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Fredog 09-19-2007 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by gordoUSA
If you would require competitive bidding on Medicare/Medicaid services, cut the fraud and waste in government, close the tax loop holes to corporations and leave Iraq, you could easily pay for for a Universal healthcare plan for those that wish to have that over private insurance. And still have a few hundred BILLION left over each year.

But don't count on it.

If you can get it done, I will vote for you

greg3564 09-19-2007 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
I used to work for the LARGEST company here in the US Wal-Mart. During our orientation they GAVE US THE FORMS TO APPLY FOR MEDICAID THE STATE RUN HEALTH INSURANCE. It did not matter if you were full time or part time like I was if you were a store associate you were going to go on Medicaid to save the company money. Wal-Mart Sheepdancer would rather push HIGHER TAXES onto everyone else than have a decent health care plan. The ones that had the plan said it was WORHTLESS. The deductables were for one person 1500 per year and for a family 6,000 bucks and get this after you met that the out of pocket was 5 thousand more and it did not cover any PREVENTAVE CARE. This is a company that takes in over 311 BILLION in revenue and they REFUSE TO HAVE A DECENT HEALTHCARE PLAN FOR THE VERY PEOPLE THAT ARE RESPONIBLE FOR MAKING IT THE COMPANY THEY ARE. You will say no company has to provide helth benes I know but with THE SIMPLE FACT OF THEIR SIZE THEY COULD GET A BETTER RATE FROM SOMEONE FOR BETTER CARE FOR THE EMPLOYEES. I say bring on Universal healthcare in this country EVERYOTHER NATION HAS IT. It can not be worse than what we have now considering 42 million people in the country have NO COVERAGE AT ALL IT COULD NOT BE ANY WORSE. Fund it with a 1% sales tax on EVERYTHING THAT WAY EVERYONE PAYS THEIR FAIR SHARE FOR IT.

Another reason why I won't shop at Wally World. You are right, they have the buying power to get GOOD health insurance for their employees. But they don't. Why anyone would work for an orginization like that baffles me. Walmart has the highest percentage of employees on Medicaid than ANY other employer in the US. Now that's something to be proud of. :roll:

Might explain why they are having a harder time getting new stores built because the community fights to block them from their neighborhoods. That's happening in Austin right now. But Walmart says they'll build anyways. It will probably go to court.

Sheepdancer 09-19-2007 08:20 PM

Actually thats not exactly true. The report that came out quite a few years ago showed that Walmart has the highest NUMBER of retail employees on medicaid...Not the highest %. This was due to the fact that no company has more employees than walmart. Actually most retail stores has a higher %. Targets % was way higher than walmart. However thats no longer true anyway about walmart. Right now 90% of all walmart employees have health insurance, which is WAY higher than most corporations. And now walmart even offers its retail employees insurance for as little as 12 bucks a month.
So you can start shopping there
I used to work at Walmart Corporate and had great health insurance.

Fozzy 09-19-2007 08:30 PM

It could be that there are a lot of kids and old people working for Walmart?

Sheepdancer 09-19-2007 08:52 PM


Sheepdancer would rather push HIGHER TAXES onto everyone else than have a decent health care plan
I dont know where that came
I DO NOT think its the taxpayers responsibility to pay for someones healthcare. Sorry.

jeremyh 09-20-2007 12:34 AM

you know when 47 million people don't have health insurance in the USA then there are big problems. Whether people want insurance and can't get it because they have a pre-exsisting condition that probably isn't their fault. Why should people be denied coverage because these health insurers don't want to take the risk, is that fair to people that want coverage? I'm sorry I rather have a system that accepts people as they are and not fight with people so the insurance company saves money at the cost of people's lives. You may have great coverage sheepdancer but the guy next to you had cancer and can't get coverage. That doesn't seem right to me.

Raafi 09-20-2007 12:56 AM

the system is broke, and now it seems to be an act of patriotism to say that its the best in the world and it doesnt need changing

and anyone who says that it is broke is a bleeding heart liberal, or socialist or a commie or whatever other name rush limbaugh and sean hannity label them

as long as i got mine, screw the rest of you, because you are obviously bums

mind you, the cost for health care is higher than ever, and they are covering less, we are all getting screwed.... but lets not address that, lets not fix it, lets just keep on the same path, maintain resolve, not cut and run

COLT 09-20-2007 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Raafi
the system is broke, and now it seems to be an act of patriotism to say that its the best in the world and it doesnt need changing

and anyone who says that it is broke is a bleeding heart liberal, or socialist or a commie or whatever other name rush limbaugh and sean hannity label them

as long as i got mine, screw the rest of you, because you are obviously bums

mind you, the cost for health care is higher than ever, and they are covering less, we are all getting screwed.... but lets not address that, lets not fix it, lets just keep on the same path, maintain resolve, not cut and run

Very well said

Sheepdancer 09-20-2007 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by jeremyh
you know when 47 million people don't have health insurance in the USA then there are big problems. Whether people want insurance and can't get it because they have a pre-exsisting condition that probably isn't their fault. Why should people be denied coverage because these health insurers don't want to take the risk, is that fair to people that want coverage? I'm sorry I rather have a system that accepts people as they are and not fight with people so the insurance company saves money at the cost of people's lives. You may have great coverage sheepdancer but the guy next to you had cancer and can't get coverage. That doesn't seem right to me.

I said this earlier but bears mentioning again. Accourding to the census, 1/3 of the people in this country without insurance make 50K a year or more...They dont have insurance NOT because they cant afford it, but because they CHOOSE not to have it. Another 1/3 of that number is Immigrants who also choose NOT to have insurance.
Your little example of the guy who cant get it because of cancer makes great propaganda, but just doesnt happen that much like that. What is more realistic is this: Some stupid guy goes through life without insurance even though he could have gotten it, gets cancer and says "Damn, I should have had insurance before this" Then instead of blaiming himself for being stupid in the first place, he blames the government.
Ive known many people with cancer including both my parents. They never had a problem with coverage. Why? Because they planned ahead.
In fact Im going in to be tested for colon cancer next week. God forbid I do have cancer, however if I do, the LAST thing im worried about is the financial situation that might arise with that. Im exteemley covored in that aspect. Also about "pre existing conditions" Ive never worked anywhere that offered health insurance that didnt accept pre existing conditions. Why would someone accept a job like that? When I go to work for a company, I wont take a job unless It offers great benefits.

Sheepdancer 09-20-2007 01:38 PM


we are all getting screwed.... but lets not address that, lets not fix it, lets just keep on the same path, maintain resolve, not cut and run

WE ARE ALL GETTING SCREWED <<~~~ That such a good liberal saying. I love it! You know liberals like you love to say things like that. Part of the doom and gloom agenda. "We are all getting screwed" "the middle class is gone"...."everything is horrible" Bla bla bla bla.......
I would ask you this. If Im being screwed, why are things so damn great right now? How come everyone I know who is middle class is doing great?
Where are all these people who are getting screwed? I sure dont see too many of them. When liberals like yourself make a blanket statement like "WE ARE ALL GETTING SCREWED", you better be able to back it up with facts because someone like me is always going to call you on it.

As far as you saying people like me say " I got mine, screw the rest of you" is not accurate at all. Its more like "I EARNED MINE, YOU EARN YOURS" Its not my responsibility nor the taxpayers to take care of your family.

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