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Malaki86 12-02-2008 07:53 AM

You know what? As bad of a hit that she took, it impressed the hell out of me that she didn't drop like a rock and/or drop the gun completely.

Colts Fan 12-02-2008 08:23 AM

Lol. I happened to stumble across this video the other day. She isn't built for the hand cannon. As for .50 caliber weapons, I would only own one for hunting or shooting at a range. If you use a hallowed point round you reduce the chance of the round going through too many walls but you always need to be aware of your target (know what is behind it). I don't know how on God's green earth you could conceal carry one of those.

I'm putting a .357 magnum on layaway this week. Can't decide if I want the snubnose or the 4' barrell. I also like the 1911 .45ACP. Sweet guns.

Colts Fan 12-02-2008 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Syncrosonix (Post 426945)
that's NOTHING compared to the .577 t-rex. it's an old video, but a very good, funny one. it was shot in a testing facility somewhere in south africa.

The only one who shot it without dropping it or falling over was the guy at the end. :clap:

ben45750 12-02-2008 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Syncrosonix (Post 426945)
that's NOTHING compared to the .577 t-rex. it's an old video, but a very good, funny one. it was shot in a testing facility somewhere in south africa.

Well, That .577 is a pea shooter compared to the German Dora Gun.


possum 12-02-2008 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by ironeagle_2006 (Post 427038)
Big Jeep every seen a person that is Post Dictal their CNS is on FULL FIGHT OR FLIGHT and they have ENOUGH ADERENALINE PUMPING THRU THEM THEY ARE STRONGER THAN 3 MEN. ALSO THEY FEEL NO PAIN AT THAT TIME AND THEIR BODY IS NOT RESPONDING TO ANY OUTSIDE STIMULIS REGARDLESS OF WHAT IT IS. SOMEONE THAT IS POST DICTAL CAN PUT THEIR OWN ARM IS 350 DEGREE OIL AND NOT FEEL IT EVEN AS THEIR SKIN COMES OFF THEM. I PERSONALLY PUT MY HAND THRU A 1/2 THICK PLATE GLASS WINDOW AT A PLACE I WAS WORKING AT AND NEVER FELT IT. The cops here in my town know if I am post dictal to LEAVE ME THE F alone til I am aware of who and were I am if not they are the ones that will get hurt. As to your suggestion get my testosterone check I had a CBC and every level checked 2 months ago because of one med I take lowers certain needed things like Sodium Calcuim and others all were fne in fact Test was HIGH.

I saw a man like that one time put his hand all the way through a car window and it didn't bother him. Broke about every bone in it but he didn't have a clue. The man I was talking about in the other post was on drugs and the first cop hit him with it and he just flew into the cop so the other one hit him with another one and he didn't even slow down so he shot him with a .45. That stopped him. I have family and friends that are troopers and they have all told me that it will stop about 95% of the people you use it on but not all.

BIG JEEP on 44's 12-02-2008 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by ironeagle_2006 (Post 427038)
Big Jeep every seen a person that is Post Dictal their CNS is on FULL FIGHT OR FLIGHT and they have ENOUGH ADERENALINE PUMPING THRU THEM THEY ARE STRONGER THAN 3 MEN. ALSO THEY FEEL NO PAIN AT THAT TIME AND THEIR BODY IS NOT RESPONDING TO ANY OUTSIDE STIMULIS REGARDLESS OF WHAT IT IS. SOMEONE THAT IS POST DICTAL CAN PUT THEIR OWN ARM IS 350 DEGREE OIL AND NOT FEEL IT EVEN AS THEIR SKIN COMES OFF THEM. I PERSONALLY PUT MY HAND THRU A 1/2 THICK PLATE GLASS WINDOW AT A PLACE I WAS WORKING AT AND NEVER FELT IT. The cops here in my town know if I am post dictal to LEAVE ME THE F alone til I am aware of who and were I am if not they are the ones that will get hurt. As to your suggestion get my testosterone check I had a CBC and every level checked 2 months ago because of one med I take lowers certain needed things like Sodium Calcuim and others all were fne in fact Test was HIGH.

One it would not matter if you felt the taser it would still send your muscles a 50k volt charge which by far over powers the natural one sent to your skeletal muscles meaning your muscles don't work for you to move ,so no matter your mental state you are not moving unless you have special movie magic powers where being crazy gives you super strengh and powers like being as strong as 3 men ,and being able walk and fight while being tased with 50k volts ...And adrenaline does not make people superhuman strengh ..yes it gives a little bit but nothing that's going to make you superman ,and to much sympathetic nervous system stimulus just leaves you bleeding out the nose/ears/mouth and,often the eyes after the pipes burst from excessive vascular pressure caused by increased heart rate/vasculuar constriction ,So please remember adrenaline is only going to make a monster in movies ,and mad men do not become superhuman .

ironeagle_2006 12-02-2008 08:17 PM

Then tell that to the Paramedics and police that I broke their arms to without even trying. They all had RADIAL fractures one had both the Radius and Ulna shattered one had the Radius the police one was the Humorous the other was a Radius. I have had the eyes turn red afterwards from one plus also when I needed to have my right shoulder repaired the origanl Surgeon had to SEND ME to his Professor to ensure that I could not damage it as severe again. I had broken the head of MY HUMOROUS OFF at the joint torn 2 of the 3 Ligaments that keep the shoulder stable and also had a complete tear in my Deltold and Biceps TENDONS. What did this to me my EPILEPSY ONLY yet I was using my arm as if nothing was wrong yes it was weaker by 50% than the other side yet it did not slow me down. Now that it is repaired I was like why did I wait so long to get it repaired.

BIG JEEP on 44's 12-02-2008 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by ironeagle_2006 (Post 427097)
Then tell that to the Paramedics and police that I broke their arms to without even trying. They all had RADIAL fractures one had both the Radius and Ulna shattered one had the Radius the police one was the Humorous the other was a Radius. I have had the eyes turn red afterwards from one plus also when I needed to have my right shoulder repaired the origanl Surgeon had to SEND ME to his Professor to ensure that I could not damage it as severe again. I had broken the head of MY HUMOROUS OFF at the joint torn 2 of the 3 Ligaments that keep the shoulder stable and also had a complete tear in my Deltold and Biceps TENDONS. What did this to me my EPILEPSY ONLY yet I was using my arm as if nothing was wrong yes it was weaker by 50% than the other side yet it did not slow me down. Now that it is repaired I was like why did I wait so long to get it repaired.

Well there Steve Austin I'm glad you found that special si-fi doc that can build a stronger joint after damaging the origional ,so you can't hurt it as bad again ...You're certainly living in a different knowledge of the human body than I am ,So I'll not be posting anymore to the thread with you ,because it's like telling a steven segaul fan that his movies are fiction.

Rev.Vassago 12-02-2008 09:42 PM

Hold on! Steven Seagal's movies are FICTION?????:eek1::eek1::eek1::tears:

BIG JEEP on 44's 12-02-2008 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago (Post 427120)
Hold on! Steven Seagal's movies are FICTION?????:eek1::eek1::eek1::tears:

James bond ...And even China O'brien...hard to immagine ,but I guess it's true .

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