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Useless 06-20-2007 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by spencerian
So if I work for a company, and do all I can as an employee, and I somehow fail, it is My fault?

There we go with the "Not my fault" thing again!!

Dude, you have lost me BIG TIME.

You know, I used to be an employer. If I had an applicant that had several jobs in the past year I would be concerned. So much, in fact that I would call the previous employers.

Well, if I am reading this correctly, you USED to be an employer; PAST TENSE!! Hello??

Now $400 a week is not enough to drive a truck (I hope we agree).
So if I called the employers and they told me they had to cut hours, or drop his pay and he quit; would I be persuaded to hire him, or dissuaded?

I would probably hire him.
Now if I did, and told him he gets a pay cut, or fewer hours, or has to work on weekends, or has to work unpaid overtime and he quits...I deserve that!

I won't accept 1400 miles a week. Nor will I accept 3 days a month hometime. If that makes me a bad apple, or a reject, then so be it.

Okay, so be it!! And when the rent or the monthly house payment is due, or the children are sick and need medicine, then as you say, "so be it"
In spite of our past differences, I have tried to help you, Spencerain!! I didn't get to be where I am by embracing your self-defeating attitude. I guess it is obvious that you will not consider what I am trying to do in order to help you.

In the end, though, my table is set, my pantry is full, my beds are all made, my bills are all paid, and I need a couple of commas to register my net worth. Yet, it is obvious that you know far more than I do.

My prayers will be with you, but even more so for your wife and children. Unfortunately, they will take the fall with you; what is all the more pathetic is that your children have no say-so in this matter!!


spencerian 06-20-2007 11:38 PM

This has turned into a pi$$ing match like all the posts you choose to screw up.

Tell ya what, I will quit posting on here.

That's it.

I didn't post this so some egotistical asshat could blame me for poor miles and no hometime.

fireman932003 06-20-2007 11:51 PM


Now $400 a week is not enough to drive a truck
Well, $400 a week working is better than $0 a week sitting at home on your rump looking for another job while your kids are saying "daddy I am hungry!"

greg3564 06-21-2007 12:07 AM


I think the majority here are saying you need to hang tough at Trans Am. You say you don't want a career in trucking, but you are getting to the point where you're really starting to limit where you can work.

I used to be a retail manager for a nationwide chain and if I saw an application with multiple short term employers, I would round file it. Because I don't want a quitter when things might slow down or payroll hours need to be cut for a little while. Sometimes you need to bite the bullet. Give it a chance.

You've talked to your DM and now see what happens. Then proceed up the chain of command.

Karnajj 06-21-2007 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by fireman932003

Now $400 a week is not enough to drive a truck
Well, $400 a week working is better than $0 a week sitting at home on your rump looking for another job while your kids are saying "daddy I am hungry!"

I think his point was $400 was not enough to keep him on the road. He can make that much at any of a number of jobs that don't involve being on the road for weeks at a time.

Spencerian, I think Uturn hit it on the head. You need to do whatever it takes to make it at TransAm short of losing your dignity. Perhaps you still have a misconception of what being a truck driver is all about. Maybe you unwittingly contribute to your problems. All I can do is echo Uturn's words: "You are rapidly getting to the point of having to work not for who you may want to but for who may have to." Your options are quickly running out. Good luck.

Useless 06-21-2007 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by spencerian
This has turned into a pi$$ing match like all the posts you choose to screw up.

Tell ya what, I will quit posting on here.

That's it.

I didn't post this so some egotistical asshat could blame me for poor miles and no hometime.

In other words, you did not come here wanting help finding or creating a solution. You just wanted us to blame the three different companies you have driven for in the past 10 mos., and have us cry in your beer with you.

Just look at your past posts, Spencerain!! Count how many times you have used the words "fault", and "blame", which are always laid at someone else's doorstep.

Contrast that in terms of how many times you have used the words "responsiblity" and "accountability" as those words apply to you.

Oh well!! As always, you know more than any of us, certainally, you know more than me!!

Useless 06-21-2007 02:05 AM

I would encourage Spencerain, and everyone else, to take a good hard look at "UTURN2001"'s tag line.
It says it all!!

spencerian 06-21-2007 11:34 AM

Well, some of you did not understand my post.

I never intended to sit on my rump at home looking for a job. I was going to make an immediate transition from TransAm to another company.

I didn't intend to give up. If you read the last part of my first post it says that my DM showed some effort, and in my book that deserves some credit. I have had this new DM for the past month. So this is not "a bad week". It is steady consistent lack of communication.

Also, to me it doesn't feel like I am closing doors. I now have 6 months experience. I have been in contact with several companies that wouldn't hire me before, but now are ringing my phone.

On a side note, I am sitting in Grand Rapids waiting for a load that will be available at 1pm. I was empty yesterday at 2pm. So it's only 23 hours UNPAID without a load.

devildice 06-21-2007 12:20 PM

Disclaimer: This is not directed to just Spencerian, but for anyone.

Even though I am new to the industry (actually haven't entered yet as I am in CDL school) I would like to echo what many experienced drivers have consistanly stated in the past with regards to companies......."research, research, research".......research a company hard and thorough BEFORE signing on the dotted line. Make sure you have as much information as possible, fully understanding what to expect and what not to expect so that you can make an educated decision. This is a great site for some info, but should not be the sole source.

Smooth 06-21-2007 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by spencerian
Well, some of you did not understand my post.

I never intended to sit on my rump at home looking for a job. I was going to make an immediate transition from TransAm to another company.

I didn't intend to give up. If you read the last part of my first post it says that my DM showed some effort, and in my book that deserves some credit. I have had this new DM for the past month. So this is not "a bad week". It is steady consistent lack of communication.

Also, to me it doesn't feel like I am closing doors. I now have 6 months experience. I have been in contact with several companies that wouldn't hire me before, but now are ringing my phone.

On a side note, I am sitting in Grand Rapids waiting for a load that will be available at 1pm. I was empty yesterday at 2pm. So it's only 23 hours UNPAID without a load.

TransAm is not a great company and I can understand you wanting to pursue new options , but you definately should wait until you get your full year experience in , this will give you many more options . Take weeks if not months finding the right fit for you as a driver with the best company for you . I don't find myself feeling bad at all for drivers that just sign on with anybody because there in a hurry to try something new because it fits there need that day . Some better sites to search for your next job include

and try all your local sunday papers , good luck

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