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Roadhog 08-30-2008 03:12 PM

Housekeeping...topic moved to Anything And Everything

flood 08-30-2008 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by Orangetxguy:

See......Islam has this covered quite nicely.

Crime; Murder, Drugs or Rape.....Beheading.

Theft; Removal of offending hand. RIGHT HAND do you why it's the right hand..?

Vandalism; Caning. 400 beats. Property owner gets first 50!!!

Now.....wouldn't that deter some crime??

Adultery; STONING

NotSteve 08-30-2008 03:25 PM

The jails are too full.

A friend of mine was driving home at 2am and crested a hill as an elderly man was crossing over to get his mail. Joe killed him. He had a 6 pack on the seat unopened and refused a breathalyzer and blood alcohol test but did pass the officers sobriety test.

He was convicted by a jury to 15 years in jail.

After 2 weeks in jail he was awoken in the middle of the night and told to gather his things. No explanation was given. He was put into a cruiser and dropped off in the middle of my home town and told to get out. Again, no explanation.

He called me knowing I'm up early and I went and got him and brought him home to his wife and children a little later in the morning.

Joe had to go back to his lawyer to find out WTF. After a month of getting nowhere the lawyer was told off the record that Joe now has no record and this never happened. The judge deemed him not a threat and the jails were just overflowing with hardened criminals.

And, that was that.

movinit 08-30-2008 03:31 PM

This case was definitely was not an ACCIDENT and it was not murder. It was involuntary manslaughter and here is the Merriam-Webster definition:

Main Entry: involuntary manslaughter
Function: noun
Date: circa 1879

: manslaughter resulting from the failure to perform a legal duty expressly required to safeguard human life, from the commission of an unlawful act not constituting a felony, or from the commission of a lawful act in a negligent or improper manner

This driver failed to perform according to his LEGAL hours in order to safeguard human life and therefore committed manslaughter. Anyone who does not think this driver deserves more punishment than what he received is probably one of the same, more than likely they themselves push the legal limits every day on their logs. Thousands of drivers do it every day and they give us all a bad name. I will turn a driver over to law enforcement in a heart beat if I learn they are doing drugs, obviously drunk or brag to me that they are past their eleventh hour. The rest of us truck drivers are at risk too of these idiots plowing into us and the more that are off the road the better.

Rev.Vassago 08-30-2008 10:28 PM

Originally Posted by coastie:
Did he go out aiming for them? Saying I am out to kill these people? No. Did he say I want you to die tonight? No. Did he have a motive to go out to kill them? No. So was it intentionally?

Yes. He intentionally broke the law by driving over his hours.

Originally Posted by :
So if it was not intentionally it was an Accident.

Negligence is not an accident. Recklessness is not an accident.

Originally Posted by :
I am not saying he was right for him to drive beyond his hours, but the problem I see is even if he was still with in his hours and fell asleep and would gotten the same sentence.

You have no evidence of that.

Originally Posted by :
There a driver here from where i live is looking at the same thing, yet he did not fall asleep but passed out, went through the median and killed a girl, he only been on the road 45 minutes. Yet he faces the same sentence. He did not know of the medical problem till then, yet he may face prison time. Was his Intentional? No, but facing the same.

"Facing the same" and "convicted of the same" are two completely different things.

Originally Posted by :
What I am saying is All should have a high Standard in driving, You can kill a person just as easy in a car as you can in a Big Truck....

And here I thought the fact that there is a difference of about 77,000 lbs would play a factor......:roll:

Originally Posted by navydad:
You have to get training to drive a car also! Then the state gives you a SPECIAL license. Its not a fishing, hunting or dog license! Held to a higher standard, bull crap! Everyone who gets into a motor vehicle should suffer the same responsibility!!!!! Car or truck no difference!!!

Really? A person with a license to drive a car can automatically drive a Class 8 vehicle? And here I thought truck drivers required special training above and beyond an automobile license......:roll:

Skywalker 08-31-2008 02:15 AM

Frankly, what happened when the guy drove 9 hours beyond legal HOS was not an accident. It was negligent homicide, period. NO-ONE put a gun in his mouth and forced him to drive after his hours were over! He made a conscious decision to violate the laws. He took the lives of others into his own hands....and destroyed them. He had no right to do so. He did the crime, so he should do the time.

It isn't all about punishment and retribution....because nothing will bring those 5 people back...nothing. But what the sentence is about beyond any punitive action is about protecting society from stupid irresponsible idiots.

xcarsalesman 08-31-2008 02:43 AM

dam! mike vick got more time than that, for dog fighting!

Orangetxguy 08-31-2008 03:25 AM

Originally Posted by xcarsalesman:
dam! mike vick got more time than that, for dog fighting!

Go figure...and he played a better brand of football too!

JeffTheTerrible 08-31-2008 09:09 AM

I'm a bit divided on the matter here. Yes, I do believe that he is accountable for his actions, but the part about it which gets me..

Well, I'm seeing a variety of sentences. There's this two year sentence, there's the 41 year sentence, etc. But I'm reading that the average amount of time actually served for deliberate acts of murder is only six to eight years nationwide? It's not the bit about the driver being held accountable for his actions which I take issue with... it's what seems to me to be quite a bit of an imbalance here, assuming these sources which are giving the me six-to-eight statistic (that seems to be the average deduced from a number of sources) are accurate.

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