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Sans Argonauts 05-03-2006 06:28 AM

Which State's scales/ DOT treat Drivers the Worst?
My vote is on Missouri as far as scales....

For DOT.... you gotta love Virginia and how they ticket driver's for parking on the off-ramps...

Roadhog 05-03-2006 02:39 PM

My vote is the Ohio scalehouse near Cambridge on hwy70.
I have my reasons.
Here also is a photo of the trailer park these dickweeds live in.

PackRatTDI 05-03-2006 03:20 PM

In the two years I drove I never had a negative experience at a scalehouse, my only negative experiences with the authorities were with Customs at the crossing at Port Huron and one asswipe cop in Hoboken, NJ

yoopr 05-03-2006 04:33 PM

Used to be Misery and Arkansas-Scaleman at Joplin and Judge in Neosho FINALLY got busted for running a Racket.

Ditch 05-04-2006 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by PackRatTDI
and one asswipe cop in Hoboken, NJ

:lol: :lol: :lol: Which one. I'll get the coffee shop not to give him a discount.

warsaw 05-04-2006 11:43 PM

Cambridge's scale house on 70 doesn't bother me to much ..but the one in Ohio i hate is the one on 75s before Cinnciatti...*%#@%$

Roadhog 05-05-2006 01:51 PM


Cambridge's scale house on 70 doesn't bother me to much ..but the one in Ohio i hate is the one on 75s before Cinnciatti...*%#@%$
The reason I have a blown gasket with the Cambridge scalehouse is because of the low down behavior they did on March 2nd of '05.
Many the Michigan trucks were on an extendtion with their IFTA stickers. The state was unable to produce enough that year for some reason. They were due to expire March 1, 2005. give them some boss at the time was not the sharpest tool in the shed...and a lousy O/O businessman. (hard worker...just a lousy boss)

I left on a long extended route...and knew nothing of the IFTA sticker about to expire. I was new to the truck. boss calls me, and tells me the sticker extendtion is about to expire, and I gave him a location up ahead on my route, where I could receive a FedEx package with the new stickers. That was 6pm at a Pilot in Missouri on Hwy 70. I had to be somewhere east of Cambridge...I don't remember...probably Philly by the next day...and I beat cheeks.
I received the new IFTA stickers...but was in the middle of a raging horrible snow storm that followed me all the way east. Temps were below freezing....and it even says on the back of the sticker to not apply them below such and such temp. AND it was blowing snow I figured...I had them in hand...that should be good enough...considering conditions I was in.
I'm pulling through the scalehouse, noticing an unusual number of badgekissers inside, with an unusual number of Trucks parked behind the shack. Several were intently looking at the sides of all MICHIGAN trucks. I was one of three guys inside the office with the very same issue...failure to display decals $105.00 fine to be paid on the spot. Mind you it is still a raging snow storm....and I have my FedEx and decals in hand. Mattered not. While I'm standing can hear the glee of these dickweeds exclaim as "there's another one..." "driver pull around back and come inside with your registration and log book."

On top of this...the officer at the counter is giving me a very disrespectful and condencending attitude. I square off with him...glaring deep into his eyes like I'm about to rip his gizzard out through his chicken neck. He further throws his dickhead behavior at I'm suppose to be afraid of him and back down. Hell NO....I start to make him uneasy with my command of the situation, pointing out how HE is the one out of line. He tells me to take my attitude outside. I remember telling him something like to take his badge off and go out the door first. Now we have the attendtion of the whole room...and this guy shrinks right before my eyes. His CO looks over from his chair...and see's someone finally chopped this prique down to size.
His demeanor within minutes changes to lump of sheit....I wanted some gizzard! I paid the stinking fine with protest...but as usual in a proffessional manner. I never once disrespected anyone...but also was not about to be disrespected over a lousy business transaction. (these laws are not cut in stone..they are at the discretion of the officer...and in my case this was proof of a scamass unproffessional behavior on the part of the Ohio DOT)

Insult to boss would not reimburse that $105 to me. So...he too lost a good driver. I hired on to the Company I'm with now.

Uturn2001 05-05-2006 03:01 PM

Roadhog, I would have fought that ticket. I had my IFTA stickers stolen one year while in Dallas and did not know anything about it until I got pulled in at the POE in Kansas on 35 N and it was brought to my attention by the scalemaster there.

Anyway I showed him my IFTA permit and was set on my way with no fines. I got stopped at every scale house all the way to the Twin Cities and every time I was let go once I showed them I had a valid IFTA permit.

If you ever get in that situation again, tape the stickers to the corners of your side windows. At least they cant say you were not displaying them. :wink: :wink:

warsaw 05-05-2006 09:53 PM

Mine wanst so bad ...I pulled throught the scale with 12k on the trailer and was told to come back around ok i did and then the red light comes on and Im told that someone would be with me in a minute..
So he came out with this huge yard stick with a 45 on the top and said that I was 1 inch to before I could fix it I had to pay the fine..they couldnt take cash check or credit ...only com-check
and he gave me flack the whole dam time too

yoopr 05-05-2006 11:05 PM

That's the way it goes sometimes-Fix it but before you fix it Here's your Ticket.

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