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Karnajj 08-29-2008 10:20 PM

Obama just got blasted out of the water
I have to say, I was not a big McCain fan. Until today. He has to have a genius running his campaign. The day after Obama's big speech, nobody is talking about it. His campaign was taken completely by surprise by the choice of Palin for VP. :lol: :lol: :lol:

golfhobo 08-29-2008 11:08 PM

Re: Obama just got blasted out of the water

Originally Posted by Karnajj
I have to say, I was not a big McCain fan. Until today. He has to have a genius running his campaign. The day after Obama's big speech, nobody is talking about it. His campaign was taken completely by surprise by the choice of Palin for VP. :lol: :lol: :lol:

First off, McCain had been threatening all week to attempt to steal Obama's thunder by announcing his veep choice on the DAY of Obama's acceptance speech. That would have been REAL tacky! But, the talk about it got some airplay, although it had no effect on the events of last night.

Secondly, announcing ANY veep choice on the day AFTER the end of the DNC, was bound to get alot of airplay, so no big surprise. That's just the way the media works. But, THIS choice.....well, it HAS stolen the stage... for a day or two.... but, the press has been mostly negative! He's made himself the laughing stock of political campaigns on the very day after ONE of the most stirring acceptance speeches in history. :roll:

I recommend you watch the political news shows this Sunday. McCain will be ROASTED! Not only for his choice, but for his motives, "misunderestimation" and extremely poor judgement!

I haven't seen the polls lately, but I believe they were somewhat close. But I'll be extremely surprised if, by the first of the week, Obama doesn't have a double digit lead!

There has been absolutely NO evidence of "genius" in McCain's campaign so far. And this is just more of the same awkward "thumbs up" mentality from him.... and I guess, you too! :roll:

You remember Mondale/Ferraro, don't you? This has been done before! It failed! It will fail again!

BigDiesel 08-29-2008 11:13 PM

Re: Obama just got blasted out of the water

Originally Posted by golfhobo

You remember Mondale/Ferraro, don't you? This has been done before! It failed! It will fail again!

A different era now..... And do you really think the Clintoons are done with Barry Hussein Obama yet.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ridge Runner 08-30-2008 12:17 AM

Re: Obama just got blasted out of the water

Originally Posted by BigDiesel

Originally Posted by golfhobo

You remember Mondale/Ferraro, don't you? This has been done before! It failed! It will fail again!

A different era now..... And do you really think the Clintoons are done with Barry Hussein Obama yet.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

You nailed that one BD. I think she has her sights already set on 2012 ( if not sooner ) For 2012 to happen for her, McCain will have to be in office. There is no way she can run if Obama is sitting in the Whitehouse.

She is one of the most evil, will do ANYTHING to get what she wants. If I was Obama I would be watching my back.

Karnajj 08-30-2008 12:20 AM

Re: Obama just got blasted out of the water

Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by Karnajj
I have to say, I was not a big McCain fan. Until today. He has to have a genius running his campaign. The day after Obama's big speech, nobody is talking about it. His campaign was taken completely by surprise by the choice of Palin for VP. :lol: :lol: :lol:

First off, McCain had been threatening all week to attempt to steal Obama's thunder by announcing his veep choice on the DAY of Obama's acceptance speech. That would have been REAL tacky! But, the talk about it got some airplay, although it had no effect on the events of last night.

Secondly, announcing ANY veep choice on the day AFTER the end of the DNC, was bound to get alot of airplay, so no big surprise. That's just the way the media works. But, THIS choice.....well, it HAS stolen the stage... for a day or two.... but, the press has been mostly negative! He's made himself the laughing stock of political campaigns on the very day after ONE of the most stirring acceptance speeches in history. :roll:

I recommend you watch the political news shows this Sunday. McCain will be ROASTED! Not only for his choice, but for his motives, "misunderestimation" and extremely poor judgement!

I haven't seen the polls lately, but I believe they were somewhat close. But I'll be extremely surprised if, by the first of the week, Obama doesn't have a double digit lead!

There has been absolutely NO evidence of "genius" in McCain's campaign so far. And this is just more of the same awkward "thumbs up" mentality from him.... and I guess, you too! :roll:

You remember Mondale/Ferraro, don't you? This has been done before! It failed! It will fail again!

You drank the koolaid, didn't you? Stirring?!?!?! Hardly. He didn't say a thing worth listening to. And why would the Sunday shows attacking his choice for VP be any different than any other sunday? They are, after all, working for the Obama campaign. Obama is toast, Just accept it.

GMAN 08-30-2008 12:27 AM

McCain's choice will take a lot of the thunder out of the Obama campaign. She is an attractive mother who likes guns, belongs to the NRA and has a successful career. I heard part of her speech today. She has a lot of charisma. I never really liked the other top candidates for the job. I had concerns about her being from Alaska, but after hearing her speak, I think he made the right choice. One think my wife noticed about her is that she wore a dress. That scored points with her. Not only can this woman shoot, she can also raise a family and wear a dress. She is a lady. What a change from what we see with the liberals. Most wear pant suits and family seems to be on the bottom of the list. I think this will be difficult for the Democrats to top. I heard Obama speak last night. He certainly knows how to rally the troops. He said a lot of the right things. He almost sounded like a conservative. The only thing he didn't address is how he would pay for what he wants to do. It should be an interesting run. Regardless of who wins, history will be made. We will either have the fist black president or the first female vice president.

SilverWulf 08-30-2008 12:41 AM

Stirring speech? Are you high? The speech last night was just more of the same old tired liberal rhetoric and impossible promises we've been hearing all along. There was nothing new or exciting at all. The stagecraft was obvious, the entire thing was contrived from the opening act until the lights went down.

The pick of Palin for VP today was simply brilliant. Not only because she is a woman, but because she is a true conservative with a track record of actually doing what she talks about.

Experience? She has more executive experience than Obama. She was in elected office for 5 years before Obama even ran for his State seat. She took the entrenched bureaucrats on and beat them handily by exposing and fighting fraud.

As Governor of one of the most important States in the Union, she has refused to compromise and turned down wasteful federal spending. She canceled more than 300 State programs that were wasting money. She took the money that was saved from that and put it in a SAVINGS ACCOUNT rather than spending it on other programs. Alaska now has one of the largest surpluses in history.

She is strongly pro gun and is a lifetime member of the NRA. She hunts, she has served as a crew member on a commercial fishing boat. She is an avid outdoor enthusiast.

She is strongly pro life. She knew before her youngest son was born that he was likely to suffer from Downs Syndrome. Her beliefs did not allow her to consider ending the pregnancy. Instead, she is caring for a special needs child with all the love she can give.

She is pro energy independence. Not long ago she wrote a letter to Congress, specifically to Harry Reid, telling him to get his fingers out of Alaska and let drilling happen in ANWR and elsewhere.

Her approval rating in Alaska, as Governor, is over 80%.

She will connect with people in a way that hasn't been seen in a very long time. Not in a celebrity manner like Obama has, but with people because she could be your next door neighbors wife.

She is going to attract women voters to the McCain/Palin ticket in droves. Hillary supporters who are disgusted with Obama will flock to her.

Her being picked as VP will erase any bounce Obama might have had after last nights speech. In the next week McCain/Palin will lead by 15+ points.

Drew10 08-30-2008 12:51 AM

Ive been listening to news and talk all day. I heard nothing negative coming as a result of Gov. Palin gettting the VP nomination. All positive. Any negative was coming from the extreme left, and they were simply grabbing at air. This has put to Democrats into a tailspin. Obama must be kicking himself for not choosing Clinton at his VP.
This is going to be very interesting.
What Ive been hearing, and its early speculation, this is going to give Mccain the "edge" he needs to get past the "Messiah".
She may be a "new" politician, but by all rights, so is Obama.

wildkat 08-30-2008 12:52 AM

I just checked the real clear politics website...McCain is gaining ground on more & more states, the biggest spread there is 4.5 points...isn't that within the margin or error? I think he did a good job of picking a woman, about time!

golfhobo 08-30-2008 01:04 AM

Re: Obama just got blasted out of the water

Originally Posted by BigDiesel

Originally Posted by golfhobo

You remember Mondale/Ferraro, don't you? This has been done before! It failed! It will fail again!

A different era now..... And do you really think the Clintoons are done with Barry Hussein Obama yet.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't agree that it is a different "era." I don't remember what year that ticket ran, but it was recent enough for my senile mind to remember. :wink:

I could google and check, so as not to sound stupid, but to be honest, I can't remember what year/election that was. Who were they running against? Reagan? Or Bush I? Reagan was UNBEATABLE! He was the great communicator (as was Prez Clinton, IMHO.) Neither could be or WERE beat!

This should underscore what I have always said..... that the important thing in American politics is the ability to communicate with the people of this great country the rationale behind the executive decisions that lead or govern it. And.... although it should NOT be, it is important to "make good video!" I.e: don't look like a dork on T.V! The World is watching, and they expect the American president to be "presentable."

Most Americans are not stupid. We smell B.S. when it is shoveled, and we are willing to sacrifice when given the proper motivation and understanding of the reason. Both Reagan and Clinton were masters of communication. But, I digress.

Ferraro was a trial balloon to see if America was SO intent on breaking the barriers (glass ceiling) that they would elect a ticket JUST because a woman was on it. But, it failed because the ticket, NOR the desire was strong enough to overcome policy and politics.

Today is no different. Hillary is not the nominated candidate because we STILL will not blindly vote for a candidate because they are a minority. We need MORE substance or rationale. It must say something that women are the largest voting block in America, and MORE of them actually turn out to vote in any election, yet.... they didn't vote in large enough numbers for Hillary to put her on the ticket.

No offense intended to anyone of color, but there are not enough blacks in America to account for the nomination of the first Black candidate for the American Presidency.

That leaves one of two possibilities, and sadly... I believe it was the latter. First, is that more Democrats believed Obama was the better choice regardless of the voter's sex (and this MAY be possible.)

The latter is that more men AND women STILL believe that the leader of America and the Free World SHOULD, in fact, be a MAN! ...... regardless of his color. I gave this alot of consideration EARLY in the process, and it has proven true.... or at least the result is evidenciary. That Americans of BOTH sexes and colors were ready for a Black MAN to be president before ANY color "woman." Sorry, but that is what I thought would happen, and whether my suspicions are true or not.... that is what DID happen.

At any rate, I'm not so sure that I agree that this is a different "era." This era has encompassed the decades since the civil rights movement, and is a rightful progression of American thinking. Sure, it was going to take time. Ferraro, as a choice, might have been too soon. Too bad for her! But, someone had to break the glass! And, I would say that as a strategy, it worked! This year, only a few years hence, the ONLY two viable choices for the Democrats was between one of two minorities! And, if we should win..... the next President will BE one!

The only difference I see in the "ERA," is that stodgy old conservative bigots no longer have a stranglehold on this country or its politics. Win or lose this go around, notice has been SERVED.

But, that has no bearing on the fact that "using" a woman out of nowhere on the GOP ticket will have little or no effect on the National election, and will only be seen for what it is! A cheap trick at best, and a slap in the face of Women's Suffrage at worst.

I had alot of respect for McCain UNTIL this moment! Now, I see that failing to satisfy the ultra conservatives with his OWN policies, he has stooped to "pandering" for the women's vote, hoping to split them and gain advantage. Politics at its WORST!

A man that would do that has no more scruples than our current Totalitarian leader! Win at any cost. Cheat where necessary. Rule by stolen authority without regard to popular vote, and..... in the great tradition of the royalty we fought and died for our freedom against, utter the infamous words.... "let them eat cake!" :roll:

Here's another "catch phrase" from the recent ERA of world politics..... "The Second Russian Revolution." After years of Totalitarian rule, the Russian people said, "enough is enough." And to some minor extent, they have gained freedoms there that were unknown for decades!

I am not advocating Socialism over Democracy OR Republicanism. I am saying that the vanishing Middle Class of this great country has had ENOUGH of the oppression of this "government for sale" to the highest bidder! In THAT regard, yes..... it IS a different era!

But, some things never change. Even the most liberal of our citizens (IMHO) are not ready for a woman president, and NONE of us are stupid enough to believe that putting one on the ticket GUARANTEES the vote of the female constituency!

Well..... NONE but the "out of touch," Republican candidate and his so-called "genius" campaign manager! :roll:

I respect John McCain. For MORE than just his service in the Vietnam War. But, he was near LAST in his class at Annapolis (or wherever he went,) and probably failed his "escape and evasion" training. Perhaps, this is why, as a pilot, he managed to FAIL in his mission over Vietnam and got SHOT DOWN! And then, unlike the A.F. pilot shot down over Bosnia, FAILED in his duty at escape and evasion, and was CAPTURED by the V.C!

I'm SORRY that he spent years in the Hanoi Hilton! But, that does NOT make him a HERO in my eyes! (My views on the overuse of the word HERO are well known.)

John McCain is, to the best of my knowledge, an "average" person, pilot, military man, and Senator. And I have often said that "average" people will get you "killed every time!"

And, whereas I believe that our Legislative branch SHOULD be more "average" in their relation to their constituency.... I believe that our Executive Officer (President) should be ABOVE average! I just don't see that in McCain.

I have questions about Obama. But, there is no doubt in my mind that, like Kennedy, Roosevelt (both of them) and Lincoln, the man is ABOVE average in intellect, and as a person. I will hitch my wagon to such a LEADER every time! And I will LIVE with the consequences, be they good or bad.

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