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teamster 11-07-2006 03:20 AM

Since you are a homeowner, you could check into a small equity line of credit to pay for school. Payments would be very low likely and school only takes less than 2 months to complete, so you probably wouldnt even have a payment until after school if you timed it right. Just a thought. I think if you can find a way to pay for your own training you will be much happier and you will not be tied to anyone. Never know-You might hate the business or being away from your family.

okie 11-07-2006 05:41 AM

I appreciate all the input
I just figured the DAC thing would stir some feathers. I really truly do not think I could handle the desk job. I am in a "specialized" correctional officers job. :?: :?: :?: Ok, I work for the Dept. of Mental Health. We are the property that handles the "Criminally Insane" & Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity prisoners for the state. Some of the most dangerous folks of all, the ones that make the hair on the back of your neck stand up when you hear of the crime on the news kinda folks. This is Rock & Roll from the word go some days and others not so bad. So usually not behind a desk, if so not for long. From that to a desk 8-5, I doubt it. I am not really a stranger to trucking, OTR yes. I rode often with my Uncle in Jr. High and HS and my dad for a few summers when he retired Military but then he went into Dump Trucks. My wifes dream is to be a Stay at Home Mom for these two. We went thru a lot to have them and they mean the world to us. I just want them to have more. I want them to do Karate, Gymnastics, whatever, when they get older. We sure can't afford that now. If I have to go on the road to give them that, then lets do it. I know life is tough with out both parents around, my dad spent the first 15 years of my life in the military. We were able to get our affairs in order and pay off a lot of stuff when my wife was layed off. We streched that 10-year severence to the brink, since the babies were on the way so we could afford for her to Stay at Home. Do we get by, yes. But that is about it. Wow longest post I have ever done here, sorry. I am most interested in Crete with WalMart Dedicated as the DC is 15 miles from the house. I would most likely attend Central Tech as it is cheapest and most respected. I can strech out up to 96 hours of vacation into training then the 2 week pay check carry over would spill into training pay time & hell... its more than I make now. I would probably freeze my time with the state so I could go back if things did not work out. So no money would come from leaving. I guess I might have to wait till Tax Refund time to do this. Hate to keep rambling I appreciate all the input. You all be safe out there, my kids are in a mini van right next to you. So if you do not be safe they may throw those pumpkins at you. You folks and this forum are greatly appreciated.

Clay51 11-07-2006 02:49 PM

My suggestion would be to drive the desk, and go home to your family each day.

Then you will not have to put up with lumpers, delays loading and unloading, missing important family events, and even see your kids grow up.

Useless 11-07-2006 03:26 PM

Re: I appreciate all the input

I just want them to have more. I want them to do Karate, Gymnastics, whatever, when they get older. We sure can't afford that now. If I have to go on the road to give them that, then lets do it.

Careful with that one, Okie!!!

I live and work in a socio-economic climate that allows parents to provide their children many privileges in life; private schooling, exotic vacations, horseback riding lessons, music lessons, fine clothes, trips to summer camp, new or late model cars when their kids become teenagers, and the list goes on and on....

The ONE thing that they either can not give, or will not give to their children is the one thing that their children need the most.... TIME!!!

It would also most likely shock you to know how many of these supposedly "affluent" families are so deeply in debt that they have to look up to see the point where the red ink turns to black ink. As far as the GREEN ink is concerned?? Forget it!!! It's too far out of their reach!!! These people don't live a life of true prosperity; the just live a life of poverty with a high standard of living!!

What I find equally disturbing here is that you are wanting to embark upon a new career without having formulated a financial game plan. In trucking, that can lead to financial disaster. Quite honestly, even though what you have may not work for you the way that you would like for it to work for you, it IS working to some degree.

As for driving the desk at USIS/DAC, if the jobs offered are at your current pay/benefit levels, then the advisability of disrupting your family's health insurance coverage and giving up your tenure in order to persue a latteral transfer is questionable. That isn't to say that there may be some other advantages, or benefits for future promotions that are not woth considering; those factors may well come into play.

I understand, you don't make a lot of money; what you do have is a very steady cash flow. Trucking is an industry where there is not always a guarantee for a steady, stable cash flow; this is especially true starting out. With a couple of years experience under your belt, those opportunities can be open to you, but you have to be able to survive between now and that time.

There are some drivers who get out of driving school, train, get an assigned truck, and are able to run steady and earn a decent income. At the same time, if you go sift through past threads on this forum, and the "New Drivers Get Help Here!!" forum, you will find that there are many other drivers who were not so fortunate. By indenturing yourself with company sponsored training, you are facing severely limited options;thus, you are limiting your odds of financial success.

While it is one thing to consider factors such as anticipated miles per week vs. actual miles per week, and cents per mile, there are other factors to consider as well. Break-downs will not only eat into your time, but also your paycheck. Running OTR, the longer you stay out, the better your miles tend to be. How long will you be out on the road?? Every day and every night that you are out on the road is one more day and night that you miss seeing your kids grow up, and you don't get any second chances or "do-overs". Many drivers are concerned about how much home time they will get, but the other side of that coin is to ask yourself how much home time they can really afford to have!!! Home time can get expensive in a hurry, and you also have to factor in road and travel expenses. $100.oo per week is a rather conservative estimate.

The idea of being out ten days and off two may work for some, but many times, your are going to be dead-dog tired when you walk through your front door, and by the time that you have done your laundry, rested up a bit, and spent a little time with your family, it's time to head out again. Saying "goodbye" to your little ones can be painfully difficult under those circumstances.

Before you decide to engage in what for you, your wife, and your children, will in effect be a life changing event, I would encourage you to explore other options first. Consulting a Career Placement Counselor might be a good place to start.

Peace, Prayers, and Blessings to You and Your Family,

Ian Williams 11-07-2006 05:45 PM

You effectively disqualified yourself from an OTR job when you started a family.

A few years ago I worked for an electrical contractor who used to drive. He heavily regretted missing a lot of his kids growing up. His son was also in the business and was a real PITA to work with.

As Useless has pointed out you are giving up an effectively guaranteed civil service income for a highly variable one. If more income is your goal get a side gig like construction, real estate or such. When I worked in civil service land in Sacramento many of the more ambitious folk moonlighted.

If you have just gotten bitten by the driving bug get your training nights and weekends and find a P/T local gig that you can moonlight at.

You can make a good living and be home every day as an LTL driver. Do a search of some of my posts or other members of the LTL club on here like ColdFrostyMug.

Scoe 11-07-2006 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Crete_drvr
Hi okie,

Hey I think your kids hold the answer to your question in their lil hands!
Toner said it best, do you want to drive a truck or rot behind a desk and deal with office politics? (I'm not biased at all BTW :lol: )

SNI will be a great place to get your start if you want OTR.

I wanted to share a pic of my son with you (nobody else though...shhhhh)

I'm glad the wife and I got new carpet. That crap was old skool. :lol:

Hey Crete_drvr, please cut some of your sig line out. It stretches out the format and makes it hard to read the posts once you post in the thread.

Thanks in advance. 8)

dk132 11-07-2006 10:15 PM

Some people think they have it all figured out. Stay where you are and watch your family suffer. :roll: Get a part time job and watch them suffer :roll: Been there done that. You need to do what you think is best for you and your family. I live in a rural area there are no jobs here worth having unless I get three jobs its not going to be enough. I work for the State of Texas the pay is horrible and I have to drive 3000 miles sometimes more a month in my personal vehicle. My wife works the grave yard shift. She makes good money but one of us is always gone it makes thing very stressful sometimes. She also wants to be a stay at home mom. Sure I could move to Austin and save a couple of bucks but then I would have to send my kids to their drug infested gang infested schools. No thanks If I have to miss some ball games ,dance recitals or anything else to provide a good life for them than that's what I choose. I have a strong wife and three strong children. They will be fine and I will be fine. Sure its going to be hard we have been trying to better our lives for a long time now. Name it I have tried it. We have talked about trucking many times but at those times it wasn't the rite time. With a lot of prayer, research, good friends and family support. I know in my hart that I am doing the right thing...

Sorry for the rant I'm just tired of these guys that think driving a truck could be worse than my current situation. Guess again smart guy. :wink:

okie 11-08-2006 01:42 AM

Well more to think about/
First of all to DK, you mean Texas State Employee pay sucks like Okla State employee pay too? Do you get little "handout" raises once every couple years but your insurance goes up every year? Hey, don't get me wrong the 3+ weeks paid vacation and the 10 paid holidays are wonderful family time. The family really enjoys hanging out at the house since we can't really afford to go anywhere.

useless I thank you for your words of wisdom. But to counter one of your points of financial planning to pursue this. That in essence is what I am saying. When a family has nothing extra beyond the bills and mortgage how can their be a financial plan? BTW I do have stocks and a modest savings. Six years of infertility to get those "pumpkin holders", took away alot of what we "socked away" while the wife was working. then after 12 years with WorldCom my wife was told, " if you want to move to India you can keep your job." Two weeks after finding out after 6 years of trying we were going to have twins she was told, Bye Bye. They never offered retirement, it was always stock. Well when the company was going down the stock went with it. Our financial plan was to pay off the cars and the debts with the severance. All we have is a mortgage and utilities now. As for part time gigs, I work 2nd and 3rd shift rotating months with emergency call back requirements. I do share ownership in a couple rent houses. But that will not pay back well for many years to come. I no OTR is not for me. I have the school picked out, the company and the fleet picked out. The DC is 15 miles from the house, home most every day, 350 mile radius of the DC only. They will take me upon the completion of school. Some may be "man enough" to tell the wife she can not be a stay at home mom after 6 years infertility. When she only has one request of me, I am not telling her no. Like I said, we get by. I have been here 10 years, 25 years to go. I have seen the folks retire from here. The retirement covers health insurance premiums and not much more. Its guaranteed sure. I have set on this forum for a year researching. The one things that bends me out of shape most is all the whining about low training pay. Folks, every company I have researched gives more in training pay than I make now. All that is in our area is plant work and customer service jobs. None pay well. I have never stopped looking for a better job in ten years. Yes LTL would be great and that it was I would strive for later. I appreciate all the advise and study the negatives of the job as well I am not rushing into this decision. Thank you all for the comments.

okie 11-08-2006 02:23 AM

Here i am again.
I know money should not make all the decisions. But, in the past month I have visited a former coworker of mine, that has left his 7 year state job to drive a truck. Been driving 2 1/2 years now for the company and fleet I would hope to go to. His wife stays at home with their 2 kids, same situation as I am. It is hard to listen to all this, don't drive a truck stuff. I know family comes first. But when we are sitting on his pontoon boat after getting out of the new van, by his real nice house, talking about the family vacation they just got back from and how well he loves his job. It is hard not see it that way either. Then go with my story; drive to his house in my car with 254,000 miles on it, head to my job after chat where I have gone for 10 years making 1500 take home, no hopes of advancement or raises. Put in my 8 or 10 hours, head home park next to my van with 160,000 miles on it. Walk into my house, find the toys my kids played with, the pictures my wife takes all day, a baby monitor with sounds of lullabies, a wife asleep on the sofa with a smile on her face. Yep, I see the video camera out, she shot some video along with the pictures. The books she read to them before they went to bed. The answer machine blinking 2 messages, because the wife and kids time is just that, their time. The back pack ready for tomorrow when she will go with them to the zoo. Can I go, nope. Got a prisoner transfer to other side of state. Could we put it off a day so I can go to, on my day off? Nope, got to work on day off for Comp time because we are short handed. Why Comp only, that is what the state does. We tried to fight it came home losers. Perhaps I can get another coat of paint on the wall I put up to close in the garage door to give them an official play room, before I go to bed. I did not just get up one day and say, Hey I am going trucking. I did not watch a trucking movie and get inspired. I did not look at all the promises in the Sunday paper about trucking. I researched on forums like this, talked to drivers, all the stuff recommended by others on this board. Surely I have given my 2 cents worth. Be safe folks.

montanabrand 11-08-2006 06:42 AM

OTR driving
I would like to say that being a truck driver is not going to make you richer by any means. Become a comp;uter programmer or something else where there is beig bucks. It takes awhile to work yourself up in the trucking industry. Most companies are looking for top notch drivers when they pay the big bucks. You might start in at 32 cents a mile, which is not going to make you rich by no means. Over the road means just that... Lots of ice and snow and crazy drivers, driving nights, no sleep, out for 30 days, home for 3..whoopee..Better think some more on that. I seldom see my husband and I was essentially the parent when my son was growing up. This is no great Job when you are trying to raise a family, nor that great of pay. Best of luck

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