONE can say will be the end of the world! But it does say we will know when that time is CLOSE, and believe me we are in that 'CLOSE' period. The major prophecies for the end times are: The knowledge of man will grow exponentially, in the last 200 years our knowledge and technology has grown more then in all of collective history, this is undeniable by anyone. It also says in the end times people will act as they did in Sodom and Gomorrah. If you read the bible you will read that those two sister cities where the hub of humans doing whatever the heck they wanted without conscious or thought. Sexuality of all kinds ran wild, men and men, women and women, men and animals, women and animals, men and women and animals, you name it! Murder was out of control, rape was out of control, basically they just lived a lawless life with no moral reguard. Sound familiar? A lot like how the world is unfolding today. It also speaks of wars upon wars, so many wars no one could keep track of it all. Now in history war has always been going on here or there or somewhere. But today, the planet is in a constant state of war, and we are involved in quite a bit of it as America. So much going on, can you keep track of it all? It also speaks of famens and disese raviging the world. No go back to pre 1970s, disese was virtually unheard of, then all of a sudden HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, various veneral diseses, SARZ, Avion Flue, so many damn diseses I can't even name them all, and a new one is announced fairly frequently. Also speaks of many natural disasters occuring at frequent intervals, the last 50 years has seen more earthquakes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters then in any history past. Also speaks about how the Christian word will have spread to all people of the earth. This was impossible until the advent of the media.

I am not trying to force anyone into my beliefs, nor do I know any true Christian that will. People use the excuse way to often, but the Christians are the least of offenders for doing so with few exceptions. But I will give you the facts and opinions I know and let you decide what you want to believe.

mike3fan 04-20-2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by matcat (Post 447248)
But I will give you the facts and opinions I know and let you decide what you want to believe.

Where are the facts? Quoting a story out of a book of folklore doesn't mean much, show me any kind of facts that those cities exsisted or that those so-called atrocitites actually happened. And how do they foresahdow upcoming events?

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