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golfhobo 04-20-2007 08:01 PM


A friend of my fathers actually shot and killed a 16 year old kid who was stealing his car sterio. No charges.
That's DISGUSTING!! :shock:

Your father's friend is a COWARD and a BARBARIAN.

Anyone who uses deadly force when it is not warranted, is a COWARD!

God will not forgive the taking of a LIFE for the cost of a car stereo!

And, if there IS NO GOD, your father's friend better hope he never runs into ME! I'm not as forgiving as GOD!

Twilight Flyer 04-20-2007 08:08 PM


When I was a senior at lake highlands highschool in Dallas in 1883.
I guess you see a lot in 142 years. 8)

golfhobo 04-20-2007 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Sheepdancer
I cant believe I forgot about this. Funny thing, I was going through a list of school shootings and I saw one that I was involved in at my highschool. That shows you how much of a "big deal" it was. I hadnt even thought about it in 20 years.
When I was a senior at lake highlands highschool in Dallas in 1883. A armed gunman came into my school, murdered our lunchroom lady and then ran through the halls with a gun. We all heard the shot and yes for about an hour we were "locked down". The strange thing now with all the media hype if that would happen today, it would be full coverage on all the news channels, with people debating on how to stop things like that from happening, with angry parents being interviewed by the national media. Liberals protesting about guns....bla bla bla.
Do you know what happened in 1982....a little blurb on the local news. No angry parents. No call for better security. no call to ban guns. ...

The difference now is MEDIA HYPE. And I refuse to let my life be controlled by the media. Sad that some college students died.....however...LIFE GOES ON.

Dayum you're OLD!!! :lol: :lol:

I agree about the media hype, however, your incident was before Columbine. The difference between Columbine and your high school days is not so much media hype, as it is the VIDEO GAMES that glorify killings!

I found the info (that I googled) on Bath very interesting, too. But, look at how many YEARS have passed since then, and between that and other shootings in the early years of the last century.

What makes them so "sensational" today, is the PACE at which they are happening, and the motivation. The guy at Bath had a completely different kind of motivation than did CHO, Harris, and Kleibold.

We have a problem today with our kids and what they are "identifying" with. Those of you WITH kids, need to get involved in this and CHANGE it, or this pattern will continue..... and ESCALATE!

I understand the problem and concern about media coverage, and how that will give a killer instant FAME. But, the problem is deeper than that. Just as the music of the 60's "influenced" us to become peace loving and "liberal," the music and video games of today are "influencing" our kids to be cold blooded killers!

Yeah, life MAY go on.... but I see it getting MUCH sadder! :sad:

Sheepdancer 04-20-2007 08:32 PM



Your father's friend is a COWARD and a BARBARIAN.

Anyone who uses deadly force when it is not warranted, is a COWARD!

God will not forgive the taking of a LIFE for the cost of a car stereo!

And, if there IS NO GOD, your father's friend better hope he never runs into ME! I'm not as forgiving as GOD!
Deadly force was warranted. Texas law says so.

A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:

(1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and

(A) to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime; or

(B) to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property;

I guess I am just tougher on crime than liberals. I think if some theif gets killed trying to steal anything from another be it. At least he wont steal from anyone anymore. Furthermore a criminal knows that the deadly force laws are very stong in texas and he still makes the CHOICE to be a criminal. He CHOSE TO DIE. Criminals are free to move to more liberal areas where people are softer on crime.
As far has God forgiving him. Of course God will forgive him if asked. God will Forgive any sin.....thats his "thing"
As far as you not being so forgiving if you ran into him. Now would that be very smart knowing that in texas he could shoot you if he felt threatened?

Sheepdancer 04-20-2007 09:14 PM

Another example of the recent media hype. The recent news reports tend to try to steer people into the direction that school shootings are an american thing. Because of our gun freedoms and our love from guns. School shootings and murders happen all over the world, even in countries which have very strict gun laws.

Recent world wide school murders.

Nov. 21, 2006: Sebastian Bosse, 18, opens fire at his former school in Emsdetten, Germany, before killing himself. Five people are wounded and scores hospitalized for smoke inhalation after he sets off smoke bombs.

Sept. 13, 2006: Kimveer Gill, 25, opens fire in a cafeteria at a Montreal college, killing one student and wounding 19 before shooting himself.

Sept. 28, 2004: Three teenagers are shot and killed by their 15-year-old classmate at a high school in Carmen de Patagones, Argentina. The suspect is detained.

Sept. 3, 2004: Chechen rebels take hundreds of students and teachers hostage in a school in Beslan, Russia, for two days. The siege ends when explosions tear through the school and security forces storm the building, leaving 334 dead more than half of them children as well as 31 suspected militants and 11 special forces soldiers.

April 29, 2002: Dragoslav Petkovic, 17, shoots his teacher, then himself at a school in Vlansenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina.

April 26, 2002: Robert Steinhaeuser, 19, who had been expelled from a school in Erfurt, Germany, kills 13 teachers, two former classmates and a policeman, before shooting himself.

Feb. 19, 2002: A man in his 20s fatally shoots the principal of his former high school in Freising, Germany, after killing two people at a company where he was fired. The man then kills himself.

Jan. 18, 2001: Two teenagers fatally shoot a 16-year-old student in a bathroom at a school in a suburb of Stockholm, Sweden.

March 30, 1997: A father in Sana'a, Yemen, kills four students and two adults, including the headmistress, at the school his daughters attend. He then walks to another school and kills a teacher there.

March 13, 1996: Thomas Hamilton, 43, kills 16 kindergarten children and their teacher in Dunblane, Scotland, before turning the gun on himself.

golfhobo 04-20-2007 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sheepdancer


Your father's friend is a COWARD and a BARBARIAN.

Anyone who uses deadly force when it is not warranted, is a COWARD!

God will not forgive the taking of a LIFE for the cost of a car stereo!

And, if there IS NO GOD, your father's friend better hope he never runs into ME! I'm not as forgiving as GOD!
Deadly force was warranted. Texas law says so.

By the legal definition, yes. By the common definition of "warranted" as in NECESSARY, no! Even in Texas, the police are taught to use the MINIMAL force necessary to intradict.

A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:

(1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and

(A) to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime; or

(B) to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property;

First, what are the conditions of the referenced "section?" Second, what about this apparent distinction between night and day?

I guess I am just tougher on crime than liberals. I think if some theif gets killed trying to steal anything from another be it. At least he wont steal from anyone anymore. Furthermore a criminal knows that the deadly force laws are very stong in texas and he still makes the CHOICE to be a criminal. He CHOSE TO DIE. Criminals are free to move to more liberal areas where people are softer on crime.

As far as God forgiving him. Of course God will forgive him if asked. God will Forgive any sin.....thats his "thing"

ONLY if the sinner is repentant. I don't see this Texas thug being repentant about killing someone over a stereo!

As far as you not being so forgiving if you ran into him. Now would that be very smart knowing that in texas he could shoot you if he felt threatened?

Who says I would be unarmed? And where, above, did it mention killing if one felt "threatened?" I'm not planning on stealing his BBQ!

I once lived in Texas, and always KNEW it was a bit gun happy, but this explains a LOT about why we are in Iraq!

golfhobo 04-20-2007 10:08 PM

sheepdancer said:


Another example of the recent media hype. The recent news reports tend to try to steer people into the direction that school shootings are an american thing. Because of our gun freedoms and our love from guns. School shootings and murders happen all over the world, even in countries which have very strict gun laws.
Why are you gun lovers so intent on blaming the media? Yeah, they hype it.... that's the reality of 24 hour newschannels. As for your list?

First, MOST European youths are now "caught up" in the American pop culture, so yes.... they are copying American youths.

Second, look at the ages in your list. If you could JUST keep guns away from those who have not yet attained the maturity of age 21, your list would be cut down to what? 3 instances? (I didn't check that.)

Third, besides the AGES of the perps, what is the OTHER commonality? Let me help you with that one.....


Slimland 04-20-2007 10:08 PM

I wouldn't want to shoot anyone, but I would if I had too. Like Protect my family, or Property. Though I would give ample awarness to the individual.

This has apparently been on my mind!!

I "Not Kiddin" had a dream night befor last. I dreamt that a man was trying to break into my house. I heard it and went to my Gun cabnet and got my rifle, "because my shotgun is no more". Then proceeded to the living room, at the living room, I seen a shodow cross the back window. I went to the back door and low and behold, there was a man with a knife, cutting the window screen to my youngest room. Then he tapped on the window, NO NO NO, this will not happen, I opened the door and said "Hey" and shot him twice. That is ample appertunity, for a pedifile.

I then woke up, and went to my gun cabnet. And went outside. My wife asked what was I doing, I told her I had a bad dream and felt like something was going to happen. Well everything was Ok.

But today, some neighbors seen a man in our neighborhood, wearing all black and lurking around some houses here. :shock: Needless to say, the gun stays loaded!!

I don't care what anyone realy thinks on gun controll, IMOP what I believe is what matters. And I think every Good American should own one or 2 or 3 or 4 or etc.... And IMOP I think we should carry them on our person...


golfhobo 04-20-2007 10:50 PM

Okay, I'm about done with Sheepdancer, by his own admission, people like him will NEVER change their attitudes.

I teased Twilight Flyer that I would address him. Sorry, if I gave the impression that I had a bone to pick with you. I agree wholeheartedly with most of what you said, and I THANK you for saying it. I just can't find the time to lay out all my thoughts the way you did.


They were investigating a double-homicide on a week they had received several bomb threats. They had no gunman in custody, therefore logically the gunman was at large. It doesn't take much of a logic train to reach the conclusion that it would be better to be safe than sorry. They gambled with the lives of the students and lost horribly. No matter how you spin it, in the end the University and the police made a decision that was not in the best interest of the students.
This pretty much says it all. With the double homicide on their plate, and NO IDEA where the shooter was, and in the context of the bomb threats AND the anniversary of Columbine.... their INACTION is inexcusable!!

Yes, Sheepdancer, I've seen entire "small cities" locked down, and advised of the danger, over MUCH LESS. And THIS SAME campus was "locked down" on the first day of school in August, for much LESS of a threat!

Heads will roll, and rightly so! Who knows if it could have been completely prevented? We'll never know. The fact is, that NO ATTEMPT was made to prevent it! And there are plenty others to share the blame.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again..... the chief of police at VA TECH is obviously just an AVERAGE person in a position of MAJOR responsibility, and AVERAGE PEOPLE WILL GET YOU KILLED EVERYTIME!!

I don't hate average people. They can have useful careers in anything from fast food to rocket science. But, the people who are in the DECISION MAKING positions in this country, need to be ABOVE average intellect. It takes "thinking outside the box" to see something like this coming!

Anyone who doesn't blame the chief of police for the SCOPE of this disaster, fails to do so because they, TOO, are just "average" in their thinking. Ignorance truly IS bliss! To NOT know, what you DON'T know, is a comfortable place in life. But, I don't want you investigating a shooting on MY CHILD'S campus and thinking all is well because all your boxes are checked, and forms filled out!

Twilight, brother..... I FEEL your pain!

greg3564 04-20-2007 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

I once lived in Texas, and always KNEW it was a bit gun happy, but this explains a LOT about why we are in Iraq! [/b] :roll:


Hey, hey, hey!!! Don't lump us all in with Bush! :D Remember, an armed society is a polite society. If you don't believe that go to Kalifornia or New York. :wink:

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