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BlooMoose 10-22-2008 04:07 PM

When I found Riley, it was on New Year's Eve and I thought he was dead...he had been bitten by something (maybe a snake) on his shoulder or maybe kicked/abused or something. It was all swelled up and abcessed and he looked BAD. It took a lot to get him well. When I brought him home, he got Bill REALLY sick...(Bill had ALWAYS been an "inside" cat, spoiled and never exposed to any "outside" cats). I nearly lost Bill. It literally took 6 months for Bill to get back to normal. His eyes clouded up and he sneezed blood everywhere. I can't remember what they told me it was now but I thought my son had a nosebleed on my couch but it was Bill. I really dislikes Riley for awhle over it but he redeemed himself one hundred times over.

belpre122 10-22-2008 08:09 PM

Blacky and his older brother Baby Huey taking a break from their assigned security duties at the Belpre residence/mansion/complex.:rofl:

BlooMoose 10-22-2008 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by belpre122 (Post 419391)
Blacky and his older brother Baby Huey taking a break from their assigned security duties at the Belpre residence/mansion/complex.:rofl:

I had a cat named Tiggy (short for Antigone) that looked JUST like that! But she was extremely petite..a very tiny cat. And...I think the Moose Mansion shops at the same Sheets and Shit (or is that "Linens and Things") because I think we have that exact reversible brown and tan scratchy blanket!!

wildkat 10-23-2008 07:32 PM

Thanks all of you for the pictures of YOUR cats...I LOVE this! :clap::clap: Now I know for sure I'm not the ONLY cat nut out there!

I decided to leave Mandy at home this last trip, the weather is getting not so nice now.... O M G!! Did I ever MISS her! :tears::tears::tears:

Everytime I got out of the truck & got back in I looked for her on the dash, on the seat, in the bunk...when I woke up this morning I felt LONELY... I NEVER get lonely....Geezzz I was suffering from MANDY WITHDRAWL!

BlooMoose 10-23-2008 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by wildkat (Post 419560)
Thanks all of you for the pictures of YOUR cats...I LOVE this! :clap::clap: Now I know for sure I'm not the ONLY cat nut out there!

I decided to leave Mandy at home this last trip, the weather is getting not so nice now.... O M G!! Did I ever MISS her! :tears::tears::tears:

Everytime I got out of the truck & got back in I looked for her on the dash, on the seat, in the bunk...when I woke up this morning I felt LONELY... I NEVER get lonely....Geezzz I was suffering from MANDY WITHDRAWL!

I STILL miss my boys...I can still hear Bill purring so loud sometimes...I can promise you that one day soon...I'll have another cat(s)...

I'm sorry you missed your baby sooo bad!!

wildkat 10-23-2008 08:09 PM

Should have seen her when I came through the door a bit ago Bloo...she came roaring up, skittered to a halt & literally leaped into my arms, I nearly dropped her & everything she's asleep on my lap.... I AM HOME!


BlooMoose 10-23-2008 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by wildkat (Post 419568)
Should have seen her when I came through the door a bit ago Bloo...she came roaring up, skittered to a halt & literally leaped into my arms, I nearly dropped her & everything she's asleep on my lap.... I AM HOME!


I LOVE that about cats...they love it when you are home!! My cat, Bill, would be at the door when I left to work and at the window when I got home...he knew the sound of my truck and he would be just chirping away by the time I got to the if I had been gone forever! A house is not a home without a cat.

I use to have two dogs...a Great Pyrenees and a Giant Schnauzer. The Pyr loved everyone and everything. The Schnuazer did not like cats. I loved to see the Pyr with the cats. And she was soooo protective of them. I couldn't let the Schnauzer in the house and everytime I opened the back door, that Pyr was right there and she would not even let the schnauzer on the porch if the door was opened. He got in once and I never saw a dog move faster than Tuni (Petunia) did when Henry (schnauzer) sauntered into the house. Before I could even catch my breath, Tuni was in the house, standing over Bill with teeth bared at Henry. I didn't even know Bill was in the room...but Tuni did.

I love animals that are like that. Tuni was the same way if the kids were in the back yard playing. Any other time, she would be under the bush trying to stay cool. But if the kids were out back, she was walking the fence line growling this really low quiet growl. She was an awesome dog. By the time I had moved here, Henry had passed (old age) and I couldn't afford the pet deposit for Tuni. I found a wonderful home with two little girls (ages 2 and 4, I think) for her and the people just loved her to death. It killed me, but I was glad to find them for her.

wildkat 10-23-2008 08:57 PM

Me too Bloo... should have seen my boys on Tuesday...I was trying to wash a layer of mud, salt & road guck off my truck.. I was up on the walking deck scrubbing the back of the sleeper & the 2 boys were standing one on each rear fender "supervising"! My Dad just then drove in the yard...with the "Scank", his girlfriend & I use the term "girl" loosly...she is certainly NO lady! tow. He had quite a chuckle over the scene!

We had a purebred german rotti (Tia) who was just like your Tuni...very protective of the cats...I saw her once throw a terrier across the yard...he was SMALLER than the cat, so the cat wasn't afraid of him, but Tia wasn't about to take the chance! She passed last spring, old age too. We just haven't been able to get another dog...we tossed the idea a couple of times & just keep putting it off. Someday I guess.

belpre122 10-23-2008 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by wildkat (Post 419285)
I'm not sure if this will work or not, but here's a little video I took as well...

Kat I missed the video link the first time through your post. That's more like 4 wheel driving. LOL We need to get you and LadyNorthStar some maps because you two seem to end up on all of the cow trails instead of the highways!:clap: Nice video. I watched it while thinking how different our jobs are. If I'm not doing 65-70MPH with the cruise control on and flat pavement, I'm lost!:block:
I bet all of that bumping and turning doesn't make Precious too happy?

wildkat 10-23-2008 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by belpre122 (Post 419590)
Kat I missed the video link the first time through your post. That's more like 4 wheel driving. LOL We need to get you and LadyNorthStar some maps because you two seem to end up on all of the cow trails instead of the highways!:clap: Nice video. I watched it while thinking how different our jobs are. If I'm not doing 65-70MPH with the cruise control on and flat pavement, I'm lost!:block:
I bet all of that bumping and turning doesn't make Precious too happy?

Yeah, we don't get to see alot of 4 lane highways where I run, most are narrow winding 2 laners that were built some time in the 40's & have seen precious few upgrades since.

That part was near Muncho Lake, the curves are posted between 30 & 50 kph...20 - 30 mph roughly, the road is pretty rough too & so the video is not the quality I would like. My daughter wimped out on me this summer or I would have had some stunning pictures..I'm still trying to teach Mandy to hold the camera! :clap::clap:

That country is SOOO beautiful, you just can't imagine. Pictures just don't do it justice, even tho I try. Lady is way better photgrapher than me, so hers are always so much better!

And this time of year the road can go from this:

To this....

To this:

In a matter of seconds!

Here's another little video I took along Toad River:

NOTE TO REV: Before you start on me about my WINDSHIELD! This is my THIRD this WILL be replaced when they stop putting GRAVEL on the roads in the SPRING!!! LMAO

wildkat 10-24-2008 01:59 AM

Mandy figures it's time to learn to "do the books" now that she's my "partner in crime" she takes full responsibility of being a "partner" :clap::clap:

belpre122 10-24-2008 04:55 AM

Better watch her Kat. She seems to fit right in with the trucking lifestyle. Next thing you know, she'll be surfing kitty cat porno sites!:nana:

Blacky helps every night with my paperwork. His four paw typing skills are unequaled for sure. If I don't let him help, he bites me on the arm. I always tell him that he sure knows how to show his love and appreciation to the guy who found him in the park and now has him spoiled beyond belief!:bow: I think that he knows that I am really a big pushover. LOL

wildkat 10-24-2008 10:29 AM

:lol: :lol: :lol: Kitty Porn???? :lol2::lol2: Too funny... I DID show her the "Stuck on My Cat" website! I go there when I want a good laugh!

harleypiper 10-26-2008 12:13 PM

yum yum, look at all those cats, I'm getting hungry

belpre122 10-27-2008 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by harleypiper (Post 420071)
yum yum, look at all those cats, I'm getting hungry

I'll see that bet............and raise ya fifty harley!

Here's my favorite kitty...................encore post!

harleypiper 10-27-2008 04:42 AM

daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmn belpre I taut I thaw a putty putty putty caaaaaaat

wildkat 10-27-2008 11:12 AM

BEL! This thread is about the FOUR LEGGED cats! :lol::lol::lol:

wildkat 10-27-2008 11:22 AM

Well, I've decided it's time...Mandy must stay home for the winter...These roads are just NOT a good idea with a defenseless pet. I miss her terribly, but it's for HER safety more than anything!

THIS is what winter is like for me:

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