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silvan 08-12-2007 02:10 PM

The number one annoying question people ask me is "Do you like driving a truck?"

Don't ask me that unless you want the answer, and it's not a simple yes or no.

I got the box thing at my old job a lot. "What does this look like? Is this the walnut one with cherry accents, or the maple one with copper crossbars?" "Uh, it's a brown box with red lettering. If I ever see this stuff outside the box, something has gone terribly wrong."

Or "Do you know if Doug applied my credit to this order?" "Uh, I'm covered in dirt from chest to knee, and dripping 12.3 gallons of sweat every 10 seconds standing in this oven. Do I look like I spend a lot of time in the office?"

More recently, not a question, but I get a lot of "Wow, it must be nice to get finished for the day at 12:30 in the afternoon. I wish I didn't have to work for a living." "Uh, well, it's true that I only 'work' 45 minutes to an hour most days, but the commute is a real bitch, don't you think?" "Oh yeah, you have to drive back."

Bill Engvall would have a field day with our job. Lots of signs to go around.

golfhobo 08-12-2007 03:53 PM

Useless said:

Here is the question:

Has the greatest day of your life happened yet??
No offense Man!! But,

If you ain't DEAD yet...... HOW WOULD YOU KNOW???? :shock: :lol:

Useless 08-12-2007 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
Useless said:

Here is the question:

Has the greatest day of your life happened yet??


No offense Man!! But,

If you ain't DEAD yet...... HOW WOULD YOU KNOW???? :shock: :lol:

No offense taken Golf, but for me, the answer to your question is not a difficult one. As I stated, the greatest day of my life has already happened.

It happened back in the Spring of 1995, at 11:31PM; that was the night that my daughter was born.

My wife has a long history of Hypothyroidism, which lowers the possibility of conception, and increases the risk of carrying a baby to full term.

We had a textbook pregnancy, along with the pregnancy rash and pregnancy wart. Even though our little girl was three weeks premature, she came into the world at 10lbs. 1oz.

We also knew at that time that in all likelyhood, she would be our only child.

Nothing that I have ever experienced in my life, nor anything that I will ever experience in the days and years to come will ever match that night for me.....and the truth be told, there is sometimes a twitching of sadness, because our girl has been such a Blessing to us, and she has always wanted a little sister so badly.

So, I do know that the greatest day of my life has already happened, and I'm okay with it!!

golfhobo 08-12-2007 05:01 PM

Useless said:


.....and the truth be told, there is sometimes a twitching of sadness, because our girl has been such a Blessing to us, and she has always wanted a little sister so badly.
Okay.... I don't want to get into all the particulars of whether there was a hysterectomy or not.... the pregnancy WART thing almost made me lose my lunch :roll: ..... but......

If by some miracle THIS eventuality happened (a baby sister,) woulldn't THAT be a BETTER day? [Heard such things have happened many times.]

Or.... SOME people actually get more "googly" over their first GRANDchild! How do you know NOW how you will feel on THAT day?

I pretty much knew what your answer would be, as I remembered some of this from an earlier post(s) of yours.... but I contend YOUR situation might be "unique."

I was just having a bit of fun with ya considering the title of the thread! :wink:

Right NOW, I'd have to say that IF the day ever comes that I am reunited with MY daughter.... THAT will be the greatest day of my life!! But... again.... HOW would I KNOW that?? Might not SOMETHING happen on a later date, before I die, that would somehow be greater??

And, if that day never comes, then do I have to look back and find another day that was the greatest? And, since I can't really KNOW that until the LAST day of my life.... What GOOD does it do to know it THEN??

With FEW exceptions like you, (and I am not willing to concede that in totality,) how would ANY of us AVERAGE people know the answer to your question until the day we die?

To ME.... it just seemed like an "unanswerable" question! Maybe not deserving of "a sign" but pretty close! :lol:

You know me..... I just couldn't RESIST the obvious debate over a question so "deep." :wink:

I understood and appreciate the REST of your fine post. If, in fact, you DO know this for yourself, or even FEEL that way at this time, you are a very lucky man! Although, in a way, you are giving up a certain amount of hope for the future, it must be wonderful to be able to look back on and savor that moment!

Peace, brother!


Phantom433a 08-12-2007 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jackrabbit379
Man! Good writing, Useless. Yeah, very true. Many aspects that are so true.

But yeah, I've had some customers ask me some really highly educated questions. We dont have severe winters here, but when I was working days, delivering every day, I wore shorts a lot in the winter time. It was kinda cold in the morning, but once I got rolling, I was sweating as if it was 100 outside. I've had customers ask me if I am cold, wearing shorts, in the winter, when sweat is rolling off me.

I drove for Prairie Farms Distribution while in the midwest delivering to McDonalds (St Louis area). I wore shorts year round and got the same answer question while standing in the freezer compartment that was set to 10 below all the while dripping sweat.

I think some of the stupidest questions come from my own family.
"hey uncle do you get that thing into your yard"...uh, back it in?
"hey uncle that a 5 speed?"....half the time, other half its a 10 speed
"hey uncle L...whats those cables going from the truck to the thing on the back"...air lines and electric lines
"whats the air lines for" I can float it across rivers.

and these are kids in their late teens/ early twenties.

Useless 08-12-2007 05:24 PM

I don't know if this fits the profile of a "Stupid" question, per se, but it is one that is so highly presumptuous, it leave me scratching my head.

Any of you fine people who know anything about me also know that I am absolutely crazy over my daughter. (The good kind of crazy, although as a preteen, she does make me crazy on occassion!!)

I don't know how many times I have had people ask me:

"Oh, do you have custody (or joint custody) of your daughter"??

I can't understand why people just automatically assume that I am divorced. I've had my wedding band on for so many years that it won't even come off of my finger!

What also intrigues me is that those who are more highly educated are the ones who are most likely to ask that question.

Fredog 08-12-2007 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Useless
I don't know if this fits the profile of a "Stupid" question, per se, but it is one that is so highly presumptuous, it leave me scratching my head.

Any of you fine people who know anything about me also know that I am absolutely crazy over my daughter. (The good kind of crazy, although as a preteen, she does make me crazy on occassion!!)

I don't know how many times I have had people ask me:

"Oh, do you have custody (or joint custody) of your daughter"??

I can't understand why people just automatically assume that I am divorced. I've had my wedding band on for so many years that it won't even come off of my finger!

What also intrigues me is that those who are more highly educated are the ones who are most likely to ask that question.

on kind of the same par, my wife and I were married for 18 years before we decided to have a kid, people always asked us why we couldnt have kids, it never occurred to them that we just werent ready.

whthorse 08-12-2007 07:50 PM

Being a woman I get A LOT of brainiacs "Do you drive that thing?".... Hell no.... I'm just along for the ride... :twisted:

But my favorite question is when i pull up to a lumber yard, job site or what ever with a fully loaded flatbed of lumber and while I am UNSTRAPPING THE WHOLE LOAD the operator asks "Is that all for here???"
No dumb a$$... only 2 sticks are yours, the rest I'm taking home to build a barn.

Fredog 08-12-2007 10:23 PM

I just remembered
I just remembered the stupidest question I was ever asked.. I grew up in Florida and the law then was you could get a learners permit when you turned 14. well, I turned 14 and my father was supposed to take me to get it and he kept putting it off. Finally after a couple of weeks, he decided I could get it, he took me to the hiway patrol office and the officer said,. they changed the law last week, you now have to be 15, you will have to wait until next year. on the way home, the old man looks at me and says.. "are you dissapointed?"

mrBlonde 08-14-2007 04:39 AM

alright...this will take a little background...

I work for a moving company (but will be going to sni training in 3 days...)

it all started at about 5:30 p.m. on a friday night. we my truck finished it's moves for the day, when the nextel started going crazy. it was the base...dispatch says: "uh, sorry to do this to you guys but we have a....situation...
(I knew right there we were in trouble)

so I get to the move, and the first truck is already there. The other driver comes jogging up to my truck and says: "let me paint the picutre for you here...this lady is moving out beacuse she thinks her landlord and the maintenance man are having sex with her cats...."

wow. but, it gets better (and yes onto the stupidest ...or funniest...question)

so it's a pack and we're packing this lady's apt. like wild monkeys just to get it overwith. one of the movers opens a cabinet, and there are 3 urns in there...
normally we would never take those, but the other driver says: "wrap em up!" and we did.

finish the move, drive to drop off, and she doesn't show.
after about 2 hrs, base trying to call her, the maintenance guys from the apt. complex come out to see what's going on.
we explain the lady hasn't shown up and nobody can get ahold of her...


my answer: "NO, THEY'RE IN THE TRUCK TOO..."

the other driver laughed so hard he fell down.

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