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Windwalker 10-14-2008 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Colin (Post 418137)
I bet you did.

And this time, please, attempt refute the links within not snopes. It makes you appear foolish.

:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D says:

Codex Vaticanus...

1. Vatican Pornography Collection •••
Does the Vatican house the world's largest collection of pornography?

...from the 4th century), one of the three earliest complete texts of the Codex Vaticanus (containing both the Old and New Testaments in ancient Greek),...
Tue, 14 Oct 2008 11:24:19 GMT

And, they do not have ANY information about Codex Sinaiticus at all.

golfhobo 10-14-2008 06:41 PM

YankeeTURBO said:


Hobo, you're wrong. Yes, I did get an email. I thought it was interesting. I copied it and posted it. No, I did not check it out with SNOOPS. Why should I?
1) Because right now there are alot of inflammatory and erroneous emails circulating about both candidates.

2) Because recently Double L posted some of the same, that HE found "interesting," and was proved to be gullible.

3) To avoid exactly what happened.


I already have other reasons to believe that Obama is far from the right man for the job.
And that is fine that you have that opinion. I would rather hear YOUR reasons than have to read through the same slanderous emails that I would delete from my email inbox.


Take a look at what I said to start off with, will you? "I GOT AN INTERESTING EMAIL." Nothing either for or against it. So, other than the fact that it was sent to me, I made no comment what-so-ever.
But, combined with your previous posts and opinions, the fact that you found it "interesting," and the fact that you didn't check it out, or add a disclaimer, would lead a rational person to believe you agreed with it or endorsed it.


Yet, you are putting words into my mouth.
No I'm not. When I said you bought it hook, line and sinker.... that is an "opinion" of mine. I didn't claim that YOU wrote the email, or that you said any of those things about Obama. But, posting such a thing under your login without any disclaimer, pretty much means YOU are putting those words in your mouth. ;)


Also, many of you are using SNOOPS as an "INFALLIBLE SOURCE". I don't remember the ocassion, but I do remember that snoops was in error. And, I can not believe that they are able to cover all aspects. So, check it out. See what they say about the CODEX SINAITICUS, and while you're at it, what does it say about the CODEX VATICANUS. See if it says anything about how they compare as to content. Your father was a minister. It should be a topic that you are familiar with.
I, personally did not quote Snopes as a source. But, I went to the snopes link, and all their information was pretty much what I had read and seen elsewhere on this topic. Which is how I knew the email was B.S. to begin with.


So, pick a topic that you should already know about and see how accurate snoops is. Then, transfer that accuracy to what you do not know as much about. How much room for error is there?
Sorry, you lost me here.

BTW, (from your next post,) if Snopes doesn't mention the Codex Sinaiticus, it may well be because there are no such erroneous rumor emails floating around about it, or that no one has asked them about it. Don't really know, and can't speak for them.

marylandkw 10-14-2008 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by BlooMoose (Post 418186)
Hopefully, I can have an opinion - regardless of whether or not I can link it back to an accepted website or whatever...want to hear it? (probably not) but here it is...

Heck yeah I wanna hear it! Opinions are great and I clearly have a few :)

You are not posting it as Fact and it is clear that your decision is well thought out and reasonable. THAT is what America is about!

Roadhog 10-14-2008 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by BlooMoose (Post 418186)
If you hate what has made America what it is, then you should be happy to know that we are not even mentioned in the Bible in the book of Revelation (even symbolically) so let's laugh and bicker all the way into non-existence without waking up because, well, our time is limited here anyway.

Just a little side note on this, and forgive me, I don't mean to change the subject, but my point does underline current events.
We are mentioned in Prophecy, in all the books, not just Revelation. You have to pull Scripture from all the sources, and when you discuss Prophecy, you have to look at Old Testament books like Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and books in the New Testament as well.

Britain and America are Ephraim and Manasseh. We inherited the birthrights, and will suffer the calamities. America's prophesied downfall in Scripture is described as an economic downfall, like a moneybag full of holes.

The great powers of our time have been and are the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, Germany, France, and other Western European nations. The vital key is simply the identity of these great world powers in biblical prophecy. We are right on track with prophecy, and to tell you the truth, no American President is going to make any difference, or "change" the course of events which I think will soon erupt.

You think the people of the world are stunned, shocked, bewildered with current events right now? Boy howdy...things are going to surpass every imagination, and these things will relate directly and specifically with the United States, Great Britain, Russia, Western Europe, and the Middle East.

The prophecy is the future told now. I personally feel we may all as well enjoy this election...I doubt we will have many more to worry about. Live your life, and let live. Tomorrow is really going to get darker. Who is President is really going to pale in the significance of world events.

Don't get caught up in hate and negativity. Simplify your life, vote, be dignified, strive to die well... :D...we're boned...let God sort out this mess...McCain or Obama never will. :o

Twilight Flyer 10-15-2008 12:36 PM

Couldn't have said it better myself, Hog.

Live well...that's the key. We know what's coming and there's not stopping or changing it. So, no sense worrying about it. Enjoy life and let the chips fall as they will.

BlooMoose 10-15-2008 02:07 PM

That's very interesting, Roadhog. I don't know a lot about the Bible, I guess. But I am interested in learning more.

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