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wot i life 05-03-2007 08:59 PM

May 4TH...Independence Day?
Early indications suggest that the Scottish National Party are going to win the elections taking place here. They,ve said that one of their primary objectives is the dissolution of the Union. Seems funny, thinking Britain will cease to exist. Wonder what the future holds...... :?

Windwalker 05-08-2007 02:18 AM

A "PUNCH IN THE FACE FROM A FUZZY KITTEN"???? I don't know. Somehow, I can't see a country being desolved from within. Changed, but not gone. And what do they propose to do with the Queen??????

wot i life 05-08-2007 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Windwalker
A "PUNCH IN THE FACE FROM A FUZZY KITTEN"???? I don't know. Somehow, I can't see a country being desolved from within. Changed, but not gone. And what do they propose to do with the Queen??????

Scotland would become a republic. The United Kingdom would consist of England, Wales and Northern Ireland with the Queen still as head of state. It may not happen just yet as no party has sufficient votes to take control. Looks like we will have a coalition government here. Full independence will have to wait a little while yet.

wot i life 05-08-2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Windwalker
A "PUNCH IN THE FACE FROM A FUZZY KITTEN"???? I don't know. Somehow, I can't see a country being desolved from within. Changed, but not gone. And what do they propose to do with the Queen??????

Scotland would become a republic. The United Kingdom would consist of England, Wales and Northern Ireland with the Queen still as head of state. It may not happen just yet as no party has sufficient votes to take control. Looks like we will have a coalition government here. Full independence will have to wait a little while yet.

silvan 05-09-2007 01:41 AM

Re: May 4TH...Independence Day?

Originally Posted by wot i life
Early indications suggest that the Scottish National Party are going to win the elections taking place here. They,ve said that one of their primary objectives is the dissolution of the Union. Seems funny, thinking Britain will cease to exist. Wonder what the future holds...... :?

I don't think Britain has ever existed. The only "British" people I know are Englishmen who are afraid to call themselves English.

Not my country, not my politics, no stone throwing implied or intended. I just know a lot of people in Scotland and Northern Ireland who get seriously pissed off if I refer to them as "British." Hence the remarks.

wot i life 05-09-2007 11:54 AM

The above post is one of self expression-it must be, as it is so badly informed and lacking knowledge of British history, politics etc etc.
Oh, and I AM ENGLISH! And not afeared to utter that anywhere on Earth.
By the way, who are these "Hordes" of Irishmen and Scotsmen you know?
If they all detest the Union so much then why on Earth did their forebears fight so valiantly in defence of Britain on numerous occasions?
My Great Grandfather included-Tynside Irish, Somme, La Boisselle 7th July 1916.

Fozzy 05-09-2007 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by wot i life
The above post is one of self expression-it must be, as it is so badly informed and lacking knowledge of British history, politics etc etc.
Oh, and I AM ENGLISH! And not afeared to utter that anywhere on Earth.
By the way, who are these "Hordes" of Irishmen and Scotsmen you know?
If they all detest the Union so much then why on Earth did their forebears fight so valiantly in defence of Britain on numerous occasions?
My Great Grandfather included-Tynside Irish, Somme, La Boisselle 7th July 1916.

Wot, your not going to waste the try and explain this are you? The Americans get their views from movies like Braveheart and Far and Away and of course the TV News.. where the IRA are the hero's... :shock:

wot i life 05-09-2007 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fozzy

Wot, your not going to waste the try and explain this are you? The Americans get their views from movies like Braveheart and Far and Away and of course the TV News.. where the IRA are the hero's... :shock:

:lol: :lol: Good point Fozzy mate :wink:

ssoutlaw 05-09-2007 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by wot i life

Originally Posted by Fozzy

Wot, your not going to waste the try and explain this are you? The Americans get their views from movies like Braveheart and Far and Away and of course the TV News.. where the IRA are the hero's... :shock:

:lol: :lol: Good point Fozzy mate :wink:

Fozzy is just smarter than the rest of the world; just ask him he will tell you in his CAD famous condescending bold

shyykatt 05-09-2007 02:51 PM

Hey now, dont be bashin' Braveheart! The horse he rides is awesome :D

Fozzy 05-09-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by ssoutlaw

Originally Posted by wot i life

Originally Posted by Fozzy

Wot, your not going to waste the try and explain this are you? The Americans get their views from movies like Braveheart and Far and Away and of course the TV News.. where the IRA are the hero's... :shock:

:lol: :lol: Good point Fozzy mate :wink:

Fozzy is just smarter than the rest of the world; just ask him he will tell you in his CAD famous condescending bold

I'm not smarter than the rest of the world and never claimed to be. You on the other hand should be more ashamed than proud of being so ignorant on so many things.

ssoutlaw 05-09-2007 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Fozzy

Originally Posted by ssoutlaw

Originally Posted by wot i life

Originally Posted by Fozzy

Wot, your not going to waste the try and explain this are you? The Americans get their views from movies like Braveheart and Far and Away and of course the TV News.. where the IRA are the hero's... :shock:

:lol: :lol: Good point Fozzy mate :wink:

Fozzy is just smarter than the rest of the world; just ask him he will tell you in his CAD famous condescending bold

I'm not smarter than the rest of the world and never claimed to be. You on the other hand should be more ashamed than proud of being so ignorant on so many things.

Where did you pull that one out of, the sky??? Maybe somewhere else???
You don’t have to claim to be, you sound like you think you are!!
Reading your posts, it’s just so hard to even like you. I will quote myself!

"CAD famous condescending"

This is how a lot of your posts sound, but hell, you cant take any constructive criticism!
Must be hard doing that warden gig in that 2-mule town while the rest of us drive for a living! Point is I just don’t like the puke you spew out of your fingers when you type. Then try to pass it off as an educated truth!!
You’re just another one of these dirt bags on the forum that wants people to think they even have a
By the way, I would rather be ignorant, I can get over that, but you my friend will be stupid forever!!!

Fozzy 05-09-2007 11:52 PM

Where did you pull that one out of, the sky???

Close, the sky is also above your head..

Maybe somewhere else???


You don’t have to claim to be, you sound like you think you are!!

That was a great sentence...

Reading your posts, it’s just so hard to even like you. I will quote myself!

"CAD famous condescending"

And as of yet, you have not added to the discussion of the topic and have only flapped on about how condescending I am. You haven't discussed the topic and have only came in to blather on about a topic that you cannot or will not discuss?.. um.. OK

This is how a lot of your posts sound, but hell, you cant take any constructive criticism!

Constructive? Try adding your point where some American can tell an Englishman how wrong his is on a topic that he lives with and is dealing with TODAY...

Must be hard doing that warden gig in that 2-mule town while the rest of us drive for a living!

The toughest part is handing out the anal lube fast enough when you stop off for your conjugal visits with your inmate of the week...

Point is I just don’t like the puke you spew out of your fingers when you type. Then try to pass it off as an educated truth!!

Then try and post an opposing viewpoint other than the brain droppings of an adolescent cyber voyeur.

You’re just another one of these dirt bags on the forum that wants people to think they even have a

I state opinion on topics.. you state opinions of others who are stating opinions that you obviously cannot understand. So instead of backing up your opinion with something of substance, you blather on about the poster.. I don't really care, but its always the case where when you are toting a small caliber weapon with a small capacity of intellectual ammo.

By the way, I would rather be ignorant, I can get over that, but you my friend will be stupid forever!!!

Try and expand your horizons.. you are doing so well at being both.

silvan 05-10-2007 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by wot i life
The above post is one of self expression-it must be, as it is so badly informed and lacking knowledge of British history, politics etc etc.

My opinion is colored by several folks I know who threatened me bodily harm if I ever called them "British" again.

A limited subset to be sure, but it's not Braveheart coloring my opinion.

The idea of English people being afraid to call themselves English came straight from a BBC radio piece, incidentally. The English presenter (to use the British term) commented that Scots are proud to call themselves Scots, and so forth, but the English are loathe to call themselves anything but British, and are reluctant to wave the English flag, and demonstrate English patriotism.

Maybe I have only disjointed bits and pieces from the other side of the Pond, but I'm not an ignorant, clueless Yank. I'm probably more aware of world issues than any other American I know. You can't fault me for a lack of trying.

So educate me if I'm totally full of shite.

ssoutlaw 05-10-2007 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Fozzy
Where did you pull that one out of, the sky???

Close, the sky is also above your head..

Maybe somewhere else???


You don’t have to claim to be, you sound like you think you are!!

That was a great sentence...

Reading your posts, it’s just so hard to even like you. I will quote myself!

"CAD famous condescending"

And as of yet, you have not added to the discussion of the topic and have only flapped on about how condescending I am. You haven't discussed the topic and have only came in to blather on about a topic that you cannot or will not discuss?.. um.. OK

This is how a lot of your posts sound, but hell, you cant take any constructive criticism!

Constructive? Try adding your point where some American can tell an Englishman how wrong his is on a topic that he lives with and is dealing with TODAY...

Must be hard doing that warden gig in that 2-mule town while the rest of us drive for a living!

The toughest part is handing out the anal lube fast enough when you stop off for your conjugal visits with your inmate of the week...

Point is I just don’t like the puke you spew out of your fingers when you type. Then try to pass it off as an educated truth!!

Then try and post an opposing viewpoint other than the brain droppings of an adolescent cyber voyeur.

You’re just another one of these dirt bags on the forum that wants people to think they even have a

I state opinion on topics.. you state opinions of others who are stating opinions that you obviously cannot understand. So instead of backing up your opinion with something of substance, you blather on about the poster.. I don't really care, but its always the case where when you are toting a small caliber weapon with a small capacity of intellectual ammo.

By the way, I would rather be ignorant, I can get over that, but you my friend will be stupid forever!!!

Try and expand your horizons.. you are doing so well at being both.

I still think YOU are a DIC%, this doesn’t even have anything to do with this thread. I think you are a homosexual, and if you read back to your early 2006 posts you will see why I think this of YOU!!! Whenever the FAG subject comes up, you are right there to protect your HOMO friends. You BITCH about the country your son fights for in so many posts, like you could do or find a better place to be! The last statement was just me getting sidetracked….lol You talk about all these freedoms that everyone has a right to, then on the same hand want our government to make up laws, or allow laws to be written protecting your HOMO friends so when they die of AIDS the same sex partner can claim their social security and WE pay for it!! This has nothing to do with GOD!! The moral majority does not except this, and we as citizens have a right to not PAY for something that is outside of what is not normal in our society!!! These HOMOS don’t care about anything but the almighty DOLLAR.
Your little posts pick apart sessions are the most childish things I have ever read, and you prove to be as childish as I am being now!
You say homosexuality doesn’t hurt anyone, well look at the STD’s being spread in the world, granted its not just gays. Read and listen to the media how the homosexual’s community is one of the largest spreading this disease! There are so many young these days that are being led to believe there is nothing wrong with this lifestyle, so quit saying no one is hurt with this!!! Would you like your son to be a FAG, I think not! I would never trash another’s family member, but you get my drift! And by the way thanks to your son for his service to his and our country! You want to be a fag, be my guest, just don’t subject the rest of us to watch or have to condone this immoral behavior in our society then having to pay survivor benefits later when the other homo dies!! Just keep your friends in Oklahomo on your rump ranger ranch where you can really protect them!!

Bunny 05-10-2007 02:28 AM

Fozzy ain't gay. I can vouch for that!! :D

Fozzy 05-10-2007 02:31 AM


I still think YOU are a DIC%, this doesn’t even have anything to do with this thread. I think you are a homosexual, and if you read back to your early 2006 posts you will see why I think this of YOU!!! Whenever the FAG subject comes up, you are right there to protect your HOMO friends. You BITCH about the country your son fights for in so many posts, like you could do or find a better place to be! The last statement was just me getting sidetracked….lol You talk about all these freedoms that everyone has a right to, then on the same hand want our government to make up laws, or allow laws to be written protecting your HOMO friends so when they die of AIDS the same sex partner can claim their social security and WE pay for it!! This has nothing to do with GOD!! The moral majority does not except this, and we as citizens have a right to not PAY for something that is outside of what is not normal in our society!!! These HOMOS don’t care about anything but the almighty DOLLAR.
Your little posts pick apart sessions are the most childish things I have ever read, and you prove to be as childish as I am being now!
You say homosexuality doesn’t hurt anyone, well look at the STD’s being spread in the world, granted its not just gays. Read and listen to the media how the homosexual’s community is one of the largest spreading this disease! There are so many young these days that are being led to believe there is nothing wrong with this lifestyle, so quit saying no one is hurt with this!!! Would you like your son to be a FAG, I think not! I would never trash another’s family member, but you get my drift! And by the way thanks to your son for his service to his and our country! You want to be a fag, be my guest, just don’t subject the rest of us to watch or have to condone this immoral behavior in our society then having to pay survivor benefits later when the other homo dies!! Just keep your friends in Oklahomo on your rump ranger ranch where you can really protect them!!
No dummy.. the topic is the Scottish attempt to basically break up Great Britain.. I know you really love talking about me though..I think you are secretly sweet on me. I'm not Scottish or English, I happen to be an American who's ancestors came from Ireland, and Bavaria. I've also live in Europe and its really a great place to live. I'll take the liberty to move this to the other topic where I can point out how backwards and ignorant you are there...

ssoutlaw 05-10-2007 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Fozzy

I still think YOU are a DIC%, this doesn’t even have anything to do with this thread. I think you are a homosexual, and if you read back to your early 2006 posts you will see why I think this of YOU!!! Whenever the FAG subject comes up, you are right there to protect your HOMO friends. You BITCH about the country your son fights for in so many posts, like you could do or find a better place to be! The last statement was just me getting sidetracked….lol You talk about all these freedoms that everyone has a right to, then on the same hand want our government to make up laws, or allow laws to be written protecting your HOMO friends so when they die of AIDS the same sex partner can claim their social security and WE pay for it!! This has nothing to do with GOD!! The moral majority does not except this, and we as citizens have a right to not PAY for something that is outside of what is not normal in our society!!! These HOMOS don’t care about anything but the almighty DOLLAR.
Your little posts pick apart sessions are the most childish things I have ever read, and you prove to be as childish as I am being now!
You say homosexuality doesn’t hurt anyone, well look at the STD’s being spread in the world, granted its not just gays. Read and listen to the media how the homosexual’s community is one of the largest spreading this disease! There are so many young these days that are being led to believe there is nothing wrong with this lifestyle, so quit saying no one is hurt with this!!! Would you like your son to be a FAG, I think not! I would never trash another’s family member, but you get my drift! And by the way thanks to your son for his service to his and our country! You want to be a fag, be my guest, just don’t subject the rest of us to watch or have to condone this immoral behavior in our society then having to pay survivor benefits later when the other homo dies!! Just keep your friends in Oklahomo on your rump ranger ranch where you can really protect them!!
No dummy.. the topic is the Scottish attempt to basically break up Great Britain.. I know you really love talking about me though..I think you are secretly sweet on me. I'm not Scottish or English, I happen to be an American who's ancestors came from Ireland, and Bavaria. I've also live in Europe and its really a great place to live. I'll take the liberty to move this to the other topic where I can point out how backwards and ignorant you are there...

Yea DUMMY, after you hijacked the thread I kept it up! I don’t like you, and if we were face to face I would tell you just how much I don’t like you. Don’t try to use your fag insults on me, they belong to you and only you on this forum, after all you are the protector of the homo race and make it clear whenever the subject arises!!! As far as the subject of this thread, say what you want, I also have a father born in a small town in England named Coddington, and my mother was born in Scotland so what of it?? I commented on the fact you seem to know everything and are condescending in most of your posts! I like how you pollute the threads with words you think are full of wit, then sit at home and pretend to be a driver….lol Go figure!! I have your number. You are one of these armchair truckumup drivers who wish they had what it took to be a real driver!!

wot i life 05-10-2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by silvan
My opinion is colored by several folks I know who threatened me bodily harm if I ever called them "British" again.

A limited subset to be sure, but it's not Braveheart coloring my opinion.

The idea of English people being afraid to call themselves English came straight from a BBC radio piece, incidentally. The English presenter (to use the British term) commented that Scots are proud to call themselves Scots, and so forth, but the English are loathe to call themselves anything but British, and are reluctant to wave the English flag, and demonstrate English patriotism.

Maybe I have only disjointed bits and pieces from the other side of the Pond, but I'm not an ignorant, clueless Yank. I'm probably more aware of world issues than any other American I know. You can't fault me for a lack of trying.

So educate me if I'm totally full of shite.

The B.B.C is your source of information? There is hardly a more "Anti British" institution than the B.B.C!
I remember something about the B.B.C voicing opinions such as that stated during last years football(soccer) world cup. It all blew up because some local authority decided to ban people from hoisting the Flag from their property without planning permission. Believe me mate, people are as proud of their British tag now as they were when we kicking French butts at Agincourt. I live in Edinburgh-A great city- and know most people here are proud to be British(admittedly first and foremost proud of being Scots, but its that essential diversity and regional prides which have helped make Britain great). Don,t believe everything you hear on B.B.C world service and I promise not to believe everything I hear on Al Jazeera about America.....Deal? :wink:

golfhobo 05-10-2007 04:20 PM


Believe me mate, people are as proud of their British tag now as they were when we kicking French butts at Agincourt. I live in Edinburgh-A great city- and know most people here are proud to be British
Not my fight.... but I think you're misreading his post, Wot. :wink:

wot i life 05-10-2007 06:35 PM

I don,t think so Hobo mate.
It would take one hell of a long post to adequately describe British feelings of Regional and National pride. We are one hell of a diverse bunch. We,re all proud of being British but first and foremost we all have our Regional pride. Point of interest, did you know that Highland Islanders hate being referred to as Scots? But come times of trouble, they,re Scottish and fervently British.

golfhobo 05-10-2007 06:45 PM

Maybe "I" misread it then, simply skimmed over it. But, I believe his wording/point was that ENGLISHMEN don't like to say they are "merely" Englishmen. They prefer the STATUS that says they are BRITISH (as in... WE united the islands under BRITISH rule.) Scots, on the other hand, might find the tag "British" a bit demeaning, as they are more proud of their independent Scottish history and somewhat ?resent? the ENGLISH for "incorporating" them into the British Empire??

Didn't the Irish fight a few "skirmishes" with the BRITS over this kind of thing? What do "I" know?...... I'm just a dumb Yank! :shock: :lol:

wot i life 05-10-2007 07:51 PM

Sorry Hobo, but you too, totally miss the point. The English are very proud of being English, but being English is secondary to being a Geordie, Cockney, Cornishman, etc etc. Then you have British national pride which all Britons feel. Its kind of a holy trinity.
A Highland Islander will feel more pride at being from Uist but still feel enormous pride in being Scots and British. I suppose you,re right....You just don,t get it :roll: :wink:

golfhobo 05-10-2007 08:01 PM

Wot said:


Sorry Hobo, but you too, totally miss the point.


I suppose you,re right....You just don,t get it
Hey, maybe you're right!! I may not "get" the true situation of "English pride" and all that you said along with it. THANKS for the education.

But, I'm not so sure I misread the intent of the BBC report, and therefore the point Silvan was trying to make. I DO thank you for the "heads up" on how you Brits view the BBC! (Somewhat like the way the Conservatives over here view CNN!)

A question then.... would you say the BBC is anti "Conservative party" which is NOT currently in power? Or "anti-Labor party?"

Or are they equal opportunity limey haters?? :lol:

wot i life 05-10-2007 08:14 PM

The B.B.C are neither pro Labour nor Conservative. They act impartially until public opinion persuades them to come off the fence and back one or the other, hedging bets so to speak.
With regards to them slating Englishmen for a supposed lack of pride, the result was a fervent almost religious zealous like pride swept the nation. Probably the desired effect the B.B.C wanted to increase viewing figures for the world cup. Nothing to do with any pride, fear of calling oneself English etc. Cynical but most likely true.
If you,re genuinely interested in British culture and history Hobo, I can e-mail you and pass on all that I studied whilst at college. :wink:

golfhobo 05-10-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by wot i life
The B.B.C are neither pro Labour nor Conservative. They act impartially until public opinion persuades them to come off the fence and back one or the other, hedging bets so to speak.
With regards to them slating Englishmen for a supposed lack of pride, the result was a fervent almost religious zealous like pride swept the nation. Probably the desired effect the B.B.C wanted to increase viewing figures for the world cup. Nothing to do with any pride, fear of calling oneself English etc. Cynical but most likely true.
If you,re genuinely interested in British culture and history Hobo, I can e-mail you and pass on all that I studied whilst at college. :wink:

You can fit all THAT in an email?? I AM interested.... but I might suggest another "sticky!" :lol:

Your cynical view of the BBC wanting to ramp up support for the World Cup, sounds JUST a bit like our FNC (Fascist News Channel!) :lol:

I'll say one thing.... it's good to see you Brits can still get your knickers in a knot when someone steps on your toes! :lol:

And I absolutely LOVE the way your "parliamentarians" stand up, even against the PM, and say what they feel! And how the other side gives back with a hearty Hurrah! Politicians over here take themselves FAR too seriously!!

I'm surprised they don't just go ahead and serve up a pint or two whilst going at it! :shock: :lol:

wot i life 05-10-2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

You can fit all THAT in an email?? I AM interested.... but I might suggest another "sticky!" :lol:

Your cynical view of the BBC wanting to ramp up support for the World Cup, sounds JUST a bit like our FNC (Fascist News Channel!) :lol:

I'll say one thing.... it's good to see you Brits can still get your knickers in a knot when someone steps on your toes! :lol:

And I absolutely LOVE the way your "parliamentarians" stand up, even against the PM, and say what they feel! And how the other side gives back with a hearty Hurrah! Politicians over here take themselves FAR too seriously!!

I'm surprised they don't just go ahead and serve up a pint or two whilst going at it! :shock: :lol:

If British history fits onto one e-mail(which I never said 1 only) then perhaps American history would fit onthe back of a postage stamp?
Said with tongue in cheek.
As for our politicians taking themselves too seriously....They have to!! If they have any real aspirations for us to become the 51st state then they have to show willing..... :lol:

golfhobo 05-10-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by wot i life

Originally Posted by golfhobo

You can fit all THAT in an email?? I AM interested.... but I might suggest another "sticky!" :lol:

Your cynical view of the BBC wanting to ramp up support for the World Cup, sounds JUST a bit like our FNC (Fascist News Channel!) :lol:

I'll say one thing.... it's good to see you Brits can still get your knickers in a knot when someone steps on your toes! :lol:

And I absolutely LOVE the way your "parliamentarians" stand up, even against the PM, and say what they feel! And how the other side gives back with a hearty Hurrah! Politicians over here take themselves FAR too seriously!!

I'm surprised they don't just go ahead and serve up a pint or two whilst going at it! :shock: :lol:

If British history fits onto one e-mail(which I never said 1 only) then perhaps American history would fit onthe back of a postage stamp?

Make it the FRONT! You can LICK the back of a postage stamp! But... well you know where THAT one is going! :lol:

Said with tongue in cheek.

What? You're out of beer??

As for our politicians taking themselves too seriously....They have to!! If they have any real aspirations for us to become the 51st state then they have to show willing..... :lol:

That WAS funny! But, I DID say OUR politicians take themselves too seriously! Someday, I'll have to TEACH you this English language! :wink: Right after Puerto Rico becomes the 51st state! :shock: :lol: (Still trying to teach THEM Spanish!)

wot i life 05-10-2007 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

That WAS funny! But, I DID say OUR politicians take themselves too seriously! Someday, I'll have to TEACH you this English language! :wink: Right after Puerto Rico becomes the 51st state! :shock: :lol: (Still trying to teach THEM Spanish!)

Oh pleez teackh me speeek reel Merican. Like I am form Miami no?

golfhobo 05-10-2007 09:49 PM

Silvan: This is a letter to your parents to inform them that, "You were killed in action as collateral damage."

It seems that Wot brought out the BIG GUNS (his 13 year old daughter,) and shot me/us down!

It is still under military investigation (meaning it will take a few years,) but we are trying to determine just HOW such a small force was able to surround us, and destroy us!

We regret any inconveniene this death has caused your family, and want you all to know how PROUD we are of your sacrifice for the religious cause!

Furthermore, we are sending Cheney over there to "give them a piece of our minds" over this!

Keep your shin up, and stray the horse!.... I mean Stay the corpse!.... I mean.... well.... "WINK" You KNOW what I MEANT to say before they misunderestimated me!

Those dang tourerists are constantly trying to find a way to harm our military, and so are our allies and us!

Respectively.... your Precedent!

wot i life 05-10-2007 09:53 PM

Errrrm you did say Your politicians! I sort of scan read extremely quickly sometimes. Write that way too :oops:
As you said though, was funny eh?

golfhobo 05-10-2007 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by wot i life

Originally Posted by golfhobo

That WAS funny! But, I DID say OUR politicians take themselves too seriously! Someday, I'll have to TEACH you this English language! :wink: Right after Puerto Rico becomes the 51st state! :shock: :lol: (Still trying to teach THEM Spanish!)

Oh pleez teackh me speeek reel Merican. Like I am form Miami no?

Why?? You ALREADY speak it badly enough to drive a Mexican truck over here! :shock:

You get any better at it, we might elect you as President! :lol:

wot i life 05-10-2007 10:03 PM

Said the guy who spells already with two LL,s. and colour without a u.
Bastardised English.
Tongue very firmly in cheek :wink:

wot i life 05-10-2007 10:07 PM

Aha! Mr Hobo went back and edited his post! ALLREADY you wrote did you not? Once again Hobo mate, stop playing the black kettle will you?
Pot kettle pot kettle. :lol: :lol:
As for English, I passed my highers years ago. I,m an old man. Whats your excuse? :wink:

golfhobo 05-10-2007 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by wot i life
Errrrm you did say Your politicians! I sort of scan read extremely quickly sometimes. Write that way too :oops:
As you said though, was funny eh?

The basis of my statement, was a news clip on the tele over here, on the verge of PM Blair's resignation, wherein HE and the leader of the opposition (conservative) party, took turns standing up and "laying into each other!" I couldn't help but notice how they were SMILING the whole time, and getting "high 5's and hoorahs from their supporters for saying what they MEANT TO SAY!! [reminds me of the goodnatured ribbing we do in a bar over here, or at times, on this board!]

I LOVE watching clips of your parliament in action! They DO get their points across.... but they do it without PERSONAL rancor or attacks!

And I LOVE the smugness with which your Monarch quips that "governments will come and go in MY country, just as Administrations do in yours." [speaking to our President and our country.]

Contrast that with the stuffed shirt, mean spirited attacks in our OWN legislative body! Seems WE are the ones still wearing the WIGS and frilly bowties! :shock:

But, I draw the line at the "free for all" boxing matches that happen in the S. Korean chambers! That's just NOT conducive to passing illegal laws that rape the constituents! :wink:

golfhobo 05-10-2007 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by wot i life
Aha! Mr Hobo went back and edited his post! ALLREADY you wrote did you not? Once again Hobo mate, stop playing the black kettle will you?
Pot kettle pot kettle. :lol: :lol:
As for English, I passed my highers years ago. I,m an old man. Whats your excuse? :wink:

Ah... I bet your daughter had to point that out to ya! Yes... I DID edit it, because in all caps, it was obtrusive.

But, check your Webster's dictionary (He was an Englishman, wot?)

BOTH spellings are acceptable!

No points for YOU today! :lol:

wot i life 05-10-2007 10:22 PM

Both spellings not acceptable in Queens English over here I,m afraid.
Source:Cambridge University Dictionary.

wot i life 05-10-2007 10:25 PM

Hee hee hee hee....
So friggging sad.
Night night Hobo mate.
Sleep tight. :wink:

golfhobo 05-10-2007 10:31 PM


Pot kettle pot kettle.
And wouldn't THAT be: Pot, Kettle.... Kettle, Pot" (Just to maintain proper comprehension and composition?) :lol:

Why would one introduce the first party to the second TWICE in a row? Seems to be a breach of English "protocol," wouldn't you say? :wink:

Sorry, Wot.... but you gotta get up before the rooster crows to get me!

Can't say as I've made a DIME off it.... but, it is a bit of a pleasant distraction for me. Sort of like a "spot of tea!" :wink:

silvan 05-10-2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by wot i life
Don,t believe everything you hear on B.B.C world service and I promise not to believe everything I hear on Al Jazeera about America.....Deal? :wink:

That's fair enough.

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