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TimberWolf63 03-02-2012 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by sandman58769 (Post 509178)
Yeah you talk about the old days when it was so loud in the cab you had to shout and the steering wheel was about as big as steer axle tire and no power steering you better have the turn figured out right the first go round as you just about had to stand up out of the seat and be grabbing that wheel and cranking on it no a/c no power steering and no radio stations ah yes the good ol days alot less traffic too!

Oh Yea,Good times... In more ways then one.. Thanks Mods...

we have an independant here in Orlando that man handles his 1980 kenworth every day through our streets hauling Jet Fuel, with out power steering or A.C., hell his radio is an old boom box from the 70's. he would not have it any other way and i must say His kenworth is one bad ass looking truck..
Just sayin what is one man's headache is another mans dream...
It Is what it is...

Timberwolf is Back....
thanks again Mods..

Mr. Ford95 03-02-2012 08:20 PM

You know, all the old timers talk about the good ol days yet I don't see them driving those old trucks anymore...........

You give them a choice of an old truck with no A/C, power steering and such or a newer truck with A/C, power steering and such and they take the newer one. Maybe those days weren't so good. My current truck is a 95 model yet it's daggone loud. I can't listen to the radio or CB(not that I'd want to listen to the CB) due to how loud it is in the cab. Even sitting still at a stoplight I have to have the radio up at full blast to remotely hear it. I do have A/C and power steering. We have another truck from 1978 that I have to drive every now and then, I absolutely hate it. It's just as loud, no A/C or power steering. Mind you, my first vehicle was no A/C or power steering but I sure don't ever reminisce about the good ol days of driving it. I was never so glad to get rid of it and get with the times.

mitchno1 03-02-2012 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Orangetxguy (Post 509200)
;) HEY! You ............down there in the "peanut gallery"..... :p ......You're not supposed to know about the "Gas-bangers" we used to have up here!!! :D

haha you jokas made them and sent them down here ,member the old inters c1800 or something nicknamed the piano truck cos that what they looked like from the front,same 6cyl motor as the inter ute but used to tow trailer and 39ton all up

Instigator 03-08-2012 05:06 PM

I would like to address your comment about me and my driving. When you are as good a driver as I am, anyone will hire me, not trying to be arrougant about it but I am a damn good driver, always was, always will be. I road test perfect everytime and can handle any type of tractor trailer combination, I have driven them all. I also try and leave the bad companies on good terms , I just dont walk in and say I quit, I give proper notice, this is why my DAC report is good and clean with no blemishes.

Hey, I cant help that I have worked for some really bad companies, its seams to be a Florida thing, these companies are very scectchy at best and did not deserve me as a driver. Ya, I agree, I sound like Im whinning a boit now and then, which I am, at least I admit it! All I ever wanted was a company to treat me fairly and pay me what I earn, and thats all. When I explain to a new hire why I left the previous company, most people get it. I have been turned down by many larger trucking companies because of the employment history, and if they dont want to hear my reasoning then more than likely they wont be a good company for me to work with.

Oh, and I was an owner operator for 8 years back when you could make money. I thought about it and honestly I would rather drive for someone else and make the money without the headaches of being an owner operator. My current employer Joule Yacht Transportation loves me! Dispatch likes the way I run, I get along with everyone, I am making on time deliveries and claim free, the only problem I am having is the older equipment but they are working with me to get me in a newer tractor. The money is great, the tractors are not governed and we run paper logs, I dont get hastled by anyone and kinda do my own thing, I get an assignment and I do it, usually earlier then they thought it could be done and I move on to the next assignment. So maybe, just maybe I found the right job! Time will tell but so far I am happy, they are happy and we all get along!

Its been 4 weeks and Im still there, thats a good sign! Keep on trucking brother!

mitchno1 03-09-2012 03:32 AM

i think you just make all this bull**** up instigator,no one would ever keep going the way you reckon you do .der dont think we all as dumb as you think

Instigator 04-28-2012 12:57 PM

Now why would I make all this crap up mitchno1 ? The trucking industry has changed my friend and for the worst I am sorry to say believe it or not all of my stories are true. The good news is that I am still driving for Joule Yacht Transport, I have worked out my concerns with them and I did get a better tractor after 6 weeks of driving the bad trucks. I am also up for a raise in 2 weeks and I will be making very good money as long as I keep loaded and stay away from long deadheads. So far I have handle everything they have thrown my way including large oversize boats with escorts and still claim free! I really think I may have finally found the right job and the right company. I think the difference here is that the owners of this company are from Long Island (Where I am from) and that is making the difference, they get it. Like I have stated before, the main reason I keep going job after job is because I am very good at what I do and I have a very clean record, I also try to leave these companies on good terms so no one has anything bad to say about me, actually its just the opposite, this is why I keep getting hired good drivers are hard to find these days.

Kentla93 05-07-2012 06:03 PM

Good to see this board is still full of fire and vigor,, yea right Jesus fing christ it has died in here, sorry for the highjack instigator I have managed to stay away for over two months and when I come back I see the place is dead and boring maybe I need to come back and liven things up a bit..... Here's to the black sheep of Amerika....
It Is What It Is...

The Great Timberwolf, You can ban the name but my legecy will always live on..

Tripp13 05-13-2012 03:36 PM

Actually it's LEGACY..but who cares?!


zigmnstr 05-13-2012 04:15 PM

Hey guys.. New here.
Don't forget about the twin stick when you talk about the old equipment.. Think i'm one of the few around that can actually run those as well as a normal 10 speed

Kentla93 05-16-2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Tripp13 (Post 511363)
Actually it's LEGACY..but who cares?!


Well you must, because you took the time to mention it.... Always love those who feel the need to correct, been there done that, then I realized it was really quite foolish, welcome to the club of fools... Fool..


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