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jeremyh 09-21-2007 11:05 PM

You know what sheepdancer, people go broke over getting sick. Is that fair or right? Absoutely not. Why should a person who gets sick go broke because they didn't have insurance or maybe they didn't have enough insurance. You know Michael Moore's movie wasn't about people without insurance, it was about people that had insurance but the insurance companies found every which way to screw them over. I don't like a system like that, a system which you think you're getting something out of but then end up getting it in the rear. Atleast with my Canadian style health care I can go into a hospital and know that everything that the doctor orders is covered by my B.C. Medical Services Plan.

I however agree with you on one stance and that is people should be free to get private insurance if they so please and pay for their operation through insurance if they don't want to wait in line in the public system. There is a lack of freedom in this area that angers me because if we allow others to go outside the public system then we allow more people to receive public care faster because they in a sense jump the queue.

Getting back to my earlier point, people deserve health care whether you are rich or poor, black or white, homeless or living comfortably in a nice home. It's not a liberal way of thinking, it's a compassionate way of thinking. I personally don't vote liberal, I voted conservative in my last federal election and will do so again.

Raafi 09-22-2007 01:41 AM


why do people think when they get a job, that the company is supposed to give them health insurance

why dont they just make enough to either pay their own health insurance or pay the direct costs, out of pocket?

this entitlement mentality is destroying this country

COLT 09-22-2007 02:38 AM

It is so obvious to some of us that the American people are getting totally Ripped-off by the healthcare "industry"

In the documentary, that one 9-11 rescuer who fried her lungs was paying 120 dollars for her inhaler in the states, Mike took her to Cuba for treatment (for free, same as any Cuban) and she bought the same meds for 5 cents !!!!

In the states, Medicare is a "for profit" business... Plain & Simple...

Can someone explain to me why, and how the H.M.O.'s have "Billions" of dollars to give away to executive's and politicians ? Why would they do this... Hmmmm

I know why the American people put up with this stuff, but as a Canadian, it's not my place to say, an American can say it first, and I will agree.. :wink:

Sheepdancer 09-22-2007 04:33 AM

[quote="jeremyh"]You know what sheepdancer, people go broke over getting sick. Is that fair or right? Absoutely not. Why should a person who gets sick go broke because they didn't have insurance or maybe they didn't have enough insurance. You know Michael Moore's movie wasn't about people without insurance, it was about people that had insurance but the insurance companies found every which way to screw them over. I don't like a system like that, a system which you think you're getting something out of but then end up getting it in the rear. Atleast with my Canadian style health care I can go into a hospital and know that everything that the doctor orders is covered by my B.C. Medical Services Plan.

I however agree with you on one stance and that is people should be free to get private insurance if they so please and pay for their operation through insurance if they don't want to wait in line in the public system. There is a lack of freedom in this area that angers me because if we allow others to go outside the public system then we allow more people to receive public care faster because they in a sense jump the queue.

Getting back to my earlier point, people deserve health care whether you are rich or poor, black or white, homeless or living comfortably in a nice home. It's not a liberal way of thinking, it's a compassionate way of thinking. I personally don't vote liberal, I voted conservative in my last federal election and will do so again.[/quote

Again, you are NOT offering solutions to any problems. I have great healthcare and a system like canada would LOWER my quality of healthcare. Like I have said before, these liberal healthcare plans are not about raising the quality of healthcare for all, its about lowering the standard of my healthcare so someone who didnt earn it can have a little better healthcare. SOCIALISM IS ABOUT SHARING MISERY.
AGAIN...let me repeat. If someone can show me a better healthcare system that doesnt raise my taxes, doesnt cost me a dime more in any way and doesnt lower the quality of my healthcare in any way...I would listen. I work hard in a one income family so my kids can go to the best schools, so my wife can stay home and raise the kids and so I can provide the best healthcare MY money can buy. ANY MONEY TAKEN OUT OF MY POCKET WITH MORE TAXES OR ANYTHING ELSE LOWERS MY QUALITY OF MY FAMILIES LIFE. Sorry if someone makes mistakes in life and gets screwed. Sorry if someone else gets sick and wasnt smart enough to have health insurance in the first place. But MY FAMILY AND MY LIFE COMES FIRST. When I married my wife I took a vow to take care of her for life. When my kids were born, I promised myself I would do what it takes to provide the best life for them. I DIDNT PROMISE ANYTHING ABOUT YOUR FAMILY OR YOUR KIDS. Now, dont get me wrong, Im all for charities outside the government. Im happy and I do give my money and time to many charities. But that is on my terms. I dont need the government telling me who I have to help with my money or telling me whether or not I have to help. Im not a selfish person, but I live in a free country and If someday I decide I want to be selfish, I WANT THAT FREEDOM. Our Constitution guarantees people the "RIGHT TO PERSUE HAPPINESS". Do you understand what that means? It means people are free to take care of themselves and control their own lives. The constitution never says anything about welfare, free healthcare or any other free handouts from the taxpayers.
I dont give a crap about Canada and your country of dependant people. We were talking about the USA where SELF SUPPORTING PEOPLE make us the strongest country in the world. Dependant people only weaken a nation. Personally I dont know how someone lives with themselves knowing that other taxpayers have to take care of them. I would be completely depressed and disgusted with myself if I needed others to help raise my family.
Here is a good idea....lets make a trade between the USA and Canada. We will send you all the liberals who think the government and taxpayers are the answer for any problem. And if you happen to have any SELF SUPPORTING PEOPLE LEFT IN THAT ARMPIT OF A COUNTRY OF YOURS SEND THEM DOWN HERE. We will be happy to take them.

COLT 09-22-2007 06:24 AM

Your just proving my point, ( ignorance is bliss ) :wink:

That's just not nice calling my country an "armpit" ( whatever that means )

P.S. Shuss, They don't tell this on American T.V. but our "armpit" of a country's dollar is worth more than yours... Bet you didn't see that on American T.V. ( It's a secret )

In a way Sheep, I understand your piont of view,( and respect your stubborness ) ( me two ) but you can take the blinders off anytime...

greg3564 09-22-2007 07:29 AM

Geez Sheep. Canada an armpit? Mexico, yes. Canada, not so much. Hey, I think Canada is a really nice nation and will welcome me with open arms if Hillary wins the presidency. :lol: I'm only half joking. But maybe Texas can cede from the U.S. and elect their own president. :wink:

Goin Fer It 09-22-2007 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by COLT
It is so obvious to some of us that the American people are getting totally Ripped-off by the healthcare "industry"

In the documentary, that one 9-11 rescuer who fried her lungs was paying 120 dollars for her inhaler in the states, Mike took her to Cuba for treatment (for free, same as any Cuban) and she bought the same meds for 5 cents !!!!

In the states, Medicare is a "for profit" business... Plain & Simple...

Can someone explain to me why, and how the H.M.O.'s have "Billions" of dollars to give away to executive's and politicians ? Why would they do this... Hmmmm

I know why the American people put up with this stuff, but as a Canadian, it's not my place to say, an American can say it first, and I will agree.. :wink:

The FDA is scary! I know with drugs such as Lipitor they are basically damaging peoples livers. They had put my husband on Lipitor and I believe he took it for about two or three weeks.

I had listen to this radio show and the guest one evening was doctor and he was begging people to get off of Lipitor. He explained how this drug worked and basically it does lower cholesterol by killing your liver.

He said that Red Yeast Rice and Fish Oil would do the same thing without damaging your liver. Ever since then my husband has been on those two and his cholesterol level is fine. My stepdad found out he had high cholesterol but surprisingly the doctor we go to recommended first trying the Red Yeast Rice and Fish Oil. He is not on the Stanton drugs either.

There are more hospital administrators than there are doctors and the administrators are running the show at least this is what my previous stepdad (now passed away) who was the head of the Urology Department for Kaiser Permanente in Woodland Hills told me. He said they restricted the time they could spend with patients and it did not matter if they needed more time for a problem it was all about dollars and cents.

Goin Fer It's Wife

gordoUSA 09-22-2007 04:27 PM


Well sorry to inform you. Lipitor is the largest selling and most succesful drug in the world.
I also have taken Lipitor for 3 years. I have the regular 6 months checks. And I have abosolutely NO problems with the drug. The results have been as my doctor had predicated within 1 point.
A small percentage of people have reactions to any drugs. Hell, some people are allergic to aspirin!! You want to ban that too? I personally am allergic to a compound found in Neosporin and Neomycin. I am maybe .01% of the population that is allergic to it. What? Ban that too?
The radio talk show "Doctor" is probablty some quack, with little research creditionals. Or more likely, he has a financial interests in Fish Oil, rattle beads or something else he is trying to peddle for personal financial gain.
Pay very little attention to what you hear on "Talk Radio." It is simply entertainment. Same as Rush Limbaugh. (sick entertainment) If they can make some sort of sensualistic claims, that somehow makes the national news, they increase their ratings and then they can charge advertisers more for air time.
But, also the FDA needs to remain more idependent and absolutely non political. There are $ BILLIONS to be made on new pharmaceuticles. And some drug companies will do what is necessary, including fraud, bribery, etc., to get these drugs approved and on the market. And there are plenty of Wasington politicians willing willing to help them along for a generous "political" contribution.

golfhobo 09-22-2007 04:35 PM

GordoUSA said:


I am maybe .01% of the population that is allergic to it.

Perhaps, you are also maybe .01% of the population that doesn't suffer any ill effects to your LIVER from Lipitor! :wink:

What gets me, is all these drug commercials for the latest "cure all" for whatever ails ya...... that then list all the side effects that may KILL ya!! :roll:

Or if they don't kill ya, they just make your life miserable! Which is what the drug was supposed to "cure!" :shock:

Oh sure..... your LEGS are no longer "restless," but now your RECTUM is! :lol:

gordoUSA 09-22-2007 04:51 PM


thats a good one! Wish I would have thought of it!

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