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Double R 08-06-2008 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by matcat

Originally Posted by ben45750
Tyson should start handing Pork products. :lol:

Tyson does do pork

And Desserts(Sweet Street)

HWD 08-07-2008 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Double L
Good point Jeff and I really don't remember the Clinton years I just remember the Bush years.

Of course you don't. You're just another imbecile railing against the common enemy of the left - George Bush. Let the 40 years worth of liberals running Congress long before he got there, plus Slick Willy and Jimmy Carter simply fade from memory.

This sort of thing has been happening for decades, meaning, long before Bush took office. You can thank the career liberal bureaucrats and the left wing nuts in congress who have strangled American business with stupid regulations and taxes.

What the hell are you left wing retards gonna do when Bush is longer around for you to demonize? Your buddy Hussein Obama is a dangerous airhead and I pray that loser loses big.

Oh and by the way...Bush is not the "worst president ever!!!"

That honor belongs to Jimmy Carter.

Double L 08-07-2008 04:59 AM

I don't remember the Clinton years cause I was born in 90 so I got a valid excuse as to why I don't remember it.

GMAN 08-07-2008 11:20 AM

The U.S. used to have the strongest steel, textile and other industries in the world. The main culprit to outsourcing has been government regulations and over taxation. Another is the unions. Both have contributed to many industries going out of the country. We no longer have import taxes on products brought into this country. That wasn't Bush that did that. It started long before his term in office. That is part of the NAFTA agreement. Liberal believe that if it moves, tax it. They don't understand how business and the economy works. Until people start getting involved in the political process things will not change. There are too many people who look for a handout from the government. We need to make it more expensive to do business abroad than it is at home.

Drew10 08-07-2008 12:01 PM

HWD wrote:

Of course you don't. You're just another imbecile railing against the common enemy of the left
The name calling is not necessary and it makes you look like an idiot.

Double L.... keep doing your "homework". You have conceded that Obama would be bad for this country. 2Thumbs up in that regarding. However....keep in mind this country has been around long before 1990, and "Slick Willy" wasnt the 1st President of the United States. :wink:

Double L 08-07-2008 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Drew10
HWD wrote:

Of course you don't. You're just another imbecile railing against the common enemy of the left
The name calling is not necessary and it makes you look like an idiot.

Double L.... keep doing your "homework". You have conceded that Obama would be bad for this country. 2Thumbs up in that regarding. However....keep in mind this country has been around long before 1990, and "Slick Willy" wasnt the 1st President of the United States. :wink:

What is homework? :lol: Please don't say that word. :lol: Seriously though I had a semester of Government last year and it was required for me to graduate so I done my homework.

gordoUSA 08-07-2008 10:28 PM

So very true. It is our fault for electing and tolerating the corrupted government we now have. For sitting idly by, while millions of fellow Americans have seen the livelihoods shipped overseas. All in the name of corporate profits. It wasn’t regulations , or the unions, singularly, that drove them overseas, it was their own greed, first and foremost. Government regulations often have to be created in order to protect unwitting Americans from corporate fraud, chemical exposure, environmental disasters, etc.. Regulations are created because a industry fails to regulate itself. Recent prime example is the mortgage loan mess, and the Wall Street bailouts. All of which will end up being paid for by the hard working American people.
Remember Ronald Reagan, and his Berlin speech? “Mr.Gorbachev,(sp) tear down this wall!” How every one rejoiced at the fall of Communism? Well, look at us now. We embrace COMMUNIST China with our jobs and all our money. We suck up to them at every opportunity. Corporate America can’t wait to get over there. Communism is the perfect setting for corporate America. No regulations, no environmentalist, certainly no unions, (unless of course you consider a billion card carrying COMMUNIST Chinese as a union.) If a father complains too loudly his 10 year old son or daughter is working too many hours in the factory, they will simply ship him off to a “re-education camp.” , if he continues to complain, they will then march him out to a rice paddy and blow his head off. Think about that next time we all clammer into Wal-Mart to buy more cheap, toxic, counterfeit crap. Maybe it isn’t so cheap after all.

Come November, we all have the opportunity few other peoples in the world have, (especially those in Communist China,) that is exercising our right to vote. Use your vote wisely, help rid America of corruption and greed.
Tear away the stranglehold special interests have on our country. Vote each and every incumbent out of office, no matter what party, or color the other candidate may be. If there is no candidate, then DEMAND a write in ballot from your election official. Write in who ever you want, it is your vote and your right.

Colts Fan 08-08-2008 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by GMAN
We need to make it more expensive to do business abroad than it is at home.

Most economists concur that our current tax code on individuals and corporations is killing our economy. Why would anyone want to do business here?

If we abolished income and corporate tax we would be the world's greatest tax haven.

ben45750 08-08-2008 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Drew10
HWD wrote:

Of course you don't. You're just another imbecile railing against the common enemy of the left
The name calling is not necessary and it makes you look like an idiot

I don't think he looks like an idiot. A person made a stupid comment and HWD called him out on it.

gordoUSA 08-08-2008 02:25 PM

Most economists can't agree on what day it is. They simply make the numbers work for which ever side is paying them.

Is the glass of water half empty or half full?

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