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TruckerChris 04-03-2007 09:41 PM

Local guys, who works nights?
I finally got and job and I'm so excited to get back into and truck and driving down the road, BUT I'll be working nights for awhile until I get bumped up to day or afternoon runs. To start, my hours are going to be from 6pm-6am.

I'm not worried about being tired, but just wondering what you guys do when you get off? Do you go right to bed and do your chores before you go to work or do you do it right when you get off? Any tips for a new night time shift driver would be great.


Mr. Ford95 04-03-2007 10:29 PM

I can't speak from experience but the time you get off, nothing is usually open at that hour. Better off doing whatever you need before you go on duty. My dad used to work "graveyard" shift as a mechanic for Southland. The only problem was not being awake when us kids were awake. We never saw one another but other than that, it was fine with him. You do the same stuff as if it were daytime only you do your errands before work usually.

Colin 04-03-2007 10:58 PM

Sounds like you got the job at Bettendorf. Cool.

I worked with a lot of their drivers up in Oregon on the night shift. They brought funny looking doubles up to the Weyerhauser sawmill in Cottage Grove. 5 axles total over 2 trailers instead of our 8 axle doubles!

My schedule was 5p-5a for almost 4 years by choice.

First day on:

If you're starting on Monday at 6pm, stay up late on Saturday and sleep for about 5-6 hours. Do your best not to nap on Sunday. Stay up all night on Sunday. Edit some photos. Surf the web. Go grocery shopping around 3 am to keep yourself awake. Get to bed Monday morning about 6 am and you should be able to sleep all day.

When you get home at 6 am, don't eat or drink coffee or soda with caffeine. I like to go to bed after a hot shower within about 2 hours of being off work. Get up around 3 hours before you're due in for work.

You would think that treating your night shift as a day shift (staying up until 10 pm, then sleeping until just before your shift starts) is a good idea. I never found this to be the case. The bulk of my free time was spent before work, not after. If the opposite works for you, do it.

Now when your week ends and it's a Saturday, try to get to bed as soon as you can and get up by noon to be a 'normal person' on the weekend. On Sunday, maybe a short nap so you can stay up overnight on Sunday and then repeat. If your days off are during the week, I would keep the same schedule. I hope you can get to dayshift soon. Night shift is not easy on your life.

TruckerChris 04-03-2007 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Colin
Sounds like you got the job at Bettendorf. Cool.

I worked with a lot of their drivers up in Oregon on the night shift. They brought funny looking doubles up to the Weyerhauser sawmill in Cottage Grove. 5 axles total over 2 trailers instead of our 8 axle doubles!

My schedule was 5p-5a for almost 4 years by choice.

First day on:

If you're starting on Monday at 6pm, stay up late on Saturday and sleep for about 5-6 hours. Do your best not to nap on Sunday. Stay up all night on Sunday. Edit some photos. Surf the web. Go grocery shopping around 3 am to keep yourself awake. Get to bed Monday morning about 6 am and you should be able to sleep all day.

When you get home at 6 am, don't eat or drink coffee or soda with caffeine. I like to go to bed after a hot shower within about 2 hours of being off work. Get up around 3 hours before you're due in for work.

You would think that treating your night shift as a day shift (staying up until 10 pm, then sleeping until just before your shift starts) is a good idea. I never found this to be the case. The bulk of my free time was spent before work, not after. If the opposite works for you, do it.

Now when your week ends and it's a Saturday, try to get to bed as soon as you can and get up by noon to be a 'normal person' on the weekend. On Sunday, maybe a short nap so you can stay up overnight on Sunday and then repeat. If your days off are during the week, I would keep the same schedule. I hope you can get to dayshift soon. Night shift is not easy on your life.

That's EXACTLY what I was looking for thanks man. I'm going to try that schedule. I still want to have a "normal" weekend when everyone else is off and it will be nice to go to a party and be able to stay up all night without passing out around 2! :lol:

I drove for the first time in a couple months today and was more nervous than I've ever been. My co-driver was pretty chill so I relaxed and drove down the road. I have to get used to driving a different truck with diffrent clutch... But I did it and he said I did a "helluva job". I hit the unloading back like I just quit driving yesterday. He was impressed... I'm so happy that I can go back to driving. Now all I need to do is find a portable XM player and I'll be set!

Photos to follow as soon as I get in the truck.

Colin 04-03-2007 11:32 PM

Be careful of the axles being all the way at the back. I never drove anything but rear placed axles for 7 years until I drove OTR. Just watch your off track!

TruckerChris 04-04-2007 12:30 AM

Yeah, thats something I'm going to have to get used too. I used to hate going to places like P&G's that make you slide your axels to the back before entering the facility. I always had my axels to the CA line or tucked all the way forward. Here in CA, bettendorfs trailers are 42' to 53 and most loads are right at 80k

TCT 04-04-2007 02:51 AM

The best tip I can give you is that you need to put up foil in your bedroom windows. At noon it will look like midnight in there which will be perfect, cuz the last thing you'll need is sun in your eyes when you're trying to sleep.

When I worked graveyard I would come home an unwind for and hour or two and then crash for a few hours, then I'd wake up and hang out with the family for a while, then I'd go back to sleep for 4-5 hours before I got up to get ready for work again. It sort of sucked splitting up my sleep, but a lot of guys do it so they can spend time with their families. It's not that bad, you'll get used to it.

Good luck.

Jackrabbit379 04-04-2007 04:17 PM

Working nights is cool, to me. I run nights. Before I got married, I used to come home, clean up, and get online on the forum, and read some threads, etc. Now being married, just after I shower, I find myself crashing as soon as my head hits the pillow. :shock:

Dawn Kirshna 04-07-2007 07:11 PM

Ok, i just quit a gig doing exactly this.

First of all, this is not a life----it is a survival. You'll see.

1) The first thing you want to do get your windows completely dark to the point where NO light gets in whatsoever; What i did was to go to Office depot and get the fiber presentation boards. This, along with duct tape pretty much did the trick. You could also use cardboard if you have enough of it. The main thing is to completely cover the windows so that absolutely no light gets in.

i then experimented with using timers to turn lights on a a pre-determined time. For example, i would get to sleep at around 5am and would sleep to about 12 or 1pm, so i would set the timer to turn lights on at around that time. You could also set the tv to come on at that time.

i wanted to experiement with a electro-mechanical shutter system like they use in the photography world which would let natural (outside) light in at a pre-determined time using the timer but i did not get around to doing it before i quit the wretched job. But you could try it.

2) When i got home, and by the way if you can get home before the sun comes up then that's a big plus, what i would do is get something to eat (hint:milk helps you fall asleep although be careful if you can't digest it to well like me) maybe a sandwich or something light; You don't nessesarily want to eat TOO heavily before going to bed.

Go to the bathroom.

And then get into bed as quickly as possible, but what i would do is turn the t.v. on but use the "sleep" function to turn off say an hour later; I found that the t.v. sort of helped me "decompress" and helped me fall asleep. I would usually fall asleep long before the t.v. turned off.

And, that's about it. In your case, you'll have to tell everyone to be quiet while you're sleeping----be serious about it.

3) It's messed up because what are you going to do on weekends? You're going to sleep, trust me.

Not trying to rain on your parade, but i don't think the gig will last. Not because it's a bad gig, but because of the hours. I'm living proof of this.

glasman2 04-07-2007 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Dawn Kirshna
Ok, i just quit a gig doing exactly this.

First of all, this is not a life----it is a survival. You'll see.

1) The first thing you want to do get your windows completely dark to the point where NO light gets in whatsoever; What i did was to go to Office depot and get the fiber presentation boards. This, along with duct tape pretty much did the trick. You could also use cardboard if you have enough of it. The main thing is to completely cover the windows so that absolutely no light gets in.

i then experimented with using timers to turn lights on a a pre-determined time. For example, i would get to sleep at around 5am and would sleep to about 12 or 1pm, so i would set the timer to turn lights on at around that time. You could also set the tv to come on at that time.

i wanted to experiement with a electro-mechanical shutter system like they use in the photography world which would let natural (outside) light in at a pre-determined time using the timer but i did not get around to doing it before i quit the wretched job. But you could try it.

2) When i got home, and by the way if you can get home before the sun comes up then that's a big plus, what i would do is get something to eat (hint:milk helps you fall asleep although be careful if you can't digest it to well like me) maybe a sandwich or something light; You don't nessesarily want to eat TOO heavily before going to bed.

Go to the bathroom.

And then get into bed as quickly as possible, but what i would do is turn the t.v. on but use the "sleep" function to turn off say an hour later; I found that the t.v. sort of helped me "decompress" and helped me fall asleep. I would usually fall asleep long before the t.v. turned off.

And, that's about it. In your case, you'll have to tell everyone to be quiet while you're sleeping----be serious about it.

3) It's messed up because what are you going to do on weekends? You're going to sleep, trust me.

Not trying to rain on your parade, but i don't think the gig will last. Not because it's a bad gig, but because of the hours. I'm living proof of this.

This would be LewisFriend? Sounds JUST like him.
Mod want to help out here?

Rev.Vassago 04-08-2007 12:14 AM

Yes - Dawn = Lewis = Chad = Colonel = Ron

ben45750 04-08-2007 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dawn Kirshna
Not trying to rain on your parade, but i don't think the gig will last. Not because it's a bad gig, but because of the hours. I'm living proof of this.

Not to rain on YOUR parade, but working every night is cake to deal with. Try running the extra board.
You will run early mornings, afternoons, evenings and nights. Then to make it worse it changes everyday, 7 days a week.
10 hour breaks? whats that? Get to the terminal, clock out, takes you an hour to get to the hotel, take a shower, try to sleep, get your work call on your 8th hour, get a shower, spend an hour getting back to the terminal and your rolling again to another terminal and repeat process and hopefully you get a long run so you can take a nap.
We have drivers that have been running the extra board for 15+ years.

Jackrabbit379 04-08-2007 04:04 AM


Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago
Yes - Dawn = Lewis = Chad = Colonel = Ron

Yall are pretty quick on the draw. :P

One 04-09-2007 02:51 AM

I get home sat mornings and head bed pretty quick- maybe a quick chore in the yard or something exercise like, then I sleep for a few hours but no later than 3pm or 4pm. sat night I sleep like the civilized people do. Sun awake in daytime, go to bed in evening, get up early mon, chores, chiropractor, email and back to bed for a nap (usually 4-5 hrs). Driving that night im usually a little more tired than usual, but no biggie- Ill stop for a short nap if I feel like it. Thats how I do it. Ive tried the method of continuing the weeks rhythm on weekends, but thats no fun and you end up without much of a life being the only one up all night.

TruckerChris 04-14-2007 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Colin
Sounds like you got the job at Bettendorf. Cool.

I worked with a lot of their drivers up in Oregon on the night shift. They brought funny looking doubles up to the Weyerhauser sawmill in Cottage Grove. 5 axles total over 2 trailers instead of our 8 axle doubles!

My schedule was 5p-5a for almost 4 years by choice.

First day on:

If you're starting on Monday at 6pm, stay up late on Saturday and sleep for about 5-6 hours. Do your best not to nap on Sunday. Stay up all night on Sunday. Edit some photos. Surf the web. Go grocery shopping around 3 am to keep yourself awake. Get to bed Monday morning about 6 am and you should be able to sleep all day.

When you get home at 6 am, don't eat or drink coffee or soda with caffeine. I like to go to bed after a hot shower within about 2 hours of being off work. Get up around 3 hours before you're due in for work.

You would think that treating your night shift as a day shift (staying up until 10 pm, then sleeping until just before your shift starts) is a good idea. I never found this to be the case. The bulk of my free time was spent before work, not after. If the opposite works for you, do it.

Now when your week ends and it's a Saturday, try to get to bed as soon as you can and get up by noon to be a 'normal person' on the weekend. On Sunday, maybe a short nap so you can stay up overnight on Sunday and then repeat. If your days off are during the week, I would keep the same schedule. I hope you can get to dayshift soon. Night shift is not easy on your life.

I'll be putting your info to test starting tomorrow night... I start on monday. Man, I'm so ready to get back in a truck. I'm still torn on what I want to do at the moment. I have 10months experience so I may stick with this job for awhile or get a couple more months and go drive for Pride OTR... Who knows, right now I just want to DRIVE!

Colin 04-14-2007 04:06 PM

Good luck.

Chips is a fun freight. You get to run empty a lot of the time if the mills are far apart or there is not a load ready.

Contact me privately if you have any specific questions.

TruckerChris 04-16-2007 10:06 PM

Well, I stayed up until 7am and I just woke up. I have to be there @ 4:30 to turn in my paperwork and get situated with another driver that I'm riding with for the first week. I'll report back in the morning with how the first day went... I hate riding with someone when I'm driving. It's like taking the DMV driving test, very uncomfortable, but oh well, I can do it.


CaliTrucker 04-17-2007 01:12 AM

Good luck with the new gig Chris.

I know what you mean about riding with other people. Seems like every time someone is in the truck with me, i forget how to shift :lol:

Looking forward to the update, i was considering jumping ship lately, but now that I am getting more hours I am content for now. I'm curious to find out what the job is like and how they are to work for.

TruckerChris 04-17-2007 12:42 PM

I'm back from my first night. Basically, I think I'm going to really like this job! My co-driver sean, is a super cool guy so I felt totally comfortable driving with him. He's totally laid back and has been working there for 8 months. He says people come and go a lot due to the night schedule and stupid mistakes (more into that later).

We did just under 300 miles tonight and the 12hrs FLEW by. We hit up 3 chip yards and hauled Douglas fir green chips and a load of saw dust. It's amazing how these things dump their load. No forklifts or shovels here!

I have lots of things to learn, but by the last dump, I was doing it all. All I have to work on paperwork and remembering how each customer wants their paperwork completed and turned in.

We drove #131 Which is a peterbilt 377 built probably within the last 5 years. Real nice truck but it's small inside for my 6'8" tall body. Nothing like the legroom of the columbia I used to drive. I will get used to it, but I wish it had more space. Eaton 10spd, jakes, sliding 5th wheel, cb, long range cb, etc. Real nice truck.

I had a blast today, it's sort of overwhelming the precautions around the dump and loading area's but I'm figuring it all out.

All in all, I'm excited to go back to work tomorrow, well, later today I guess :lol:

I love driving.

west_coaster 04-18-2007 03:53 AM

Chris is haulin' chips!?!? Nice. I hauled chips at night for a while and it was damn fun. I pulled 40-20 A-Train doubles, which are a pain in the butt cause you have to break them down and hook back up like 5 times a night, but oh well. You're gonna like haulin' chips. Just be very careful when loading. It doesn't take much to jam the jaws on the chip bins and box out the trailer! Then it's diggin' time! One night I was waiting behind a newb who was loading and he pulled the wrong bin lever, dumped about 30,000 lbs. of chips on his catwalk and cab. Oops! Good luck man, and careful driving at night!!


TruckerChris 04-18-2007 12:26 PM

Day 2 report:

Basically the same thing today except one less dump, but lots more sitting around. Just after one night I know the process of checking in, waiting in line to dump, backing up, setting up, dumping, hooking back up and scaling out all dialed in. I have to work on loading and figuring out how much of a certain product weighs and how much to dump into the trailer.

I've come to realize that this company runs overweight 24/7. We don't axel out our weights, we just scale for the gross weight. We weight in at 88k and decided to roll with it for about 20 miles. All easy back roads but I would of NEVER of done that with gordon. I suppose running on the back roads in the gold country is a bit different. No scales and only occasional roll out scales on the main drag I've heard.

We waited for 3 hrs @ one of the mills tonight to unload... We were #7 in line to dump and the dump kept on shutting down so we had to keep on calling up the mechanic.

I've met A LOT of real nice guys, it's going to be a fun job for sure. Lots of bullsh|ting which I really like, not all up tight guys. A+ for me.

I was told I'm getting truck #86 which is a newer Pete day cab. So I'm excited and it has a CD player... Most of the guys run Sattellite radio so I'll fit right in...

Oh, these trucks run stacks. Which may not being special for everyone else, but @ gordon we ran grass burner exhausts which were quiet... I love the loud sound of the turbo and even better the jakes with a stack sitting right behind you... Hopefully I'll have some photos for everyone next week when I get my own truck...


TruckerChris 04-18-2007 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by west_coaster
Chris is haulin' chips!?!? Nice. I hauled chips at night for a while and it was damn fun. I pulled 40-20 A-Train doubles, which are a pain in the butt cause you have to break them down and hook back up like 5 times a night, but oh well. You're gonna like haulin' chips. Just be very careful when loading. It doesn't take much to jam the jaws on the chip bins and box out the trailer! Then it's diggin' time! One night I was waiting behind a newb who was loading and he pulled the wrong bin lever, dumped about 30,000 lbs. of chips on his catwalk and cab. Oops! Good luck man, and careful driving at night!!


Unloading the bins is what I have to work on most jesse... I wish they closed faster! haha and the fact that you can't see sh|t @ night until it's too late... Oh well. I'll learn!


TruckerChris 04-21-2007 11:43 AM

Well, the training week is over and it's time to get my own truck... THANK GOD! It sucks having two big guys crammed inside of a pete day cab! There's no room. I start monday running around delivering chips... Can't wait!


floored 04-22-2007 03:10 AM

Congrats on your new job :D

I'll be driving nights myself soon, thank god for loud music, the CB and engery drinks, lol!

Who are you driving for anyway? Are they here in Sactown??

TruckerChris 04-22-2007 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by floored
Congrats on your new job :D

I'll be driving nights myself soon, thank god for loud music, the CB and engery drinks, lol!

Who are you driving for anyway? Are they here in Sactown??

They are based out of the Sierra Pacific Lumber Mill in Lincoln. I drive for Bettendorf trucking hauling chips to Jackson, Camino and rocklin... It's pretty good and I think I'll stay around for awhile.

I wish I had transfer experience, I saw your ad on craigslist...

BTW, do you know a guy named Brandon who lives in Rescue? He drove a ranger, I think he knew you from a car club... I say's he knew you when you drove for Fedex

floored 04-22-2007 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by kona911
BTW, do you know a guy named Brandon who lives in Rescue? He drove a ranger, I think he knew you from a car club... I say's he knew you when you drove for Fedex

Yep I know Brandon - how do you know him? He was in our mini truck club back in the day. Are you from Rescue?

TruckerChris 04-22-2007 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by floored

Originally Posted by kona911
BTW, do you know a guy named Brandon who lives in Rescue? He drove a ranger, I think he knew you from a car club... I say's he knew you when you drove for Fedex

Yep I know Brandon - how do you know him? He was in our mini truck club back in the day. Are you from Rescue?

Back when it was cool to cruise sunrise, we use to do it every weekend. Up and down from Roseville to 50 and back, all night long. Did you have a mustang? Brandon's now in the navy hating every second of it... sucks for him! I live in Granite bay and rocklin at the moment

floored 04-22-2007 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by kona911

Originally Posted by floored

Originally Posted by kona911
BTW, do you know a guy named Brandon who lives in Rescue? He drove a ranger, I think he knew you from a car club... I say's he knew you when you drove for Fedex

Yep I know Brandon - how do you know him? He was in our mini truck club back in the day. Are you from Rescue?

Back when it was cool to cruise sunrise, we use to do it every weekend. Up and down from Roseville to 50 and back, all night long. Did you have a mustang? Brandon's now in the navy hating every second of it... sucks for him! I live in Granite bay and rocklin at the moment

Yep, had quite a few Mustangs.. and this truck:

(does that show up for you??)

My husband had the blue Nissan truck with the Vette rear end, we ran a club called Barely Legal.. Now you got me all wondering if maybe we crossed paths before?? If not I'm sure we know a lot of the same people.. Anyway, what did you take out to cruise back then?

TruckerChris 04-23-2007 06:42 AM

I remember when we were on sunrise years back you had parked your car @ Mcdonalds (down by 50) and we had left a note on your mustang... You probably don't remember but that's about as much as I know about you... Besides the stories brandon has told me about being initiated into your club...

floored 04-23-2007 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by kona911
I remember when we were on sunrise years back you had parked your car @ Mcdonalds (down by 50) and we had left a note on your mustang... You probably don't remember but that's about as much as I know about you... Besides the stories brandon has told me about being initiated into your club...

Someone left a note on the car at the Folsom theatre.. never at McD's...

Did you used to ride with Brandon or something?? LOL - did he tell youhow Paseo Joe would always pee on him? Poor kid...

TruckerChris 05-02-2007 10:56 PM

Well guys, I've been with hauling chips for 3 weeks and 2 weeks actually being solo... Let's just say this isn't OTR and while it's still has it's fun times, I will be returning to OTR hopefully after 8-12 months of this job. I just want to have 2 years of experience before I return to the road. Anyways, everyone here at bettendorf is very nice, very cool group of guys and it's very easy work. We run overweight almost 90% of the time which I don't really like, but we run the backroads where there are no scales... I updated my blog with some pictures so be sure to check it out! It's still @ the same address,

Colin 05-02-2007 11:06 PM

Don't you love it when the tarp bungee gets tangled up in the tarp pole as you're uncovering the load? Good times...

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