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golfhobo 09-07-2008 07:13 PM

Good catch, Gordo!

This woman is NOT what she appears to be. And she appears, to me, to be nothing more than a "convenient" yeswoman for McCain!

I can certainly understand by the sexually oppressed Conservatives are fauning over her, dismayed and disappointed as they are with the more "centrist" McCain, but geez they are acting like teenagers in love for the first time! :roll:

So she's attractive. And, with major effort managed to read a speech that was written for her by a Bush speechwriter. I'm not impressed, at least not yet.

Did you hear her speech introducing McCain? Did you hear her give it AGAIN... word for word.... a couple of days later in Wisconsin? Like they didn't tune into the convention coverage? I mean REALLY! Is that ALL she's got? Unable to write a speech for herself, she insults the intelligence of all those people waiting to see and hear from her by repeating the SAME speech, word for word, that she had already USED in the convention?

Talking points! That's all the GOP campaign can come up with! Just the same old "TIRED" talking points! :roll:

But, I guess that is all that is needed for Republicans, because.... one by one, they have ALL shown up here to PRAISE her for her "delivery" of a speech written FOR her, even including references to national policy of which she knew nothing about! :lol:

Pitiful! That's all I can say about those who are SO desperately in need of rejuvenation of their party! That and the word "transparent." I don't know about y'all..... but, I can see right through all this political "posturing."

S-s-s-a-a-a-r-r-a-a-a-h-h, is the "conservative" lamb to the slaughter to garner the Moral Majority and Conservative votes that McCain so desperately needs and lacked! Not to mention the boldface attempt to steal Clinton supporters that want a woman to "break the glass ceiling" more than they care about their own personal freedoms!

It MAY work! Women MIGHT be that shallow! Independents MIGHT be that prejudiced against a black president. I don't know! Hell..... even "I" am not committed yet at this point! :shock:

But, this election is between McCain and Obama, and I am not swayed nor "bought" by a pretty SKIRT! Whether or not her pretty head is full of AIR, is yet to be determined. My personal belief is that she will be shown for what she is NOT long before November! And I STILL believe that it is pitiful for a Presidential hopeful to play such a "card" out of desperation, because he KNOWS he is trailing in the national polls!

I mean no disrespect to WOMEN when I say that I truly believe she was chosen for her SEX and "subserviant" nature, moreso than her experience or qualifications!

McCain was in BIG trouble in the polls, and he made a "political" choice! And he did so on the spur of the moment! That does NOT show the kind of judgement I expect from the President of the U.S.

wildkat 09-07-2008 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
Good catch, Gordo!

This woman is NOT what she appears to be. And she appears, to me, to be nothing more than a "convenient" yeswoman for McCain!

I can certainly understand by the sexually oppressed Conservatives are fauning over her, dismayed and disappointed as they are with the more "centrist" McCain, but geez they are acting like teenagers in love for the first time! :roll:

So she's attractive. And, with major effort managed to read a speech that was written for her by a Bush speechwriter. I'm not impressed, at least not yet.

Did you hear her speech introducing McCain? Did you hear her give it AGAIN... word for word.... a couple of days later in Wisconsin? Like they didn't tune into the convention coverage? I mean REALLY! Is that ALL she's got? Unable to write a speech for herself, she insults the intelligence of all those people waiting to see and hear from her by repeating the SAME speech, word for word, that she had already USED in the convention?

Talking points! That's all the GOP campaign can come up with! Just the same old "TIRED" talking points! :roll:

But, I guess that is all that is needed for Republicans, because.... one by one, they have ALL shown up here to PRAISE her for her "delivery" of a speech written FOR her, even including references to national policy of which she knew nothing about! :lol:

Pitiful! That's all I can say about those who are SO desperately in need of rejuvenation of their party! That and the word "transparent." I don't know about y'all..... but, I can see right through all this political "posturing."

S-s-s-a-a-a-r-r-a-a-a-h-h, is the "conservative" lamb to the slaughter to garner the Moral Majority and Conservative votes that McCain so desperately needs and lacked! Not to mention the boldface attempt to steal Clinton supporters that want a woman to "break the glass ceiling" more than they care about their own personal freedoms!

It MAY work! Women MIGHT be that shallow! Independents MIGHT be that prejudiced against a black president. I don't know! Hell..... even "I" am not committed yet at this point! :shock:

But, this election is between McCain and Obama, and I am not swayed nor "bought" by a pretty SKIRT! Whether or not her pretty head is full of AIR, is yet to be determined. My personal belief is that she will be shown for what she is NOT long before November! And I STILL believe that it is pitiful for a Presidential hopeful to play such a "card" out of desperation, because he KNOWS he is trailing in the national polls!

I mean no disrespect to WOMEN when I say that I truly believe she was chosen for her SEX and "subserviant" nature, moreso than her experience or qualifications!

McCain was in BIG trouble in the polls, and he made a "political" choice! And he did so on the spur of the moment! That does NOT show the kind of judgement I expect from the President of the U.S.

Now do you know she is not what she appears to be? Have you met her, dealt with her in person? Doubt save your judgements...

Heard on the news the other night her teleprompter went down 1/2 way through the speech so it seems to me she did pretty well.

Why is it you just can't take sides on an issue without getting personally towards women?

I certainly don't consider myself sexually REPRESSED...I have MORALS!!!!

Sure you mean no disrespect, your post SMACKS of it.

And how can he have big trouble in the pols when he has been neck & neck all along...I checked them this morning... Obama has slipped another 2 points...I don't call that trouble. :lol: :lol: :lol:

golfhobo 09-07-2008 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by RebelDarlin

Originally Posted by gordoUSA
Here are interesting facts about Sarah Palin> Follow the link.

You mean here is one small town housewifes opinion.

I found it amusing that she went so far as to bring up some high school antics.

In the game of Politics, she plays it well, of course there will be people that don't like her, BFD.

I don't know how many of you have ever lived in a small town, but I have. I spent 4 years in a town of about 5,000 ( the same as Wassilla when she was mayor.)

Not EVEN being as remote as a small town in Alaska, the mayor of my small town owned a gas station IIRC, to make his living! He got a few hundred dollars a month to attend the few meetings that were necessary.

The ISSUES were small. The decisions were small. The consequences were small. Do you get my drift?

By all accounts, Mayor Sarah sought federal or state funds to build a sports complex (I guess to draw tourists from 3,000 miles away) in lieu of improving sewer and water needs for her constituents.

Tell the truth now.... how many of YOU ever made vacation plans to visit Wasilla, AK??

Anyone who opposed her, fell victim to that screeching tongue of hers! PTA my butt! This woman had an agenda from the beginning! You don't take on the sitting Governor without AMBITION! :roll:

I don't know the whole story about her, but neither do any of YOU! But, I am not jumping on her wagon until I know some FACTS! That is the difference between me and many of the "desperate" Conservatives in this country, who can be easily swayed by good looks and a "gun toting" mentality! :roll:

wildkat 09-07-2008 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
I don't know how many of you have ever lived in a small town, but I have. I spent 4 years in a town of about 5,000 ( the same as Wassilla when she was mayor.)

Not EVEN being as remote as a small town in Alaska, the mayor of my small town owned a gas station IIRC, to make his living! He got a few hundred dollars a month to attend the few meetings that were necessary.

The ISSUES were small. The decisions were small. The consequences were small. Do you get my drift?

By all accounts, Mayor Sarah sought federal or state funds to build a sports complex (I guess to draw tourists from 3,000 miles away) in lieu of improving sewer and water needs for her constituents.

Tell the truth now.... how many of YOU ever made vacation plans to visit Wasilla, AK??

Anyone who opposed her, fell victim to that screeching tongue of hers! PTA my butt! This woman had an agenda from the beginning! You don't take on the sitting Governor without AMBITION! :roll:

I don't know the whole story about her, but neither do any of YOU! But, I am not jumping on her wagon until I know some FACTS! That is the difference between me and many of the "desperate" Conservatives in this country, who can be easily swayed by good looks and a "gun toting" mentality! :roll:

So what you are REALLY saying is that because she is a WOMAN she is not allowed to be ambitious RIGHT? Because if she were a would be singing her praises about how she moved heaven & earth to get things done for her community...BUT because she is a woman & a damned good looking one for that matter...she should stick to being a "hockey mom" and leave politics or ambition to the men!

Your true colours are showing through again Hobo! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Double L 09-07-2008 07:51 PM

I got to agree with Kat on this one Golfhobo!

SilverWulf 09-07-2008 08:42 PM

Ease off the testosterone there a bit hobo, you're really showing your ass on this thread.

Have you met Mrs. Palin and discussed the issues with her face to face?

No? Then how do you know she is just a 'skirt' on the ticket meant to attract votes.

I have met her. I grew up in Alaska and knew her in high school and ran across her from time to time after that. Even back in high school this lady was scary smart. She was my opponent in more than one debate and I'm not ashamed to say that she kicked my ass.

My parents know her more recently. They still live in Alaska and my father consults with the State government, and Palin, on a variety of issues. He tells me that she is the real deal and a true Reagan Conservative.

Have you ever been to Wasilla? I have. It's much more than a small rural town in the middle of nowhere, but you wouldn't know that by just listening to the media talk about it and believing everything they say that is negative, while at the same time believing every positive thing they have to say about Obama and Biden.

btw, it was well reported that the tele-prompter broke less than half way through her speech. She did just fine without it.

Oh, another thing. There isn't a politician in the country who writes their own speeches, including your good buddy Obama. They all employ speech writers, every one of them.

Do you even know what the Conservative agenda is?

No again. You just listen to Air America and believe every word of it. Take off the tin foil hat and do some research.

Palin was never meant to attract the Hillary supporters. Palin is a staunch Conservative, Hillary supporters are by and large liberal leftists. They won't vote for her just because she's a woman.

McCain was not and never has been in trouble in the polls. The race has been neck and neck for several weeks now. If anything, Obama is in trouble and McCain is going to take the lead in a day or two.

Palin was not chosen on the 'spur of the moment', despite what you wish to believe. She was carefully chosen and completely vetted over a long period. McCain's lawyers and selection committee spent countless hours (and money) examining every aspect of her life, public and private, count on it.

Your entire posts reeks of disrespect and is highly offensive. Not only towards women but towards anyone who is going to vote for her.

golfhobo 09-07-2008 08:58 PM

wildkat said:


Now do you know she is not what she appears to be? Have you met her, dealt with her in person? Doubt save your judgements...
No, Katt... I have not had the pleasure, and neither have YOU! I make my "judgements" based on what I see and hear, and background information. You, apparently, make yours based on female emotions! :roll:


Heard on the news the other night her teleprompter went down 1/2 way through the speech so it seems to me she did pretty well.
Heard that, too. But, it came up again momentarily. She had a copy of the speech (that was written FOR her) in front of her, and she ad libbed a bit. Big deal. Happens all the time, yet YOU seem to think that her ability to "carry on" was SUPERNATURAL like no one else could have done so! :shock: Maybe I am not so impressed by this because for over 40 years, MY FATHER gave half hour sermons with a few notes and NO TELEPROMPTER! If one KNOWS what they are talking about, they don't NEED a teleprompter to tell them what to say!


Why is it you just can't take sides on an issue without getting personally towards women?
I believe you are WAY OFF BASE here, Katt! I am, and HAVE BEEN, a staunch supporter of women's rights AND the awareness that they can do anything a man can do! The criticisms, if you want to call them that, have nothing to do with her SEX! I have questions about her experience, and MORESO about the reasons behind her selection! But, I have said NOTHING that would indicate she was incapable BECAUSE she was a woman!

I hate to submit this observation but, it seems YOU are getting defensive BECAUSE you and she are women! I have said NOTHING about her that relates to her abilities because she is a woman!


I certainly don't consider myself sexually REPRESSED...I have MORALS!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: I was talking about the MALE members of the Republican party! Especially those who are influenced by the Moral Majority! Heck, everyone KNOWS that the hottest lay in town is a Republican woman who goes to church every Sunday! And yes.... I KNOW! :wink:


Sure you mean no disrespect, your post SMACKS of it.
No it doesn't! But YOURS smacks of both Feminist indignation and Moral protectionism. But, "I" have the good grace to not point that out! :wink:


And how can he have big trouble in the polls when he has been neck & neck all along...I checked them this morning... Obama has slipped another 2 points...I don't call that trouble. :lol: :lol: :lol:
"All Along?" Let's get real! Obama has been tracking 10 points ahead of McCain for weeks now! He didn't get much of a "bump" after the DNC because most people who would vote for him were already decided. McCain got a small bump from his patronization of the hurricane victims AND some from Sarah, BEFORE his pathetic and boring acceptance speech. As of right now, they are just NOW "neck and neck" and that is before the results include his "acceptance speech" which won't be averaged out until about monday.

Perhaps, before quoting polls, you should learn a bit more about how they work. But, no doubt, this will be another close race! But, what would one expect? It seems that America is pretty closely equally divided between Democrats and Republicans. The Independants make up only 6% of the vote!

The difference is that, in the past, once one party won the presidency, the MAJORITY of the country got behind him for the good of all. Only in recent years has the country REMAINED divided after an election. Thank Dubya (the great uniter) for that! :shock:

Pres. Bush has the lowest approval rating of ANY president in American history! There are two possible reasons for that. ONE is that, all of a sudden, the parties became self absorbed and "non-American" and would not nor could not work for the common good as they have for two centuries.

The OTHER explanation is that Dubya has divided the nation, even to the point of marginalizing his own conservative base, to the point that nearly 80% of the country feels he has mismanaged his power and position, sacrificed our troops and resources against the will of the people, ruined the economy affecting EVERY household that ISN'T rich, and REFUSED to take our side against the oil barons and the super rich!

America is NOT a perfect nation! No more than any other. We are capable of making mistakes, and Dubya is the biggest one we've made in a century! :shock:

At this point, I really don't care WHO is our next leader, as long as he/she CHANGES the way we are heading! I have much respect for John McCain, AND for Obama! Hell..... I might would even vote for Sarah Palin, IF she were more experienced, didn't have to read her speeches from a script, and had EVER had a friggin PASSPORT! :shock:

I am neither SEXIST nor RACIST in any way that I am aware of.... and especially where it concerns the leadership of MY country! YOUR implications to the contrary show BOTH your ignorance of my country's politics AND your misunderstanding of ME!

But, you are excused..... because you're just a Canadian! :lol:

Apparently, YOUR idea of International Relationships consists of local "border treaties" concerning a friggin oil pipeline! :roll:

Now, don't get mad at me, WildKat! I am just answering your "charges" with an American attitude! That is my birthright! If it makes you feel better, Sarah Palin's got NOTHING on YOU! :wink:


Double L 09-07-2008 08:59 PM

And to back SilverWulf up it's proven he met with her in Feburary. I think you went a little bit over the line Hobo and SilverWulf is right the Obama gang uses writers and teleprompters too so to say that McCain and Palin does is pretty much being biased and shows me your real colors. Also Golfhobo you really offended WildKat and if you thought she was mean wait until RebelDarlin reads it you're gonna wish you held your tongue. I'm not threatening you I'm just giving you a warning that you offended some people here.

wildkat 09-07-2008 09:25 PM

Is Ok you've likely figured out... I am QUITE capable of looking after offense. Since I've been on this board I've had many differing opinion with Hobo..we normally DON'T let it affect the "relationship" :lol: There have been many a time I have stood and defended him, much to his dismay, but on this occassion I have to say I WAS & AM offended. Your digs about her being a woman are offensive. You use words like "Anyone who opposed her, fell victim to that screeching tongue of hers! PTA my butt! This woman had an agenda from the beginning! You don't take on the sitting Governor without AMBITION" Tell me What's wrong with her having AMBITION???? You make it sound like a VICE. But if it was a, he's DRIVEN & AMBITIOUS!!! Great traits to have for a Governor of a state! made it very plain, to me at least, that you feel that Sarah Palin is nothing but "window dressing", but I don't think so. Maybe you think negotiating oil pipeline rights with a friendly nation is nothing to "sneeze" at, but believe me it was no easy task. It took many years of delicate negotiation with ALL involved parties, not just federal, provincial, territorial governments, but the local native bands, and believe me, there would have been times she would have been ready to bring her GUN I am absolutely SURE of that! don't, like me understand a different nations politics. Personally yours BAFFLE me, but I still pay attention, because when one sleeps next to an elephant...

I appreciate the compliment about me, but again if that is your way of placating me, you missed! :shock: :shock: And when I get my damned PIES out of the oven we'll continue this debate! :lol: :lol: :lol:

golfhobo 09-07-2008 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by wildkat
So what you are REALLY saying is that because she is a WOMAN she is not allowed to be ambitious RIGHT? Because if she were a would be singing her praises about how she moved heaven & earth to get things done for her community...BUT because she is a woman & a damned good looking one for that matter...she should stick to being a "hockey mom" and leave politics or ambition to the men!

Your true colours are showing through again Hobo! :roll: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

NO, KAT! I am NOT saying ANY of that! You are reading me wrong!

ANY apprehensions I have about her, I would have IF she were a MAN! It is the experience issue for me at THIS moment! When I say that McCain chose her partly because she was a woman, and MIGHT steal some disenfranchised Hillary votes, that is a slam against McCain!!! I hve NOTHING against her for being a woman! Margaret Thatcher was an excellent Prime Minister of England for many years! But, Sarah Palin is no Margaret Thatcher!

[On a related note, I LIKE Ms. Palin, and I believe with ALOT more experinece in National government, she would have every right to run for president in this country.... as did Hillary! IF she proved herself to me beyond what little experience she has now.... I might someday vote for HER for President!]

I care NOT for the SEX of a politician whose ambitions cause them to put themselves above their constituents.... and I am NOT saying that SHE has done this! Dubya comes to mind! HE (and Cheney) moved heaven and Earth to get what they wanted, and I have hated THEM for it! And THEY are not women!

You have misrepresented my intentions, Kat. And you have misjudged me totally! If McCain had chosen an unknown and unproven person with no more experience than her to be his running mate, I would have had the SAME response REGARDLESS of their sex!

YOU are the one that is making SEX an issue here! YOU are the one who has a "hang-up!" over it! YOU are the one who has gotten EMOTIONAL over a political decision!

Can you explain to ME why YOU are so defensive?

Just to "clue you in," it is the Democrats who have always supported the rights of women! WE nominated the first woman as vice president candidate! And, to some extent, that is why WE are now so surprised that the Republicans, who think women belong in the kitchen, have now chosen a woman as Veep candidate!

Any more, and ALL implications that I am against Ms. Palin because she is a woman should stop RIGHT NOW!! :roll:

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