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Swamp Dawg 01-20-2008 03:48 PM

Cooking In The Truck

As I mentioned in another thread, I just started driving a T/F a couple of months ago and I am trying to figure out what appliances to invest in so I can do the majority of my cooking in the cab to save money on the road. Last night I purchased a Burton Stove-To-Go and now I am looking at 12 volt toasters. Can anyone out there recommend a particular brand? Also, I have a Coleman two burner stove I was thinking about bringing with me but I am a little leary of having an open flame in the truck. Also, I am not sure what the DOT would have to say about having a couple of fuel bottles with me. Any suggestions and/or help would be appreciated.


headborg 01-21-2008 03:47 AM

coleman propane stove is a nice idea-- the only real issues here are- (1) cleanup- grease everywhere in cab/smoke/ cooking odor---is it your truck or
one that has to be turned in?

Here's an idea--an old friend of my had for cleanup--he took a regular rubbermaid container or cooler(with a drain) strapped it to the cat walk behind the cab-- put dish washer detergent/water in it--and just put all his dirty dishes in there.---instant dishwasher as he runs down the road--solar powered(heated).

(2) always remember to roll down the windows( don't want to get sleepy- suck all Oxygen out of cab.

(3) conceal the propane canisters---yes, the DOT might have a fit.

(4) careful setting down hot items--(99% of interior is plastic and will melt)

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get a inverter-- at least 1000 watts( with stud/post terminals) don't get the crappy inverters with the connections where you stuff the wire in the hole and tighten down the little nut<---these get loose and WILL cause a fire.

a 1000 watt or better--( I have a 1000watt & a 1750watt-)- these will power your Microwave and a small dorm size Refridge/Freezer.

the microwaves are under $100.00 and so is the Fridge-

a good inverter about $350.00// so say $600.00 will have you nicely set up.

12volt toasters are crap--- you need a small AC toaster.

The burton Stove(lunchbox) is nice--and the small 12volt popcorn/steam pot works well too---- other than these only the 12volt crock pot will round out the functional 12volt appliances. The 12volt coffee pots( that use the chrome dip in heating elements--the chrome will flake off in your coffee--so don't go with them.)

Uturn2001 01-21-2008 11:40 AM


other than these only the 12volt crock pot will round out the functional 12volt appliances.
As far as the crock pot goes, I would pass on the 12v one. Instead get a 300 watt inverter and a small 110v. For about the same price you will have a crock pot that will work better and last longer.

As far as the DOT and the small bottles of propane or camp fuel goes they will not say anything. I had a small propane grill on the truck with me for almost year and carried two of the small propane bottles. They were seen several times during inspections and the only thing ever said about it were questions about how well the grill worked.

I never used the grill inside the truck. Too much risk of fire, plus I did not want the inside of the truck to end up looking like the inside of a commercial stove hood. Instead I put the grill on the catwalk between the truck and trailer on the side away from the air and electrical lines and kept a bottle of water handy just in case of a flare up, or if I was in a rest area I would take it to a picnic table to use it. When I was done using it and eating it would usually be cool enough to handle, but I would make sure it was really cool by dousing the outside with some water.

finger_lakes 01-21-2008 01:16 PM

Once I almost set a hotel room on fire cooking with one of those propane stoves. Managed to put it out with wet towels and the only the carpet was a little singed. I learned my lesson - outside only.

mdgardner963 01-26-2008 04:25 PM

I have a burton stove works fine. 3 hours and stuffed game hens with an artachoke.. I do roasts and stuff as well. I never like the slow cooker never really worked. I did purchase a 1500 watt inverter got my fridge and 600 watt microwave. I stop and buy my groceries and small mom and pop stores always found the meat better. I can live on about $60.00 a week.. Oh yes got a nice coffe pot paid $9.00 works fine on inverter.

:shock: :twisted: The Big Dog Kicks

geeshock 01-26-2008 06:45 PM

one question. Do you have any problems with the life of your alternator using the fridge? Obviously you can't use more power than your alternator can replinish to the batery, whats the general rule of thumb to determine if your alternator can handle it?

mdgardner963 01-26-2008 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by geeshock
one question. Do you have any problems with the life of your alternator using the fridge? Obviously you can't use more power than your alternator can replinish to the batery, whats the general rule of thumb to determine if your alternator can handle it?

I have no problems with the alt at all just dont strain your battieries

cdltpx 02-05-2008 06:00 AM

Truck cooking
I found that using a 12-volt BURTON pizza oven is what works for me the best. My Oven was purchased on line you can get them at a truck stop if you cant wait that long.

HISTORY I first started cooking while on the job out of necessity. I worked in the Los Angeles harbor in a day cab I would cook meals out on the battery box. This was in my opinion too messy for you to do in the cab of the truck. I began cooking with a bottle on the bottom stove. It was like an inverted pendulum easily tipped over. Worked well but lost meals because of spilling. I would cook Mexican food because it is what I felt was too messy to do everyday.

FOOD I COOK/HEAT NOW Use the oven to heat low cost, low sodium, tasty TV dinners purchased at Wal-Mart. I took my oven to the Wal-Mart and placed the TV dinners in the oven to insure the meals would fit easily. And I found as a rule of thumb that if you can fit the meal in a paper bag it will fit in the oven. (Bags are found on the freezer isle I think it has blue bunnie on the side these bags are free and used to keep frozen foods as cold as possible.) When I go to Wal-Mart I basically buy 2 paper bags full of dinners about 12 total since that is all I can get to fit in the Coleman fridge and have room for ½ gallon of milk and some margarine. Leave the meals in the bags to keep them cold as long as possible be careful not to allow the ones without a plastic cooking liner to be on the bottom since water will ruin the cardboard ones. You know that a Coleman fridge has water that will collect on the bottom when you defrost it.

HOW TO HEAT AND SAVE TIME AND FUEL. I have developed this method to save energy and time. If you fail to plan you plan to fail. I hate to idle the truck it is too expensive so if possible (temp is low enough) I shut engine off and when it is off the Burton will drain a battery fast so prepare to stop when you start and you will use every second of every day earning money. I keep the oven bungee corded in the bunk area relatively in reach and keep a cane handy so I can hit the switch to power the oven. What I do is when I wake I will eat cereal and milk then inspect the truck then I place one or 2 meals (IF you place 2 TV dinner’s in at one time place something under the bottom tray to keep from scorching the lower meal I use wood cloths pin thinking of getting silicone pad that might work better just haven’t tested it yet) in the oven insert the probe I do this last just before I leave. Don’t turn the oven on yet the meals are in the oven for when I get 30 min from a good place to stop and eat I will drive about 5 hours and stop to eat and this method you can stop more places since you are fully self-contained.(Excluding restroom) I turn on the oven reaching with the cane while in the driver seat (you might want to set it up better but this works for me), once I can smell the food strongly in the cab (200 degrees) I will turn off the oven. If you want to insure consistency use a digital readout temperature probe these are found in the house ware aisle it is 15 dollars and will insure the meal is well done I cook until 200 degrees in the center and you are good. The probe has a cord allowing you to place the read out on the passenger seat just where you can see it safely. The probe uses one AAA battery I love this since most gadgets that require rare batteries seem to never get the batteries replaces when they die AAA batteries are common enough. Canned goods work too but you need a pot that fits the oven I use a small loaf Teflon coated pan and aluminum foil clean up is easy if you tin the pan with foil and you have to be parked cant cook liquid stuff when in transit I definetly can't I drive a tanker. I park get a sheet of newspaper as a table clothe and place bread on the paper and butter the bread. I have found I lost weight and was satisfied this way. You can keep rolling for a week or better stopping just for fuel, showers ,cups of ice for cokes ,and customers. I will get 2 big cups of ice keeping one in fridge for later if I know I will not be near a place to get ice that night. Using this method I have never gotten sick and have eaten well. If you get your system down you will make more money running legally and consistently avoiding the pitfalls that bankrupt your health and bank account maintaining a healthy weight.

RECAP 12volt Burton pizza oven, large 12 volt Coleman fridge, Digital temperature probe, aluminum foil, some news paper, groceries 12+ dinners bread, milk, spice TOBASCO, garlic powder, plastic utensils,8- 2 liters of diet soda. Bananas, apples, a few snacks Hershey almonds the huge bars break off a square and save the rest just don’t eat it all at once.The grub list I have mentioned will last over a week and you will eat them because you can only keep them just about 2 weeks.

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