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acranger 11-08-2006 01:29 PM

Listen, just man up and do what you have to do. I have a son I rarely get to see because of the army, and I am about to go over to Iraq to contract, meaning I will see him a couple times a year. Do I like it? No. But I am doing what is best for me and him right now.

Being a man is about doing things that are difficult even if it means some sacrifice on your part. Stop whining about no being able to see your daughter for a week. Get your experience, then find a decent local job and it will be better for both of you in the long run.

millersod215 11-08-2006 10:15 PM

Hey, "Acranger", i don't know the original poster of this message to save my life, but look, not all of us have your same ideas on what it is to be a man. You're telling me that since i drive local, and have done so my whole life so that i could be close to my wife is not the manly thing to do? This guy is a single dad, therefore your advice is to just "man up" and leave that daughter for weeks at a time just so he might have some hope of a better future, what about the time he's missing out on? It's these ideas of just "manning up" that can be the downfall of a good truckdriver, some folks just aren't cut out for OTR, or might actually have concerns about the family's they leave at home when they're out there on the road. I've plugged my way up from making 350 a week at my first local job, to consistantly bringing home over 600 a week, in my opinion that's "manning up" at it's finest, all the while paying my dues at a not so great paying local job just so i can be in the position i am today, home every night and off on the weekends. What it comes down to, is OTR isn't the only answer to a better life, take your time and find a start at a local company, and good things will come. I thank God i don't have your same philosophies on what it is to be a "man", cause i'd be divorced right now, and who knows where else!!!!!

Mookie Blalock 11-08-2006 10:18 PM

You are WAY out of line for even thinking im whinning. I understand what other people sacrifice and know that mine is not the worst situation.

Next time, dont be so rude. I thought the ARMY would teach you discipline and respect. Looks like you failed in that regards.

Be careful over there man. Stay on your toes. Godspeed.

edit: Amen to ya brutha miller. Well said. I'm everything to my girl, and she's everything to me. Just leaving her behind will not only effect me...I am thinking of both of us.

acranger 11-08-2006 10:32 PM

The army taught me lots about discipline and respect. It also taught me about responsibility. You said the best you could find right now is a 13 dollar an hour job. That isn't gonna cut it, for you or her. You also said there are good jobs availiable if you have a year OTR experience.

By "man up" I am talking about making the sacrifice for a year so you could get one of the better jobs in your area. How that other moron took what I said related to your situation and thought it somehow related to his is beyond me.

You don't need to sit and wring your hands about the situation. Either take the low paying jobs and tuck your kid in every night or make some sacrifices and get the better paying jobs. Or take the other guys advice and wait around for that perfect local job to come knocking at your door.

Thanks for the good wishes on my Iraq adventure.

Best of luck to you too, whatever you decide.

millersod215 11-08-2006 10:45 PM

One last comment on this, and nothing else would have been said, but to call me a "moron" just for my honest opinions on the subject is pretty ignorant on your part. Have you ever thought that maybe your ideas on what it is to be a "man" is a bit moronic? My dad who is a 1st sargeant in the army and just returned home from Iraq always tought me that as long as your making a living and providing for those you love is a pretty "manly" thing to do. 13 dollars an hour is nothing to shy away from, i make 12.50 and do just fine for my wife and I. So in all, always best of luck overseas, i know the struggles you're gonna face, but c'mon man there isn't only one definition for being a man. And one man's sacrifices, whether it be your's or mine, doesn't mean that everyone elses has to be the same.

acranger 11-08-2006 10:48 PM

Noted. I guess everyone has a different definition of success.

Best of luck

millersod215 11-08-2006 10:58 PM

I can agree with you on that.

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