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Fozzy 08-24-2007 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Colts Fan
When you look at the recent history of polygamy, it has been undertaken by less than savory individuals. David Koresh and his Branch Davidians and Warren Jeffs, Colorado City, UT, who was on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list are two that pop into my head.

Polygamy these days can usually only be seen in occult-like, compound environments. Young girls are forced to marry and have sex with much older men. Failure to comply results in severe and illegal punishments. Human rights abuses are prevalent in polygamist compounds. There have been many women who have escaped from their polygamist captors and have told their stories of physical and sexual abuse.

IMHO polygamy is very dangerous for the women and children involved.

Doesn't really address the topic. Heterosexual pedophilia is legal in this country.. all they have to do is marry them. Why were these people on the 10 most wanted list doesn't really mean anything about the polygamy. Unmarried polygamists to not get thrown in prison.

golfhobo 08-24-2007 09:49 PM

Re: Another religious/political/stupid law thread

Originally Posted by Fozzy
Why is Polygamy illegal? Think carefully before you answer.

Wow! The Mods must have told you I was HOME!! :lol:

Okay, I've thought about it, AND looked up a few words in the dictionary. Before I answer, let me point out a few things:

BEN said:


Or.... because the Democrats got jealous and decided since they can't talk their wives into letting them have another wife, no one is going too.
Obviously, you don't realize that almost ALL remnants of Religious Law are the property and responsibility of the Republicans and their "Moral Majority." The DEMOCRATS didn't "force" the terminology "Under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance, and are for Separation of Church and State.

Fozzy said:


Well here's my take on it.. having laws against polygamy is basically archaic and of course illogical on the face of it. This is one issue where I side with the religious loonies!
I don't "get this," Fozzy! If you think it is archaic and illogical, and the religious loonies are the ones saying it is illegal.... HOW can you "side with them?"

Oh.... you mean the Polygamists are the religious loonies!?!? I thought you were referring to the Conservatists! :wink:


As I've stated before, for the most part, heterosexual pedophilia is legal in this country in a lot of states. All a pedophile needs is permission from the parents or a priest and they can marry and have sex with a child.
I think there is a FEDERAL minimum of 16 yrs old. Up to 18 requires parental permission. Granted.... those are just children, but HISTORY shows that at times, the "age of consent" more equally correllated to puberty. I don't believe there is ANY federal law that allows pedophiles to marry "adolescents."

Greg said:


That is until Joseph Smith and his band of crazies invented their little fake religion and really pissed people off.
I'm not defending Mormonism, but.... let's see..... Joseph Smith and a few others said they met the disciples of Jesus in the wilderness and were given "powers and instructions" to form a new "church." A band of FISHERMEN in Gallilee said they met Jesus after he was dead and he told them to carry on his work. And Moses got his "instructions" from a BURNING BUSH. How is ONE "theory" more believable than the other?



...where they would reproduce faster than a dog in heat.
NO faster than Catholics! :roll:

Fozzy said:


When the majority can get away with common law polygamy, then another man ought not go to prison for it.
Um..... NOT HAPPENING! Yes, there are common law marriages. But, there is NO provision for having MORE than one "common law" nor "civil" marriage. Having children "out of wedlock" (whether legally MARRIED at the time, or not,) is not the same as having MULTIPLE marriages, "common law" or not.

Twilight Flyer said:


Mob rule killed many men that had joined the [Mormon] church, to the point that there were few of them left. Murder is murder, no matter how you look at it and most of the murders left behind wives, mothers, and children.
And the same Bible "toted" by the Moral Majority says that when this happens, a man SHOULD take his Brother's wife as his own! [I guess this is what Fozzy meant.]

Colts Fan wrote:


When you look at the recent history of polygamy, it has been undertaken by less than savory individuals.
Not entirely true. With the obvious exceptions that you mentioned, MANY polygamous Mormons have been PILLARS of their communities. Utah is a VERY successful state. It didn't get that way within the last few years. No "homeless" drug addicts there!

Fozzy said:


Heterosexual pedophilia is legal in this country.. all they have to do is marry them.
Again, I disagree. However, IF given your idea of it, then HOMOSEXUAL pedophilia is JUST as "legal" in those states where such is allowed. If you're worried about pedophilia.... don't be "blinded" by the "sex" of the offenders OR their victims.

NOW for the definitons:

Polygamy - multiple MARRIAGES (wives OR husbands.)

Polyandry - two or more HUSBANDS at the same time.

Polygyny - two or more WIVES (or concubines) at the same time.

So, you see.... when one speaks of "polygamy" they usually mean "polygyny" and have never even HEARD of "polyandry!"

The original question was: Why is Polygamy illegal?

Because, as someone said some time ago, the original "settlers" of this country WERE, in fact, religious zealots who, though fleeing religious persecution, made the mistake of making their laws of a "religious nature" or at least, BASED on THEIR religious beliefs. It took nearly a HUNDRED years for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to "rectify" some (but not all) of these "injustices."

Because those in power, from the administration down to the heavily influenced House of Representatives, and including the POLITICALLY appointed and manipulated Supreme Court, serve NOT the Constitution and the rights of the individual, but AT THE WILL of those who can keep them in power or office, and the MORAL MAJORITY in this country owns most of the power, land and money.

And.... because these people do NOT truly cherish the "land of the free" nor do they understand the meaning of "Free from OPPRESSION." They want America to be FREE to exist ONLY within the confines of their "narrow minds." [i.e. Religious Beliefs]

Although I don't think Polygamy is such a good idea, I can't... from a purely LEGAL or CONSTITUTIONAL point of view, see why it SHOULD be Illegal. Who is is hurting?

It is Illegal.... SOLELY because it "offends" the sensitivities of the MORAL PRUDES in this country, who believe that THEIR belief in God gives them the right AND responsibility to confuse THEIR bedrooms with MY OWN! :shock:

ben45750 08-24-2007 10:51 PM

Re: Another religious/political/stupid law thread

Originally Posted by golfhobo
BEN said:

Or.... because the Democrats got jealous and decided since they can't talk their wives into letting them have another wife, no one is going too.
Obviously, you don't realize that almost ALL remnants of Religious Law are the property and responsibility of the Republicans and their "Moral Majority." The DEMOCRATS didn't "force" the terminology "Under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance, and are for Separation of Church and State.

I'm just joking on the whole thing. Was just that Slick Willy came to mind first when I think of politics and extra women.

golfhobo 08-24-2007 11:58 PM

Re: Another religious/political/stupid law thread

Originally Posted by ben45750

Originally Posted by golfhobo
BEN said:

Or.... because the Democrats got jealous and decided since they can't talk their wives into letting them have another wife, no one is going too.
Obviously, you don't realize that almost ALL remnants of Religious Law are the property and responsibility of the Republicans and their "Moral Majority." The DEMOCRATS didn't "force" the terminology "Under God" into the Pledge of Allegiance, and are for Separation of Church and State.

I'm just joking on the whole thing. Was just that Slick Willy came to mind first when I think of politics and extra women.

Yeah.... I kinda figured that. It didn't really make sense! :lol: I just figured that I'd get a dig in on the NeoCon/Moral Majority while I was busy giving a "serious" answer! :lol:

"Slick Willy" (as you call him) wasn't trying to get another WIFE! Heck... ONE was enough! He just wanted some of what his wife never GAVE him! :lol:

Personally, I don't think it is FAIR or RIGHT for the President of the U.S. to have blue balls!

chapchap70 08-25-2007 02:34 AM

Maybe some men with a super ego and an unhealthy level of self importance are fine with 10 women. A society that condones this has low regard for its women.

Colts Fan 08-25-2007 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by Fozzy
Colts Fan wrote:
When you look at the recent history of polygamy, it has been undertaken by less than savory individuals. David Koresh and his Branch Davidians and Warren Jeffs, Colorado City, UT, who was on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted list are two that pop into my head.

Polygamy these days can usually only be seen in occult-like, compound environments. Young girls are forced to marry and have sex with much older men. Failure to comply results in severe and illegal punishments. Human rights abuses are prevalent in polygamist compounds. There have been many women who have escaped from their polygamist captors and have told their stories of physical and sexual abuse.

IMHO polygamy is very dangerous for the women and children involved.

Doesn't really address the topic. Heterosexual pedophilia is legal in this country.. all they have to do is marry them. Why were these people on the 10 most wanted list doesn't really mean anything about the polygamy. Unmarried polygamists to not get thrown in prison.

When has pedophilia ever been legal??? What the hell is wrong with you?!?!

And golfhobo, polygamy has been illegal in UT for a long time and the Mormon church denounces it.

Fozzy 08-25-2007 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by Colts Fan
When has pedophilia ever been legal??? What the hell is wrong with you?!?!

Try keeping up with the topic much? It is legal for men to marry children in several states.. one state JUST added a minimum age recently.. before they had no minimum age. As long as the legal guardian and of course some shlub of preacher OK's it, a man can marry a child here.

golfhobo 08-25-2007 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by chapchap70
Maybe some men with a super ego and an unhealthy level of self importance are fine with 10 women. A society that condones this has low regard for its women.


I am NOT one who has a low regard for women. I am certainly for EQUAL rights! But, let's face facts. In the 19th Century, just after we won the war of Independence, and started to "settle" the WEST, this was definitely a Man's country!

MEN fought the BEARS and the Mountain Lions! Men hunted the deer to feed the family. Men circled the wagons and fought the spears and arrows of "Native Americans."

Women were "protected," and diied ONLY when the MEN failed!

Funny thing is..... at that time, WOMEN were actually treated much BETTER than they are today. They were "revered" for their ability to bear the NECESSARY offspring, and (though never really given credit) for their ability to "keep camp." But, they weren't expected to "bring home the bacon, etc."

I agree with you about the EGO of men, but there IS a bit of precedence to explain it. In TODAY'S world.... NO, I don't believe it is necessary NOR acceptable.

But, there WAS a time, right about the time of the Mormon settlements, when it was NOT such a bad idea.... at least not for the newly widowed woman facing a harsh winter! :shock:

We're talking about a time JUST after a war fought for our independence, and before we even KNEW the WORLD would be at war. A time when we were CONSUMED by our own "importance" vis a vis the Natives, and a time when the government was just a bunch of guys in a city on the East Coast!

Times were dangerous, and women were fragile and IMPORTANT to a "settlement." Children were a future "workforce," and "political correctness" wasn't even in the Lexicon! :shock: :roll:

I don't know, but given the environment of the times, I for one have a bit of trouble "passing judgement" on those who "blazed the trails" that I ride so freely on today.... looking for the nearest truckstop or ice cream stand!

geomon 08-25-2007 04:09 AM

I agree with Fozzy on the face of it. I can’t come up with a valid reason why a man or woman who wants to have more than one husband or wife; can’t…in fact, it was the norm in the Old Testament. Does anybody know from US history why this was put into law?

But….Mormons (Fundamental Mormons that is) believe that they cannot become their own god and have their own heaven unless they have at least a minimum of 7 (or 9...I’m fuzzy on the exact number) of wives. And the more children they have the more there will be to populate the new heaven that they are the god of. That is where I have an issue with polygamy. In their world, women become simply objects of a man’s otherworldly ambition. They are not equal and are reduced to being child bearing machines and the more wives and children a man has, the better he (and not she) is set up in the hereafter. In addition, the women then become virtual prisoners in the extended family because they are all uneducated, have a BUNCH of kids, and would have no ability to make it on their own on the outside world. They are stuck. It is truly a man’s world in Fundamental Mormanism. That is the problem I have with polygamy (or polygyny)…as it is practiced in Mormonism.
Now the rest of Mormonism today is not that way and they (of course at the risk of the US government invading Utah not some M/FM quota being reached) banned that practice 100 yrs or so ago.

Slimland 08-25-2007 04:09 AM

I don't know if I would want more than one wife, but if I could, I guess I would.. King David had more than one, and he was a man after Gods own heart.

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